25 research outputs found

    Essai sur la constitution géognostique des Pyrénées, par J. de Charpentier,...

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    [Música culta argentina]

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    Intérpretes: Hugo CharpentierSuite sureña, op. 1, núm. 2 / Rodolfo Pozzi -- Min. 6.37: Suite "Guía prático" / Villa-Lobos -- Min. 15.27: Gato / Julián Aguirre -- Min. 18.08: Córdoba / Albéniz -- Min. 24.07: Toccata y fuga en re menor / Bac

    Cooling and societal change during the Late Antique Little Ice Age from 536 to around 660 AD

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    Climatic changes during the first half of the Common Era have been suggested to play a role in societal reorganizations in Europe (1,2) and Asia (3,4). In particular, the sixth century coincides with rising and falling civilizations (1–6), pandemics (7,8), human migration and political turmoil (8–13). Our understanding of the magnitude and spatial extent aswell as the possible causes and concurrences of climate change during this period is, however, still limited. Here we use tree-ring chronologies from the Russian Altai and European Alps to reconstruct summer temperatures over the past two millennia. We find an unprecedented, long-lasting and spatially synchronized cooling following a cluster of large volcanic eruptions in 536, 540 and 547 AD (ref. 14), which was probably sustained by ocean and sea-ice feedbacks (15,16), as well as a solar minimum (17). We thus identify the interval from 536 to about 660 AD as the Late Antique Little Ice Age. Spanning most of the Northern Hemisphere, we suggest that this cold phase be considered as an additional environmental factor contributing to the establishment of the Justinian plague (7,8), transformation of the eastern Roman Empire and collapse of the Sasanian Empire (1,2,5), movements out of the Asian steppe and Arabian Peninsula (8,11,12), spread of Slavic-speaking peoples (9,10) and political upheavals in China (13)

    Ocho grandes conciertos

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    Direcció Artística Napoleone AnnovazziEmpresa José F. ArquerEs van interpretar les següents obres: Habanera, de L. Aubert; la Suite en si menor i el Concert per a dos violins en re menor, de J. S. Bach; l'obertura Leonora núm. 2, i les simfonies núm. 2, 5 i 6 de L. v. Beethoven; les simfonies núm. 1 i 3 de J. Brahms; la Simfonia núm. 4 d'A. Bruckner; Napoli, de Impresiones de Italia, de G. Charpentier; la Simfonia en si bemoll d' E. Chausson; el Concert núm. 2 en fa menor, per a piano i orquestra, de F. Chopin; la suite de El sombrero de tres picos, de M. de Falla; La Peri, de P. Dukas; la Suite Francesa, de W. Egk; Pavane, Sicilienne i Fileuse, de G. Fauré; l'obertura de Le Roi d'Ys, i el Concert per a Violoncel, d'E. Lalo; l'obertura de Les Noces de Fígaro, de W. A. Mozart; Fantasia Vasca, de G. Pierné; La procesión nocturna, de H. Rabaud; el Concert núm. 3 per a piano i orquestra de S. Rachmaninoff; Alborada del gracioso, de M. Ravel; l'obertura de La Scala di seta, de G. Rossini; la Simfonia núm. 1 de J. Sibelius; l'obertura de La novia vendida, de B. Smetana; Don Juan, de R. Strauss; l'obertura de El buque fantasma, el preludi de Parsifal, els Encants del Divendres Sant de Parsifal, l'obertura de Rienzi i la Cabalgata de La Walkiria, de R. Wagner; l'obertura de Oberon i l'obertura de Der Freischutz, de C. M. v. WeberOrquesta Sinfónica del Gran Teatro del Liceo; Orchestre Lamoureux; directors Napoleone Annovazzi; Hugo Balzer; Eugène Bigot; Franz Konwitschny; Carlos SuriñachPianista: Witold Malcuzynski ; Soprano : Consuelo Rubi