11 research outputs found

    Detection of Two Interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons via Spectral Matched Filtering

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    Ubiquitous unidentified infrared emission bands are seen in many astronomical sources. Although these bands are widely, if not unanimously, attributed to the collective emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, no single species from this class has been detected in space. We present the discovery of two -CN functionalized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1- and 2-cyanonaphthalene, in the interstellar medium aided by spectral matched filtering. Using radio observations with the Green Bank Telescope, we observe both bi-cyclic ring molecules in the molecular cloud TMC-1. We discuss potential in situ gas-phase formation pathways from smaller organic precursor molecules

    Physical and sports activity after hip arthroplasty

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    A artroplastia é utilizada para reconstrução da articulação do quadril, visando minimizar a dor e possibilitar o retorno às atividades de vida diária, esportivas e de lazer. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar na literatura as indicações e contraindicações referentes à prática de atividade física, esportiva e lazer após a artroplastia de quadril. Essa revisão aborda estudos publicados entre os anos de 1980 e 2009, obtidos por buscas em bancos de dados eletrônicos Medline, Scielo, Ovid, Infomaworld, Sciencedirect, Springerlink, Interscience, Sportdiscuss, Bireme, Informglobal, Opas, Ovid, Diseasedex, Eric, que totalizaram 39 artigos. Os artigos analisados apontam para a utilização de atividade física, esportiva e de lazer de baixo impacto. como a caminhada, natação, boliche, ciclismo, dentre outras. Outra indicação constatada na literatura é a utilização da atividade física e esportiva visando à manutenção do condicionamento físico, qualidade óssea e controle do peso corporal. Há ressalvas na literatura sobre a utilização de atividades de alto impacto, esporte com giro como o basquete e futebol ou com grande intensidade como tênis e a corrida, bem como os esportes de luta. As atividades físicas, esportivas e de lazer mais indicadas após uma atroplastia de quadril são as de baixo impacto como a hidroginástica, natação, caminhada, dentre outras. O início dessas atividades deve aguardar a liberação do médico, mas em média iniciam 60 dias após a cirurgia.Hip arthroplasty is used for reconstruction of the hip joint to reduce pain and to make the return to daily life, physical, sports and leisure activities possible. The objective of this article was to analyze in the literature the indications and counter-indications referring to practice of physical, sportive and leisure activities after hip arthroplasty. This revision approaches studies published between 1980 and 2009, obtained in searches in the Medline, Scielo, Ovid, Infomaworld, Sciencedirect, Springerlink, Interscience, Sportdiscuss, Bireme, Informglobal, Opas, Ovid, Diseasedex and Erics electronic databases with a total of 39 articles. The analyzed articles point to the use of physical, leisure and sports of low impact activities such as walking, swimming, bowling, cycling and others. Another indication evidenced in the literature is the use of physical and sportive activity aiming at the maintenance of physical fitness, bone quality and body weight control. The literature shows concerns with the use of activities of high impact or with great intensity like tennis and jogging, as well as fights

    Discovery of Interstellar Anions in Cepheus and Auriga

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    We report the detection of microwave emission lines from the hydrocarbon anion C6H(-) and its parent neutral C6H in the star-forming region LI251 A (in Cepheus), and the pre-stellar core LI512 (in Auriga). The carbon chain-bearing species C4H, HC3N, HC5N, HC7N, and C3S are also detected in large abundances. The observations of L1251A constitute the first detections of anions and long-chain polyynes and cyanopolyynes (with more than five carbon atoms) in the Cepheus Flare star-forming region, and the first detection of anions in the vicinity of a protostar outside of the Taurus molecular cloud complex, indicating a possible wider importance for anions in the chemistry of star formation. Rotational excitation temperatures have been derived from the HC3N hyperfine structure lines and are found to be 6.2 K for L1251A and 8.7 K for LI5l2. The anion-to-neutral ratios are 3.6% and 4.1%, respectively, which are within the range of values previously observed in the interstellar medium, and suggest a relative uniformity in the processes governing anion abundances in different dense interstellar clouds. This research contributes toward the growing body of evidence that carbon chain anions are relatively abundant in interstellar clouds throughout the Galaxy, but especially in the regions of relatively high density and high depletion surrounding pre-stellar cores and young, embedded protostars

    On the Formation of Interstellar Water Ice: Constraints from a Search for Hydrogen Peroxide Ice in Molecular Clouds

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    Recent surface chemistry experiments have shown that the hydrogenation of molecular oxygen on interstellar dust grains is a plausible formation mechanism, via hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), for the production of water (H2O) ice mantles in the dense interstellar medium. Theoretical chemistry models also predict the formation of a significant abundance of H2O2 ice in grain mantles by this route. At their upper limits, the predicted and experimental abundances are sufficiently high that H2O2 should be detectable in molecular cloud ice spectra. To investigate this further, laboratory spectra have been obtained for H2O2/H2O ice films between 2.5 and 200 micron, from 10 to 180 K, containing 3%, 30%, and 97% H2O2 ice. Integrated absorbances for all the absorption features in low-temperature H2O2 ice have been derived from these spectra. For identifying H2O2 ice, the key results are the presence of unique features near 3.5, 7.0, and 11.3 micron. Comparing the laboratory spectra with the spectra of a group of 24 protostars and field stars, all of which have strong H2O ice absorption bands, no absorption features are found that can definitely be identified with H2O2 ice. In the absence of definite H2O2 features, the H2O2 abundance is constrained by its possible contribution to the weak absorption feature near 3.47 micron found on the long-wavelength wing of the 3 micron H2O ice band. This gives an average upper limit for H2O2, as a percentage of H2O, of 9% +/- 4%. This is a strong constraint on parameters for surface chemistry experiments and dense cloud chemistry models

    Technique and short-term results of ankle arthrodesis using anterior plating

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    Clinical and biomechanical trials have shown that rigid internal fixation during ankle arthrodesis leads to increased rates of union and is associated with a reduced infection rate, union time, discomfort and earlier mobilisation compared with other methods. We describe our technique of ankle arthrodesis using anterior plating with a narrow dynamic compression plate (DCP). Between 2004 and 2007, 29 patients with a mean age of 24.4 years (range 18–42) had ankle arthrodesis using an anteriorly placed narrow DCP. Twenty-two patients were post-traumatic and seven were paralytic (five after spine fracture and two after common peroneal nerve injury). Follow-up was between 12 and 18 months (average 14 months). A rate of fusion of 100% was achieved at an average of 12.2 weeks. According to the Mazur ankle score, 65.5% had excellent, 20.7% good and 13.8% fair results. Ankle arthrodesis using an anteriorly placed narrow DCP is a good method to achieve ankle fusion in many types of ankle arthropathies

    Wear Mechanisms in Ceramic Hip Implants

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    The wear in hip implants is one of the main causes for premature hip replacements. The wear affects the potential life of the prosthesis and subsequent removals of in-vivo implants. Therefore, the objective of this article is to review various joints that show lower wear rates and consequently higher life. Ceramics are used in hip implants and have been found to produce lower wear rates. This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of ceramics compared to other implant materials. Different types of ceramics that are being used are reviewed in terms of the wear characteristics, debris released, and their size together with other biological factors. In general, the wear rates in ceramics were lower than that of metal-on-metal and metalon- polyethylene combinations