53 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a 3D finite element model of a semicircular canal of the human inner ear

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    Ce travail a permis de développer un outil numérique pour l'étude du comportement normal et pathologique de l'un des accéléromètres de l'oreille interne chez l'homme (application aux vertiges). La première étape du projet est la modélisation d'un canal semi-circulaire pour simuler des rotations rapides de la tête : -Développement d'un modèle tridimensionnel par éléments finis (canal membraneux rempli de liquide, interrompu par un diaphragme solide: la cupule): le maillage comporte 18882 éléments. Les solides sont considérés comme élastiques linéaires, les fluides visqueux quasi-incompressibles. Le couplage fluide/structure utilise la méthode ALE. -Validation au cours d'une accélération rotatoire (1800°.s-2 pendant 0,1 seconde) autour du centre de la tête (arrêt brusque, physiologique). Le déplacement transversal maximal de la cupule est calculé à 17 m (valeur théorique attendue 21 m), son temps de relaxation calculé à 5,2 secondes (valeur théorique 15 secondes). -Étude paramétrique portant sur le comportement des membranes  et de la cupule. Les premiers résultats montrent l'influence de l'élasticité des membranes sur le comportement global du système. Le déplacement de la cupule présente deux directions principales: transversale (normale au plan de la cupule) et longitudinale (dans le plan de la cupule suivant son grand axe). Ce déplacement longitudinal avait été décrit en conditions statiques (au cours de l'hydrops: augmentation de la pression du compartiment endolymphatique) mais jamais en conditions dynamiques. Ce modèle normal va être utilisé pour simuler des causes fréquentes de vertiges (cristaux bloqués dans le canal, obstruction chirurgicale du canal, etc.).This thesis exposes the development of a finite element model of one of the accelerometers of the human inner ear (a semicircular canal). The simulations of normal and pathological conditions will find clinical applications to the study and treatment of vertigo. The first step of this research is the development and validation of a 3D finite element model of one semicircular canal: -The mesh totalises 18882 elements, with linear elastic solids and viscous fluid, using ALE fluid/structure coupling. -The validation test is a physiological rotation with short stop, acceleration of 1800°.s-2 during 0.1 second. The maximal calculated displacement of the cupula is of 17 m (expected value : 21 m), the relaxation of the cupula needs 5.2 seconds (expected: 15 seconds). -A parametric study has concerned the membranes and cupula parameters. The first results show that the elasticity of the membranous canal has to be taken in count. The cupula presents a transversal and a longitudinal displacement. This longitudinal displacement had previously been described in static conditions (during hydrops: inflation of the endolymphatic pressure), but had never been considered before in dynamic conditions. The normal model that has been developed will further be used to simulate different pathological situations of vertigo (otoconia blocked in the canal, plugged canal in Menière disease, etc.)

    L'obésité chez l'enfant

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Pharmacie (130552105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Proceedings of the GDR Vertige 2019 annual meeting devoted to endolymphatic hydrops

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    International audienceThe GDR Vertige is a federative research group gathering the different components of the French neuro-otology community. The annual meeting of the GDR Vertige is an opportunity for interactive exchanges between scientists, clinicians and industrialists, on basic issues related to vestibular function, as well as translational questions regarding the management of vestibular disorders. For its fifth edition, the annual meeting of the GDR Vertige, which took place in September 2019 in Marseille (France), was devoted to one of the most peculiar phenomena of neuro-otology: endolymphatic hydrops. For two days, international scientists and clinicians presented the most recent advances regarding the biophysical correlates of endolymphatic hydrops, the genetic and endocrine tableaux that favor its manifestation, new methods of clinical imaging, and current and upcoming therapeutic strategies to overcome the associated clinical manifestations. This special issue of the Journal of Vestibular Research aims at providing the proceedings of this meeting
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