360 research outputs found

    Letter from Charlotte [Hoffman] to John Muir, [ca. 1906] .

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    [4]the life outside the palleries, and in your own mountains and rivers & their people.I wish we might go to [illegible] for the [illegible] in India & to see the mugging in New Zealand; [but?] you will have to take Helen & me[1]Sunday .12 , en route[letterhead]My dear Mr. Muir:I am more disappointed than I can make you know not to have found time to run over the hills to Martinez to find out what you are doing and how you are[in margin: What are you working [at?] now?]03803 [2]before I started off to p[illegible] the mountains of separation and the Salt, estranging Sea between us. But how those metaphors have lost their force in these days of sunset limited [illegible], and ocean grey hounds. The poets will have[3]to invent a new [illegible]gery.I am off for a year or more with a very intelligent and companionable girl about eighteen and I am determined make it a year of rest and delight in all the beauty [illegible] collected [together?] in the galleries [& museums?] but chiefly in all [8]Else I can think of.Please be good. My permanent address is 11 [Rue?] Scribe, Paris, [c/o?] Amer. Exp. Co. And so good luck to you. my dear friend through all the year. I hope you will be able to work as you wish - my love to Helen & Wanda. I\u27ll let you know where I am once in a way. Charlotte. [5] 2.[letterhead]there some day. Why don\u27t you? Helen will write poems & take pictures (but never send them to the friends she promised them to) and I all the while will [illegible] squirrels & posies for you.03803 [6]And you can write and write and gather unto yourself riches which we will spend in journeying further.I want the picture of you in the petrified forest and if Helen won\u27t send it, please you[7]do.My steamer is the Columbia, Anchor time sailing from N.Y. to Glasgow, June first.I would rather have a letter from you on the steamer telling me what I ought especially to see in Scotland, & possibly of some [illegible] I ought to see, than anythin

    Letter from Charlotte Hoffman to John Muir, [1905 Jan 1].

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    [in margin: 902Charlotte Hoffman][1]Dear Mr. Muir,Isn\u27t this a glorious morning that 1905 is saying to us! I hope that the year may bring to you all the promise of the morning.I am happier in having the picture than I can tell you. I like it better than any I have seen where was it taken? And I like very much the long line03496 [3]have really been but two short minutes. I made all the preparations for our Christmas and that took the first week, and since then I have had company to take care of, and the second week is gone. I should like to be on top of a mountain this minute, and shall tramp somewhere this afternoon, if only to the Berkeley hills.I send a great deal of love to Mrs. Muir and to Wanda and Miss Helene, and to all good wishes for the new year. Kindly remember me to your sisters. Always affectionatelyCharlotte HoffmanOn New Year\u27s Day in the morning.[2]of writing underneath. I have enjoyed it and my family and friends have more than any of my other good gifts. There is a heap of new books on my table, and there are a few fluffs and frills in my bureau drawer - I like the frills, but I like the books better. I\u27ll tell you about them when I see you.Wanda asked me to come up this holiday, and I wanted very much to, but the two week

    Letter from Charlotte [Hoffman Kellogg] to John Muir, [ca. 1913 ?].

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    [1]Wednesday night[letterhead]Dear Hermit,When are you coming down? We cant wait much longer!Plasterers and what not still hover blackly on the horizon, but we are quite enough settled to make you comfortable - now that the Phoebus so brightly shineth -I should have dared urging you while05641 [3]to work,and we\u27ll let you alone. We go to Carmel in about three weeks.Always your devotedC. H. K.[2]it was yet cool enough for fires. For tragic as the truth is, and ever will be, we have no fire-place upstairs! You shall find where one can be shot up the side of the house and some day it may grow there with a pine tree in front of it. Jean hungers for a glimpse of her Uncle John, and her parents? Well, you come and see. Bring your stuff along if you hav

    Letter from Charlotte [Hoffman Kellogg] to [John Muir], [ca. 1913 ?].

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    [1][letterhead]FridayVery dear friend,Well, it seems to be settled to-day. I have been waiting, hoping till the last minute that I might write you a letter of congratulations and rejoicing, but despite all your splendid work, they\u27ve decided against you. This is a note of congratulations however, I know everyone feels that the work you have done has had a big moral effect on the nation, even though this particular valley is lost to it. and I hope this realization is helping cheer you and prepare05650 [2]you for your next great work!We think of you and have wished so many times this fall that we might have had a little visit, but we knew you were working more than you should have been. Fortunately the winter has been mild so far, which I hope has prevented any nasty bronchitis. I am wondering if you will be with Wanda for Christmas or if perhaps you have run away south to Helen.We are going to Carmel as is our custom, and I[3]expect my mother and sisters and brothers are coming down to the hotel just opposite our cabin for a few days. So we shall be together. The only unfortunate thing about our little nest there is that it doesn\u27t comfortably house anybody but us!We have been more rushed than ever these last few months - but well and happy. Jean growing and singing so we are giving thanks. Somehow we must arrange more breathing places in the next year then everything will be as it ought. My family is fairly well, mother never strong, but this year perhaps a little better than last. We hope to see you early in the New Year, and may it be rich and full for you. our very dear friendVernon sends warmest[in margin: greetings and Jean a good wish Kiss.Affectionately always - Charlotte

    Developmental stability in a cystic fibrosis mouse model

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic experimental lung  infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa on developmental instability and behaviour in the transgenic  Cftrtm1Unc -TgN(FABPCFTR) mouse compared to different heterozygote (CFTR+/-) and wildtype (CFTR+/+)  controls. Developmental instability measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), body weight and open-field  behaviour were assessed in CFTR-/-, CFTR+/- and CFTR+/+ mice. FA and different behavioural tests were  investigated in relation to tracheotomy and lung infection with P. aeruginosa. Body weight was in general  decreased in the CFTR-/- mice and increased in the CFTR+/- mice. CFTR-/- mice had a significantly higher  degree of FA (4%-5.5%) than all other groups (1%-3%) (P<0.001), while having cystic fibrosis did not  seem to influence the behaviour of these mice indicating that the clinical impact from the model is rather  low, which is positive from a welfare point of view. FA and motor performance was influenced by neither  the lung infection nor the tracheotomy. Tracheotomy increased the level of fear in the light-dark box  (P<0.05), and the lung infection decreased activity in the open field (P<0.05). From this we may conclude  that well-being expressed as changed behaviour is a result of the lung infection more than a consequence  of the mutation.

    Incorporating terrain specific beaching within a lagrangian transport plastics model for Lake Erie

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    Mass estimates of plastic pollution in the Great Lakes based on surface samples differ by orders of magnitude from what is predicted by production and input rates. It has been theorized that a potential location of this missing plastic is on beaches and in nearshore water. We incorporate a terrain dependent beaching model to an existing hydrodynamic model for Lake Erie which includes three dimensional advection, turbulent mixing, density driven sinking, and deposition into the sediment. When examining parameter choices, in all simulations the majority of plastic in the lake is beached, potentially identifying a reservoir holding a large percentage of the lake’s plastic which in previous studies has not been taken into account. The absolute amount of beached plastic is dependent on the parameter choices. We also find beached plastic does not accumulate homogeneously through the lake, with eastern regions of the lake, especially those downstream of population centers, most likely to be impacted. This effort constitutes a step towards identifying sinks of missing plastic in large bodies of water

    The Impact of Responsive Feeding Practice Training on Teacher Feeding Behaviors in Tribal Early Care and Education: The Food Resource Equity and Sustainability for Health (FRESH) Study

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    Background: Establishing healthy eating habits early affects lifelong dietary intake, which has implications for many health outcomes. With children spending time in early care and education (ECE) programs, teachers establish the daytime meal environment through their feeding practices. Objective: We aimed to determine the effect of a teacher-focused intervention to increase responsive feeding practices in 2 interventions, 1 focused exclusively on the teacher’s feeding practices and the other focused on both the teacher’s feeding practices and a nutrition classroom curriculum, in ECE teachers in a Native American (NA) community in Oklahoma. Methods: Nine tribally afïŹliated ECE programs were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 interventions: 1) a 1.5-h teacher-focused responsive feeding practice training (TEACHER; n = 4) and 2) TEACHER plus an additional 3-h training to implement a 15-wk classroom nutrition curriculum (TEACHER + CLASS; n = 5). Feeding practice observations were conducted during lunch at 1 table in 1 classroom for 2- to 5-y-olds at each program before and 1 mo after the intervention. The Mealtime Observation in Child Care (MOCC) organizes teacher behaviors into 8 subsections. Descriptive statistics and the Shapiro–Wilk test for normality were calculated. Paired t tests were calculated to determine change in each group. Results: Amean± SD of 5.2 ± 2.0 (total n = 47) children and 1.7 ± 0.5 (total n = 14) teachers/center were observed at baseline, and 5.6 ± 1.7 (total n = 50) children and 1.7 ± 0.7 teachers (total n = 14) were observed/center postintervention. Total MOCC scores (max possible = 10) improved for TEACHER (6.1 ± 0.9 compared with 7.5 ± 0.3, t = 4.12, P = 0.026) but not for TEACHER + CLASS (6.5 ± 0.8 compared with 6.4 ± 1.0, t =−0.11, P = 0.915). No other changes were observed. Conclusions: Teacher intervention–only programs demonstrated improvements in responsive feeding practices, whereas the programs receiving teacher and classroom training did not. Greater burden likely decreased capacity to make changes in multiple domains. We demonstrated the ability to implement interventions in NA ECE. Further research with larger communities is necessary. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT03251950

    The value of manual backward contact tracing to control COVID-19 in practice, the Netherlands, February to March 2021:a pilot study

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    BackgroundContact tracing has been a key component of COVID-19 outbreak control. Backward contact tracing (BCT) aims to trace the source that infected the index case and, thereafter, the cases infected by the source. Modelling studies have suggested BCT will substantially reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission in addition to forward contact tracing.AimTo assess the feasibility and impact of adding BCT in practice.MethodsWe identified COVID-19 cases who were already registered in the electronic database between 19 February and 10 March 2021 for routine contact tracing at the Public Health Service (PHS) of Rotterdam-Rijnmond, the Netherlands (pop. 1.3 million). We investigated if, through a structured questionnaire by dedicated contact tracers, we could trace additional sources and cases infected by these sources. Potential sources identified by the index were approached to trace the source's contacts. We evaluated the number of source contacts that could be additionally quarantined.ResultsOf 7,448 COVID-19 cases interviewed in the study period, 47% (n = 3,497) indicated a source that was already registered as a case in the PHS electronic database. A potential, not yet registered source was traced in 13% (n = 979). Backward contact tracing was possible in 62 of 979 cases, from whom an additional 133 potential sources were traced, and four were eligible for tracing of source contacts. Two additional contacts traced had to stay in quarantine for 1 day. No new COVID-19 cases were confirmed.ConclusionsThe addition of manual BCT to control the COVID-19 pandemic did not provide added value in our study setting.</p
