176 research outputs found

    Shoot and bud development during the prebloom period of Vitis

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    Inflorescence differentiation was determined by dissection of primary buds at shoot nodes 2-6 of V. labruscana cv. Concord, hybrid cv. Aurore, and V. vinifera cv. White Riesling. The first recognizable inflorescence primordium appeared 0-12 d before bloom, when the shoot had about 13 expanded leaves, and 6-7 nodes in the primary bud.Le développement des rameaux verts et des bourgeons chez Vitis pendant la période précédent la floraisonLa différentiation des inflorescences chez Vitis labruscana BAILEY cv. Concord, hybride cv. Aurore, et V. vinifera cv. White Riesling a été constatée par dissection des bourgeons primaires entre le deuxième et le sixième noeud du rameau vert. Le premier primordium de l'inflorescence est apparu 0-12 jours avant la floraison, juste après l'extension de la treizième feuille du rameau vert et la formation de 6-7 noeuds dans le bourgeon primaire

    Shoot nodes of Vitis labruscana Bailey cv. Concord

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    In Vitis labruscana BAILEY cv. Concord the primary vascular system of the node of a shoot with 2 flat leaves, about a month before bloom, comprises the cauline vascular cylinder of the shoot;lateral and primary bud traces flanking a common gap (parenchyma) in the shoot vascular system;5 leaf traces which diverge from the cauline vascular tissue at separate gaps.Procambium on the sidas of the bud gaps . adds ta the parenchymatous and vascular tissues of the bud axes and ta the radial expansion of the node. The ribbed pith is interrupted by an non-ribbed parenchymatous diaphragm which is continuous with the bud and leaf gaps.Noeuds des rameaux verts chez Vitis labruscana Bailey cv. ConcordLes noeuds des rameaux verts de Vitis labruscana BAILEY cv. Concord avec 2 feuilles plates possèdent, environ 1 mois avant la floraison, un système vasculaire composé: du cylindre vasculaire caulinaire du rameau vert;des traces du promptbourgeon et du bourgeon primaire bordant une fenêtre commune (parenchyme) dans le système vasculaire du rameau vert;de 5 traces foliaires et leurs fenêtres respectives.Le procambium sur les parois des fenêtres des bourgeons s'ajoute aux tissus parenchymateux et vasculaires des axes des bourgeons et à l'expansion radiale des noeuds. La moelle à nervures est interrompue par un diaphragme parenchymateux sans nervures; ce diaphragme est lié avec les fenêtres des bourgeons et des feuilles

    Shoot growth and anthesis in Vitis

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    In the majority of shoots on a grapevine the number of internodes is fairly constant at anthesis. The number of visible internodes was higher in Vitis vinifera L. (16-19) than in V. labruscana BAILEY (12-14). This synchrony in the rates of development of nodes at the shoot tip and of the flowers on the inflorescences was found in a wide array of conditions (time, cultivars, countries, climates, cultural practices). The factor found to cause greatest variation between vines was vine vigour.La croissance des rameaux et l'anthese de la vigneLa majorité des rameaux verts de la vigne montre un nombre assez constant d'entrenoeuds au moment de l'anthèse. Vitis vinifera L. (16-19) présente un plus grand nombre d'entrenoeuds que V. labruscana BAILEY (12-14). On retrouve dans diverses conditions (années, variétés, pays, climats, pratiques culturales) cette synchronisation de la vitesse du développement des noeuds de l'apex végétatif avec celle des fleurs sur les inflorescences. La vigueur de la vigne elle-même est le facteur responsable des plus grandes variations dans le nombre d'entrenoeuds au moment de l'anthèse. 

    The relationship between the therapeutic alliance and suicidal experiences in people with psychosis receiving therapy

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    Few studies have examined the relationship between the therapeutic alliance in therapy and suicidal experiences. No studies have examined this relationship with people with non-affective psychosis. The present study sought to redress this gap in the literature. Sixty-four participants with non-affective psychosis and suicidal experiences who were receiving a suicide-focused cognitive therapy were recruited. Self-reported suicidal ideation, suicide plans, suicide attempts, depression, and hopelessness were collected from participants prior to starting therapy. Suicidal experience measures were collected again post-therapy at 6 months. Therapeutic alliance ratings were completed by clients and therapists at session 4 of therapy. Dose of therapy was documented in number of minutes of therapy. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficients, independent samples t-tests, a multiple hierarchical regression, and a moderated linear regression. There was no significant relationship found between suicidal ideation prior to therapy and the therapeutic alliance at session 4, rated by both client and therapist. However, there was a significant negative relationship between the client-rated therapeutic alliance at session 4 and suicidal ideation at 6 months, after controlling for pre-therapy suicidal ideation, depression, and hopelessness. Furthermore, the negative relationship between the client-rated alliance and suicidal ideation was the strongest when number of minutes of therapy was 15 h or below. A stronger therapeutic alliance developed in the first few sessions of therapy is important in ameliorating suicidal thoughts in people with psychosis. Nevertheless, it is not necessarily the case that more hours in therapy equates to a cumulative decrease in suicidal ideation of which therapists could be mindful. A limitation of the current study was that the alliance was analyzed only at session 4 of therapy, which future studies could seek to redress

    Powdery mildew of Vitis: Papillae (wall appositions) as a host response to infection

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    Powdery mildew, caused by Uncinula necator (ScHW.) BURR., of grapevines, as exemplified by cv. Rosette, induces papillae (wall appositions) inside periclinal cell walls. Papillae occur in epidermal and subepidermal cells of leaves, petioles, cluster rachises and green shoots. Aniline blue fluorescence tests showed the papillae to be composed of callose (polysaccharides). Ultrastructurally, they are characterized by vesicles in the electron-dense material.L'oïdium de la vigne: Papillae (appositions du paroi) comme un répons de l'hôte au infection L'oïdium, provoqué par Uncinula necator (ScHW.) BURR., de la vigne, par l'exemple du cultivar Rosette, produit papillae (appositions du paroi) en dedans des parois periclinales des cellules. On a vu les papillae dans des cellules épidermiques et subépidermiques des feuilles, des pétioles, des rafles et des rameaux verts. La fluorescence avec bleu d'aniline a démontré que les papillae consistent en callose (polysaccharides). Au microscope élect ronique à transmission, elles sont sombreuses aux électrons et elles se composent de vésicules

    Childhood Obesity Prevention and Treatment Recommendations for Future Research

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    This report summarizes the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Working Group’s recommendations on future research directions in childhood obesity prevention and treatment. The Working Group consisted of leaders and representatives from public and private academic and medical institutions with expertise in a variety of health specialties. They reviewed the literature and discussed the findings as well as their own experiences in the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. The Working Group made recommendations that were based on scientific importance, the potential likelihood of public health impact, and the feasibility and timeliness for childhood obesity prevention and treatment research. These recommendations are intended to assist investigators in the development of research agendas to advance the knowledge of effective childhood obesity prevention and treatment

    The Relationship between the Therapeutic Alliance and Suicidal Experiences in People with Psychosis Receiving Therapy

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-10-07, pub-electronic 2021-10-12Publication status: PublishedFunder: Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme; Grant(s): 13/161/25Few studies have examined the relationship between the therapeutic alliance in therapy and suicidal experiences. No studies have examined this relationship with people with non-affective psychosis. The present study sought to redress this gap in the literature. Sixty-four participants with non-affective psychosis and suicidal experiences who were receiving a suicide-focused cognitive therapy were recruited. Self-reported suicidal ideation, suicide plans, suicide attempts, depression, and hopelessness were collected from participants prior to starting therapy. Suicidal experience measures were collected again post-therapy at 6 months. Therapeutic alliance ratings were completed by clients and therapists at session 4 of therapy. Dose of therapy was documented in number of minutes of therapy. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficients, independent samples t-tests, a multiple hierarchical regression, and a moderated linear regression. There was no significant relationship found between suicidal ideation prior to therapy and the therapeutic alliance at session 4, rated by both client and therapist. However, there was a significant negative relationship between the client-rated therapeutic alliance at session 4 and suicidal ideation at 6 months, after controlling for pre-therapy suicidal ideation, depression, and hopelessness. Furthermore, the negative relationship between the client-rated alliance and suicidal ideation was the strongest when number of minutes of therapy was 15 h or below. A stronger therapeutic alliance developed in the first few sessions of therapy is important in ameliorating suicidal thoughts in people with psychosis. Nevertheless, it is not necessarily the case that more hours in therapy equates to a cumulative decrease in suicidal ideation of which therapists could be mindful. A limitation of the current study was that the alliance was analyzed only at session 4 of therapy, which future studies could seek to redress

    Cytomegalovirus viral load within blood increases markedly in healthy people over the age of 70 years

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    Background Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a highly prevalent herpesvirus, which maintains lifelong latency and places a significant burden on host immunity. Infection is associated with increased rates of vascular disease and overall mortality in the elderly and there is an urgent need for improved understanding of the viral-host balance during ageing. CMV is extremely difficult to detect in healthy donors, however, using droplet digital PCR of DNA from peripheral blood monocytes, we obtained an absolute quantification of viral load in 44 healthy donors across a range of ages. Results Viral DNA was detected in 24 % (9/37) of donors below the age of 70 but was found in all individuals above this age. Furthermore, the mean CMV load was only 8.6 copies per 10,000 monocytes until approximately 70 years of age when it increased by almost 30 fold to 249 copies in older individuals (p < 0.0001). CMV was found within classical CD14+ monocytes and was not detectable within the CD14-CD16+ subset. The titre of CMV-specific IgG increased inexorably with age indicating that loss of humoral immunity is not a determinant of the increased viral load. In contrast, although cellular immunity to the structural late protein pp65 increased with age, the T cell response to the immediate early protein IE1 decreased in older donors. Conclusion These data reveal that effective control of CMV is impaired during healthy ageing, most probably due to loss of cellular control of early viral reactivation. This information will be of value in guiding efforts to reduce CMV-associated health complications in the elderly

    Objectively Measured Physical Activity in Sixth-Grade Girls

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    Objectives - To describe the objectively-measured physical activity (PA) characteristics of a diverse sample of 6th grade girls to examine influences on PA, and to report compliance with PA guidelines. Design - Cross-sectional study. Setting - Six locations across the United States. Participants - 1578 6th grade girls. Actigraph accelerometers were worn for 7 days, and data for 6 days were included in the analyses. Main exposure - Race/ethnicity, free-or-reduced price lunch (FRPL), and geographic region. Main outcome measure - Six operational definitions of adequate activity (60 min or 30 min of daily MVPA at or above 4.6, 3.8 or 3.0 METS (metabolic equivalents)) were applied to examine whether girls met physical activity guidelines. Results - Average time spent in sedentary, light, moderate, and vigorous activities was 460, 342, 18, and 6 min/day, respectively. White girls were more active than girls in other race/ethnic groups, and girls who did not receive FRPL were more active than girls who did. Girls in western states were most active. Percentages of girls in compliance with the 6 thresholds for adequate activity varied widely, and ranged from 0.6% to 99.8%. Conclusions - When physical activity is measured objectively and a 4.6 MET cupoint for MVPA is applied, most 6th grade girls fall below guidelines for adequate physical activity. One notable finding was the impact of different accelerometer scoring protocols on estimates of compliance. Conceptual and empirical work is needed to define appropriate physical activity for youth using objective physical activity measures
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