27 research outputs found

    Mice Fed an Obesogenic Western Diet, Administered Antibiotics, and Subjected to a Sterile Surgical Procedure Develop Lethal Septicemia with Multidrug-Resistant Pathobionts

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    Despite antibiotics and sterile technique, postoperative infections remain a real and present danger to patients. Recent estimates suggest that 50% of the pathogens associated with postoperative infections have become resistant to the standard antibiotics used for prophylaxis. Risk factors identified in such cases include obesity and antibiotic exposure. To study the combined effect of obesity and antibiotic exposure on postoperative infection, mice were allowed to gain weight on an obesogenic Western-type diet (WD), administered antibiotics and then subjected to an otherwise recoverable sterile surgical injury (30% hepatectomy). The feeding of a WD alone resulted in a major imbalance of the cecal microbiota characterized by a decrease in diversity, loss of Bacteroidetes, a bloom in Proteobacteria, and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant organisms among the cecal microbiota. When WD-fed mice were administered antibiotics and subjected to 30% liver resection, lethal sepsis, characterized by multiple-organ damage, developed. Notable was the emergence and systemic dissemination of multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathobionts, including carbapenem-resistant, extended-spectrum ÎČ-lactamase-producing Serratia marcescens, which expressed a virulent and immunosuppressive phenotype. Analysis of the distribution of exact sequence variants belonging to the genus Serratia suggested that these strains originated from the cecal mucosa. No mortality or MDR pathogens were observed in identically treated mice fed a standard chow diet. Taken together, these results suggest that consumption of a Western diet and exposure to certain antibiotics may predispose to life-threating postoperative infection associated with MDR organisms present among the gut microbiota. IMPORTANCE Obesity remains a prevalent and independent risk factor for life-threatening infection following major surgery. Here, we demonstrate that when mice are fed an obesogenic Western diet (WD), they become susceptible to lethal sepsis with multiple organ damage after exposure to antibiotics and an otherwise-recoverable surgical injury. Analysis of the gut microbiota in this model demonstrates that WD alone leads to loss of Bacteroidetes, a bloom of Proteobacteria, and evidence of antibiotic resistance development even before antibiotics are administered. After antibiotics and surgery, lethal sepsis with organ damage developed in in mice fed a WD with the appearance of multidrug-resistant pathogens in the liver, spleen, and blood. The importance of these findings lies in exposing how the selective pressures of diet, antibiotic exposure, and surgical injury can converge on the microbiome, resulting in lethal sepsis and organ damage without the introduction of an exogenous pathogen

    Quantification multiplexée de biomarqueurs protéiques chez l'invertébré Gammarus fossarum: nouvelles perspectives pour la surveillance environnementale

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    International audienceModulations of molecular biomarkers can be related to an exposure to chemical compounds and provide early warning indicators of possible hazard on the ecosystem. However, routine use of these tools in biomonitoring faces several drawbacks, especially in invertebrates: lack of robust speciesspecific quantification methods and needs of numerous biomarker-specific protocols. This leads to very expensive biomonitoring strategies in time, cost and biological samples. Recently, “proteogenomics” emerged as a relevant strategy for the discovery of proteins in non-model organisms. With this approach, our consortium created a database consisting of 1873 experimentally validated proteins of the amphipod crustacean Gammarus fossarum, a sentinel species used for freshwater biomonitoring. The objective of the present study was to setup an innovative approach that allowed a fast, specific and simultaneous quantification of several proteins of interest in this invertebrate species. We applied a mass spectrometry multiplexed quantitation methodology (Selected Reaction Monitoring) to study 55 protein biomarker candidates. Identification of specific proteotypic peptides, in agreement with putative physiological roles of the associated proteins, and assessment of their interest as biomarkers in G. fossarum were achieved by studying their exact quantitative changes through male and female reproductive cycles and after exposure to stresses/contaminations (food privation, exposure to model chemical compounds in the laboratory and in situ caging).The levels of 21 biomarkers of interest (sex-specific proteins and/or with key physiological functions) were successfully monitored simultaneously in biological samples during the physiological processes and their sensitivity to toxic contamination was demonstrated both in laboratory and during field monitoring. For example, the laboratory contamination with environmental concentrations of cadmium modulated the concentrations of some biomarkers as the Na+K+ATPase (cellular pump), catalase (oxidative defense) and GST (detoxification) proteins. This breakthrough methodology in ecotoxicology is a valid alternative to currently used protocols

    Approche analytique et molĂ©culaire innovante pour la dĂ©couverte, le dĂ©veloppement et l’application de biomarqueurs chez les gammaridĂ©s

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    National audienceLe dĂ©veloppement de biomarqueurs molĂ©culaires chez les invertĂ©brĂ©s aquatiques d’intĂ©rĂȘt en Ă©cotoxicologie n’a connu que peu d’avancĂ©es ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Parmi les principaux verrous, on peut citer l’absence des mĂ©thodes spĂ©cifiques et directes pour la quantification des biomarqueurs, notamment protĂ©iques. Le fort dĂ©veloppement et la dĂ©mocratisation des techniques « omics », notamment la protĂ©omique, permet l’acquisition rapide des connaissances au niveau molĂ©culaire sur les espĂšces non-modĂšles. A l’aide du protĂ©ome rĂ©cemment dĂ©crit chez G. fossarum et de rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires de rĂ©ponse Ă  des perturbateurs endocriniens (Trapp et al. 2014, Trapp et al. 2015), l’objectif du travail prĂ©sentĂ© a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©velopper, chez notre espĂšce cible Gammarus fossarum, une mĂ©thode de quantification multiplex, pour la quantification simultanĂ©e de plusieurs protĂ©ines d’intĂ©rĂȘt comme biomarqueurs de toxicitĂ©. Cette approche repose sur le couplage de la chromatographie liquide Ă  la spectromĂ©trie de masse tandem ciblĂ©e (LC-MRM/MS). Pour ceci, 30 protĂ©ines annotĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Ă  partir du protĂ©ome de G. fossarum. Pour chaque protĂ©ine, un minimum de deux peptides rapporteurs ont Ă©tĂ© retenus pour la spĂ©cificitĂ© et la quantification absolue de la protĂ©ine concernĂ©e. La validation de ces protĂ©ines comme biomarqueurs a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en suivant leur modulation au cours de processus physiologiques en lien avec leur rĂŽle fonctionnel prĂ©sumĂ© (ex cycle reproductif), et suite Ă  l’exposition d’organismes Ă  des contaminants modĂšles. Cette mĂ©thodologie innovante dans le domaine de l’écotoxicologie doit permettre Ă  terme, de suivre les concentrations de diffĂ©rents biomarqueurs et de dĂ©finir des signatures molĂ©culaires spĂ©cifiques de perturbation biologique en rĂ©ponse Ă  l’exposition aux contaminants

    Protéomique ciblée pour la quantification multiplexée de biomarqueurs protéiques chez le crustacé Gammarus fossarum : perspectives pour la surveillance environnementale

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    National audienceLe dĂ©veloppement de biomarqueurs molĂ©culaires chez les invertĂ©brĂ©s aquatiques d'intĂ©rĂȘt en Ă©cotoxicologie n'a connu que peu d'avancĂ©es ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Parmi les principaux verrous, on peut citer l'absence de mĂ©thodes spĂ©cifiques et directes pour la quantification des biomarqueurs, notamment protĂ©iques. Le fort dĂ©veloppement et la dĂ©mocratisation des techniques « omics », notamment la protĂ©gĂ©noomique, permet l'acquisition rapide de connaissances au niveau molĂ©culaire sur les espĂšces non-modĂšles. A l'aide du protĂ©ome rĂ©cemment dĂ©crit chez G. fossarum (Trapp et al. 2014), l'objectif de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©velopper une approche pour quantifier simultanĂ©ment plusieurs protĂ©ines d'intĂ©rĂȘt, valider leurs rĂŽles physiologiques et enfin de les appliquer en surveillance recourant Ă  une approche active par encagement in situ. En transposant les mĂ©thodologies rĂ©centes dĂ©veloppĂ©es en santĂ© humaine, nous avons mis en place un dosage par spectromĂ©trie de masse en mode « Selected Reaction Monitoring » pour quantifier simultanĂ©ment 25 protĂ©ines candidates (protĂ©ines spĂ©cifiques du sexe et/ou de fonctions physiologiques comme la mue, l'immunitĂ©, l'osmoregulation). L'identification de peptides protĂ©otypiques spĂ©cifiques pour chaque protĂ©ine, et donc leur pertinence en tant que biomarqueurs chez G. fossarum, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en quantifiant leur teneur au cours du cycle de mue/reproduction mĂąle et femelle, lors d'un stress de privation alimentaire, ou encore suite Ă  une exposition Ă  des contaminations, au laboratoire et in situ. Une contamination en cadmium Ă  2”g/L et en plomb Ă  10”g/L a modulĂ© les niveaux d'expression de certaines protĂ©ines annotĂ©es comme la prophenoloxidase (mue et systĂšme immunitaire), la catalase (dĂ©fense oxydative) et la GST (dĂ©toxification). Lors des expositions sur 17 stations du rĂ©seau de surveillance de l'agence de l'eau RMC, des protĂ©ines liĂ©es Ă  la mue, telles que la chitinase et l'enzyme JHE-carboxylestĂ©rase, ont Ă©tĂ© significativement inhibĂ©es sur certains sites identifiĂ©s comme sous pression chimique. Cette mĂ©thodologie innovante en Ă©cotoxicologie offre une alternative valable aux protocoles actuellement utilisĂ©s pour le dosage de biomarqueurs, indirectes et couteux en temps et Ă©chantillons, ouvrant la voie Ă  une application pratique des biomarqueurs protĂ©iques dans pour la surveillance des milieux

    Protéomique ciblée pour la quantification multiplexée de biomarqueurs protéiques chez le crustacé Gammarus fossarum : perspectives pour la surveillance environnementale

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    National audienceLe dĂ©veloppement de biomarqueurs molĂ©culaires chez les invertĂ©brĂ©s aquatiques d'intĂ©rĂȘt en Ă©cotoxicologie n'a connu que peu d'avancĂ©es ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Parmi les principaux verrous, on peut citer l'absence de mĂ©thodes spĂ©cifiques et directes pour la quantification des biomarqueurs, notamment protĂ©iques. Le fort dĂ©veloppement et la dĂ©mocratisation des techniques « omics », notamment la protĂ©gĂ©noomique, permet l'acquisition rapide de connaissances au niveau molĂ©culaire sur les espĂšces non-modĂšles. A l'aide du protĂ©ome rĂ©cemment dĂ©crit chez G. fossarum (Trapp et al. 2014), l'objectif de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©velopper une approche pour quantifier simultanĂ©ment plusieurs protĂ©ines d'intĂ©rĂȘt, valider leurs rĂŽles physiologiques et enfin de les appliquer en surveillance recourant Ă  une approche active par encagement in situ. En transposant les mĂ©thodologies rĂ©centes dĂ©veloppĂ©es en santĂ© humaine, nous avons mis en place un dosage par spectromĂ©trie de masse en mode « Selected Reaction Monitoring » pour quantifier simultanĂ©ment 25 protĂ©ines candidates (protĂ©ines spĂ©cifiques du sexe et/ou de fonctions physiologiques comme la mue, l'immunitĂ©, l'osmoregulation). L'identification de peptides protĂ©otypiques spĂ©cifiques pour chaque protĂ©ine, et donc leur pertinence en tant que biomarqueurs chez G. fossarum, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en quantifiant leur teneur au cours du cycle de mue/reproduction mĂąle et femelle, lors d'un stress de privation alimentaire, ou encore suite Ă  une exposition Ă  des contaminations, au laboratoire et in situ. Une contamination en cadmium Ă  2”g/L et en plomb Ă  10”g/L a modulĂ© les niveaux d'expression de certaines protĂ©ines annotĂ©es comme la prophenoloxidase (mue et systĂšme immunitaire), la catalase (dĂ©fense oxydative) et la GST (dĂ©toxification). Lors des expositions sur 17 stations du rĂ©seau de surveillance de l'agence de l'eau RMC, des protĂ©ines liĂ©es Ă  la mue, telles que la chitinase et l'enzyme JHE-carboxylestĂ©rase, ont Ă©tĂ© significativement inhibĂ©es sur certains sites identifiĂ©s comme sous pression chimique. Cette mĂ©thodologie innovante en Ă©cotoxicologie offre une alternative valable aux protocoles actuellement utilisĂ©s pour le dosage de biomarqueurs, indirectes et couteux en temps et Ă©chantillons, ouvrant la voie Ă  une application pratique des biomarqueurs protĂ©iques dans pour la surveillance des milieux

    ProtĂ©omique shotgun et ciblĂ©e multiplexĂ©e pour la dĂ©finition de biomarqueurs chez les espĂšces non-modĂšles d'intĂ©rĂȘt en surveillance environnementale

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    International audienceBiomarkers related to exposure to chemical compounds can be monitored to predict possible hazard on health of sentinel organisms. The routine use of these tools in biomonitoring faces several drawbacks, especially in invertebrates: the lack of robust species-specific quantification methods and the use of numerous biomarker-specific protocols that lead to very expensive biomonitoring strategies in time, cost and biological samples. Recently, “proteogenomics” emerged as a relevant strategy for the discovery of proteins in non-model organisms. With the combination of high throughput genomic and proteomic methodologies, Trapp et al. built a protein sequence database consisting of 1873 specific proteins of the amphipod crustacean Gammarus fossarum, a species of interest for freshwater biomonitoring. Based on this protein database, the objective of the present study was to develop an approach that allowed a fast, specific and simultaneous quantification of multiple proteins of interest in this species. Following recent methodologies for the development of biomarkers in human disease diagnosis, we implemented a quantitative multiplexed targeted proteomics assay (using Selected Reaction Monitoring mass spectrometry) to study 55 protein biomarker candidates. Identification of specific proteotypic peptides and assessment of their interest as biomarkers in G. fossarum were achieved by following their quantitative changes through male and female reproductive cycles and after exposure to stresses, such as food privation and exposure to contamination through laboratory and in situ (caged organisms) assays. The levels of 21 biomarkers of interest (sex-specific proteins and/or with key physiological functions) were simultaneously monitored in several biological samples during their physiological processes. Their sensitivity to toxic contamination was demonstrated both in laboratory and during field monitoring. For example, the laboratory contamination with environmental concentrations of cadmium modulated the expression levels of some biomarkers annotated as the Na+K+ATPase (cellular pump), catalase (oxidative defense) and GST (detoxification) proteins. This breakthrough methodology in ecotoxicology offers a valid alternative to the currently used protocols, paving the way for future practical applications of protein biomarkers in chemical risk assessment and environmental monitoring

    Assessing the relevance of a multiplexed methodology for proteomic biomarker measurement in the invertebrate species Gammarus fossarum : A physiological and ecotoxicological study

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    We also thank Adeline Francois and Renaud Tutundjian for technical support.International audienceRecently, a protein sequence database was built specifically for the sentinel non-model species Gammarus fossarum using a proteogenomics approach. A quantitative multiplexed targeted proteomics assay (using Selected Reaction Monitoring mass spectrometry) was then developed for a fast and simultaneous quantification of dozens of biomarker peptides specific of this freshwater sentinel crustacean species. In order to assess the relevance of this breakthrough methodology in ecotoxicology, the response patterns of a panel of 26 peptides reporting for 20 proteins from the Gammarus fossarum proteome with putative key functional roles (homeostasis, osmoregulation, nutrition, reproduction, molting,
) were recorded through male and female reproductive cycles and after exposure to environmental concentrations of cadmium and lead in laboratory-controlled conditions. Based on these results, we validated the implication of annotated vtg-like peptides in the oogenesis process, and the implication of Na+/K+ ATPase proteins in the molt cycle of organisms. Upon metal (cadmium and lead) contamination, peptides belonging to proteins annotated as involved in antioxidant and detoxification functions, immunity and molting were significantly down-regulated. Overall, this multiplex assay allowed gaining relevant insights upon disruption of different main functions in the sentinel species Gammarus fossarum. This breakthrough methodology in ecotoxicology offers a valid and high throughput alternative to currently used protocols, paving the way for future practical applications of proteogenomics-derived protein biomarkers in chemical risk assessment and environmental monitoring

    HPV vaccine acceptability in high-risk Greek men

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    HPV is associated with malignancy in men, yet there is a lack of data on HPV knowledge, vaccine acceptability, and factors affecting vaccine acceptability in Greek men. This study aims to identify determinants of knowledge and willingness to vaccinate against HPV among high-risk Greek men. Men (n = 298) between the ages of 18 and 55 were enrolled from the STI and HIV clinics at “Andreas Syggros” Hospital in Athens, Greece from July-October 2015. Participants completed a survey on demographics, economic factors, sexual history, HPV knowledge, and vaccine acceptability. The majority of participants were younger than 40 (76.6%) and unmarried (84.6%). Our sample was 31.2% MSM (men who have sex with men), and 20.1% were HIV-positive. Most participants (>90%) were aware that HPV is highly prevalent in both men and women; however, fewer identified that HPV causes cancers in both sexes (68%) and that vaccination protects men and women (67%). Amongst participants, 76.7% were willing to vaccinate themselves against HPV, 71.4% an adolescent son, and 69.3% an adolescent daughter. HIV-positive men were more likely to be willing to vaccinate themselves (OR 2.83, p =.015), a son (OR 3.3, p =.015) or a daughter (3.01, p =.020). Higher income levels were associated with increased willingness to vaccinate oneself (OR 1.32, p =.027), a son (1.33, p =.032) or daughter (1.34, p =.027). Although there is a HPV knowledge gap, HPV vaccine acceptability is high despite lack of vaccine promotion to Greek men. Future studies should include lower-risk men to adequately inform public health efforts. © 2018 Taylor & Francis