193 research outputs found

    Density distribution and size sorting in fish schools: an individual-based model

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    In fish schools the density varies per location and often individuals are sorted according to familiarity and/or body size. High density is considered advantageous for protection against predators and this sorting is believed to be advantageous not only to avoid predators but also for finding food. In this paper, we list a number of mechanisms and we study, with the help of an individual-based model of schooling agents, which spatial patterns may result from them. In our model, schooling is regulated by the following rules: avoiding those that are close by, aligning to those at intermediate distances, and moving towards others further off. Regarding kinship/familiarity, we study patterns that come about when agents actively choose to be close to related agents (i.e., ‘active sorting'). Regarding body size, we study what happens when agents merely differ in size but behave according to the usual schooling rules (‘size difference model'), when agents choose to be close to those of similar size, and when small agents avoid larger ones (‘risk avoidance'). Several spatial configurations result: during ‘active sorting' familiar agents group together anywhere in the shoal, but agents of different size group concentrically, whereby the small agents occupy the center and the large ones the periphery (‘size difference model' and ‘active sorting'). If small agents avoid the risk of being close to large ones, however, small agents end up at the periphery and large ones occupy the center (‘risk avoidance'). Spatial configurations are also influenced by the composition of the group, namely the percentage of agents of each type. Furthermore, schools are usually oblong and their density is always greatest near the front. We explain the way in which these patterns emerge and indicate how results of our model may guide the study of spatial patterns in real animal

    Simulations of the social organization of large schools of fish whose perception is obstructed

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    Individual-based models have shown that simple interactions among moving individuals (repulsion, attraction and alignment) result in travelling schools that resemble those of real fish. In most models individuals interact with all neighbours within sensory range which usually includes almost all the individuals of the school. Thus, it implies (almost) global perception. However, in reality in large groups, individuals will only interact with their neighbours close by, because they cannot perceive those farther away, since they are masked by closer ones. Here, we have developed a new model to investigate how such obstruction of perception influences aspects of social organization in schools of up to 10,000 individuals. We will show that in small schools of up to approximately 30 individuals group shape and density resembles that obtained with global perception, because in small schools hardly anyone is masked by others: school shape is oblong and the density is highest in the frontal half of the school. With increasing group size, from approximately 200 individuals onwards, internal density becomes variable over time, regions of high and low density develop at any location within a school, and group shape becomes more complex, in the sense that inward bounds and appendages occur more frequently. The complexity of shape and internal structure arises because, due to their limited perception, individuals interact relatively more locally in larger schools. In case of global perception, however, shape remains elliptical for all group sizes and in groups above 1000 individuals, the schools become unrealistically dense. In sum, our results show that obstructed perception in itself suffices to generate a realistic organization of large schools and that no extra rules for 'coping' with many individuals are needed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    How to measure intersexual dominance?

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    Intersexual dominance (dominance between the sexes) is often assumed to be binary with species categorised as either male- or female-dominant. Yet in many species, the degree of intersexual dominance falls somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. There are several measures of intersexual dominance, but in empirical studies it is not possible to evaluate which is best because the real degree of intersexual dominance is unknown. This evaluation is possible, however, in the agent-based model, DomWorld because individuals have internal dominance values that drive their agonistic behaviour. In the present study, we examined the accuracy of measures of intersexual dominance in DomWorld by the strength of the correlation between the degree of intersexual dominance based on their internal dominance values and the degree of intersexual dominance based on observations of their competitive interactions (similar to observations in empirical studies). We examined the four measures that have been most commonly used in the literature: the proportion of intersexual conflicts won and initiated, the Female Dominance Index (FDI) and the proportion of female-dominant dyads. The FDI was highly accurate, possibly because it was based on intra- and intersexual fights, both of which influence an individual’s dominance. The proportion of intersexual conflicts initiated was similar in its accuracy to FDI and it was the only measure to be unaffected by missing data. Measures were more accurate when groups were smaller, or the intensity of aggression was higher, but their accuracy did not depend on the degree of sexual dimorphism. To best represent dominance relations between the sexes, we recommend reporting both FDI and the proportion of intersexual conflicts initiated

    Gossip promotes cooperation only when it is pro-socially motivated

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    Humans are often shown to cooperate with one another. Most of the mechanisms that foster cooperation among humans rely on reputation, which itself relies on the acquisition of information about other people’s behaviors. Gossip has been proposed as a cheap yet efficient tool to acquire information, and it has largely been proved to be an effective means to foster and maintain cooperation. However, empirical studies supporting this claim have ignored two aspects: (1) they often compared gossip to treatments in which no reputation was available, impeding a direct assessment of whether it is gossip that promotes cooperation or rather the introduction of a reputation system; and (2) they focused on pro-social gossip (e.g., gossip aimed at helping the receiver), neglecting the impact of other types of gossip. We show here that, in contrast with the widespread notion that gossip promotes cooperation, gossip mostly depletes cooperation compared to first-hand information. If lying is fruitful for individuals or if a group’s behavior is largely uncooperative, gossip leads to negative reputational information and decreased cooperation

    What underlies waves of agitation in starling flocks

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    Fast transfer of information in groups can have survival value. An example is the so-called wave of agitation observed in groups of animals of several taxa under attack. It has been shown to reduce predator success. It usually involves the repetition of a manoeuvre throughout the group, transmitting the information of the attack quickly, faster than the group moves itself. The specific manoeuvre underlying a wave is typically known, but not so in starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Although waves of agitation in starling flocks have been suggested to reflect density waves, exact escape manoeuvres cannot be distinguished because flocks are spatially too far away. Therefore, waves may also reflect orientation waves (due to escape by rolling). In the present study, we investigate this issue in a computational model, StarDisplay. We use this model because its flocks have been shown to resemble starling flocks in many traits. In the model, we show that agitation waves result from changes in orientation rather than in density. They resemble empirical data both qualitatively in visual appearance and quantitatively in wave speed. In the model, local interactions with only two to seven closest neighbours suffice to generate empirical wave speed. Wave speed increases with the number of neighbours mimicked or repeated from and the distance to them. It decreases with reaction time and with time to identify the escape manoeuvre of others and is not affected by flock size. Our findings can be used as predictions for empirical studies

    Modelling non-attentional visual information transmission in groups under predation

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    Group living is of benefit to foraging individuals by improving their survival, through passive risk dilution by sheer numbers and through increasingly more active processes, ranging from cue transmission to alarm calling. Cue transmission of information within a group cannot easily be tracked in the field, but can be studied by modelling. An unintentional visual cue can be given by a fleeing action, and when it occurs in the visual field of an individual, can by contagion incite it to flee as well, making such a cue functional in anti-predator warning. The visual field is limited not only by morphology, causing a blind angle at the back, but also by behaviour. For instance, foraging with the head down can cause an extra “blind” angle in front for cues from other individuals, changing an unobstructed frontal visual field to a split lateral shape. The questions of the present study are: how do visual fields, in terms of their size and blind angles, influence survival of individuals in a group through their effect on non-attentional reception of cues to danger among group members after attentional detection of a predator, and how can we quantify this? We use an agent-based spatially explicit model to investigate the effect of contagious fleeing after detection of predators on survival rate. This model is a bottom-up model of foraging agents in a simple environment, where only assumptions about basic competences are made. We vary the size and the shape of the visual field (lateral, with the additional frontal “blind” angle, versus a frontal continuous view), the group size, the movement probability, and the style of movement (regular movement or start-stop movement) in residential groups. We devise a measure for the transmission rate and we measure the length of the transmission chains. We find that, as expected, in a residential group, a larger visual field enhances survival rate. Moreover, a lateral field is more effective than a frontal field of the same total size because it increases the field of vision and therefore the non-attentional reception of visual cues about danger during, for instance, foraging, for all but the largest visual fields. This is demonstrated by the higher transmission rates and longer chains of transmission for lateral fields. Better transmission for lateral visual fields results in more synchronized fleeing behaviour. As long as the visual field is large enough, having a blind angle in front does not detract from sufficiently effective transmission. These findings should be taken into account in empirical studies of vigilance in groups of foraging animals

    Scale-free correlations, influential neighbours and speed control in flocks of birds

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    Coordination of birds in large flocks is amazing, especially, since individual birds only interact with a few neighbors (the so-called 'influential neighbours'). Yet, empirical data show that fluctuations of velocity and speed of different birds are correlated beyond the influential neighbours and are correlated over a larger distance in a larger flock. This correlation between the correlation length of velocity or speed and flock size was found to be linear, called a scale-free correlation. It depends on the way individuals interact in the flock, for instance, on the number of influential neighbours and speed control. It is unknown however, how exactly the number of influential neighbours affects this scale-free correlation. Recent empirical data show that different degrees of control of speed affect the scale-free correlation for speed fluctuations. Theoretically, based on statistical mechanics, it is predicted that at very high speed control, the correlation is no longer scale-free but saturates at a certain correlation length and this hampers coordination in flocks. We study these issues in a model, called StarDisplay, because its behavioural rules are biologically inspired and many of its flocking patterns resemble empirical data. Our results show that the correlation length of fluctuations of velocity as well as speed correlate with flock size in a scale-free manner. A higher number of influential neighbours causes a diminishing increase of the slope of the scale-free correlation with velocity, resulting thus in flocks that coordinate more uniformly. Similar to recent empirical data higher speed control reduces the correlation length of speed fluctuations in our model. As predicted theoretically, at very high speed control the model generates a non-scale free correlation, and although there are still flocks, they are in the process of disintegrating

    When are females dominant over males in rats (Rattus norvegicus)?

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    Funding was provided to MAP-E (scholarship program 783–2017 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation – Minciencias, formerly Colciencias), and to CKH (Lucie Burgers Foundation grant, for the research project titled “Sex and competitive dynamics in groups of rats: is there resemblance to primates?”).In group-living animals, males are assumed to be dominant over females when they are larger than females. Despite this, females have sometimes been proven to be dominant over some males possibly via the winner-loser effect, which becomes clearer when the intensity of aggression in the group is higher. To test whether the winner-loser effect can lead to (partial) female dominance in a species with a pronounced sexual dimorphism, we studied the hierarchy in 12 rat colonies (Rattus norvegicus) in which the rats could freely interact with their group members within a spacious area. To investigate the underlying mechanisms, we compared the empirical data to hypotheses generated by the agent-based model ‘DomWorld’. We show that females dominated on average 55% of the males, and occupied the alpha position in four colonies, in three of them they shared it with one or several males. Moreover, in line with the predictions of the computational model, females dominated a higher percentage of males when the intensity of aggression of the colony was higher. This shows that although females are only half as heavy as males, they dominate part of the males probably through the winner-loser effect. We suggest that this effect may be widespread in many other species and can be tested experimentally.Peer reviewe

    Interrelationship among spatial cohesion, aggression rate, counter-aggression and female dominance in three lemur species

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    Abstract: How social and ecological factors are associated with variation in dominance style across species of animals has been studied frequently, but the underlying processes are often not addressed. Theoretical research indicates that stronger spatial cohesion among individuals in a group causes a higher frequency of fighting and, thus, through the self-reinforcing effects of winning and losing fights, a stronger differentiation of the dominance hierarchy and dominance of females over more males. Our aim in the present paper is to study whether the same interrelationship among processes may underlie differences in dominance style among three species of lemur that differ in their degree of despotism: Lemur catta, Propithecus verreauxi and Eulemur rufifrons. We investigated their agonistic interactions and spatial cohesion based on 2752 h of observational data of 20 wild groups of these three species. We determined dominance style using the proportion of counter-aggression, with a lower proportion indicating a more despotic dominance style. We found that stronger spatial cohesion among individuals is associated with a higher rate of aggression, stronger despotism and dominance of females over more males. The results of our study emphasise the general importance of spatial cohesion in determining dominance style. Significance statement: Theoretical studies have shown that the spatial configuration of individuals in a group influences the dominance style. In an agent-based model, DomWorld, individuals are guided by simple rules of grouping and fighting and emergent patterns of behaviour switch between resembling those of despotic or egalitarian primates depending on the degree of cohesion in groups. Yet this link has seldom been studied empirically. We, therefore, examine the relevance of spatial cohesion on patterns of behaviour of individuals in groups of three species of lemur. We confirm the predictions from the model and show that stronger spatial cohesion results in more frequent aggression, a more despotic dominance style and stronger female dominance over males. In light of this, we urge future research of animal dominance to include measures of cohesion