6 research outputs found

    Absetzen von Natalizumab bei schwangeren Frauen mit MS - Wie hoch ist das Schubrisiko?

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    Der Einfluss einer MS-Therapie mit Natalizumab (NTZ) auf die KrankheitsaktivitÀt wÀhrend der Schwangerschaft ist unbekannt. Diese Arbeit untersucht, welchen Einfluss der Zeitpunkt des Therapie-Stopps mit NTZ auf die KrankheitsaktivitÀt in der Schwangerschaft hat. Es wurden 133 Frauen untersucht: Frauen der ersten Gruppe (n=38/133) erhielten die letzte Infusion in dem Jahr vor der letzten Menstruation (LMP). Die zweite Gruppe (n=95/133) beendete die NTZ-Therapie nach der LMP. Je Gruppe wurde die Anzahl von Frauen mit einem Schub pro Trimenon und die Schubrate pro Trimenon untersucht. 49/133 der Frauen hatten einen Schub in der Schwangerschaft. Frauen der ersten Gruppe erlitten hÀufiger einen Schub in der Schwangerschaft als Frauen der zweiten Gruppe, insbesondere im ersten Trimenon (p=0,007). Wird die Therapie mit NTZ vor der LMP beendet, steigt das Risiko eines Schubes im ersten Trimenon. Bei einem Absetzen von NTZ nach der LMP sind Frauen nahezu schubfrei im ersten Trimenon

    Mechanical thrombectomy in a young stroke patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Background: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked recessive skeletal muscle myopathy which is caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. Lack of dystrophin also results to cardiomyopathy, which raises significantly the stroke risk in DMD-patients. However, data about therapeutic opportunities in the acute setting are scarce in literature. So far, only two cases receiving IV thrombolysis are described, one of them with fatal outcome. Method: Case report of a case of successful mechanical thrombectomy (MTE) in an acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patient with DMD and associated dilatative cardiomyopathy. Results: A 20-year old DMD-patient was transferred at 08:56 h to our department due to wake up stroke with severe right-sided hemiparesis and aphasia (NIHSS=20). Last-seen-normal was at 03:00 h. Cerebral CT-scan revealed only slight early ischemic changes (ASPECT-Score=8). CT-angiography detected occlusion of left middle cerebral artery (LMCA). MTE started rapidly at 9:23 h and using direct thrombus aspiration (Penumbra SystemÂź) complete recanalization was achieved 20 min later (TICI-grade 3). Considering the specific risks of general anesthesia in DMD, the procedure was performed with propofol, remifentanil and rocuronium. The patient recovered quickly from the acute symptoms, due to preexisting hypotonic tetraparesis his NIHSS-score at discharge was 12 points. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on MTE in a patient with DMD related cardioembolic stroke. In contrast to the few reports with IV thrombolysis, MTE seems to represent an optimal treatment option. Specific characteristics of DMD-patients like anesthetic regimen should be taken into account

    Multi-scale approach to biodiversity proxies of biological control service in European farmlands

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    Intensive agriculture has profoundly altered biodiversity and trophic relationships in agricultural landscapes, leading to the deterioration of many ecosystem services such as pollination or biological control. Information on which spatio-temporal factors are simultaneously affecting crop pests and their natural enemies is required to improve conservation biological control practices. We conducted a study in 80 winter wheat crop fields distributed in three regions of North-western Europe (Brittany, Hauts-de-France and Wallonia), along intra-regional gradients of landscape complexity. Five taxa of major crop pests (aphids and slugs) and natural enemies (spiders, carabids, and parasitoids) were sampled three times a year, for two consecutive years. We analysed the influence of regional (meteorology), landscape (structure in both the years n and n-1) and local factors (hedge or grass strip field boundaries, and distance to boundary) on the abundance and species richness of crop-dwelling organisms, as proxies of the service/disservice they provide. Firstly, there was higher biocontrol potential in areas with mild winter climatic conditions. Secondly, natural enemy communities were less diverse and had lower abundances in landscapes with high crop and wooded continuities (sum of interconnected crop or wood surfaces), contrary to slugs and aphids. Finally, field boundaries with grass strips were more favourable to spiders and carabids than boundaries formed by hedges, while the opposite was found for crop pests, with the latter being less abundant towards the centre of the fields. We also revealed temporal modulation—and sometimes reversion—of the impact of local elements on crop biodiversity. To some extent, these results are quite unexpected and cause controversy because they show that hedgerows and woodlots should not be the unique cornerstones of agro-ecological landscape design strategies. We point out that combining woody and grassy habitats to take full advantage of the features and ecosystem services they both provide (biological pest control, windbreak effect, soil stabilization) may promote sustainable agricultural ecosystems. It may be possible to both reduce pest pressure and promote natural enemies by accounting for taxa-specific antagonistic responses to multi-scale environmental characteristics

    Multiple sclerosis disease activity and disability following discontinuation of natalizumab for pregnancy

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    Importance\bf Importance The magnitude of risk of pregnancy-related multiple sclerosis relapses, particularly severe relapses, following natalizumab cessation is unclear, as is whether this risk is reduced by pregnancy or other modifiable factors. Objective\bf Objective To determine the association of early natalizumab withdrawal before or during pregnancy with risk of severe relapses and relapse-related disability. Design, Setting, and Participants\textbf {Design, Setting, and Participants} This prospective cohort study used data from the German Multiple Sclerosis and Pregnancy Registry, which enrolled participants between November 2006 and February 2018. Data were collected through structured telephone-administered questionnaires and review of neurologists’ notes. Registry patients who stopped natalizumab treatment within the 2 years before or in the first trimester of pregnancy were included in this analysis. Data were analyzed between January and November 2021. Exposures\bf Exposures Cessation of natalizumab before pregnancy or until the first trimester. Main Outcomes and Measures\textbf {Main Outcomes and Measures} Severe and significant relapse-related disability was defined as at least a 2.0-point increase on the expanded disability status scale or new or worsening relapse-related ambulatory impairment. Multivariable models accounting for measures of disease severity and repeated events were used. Results\bf Results The cohort comprised 255 women with 274 pregnancies (mean [SD] age at pregnancy onset, 31.25 [4.27] years) who stopped natalizumab before pregnancy (n = 85; median time before last menstrual period, 14.29 weeks [IQR, 3.14-42.43 weeks]) or in the first trimester (n = 189). During pregnancy and the postpartum year, relapses were reported in 183 pregnancies (66.78%), severe relapses in 44 pregnancies (16.05%), and potentially life-threatening relapses in 3 pregnancies (1.10%). One year post partum, significant relapse-related disability was accrued in 29 pregnancies (10.58%). Relapses during pregnancy (n = 109; 39.78%) and in the postpartum period (n = 135; 49.27%) were common. Pregnancy (as a time-dependent covariate) was not associated with a reduced relapse risk (adjusted HR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.64-1.27). Neither exclusive breastfeeding (adjusted HR, 1.34; 95% CI, 0.86-2.10) nor restarting natalizumab within 4 weeks post partum (adjusted HR, 1.06; 95% CI, 0.48-2.36) were associated with a reduced risk of early postpartum relapses 6 months after delivery. However, the relapse rate ratio during 12 months post partum was lower (0.49; 95% CI, 0.28-0.86) when natalizumab was restarted in the first 4 weeks after birth. Conclusions and Relevance\textbf {Conclusions and Relevance} This cohort study's finding suggest that 10% of women may retain clinically meaningful disability from pregnancy-related natalizumab cessation relapses 1 year post partum. This information should be shared with women on natalizumab who desire pregnancy to weigh the high risk of pregnancy-related relapses and disability to the partly uncertain risks of continuing natalizumab throughout pregnancy or switching to depleting agents before conception