18 research outputs found

    Authenticity in integrated STEM education – boon or fantasy? Observing upper secondary technology classroom practice

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    Engineering design and technological modelling have been argued as valid premises from which to increase authenticity, relevance and create bridges between the STEM disciplines while maintaining subject integrity. Previous research indicates that projects which emulate how engineers work has the potential of both integrating STEM disciplines and being authentic. At the same time, earlier research also cautions that few integrated STEM projects consider students’ interests and their everyday contexts. The aim of this study is to investigate the implementation of an integrated STEM project in the Technology Programme at a Swedish upper secondary school. The studied STEM project involves students’ designs for improving their physical school environment in terms of well-being, feasibility, and sustainability. Data collection consisted of participatory observations, as well as teacher and student interviews. The results are presented in terms of three themes, namely (1) cooperation and real-life application are fundamental for authentic learning; (2) using models and modelling for communicating design ideas are central to authentic technology and engineering; and (3) integration of STEM content and methods do not draw on all four disciplines. It is concluded that there might be easily accessible pathways to promote integrated STEM and authenticity, such as utilizing the school environment as a starting point. However, formally implementing authentic practices remain a challenge even though a majority of teachers are enthusiastic about real-world relevance in design projects. Integrated STEM in the design project mostly included technology and engineering content, and aspects of science and mathematics albeit to a lower degree, which made simultaneous integration of all STEM disciplines a challenging task

    Design, system, value: The role of problem-solving and critical thinking capabilities in technology education, as perceived by teachers

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    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2013) defines its views on necessary skills for 21st century citizenship and life-long learning, advocating a generic skill set of literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving in technology-rich environments. Other sources also include critical thinking as a vital 21st century skill. There are also those who question the concept of 21st century skills, claiming that, although very important, these skills are in fact old and have been around for decades, or even centuries. Therefore, in many countries, skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving are already addressed in technology education as part of the core subject matter, especially regarding competencies connected to technological literacy. Critical thinking and particularly problem-solving have been well researched in technology education, but seldom from the teacher’s point of view. The aim of this article is to investigate Swedish compulsory school technology teachers’ views on problem-solving and critical thinking as curriculum components and as skills addressed in teaching. Twenty-one teachers were subjected to in-depth qualitative interviews. The findings of the study show that the interviewed teachers can be said to express three approaches to teaching about technology in a critical thinking and problem-solving mode: (1) the design approach, (2) the system approach, and (3) the value approach. Even though the present Swedish technology curriculum does not explicitly mention these skills, the teachers say they incorporate critical thinking and problem-solving in different settings within the subject of technology. Problem-solving and critical thinking are not seen as generic capabilities but they are always connected to and integrated with subject content in technology by the teachers. The teachers mix the approaches depending on the teaching content, especially when teaching about complex technology, although there is a tendency to disregard critical thinking capabilities when dealing with design, and neglect problem-solving skills when addressing values

    Tid för teknik – om tekniklĂ€rares attityder till sin undervisning

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    För lÀrare innebÀr attityder till teknikundervisning mer Àn bara instÀllning till undervisningen. Det handlar ocksÄ om lÀrarnas uppfattningar om Àmnets betydelse för eleverna och för samhÀllsutvecklingen, om Àmnets status jÀmfört med andra Àmnen, om upplevd sjÀlvförmÄga hos lÀrarna och om upplevda förutsÀttningar för att kunna undervisa -alltsÄ ett antal aspekter av attityd som pÄverkar undervisningen. Forskning visar att attityd till teknikÀmnet hos en lÀrare ser olika ut för olika delar av undervisningen. Sannolikheten att en lÀrare har en mer positiv attityd ökar om han eller hon Àr utbildad tekniklÀrare, har deltagit i fortbildningar samt om lÀraren jobbar pÄ en skola dÀr man lÄter Àmnet synas och ta plats. Tid kan vara en nyckel till mer positiva attityder hos tekniklÀrare, men frÄgan om tid Àgs till stor del av andra Àn lÀrarna sjÀlva

    Swedish technology teachers’ attitudes to the technology subject and totechnology teaching.

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    Skolforskning i allmĂ€nhet visar pĂ„ att lĂ€raren Ă€r viktig, lĂ€raren Ă€r faktiskt en av de viktigaste faktorerna för elevernas framgĂ„ng. LĂ€raren Ă€r betydelsefull bĂ„de nĂ€r det gĂ€ller elevernas prestationer och deras attityder. FrĂ„n tidigare attitydforskning vet vi att lĂ€rarens attityder har betydelse för undervisningen, men Ă€ven för lĂ€rarens eget tankesĂ€tt. NĂ€r det kommer till omrĂ„det teknikundervisning behöver lĂ€rarnas attityder undersökas och utforskas mer, vilket denna licentiatuppsats, bestĂ„ende av tvĂ„ delstudier, bidrar till. Den övergripande forskningsfrĂ„gan Ă€r; Vad har svenska tekniklĂ€rare i grundskolan för attityder till teknikĂ€mnet och teknikundervisningen? TekniklĂ€rarnas attityder har undersökts med bĂ„de kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. Den första studien baseras pĂ„ en enkĂ€tundersökning med 1153 tekniklĂ€rare i Sverige. Till att börja med identifierades fyra dimensioner av attityd i materialet; Teknikundervisning Ă€r viktigt, FörutsĂ€ttningarna för teknikundervisning Ă€r goda, Kursplanen Ă€r i fokus för teknikundervisningen och LĂ€raren har intresse, kunskap och sjĂ€lvförtroende. Vidare sĂ„ fanns tre kluster av lĂ€rare, Positiva, Negativa och Blandade, vilka baserades pĂ„ lĂ€rarnas attityd till teknikĂ€mnet och teknikundervisning. DĂ€refter testades olika variabler som prediktorer för klustertillhörighet, och att ha tekniklĂ€rarutbildning visade sig vara den mest betydelsefulla prediktorn. Licentiatuppsatsens andra studie Ă€r kvalitativ och bygger pĂ„ intervjuer med 10 svenska tekniklĂ€rare. I den delstudien studeras en specifik del av attityder till teknikundervisning, nĂ€mligen lĂ€rarnas upplevda kontroll, som bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ komponenter; upplevd sjĂ€lvförmĂ„ga (self-efficacy) och kontextberoende. Studien resulterade i tre underkategorier av upplevd sjĂ€lvförmĂ„ga (self-efficacy). Dessa var Erfarenhet, utbildning och intresse, Ämneskunskap och Förberedelse. Vidare sĂ„ utvecklades fyra underkategorier av kontextberoende; Stöd av kollegor, Kursplan, Resurser och Status. LĂ€rare har olika attityder till olika delar av teknikundervisningen, men generellt sett sĂ„ har lĂ€rare med tekniklĂ€rarutbildning fördelar vad gĂ€ller attityd. Vidare sĂ„ pekar resultatet pĂ„ att kontextuella faktorer bĂ„de kan begrĂ€nsa och utveckla teknikundervisningen. Att avsĂ€tta tid pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt: genom tid för teknikundervisning, tid för tekniklĂ€rare att mötas och tid för utbildning av tekniklĂ€rare, visar sig vara möjliga vĂ€gar för att komma framĂ„t och att förbĂ€ttra tekniklĂ€rares attityder till teknikundervisning.Teachers are important for students’ achievement and students’ attitudes in education in general; actually, the teacher is seen as one of the most important factors for student achievement. The teacher is important, for both the students’ achievements and mind-sets. Attitudes matters in teaching and education, which is known from previous attitude research. In technology education, teachers’ attitudes to technology education needs to be further investigated, and that is where this licentiate thesis, based on two studies, is contributing. The main research question was; What are Swedish technology teachers’ attitudes to the technology subject and to technology teaching? In this licentiate thesis, technology teachers’ attitudes were investigated by mixed methods, in two studies. The first study was based on quantitative research and an inquiry based on 1153 technology teachers in Sweden. The second study is qualitative and is based on ten interviews with Swedish technology teachers. In the first study four dimensions of attitude were found in the material; Technology education is important, Conditions are favourable for technology education, Curriculum is in focus in technology education and Confidence, interest and knowledge of the teacher is high. Further, three teacher clusters were identified, Positive, Negative and Mixed, based on teachers’ attitudes towards technology education. Predictors for cluster belonging were identified, and for a positive attitude, education in technology was identified to be the most influential predictor. In the second study, teachers’ perceived control, as a part of attitude, was studied in particular. Perceived control consist of two attitude components: self-efficacy and context dependency. Three sub-themes of self-efficacy were found; Experience, education and interest, Subject knowledge, and Preparation. Further, four sub-themes of context dependency were found; Collegial support, Syllabus, Resources and Status. Teachers in this study have different attitudes to different parts of technology education, but teachers educated in technology generally seem to have advantages, when it comes to attitudes. The results further tells that contextual factors both can limit and boost technology education. Time for teaching technology, time for technology teachers to meet and time for education of technology teachers, seems to be a key to how to find ways forward and how to improve teachers’ attitudes towards technology teaching.

    Teachers’ Transformation of the Technology Subject : On teachers’ attitudes to the school subject and views of technological knowledge in technology education

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    En lĂ€rare behöver i sitt arbete göra val och fatta beslut som pĂ„verkar vilken undervisning eleverna fĂ„r möta. SkolĂ€mnet teknik, som Ă€r ett av grundskolans obligatoriska Ă€mnen redan frĂ„n lĂ„gstadiet, har sina specifika förutsĂ€ttningar och traditioner. I avhandlingen undersöks hur lĂ€rare i grundskolan tolkar teknikĂ€mnet och formar teknikundervisningen – hur lĂ€rare transformerar teknikĂ€mnet. TvĂ„ perspektiv pĂ„ lĂ€rares transformering ligger till grund de ingĂ„ende studierna: lĂ€rares attityder till teknik-undervisning samt lĂ€rares syn pĂ„ kunskap i teknikĂ€mnet.    I de fyra ingĂ„ende artiklarna har olika forskningsansatser och metoder anvĂ€nts. En studie Ă€r kvantitativ och utgĂ„r frĂ„n en enkĂ€tstudie som analyserats med olika statistiska metoder. TvĂ„ studier Ă€r kvalitativa dĂ€r intervjuer Ă€r metoden för den ena och fokusgrupper Ă€r metoden för den andra. I bĂ„de den kvantitativa och de kvalitativa studierna Ă€r det lĂ€rare som undervisar i teknik i grundskolan i Sverige som Ă€r informanter. I avhandlingen finns ocksĂ„ en teoretisk artikel som genom argumentation och resonemang utvecklar ett ramverk för kunskap i teknikundervisning.    Resultaten bidrar till en ökad förstĂ„else av lĂ€rares attityder till teknik-Ă€mnet – attityder kan se olika ut och pĂ„verkas av olika variabler. Ett av delresultaten Ă€r ett ramverk för kunskap i teknikundervisning som beskriver tre kunskapskategorier i teknikĂ€mnet, vilket kan anvĂ€ndas som teoretiskt ramverk i forskning eller i planering och utvĂ€rdering av undervisning i teknik. Ett annat delresultat handlar om ny förstĂ„else av hur lĂ€rare talar om kunskap i teknikundervisning och innebĂ€r att lĂ€rares syn pĂ„ kunskap Ă€r bred och inkluderar mer Ă€n vad ett ramverk för kunskap gör. Det övergripande resultatet visar pĂ„ aspekter som har betydelse för lĂ€rares transformering av teknikĂ€mnet. Det Ă€r bĂ„de aspekter hos lĂ€raren sjĂ€lv sĂ„som kunskap och attityder liksom aspekter utanför lĂ€raren som tid och kultur och traditioner pĂ„ skolan. LĂ€rarens val, mĂ„l och syften Ă€r betydelsefulla för transformeringen. För att omsĂ€tta resultaten till implikationer diskuteras begreppet medvetenhet i relation till transformering. Genom att vara medveten om att transformering sker och att ha medvetenhet om att transformering pĂ„verkas av olika aspekter sĂ„ kan olika aktörer bidra till en utveckling av teknikundervisningen i grundskolan. Medvetenheten av transformering kan underlĂ€tta för lĂ€raren att hĂ„lla fokus pĂ„ mĂ„len och Ă€mnesinnehĂ„llet i teknikĂ€mnet.   A teacher needs to make choices and decisions that affect what teaching students are exposed to. The school subject of technology is mandatory in Swedish compulsory-level schools (grades 1–9) and is a subject with its own traditions and presumptions. This thesis examines how teachers perceive and shape technology education – their transformation of the subject of technology for teaching. Two aspects of transformation are explored: teachers’ attitudes towards technology education and teachers’ views of knowledge in technology education.    The study employs different research designs in each of the four articles. One study analyses quantitative survey data using statistic methods. One study is based on qualitative data from interviews, and another uses qualitative data from focus groups. These three data-oriented studies recruited teachers teaching technology in Swedish compulsory schools as participants. The fourth article is theoretical in nature and uses philosophical argumentation and reasoning to develop a framework for researching knowledge in technology education.   The results contribute to our understanding of teachers’ attitudes towards technology education – attitudes may look different and be affected by different variables. Another result is a framework for technology education based on knowledge traditions, which can be used in research or in teaching. The research also contributes new understandings about how teachers talk about knowledge in technology education, showing that teachers have a broad view of knowledge that includes more than what is included in the framework for technology education. The overall results identify several aspects of teachers’ transformation of the subject of technology. Some of these aspects pertain to the teachers themselves, such as their knowledge and attitudes. Others regard aspects external to teachers, such as time-related aspects and school culture and traditions. Teachers’ choices, goals and purposes are significant for how they transform technology into teaching practices. In seeking to move from the results of my research towards its implications, I discuss the awareness of transformation. By being aware that teaching involves transformation, and by being aware of the different aspects that affect this transformation, school and university stakeholders can contribute to the development of technology education. Being aware of the transformations involved in teaching may make it easier for teachers to stay focused on the goals and content of the subject of technology.  

    How teachers value skills and content in Technology teaching in Swedishcompulsory school – a “climate” change

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    In the Swedish curricula, Technology is described in terms of five skills and core content divided into three areas. In this paper, we interpret and define the three areas of core content, founded on different scientific base areas (SBA): (1) Engineering science, (2) Developing and making and (3) Human, society and environment.The SBA-model is based on the Swedish Technology curriculum and is constructed with inspiration from previous research in natural science education (Östman, 1995); with relation to the philosophy of technology knowledge (e.g., Ropohl, 1997) and to technology education; in curriculum emphasis (Klasander, 2010), in different views of technology among students (DiGironimo, 2011).Technology has developed from being a vocational subject to a broader, complex and comprehensive subject. Evaluations show that teachers in Sweden have difficulties in interpreting the content of the whole subject and its skills. During the autumn and winter 2018-2019, CETIS developed a material for inspiration of teachers, which shows the width of the subject including skills, content and time consumption. In the present study, we showed the material to about 130 teachers. We asked them to discuss it in groups and to fill in a form. In the form, they were asked to value the five skills of technology, based on how important they rate the skills in comparison to each other. They could also express their opinions of the material. We analysed their values of the skills and their opinions about content in relation to SBA. The result shows that the teachers focus on SBA 2 Developing and making and SBA 3 Human, society and environment when they teach Technology. Compared to previous studies, the focus in teaching is transferred towards social and environmental aspectsQC 20190916</p

    How teachers value skills and content in Technology teaching in Swedishcompulsory school – a “climate” change

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    In the Swedish curricula, Technology is described in terms of five skills and core content divided into three areas. In this paper, we interpret and define the three areas of core content, founded on different scientific base areas (SBA): (1) Engineering science, (2) Developing and making and (3) Human, society and environment.The SBA-model is based on the Swedish Technology curriculum and is constructed with inspiration from previous research in natural science education (Östman, 1995); with relation to the philosophy of technology knowledge (e.g., Ropohl, 1997) and to technology education; in curriculum emphasis (Klasander, 2010), in different views of technology among students (DiGironimo, 2011).Technology has developed from being a vocational subject to a broader, complex and comprehensive subject. Evaluations show that teachers in Sweden have difficulties in interpreting the content of the whole subject and its skills. During the autumn and winter 2018-2019, CETIS developed a material for inspiration of teachers, which shows the width of the subject including skills, content and time consumption. In the present study, we showed the material to about 130 teachers. We asked them to discuss it in groups and to fill in a form. In the form, they were asked to value the five skills of technology, based on how important they rate the skills in comparison to each other. They could also express their opinions of the material. We analysed their values of the skills and their opinions about content in relation to SBA. The result shows that the teachers focus on SBA 2 Developing and making and SBA 3 Human, society and environment when they teach Technology. Compared to previous studies, the focus in teaching is transferred towards social and environmental aspectsQC 20190916</p

    Teacher’s Assessment in Programming : Comparing Teachers’ Individual Judgement Criteria in a Programming Course.

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    In schools around the world the part of technology education related to programming is increasing. There is a lot to learn about teacher’s assessment and grading of students in assignments that are related to technology, particularly in programming. Simon (2012) analyzed introductory programming exams and found that a large percentage of the marks were awarded for the product and the coding skills of the student and less for other skills such as design, debugging, testing, or explaining and documenting.To be able to give formative support teachers should also be able to assess the process in the classroom;students tinkering, creating, debugging, persevering, and collaborating. The aim of this paper is therefore to examine teachers’ individual criteria, explicit, tacit and subjective criteria, when they grade and assess students in technology tasks related to programming. We interviewed 6 teachers in Sweden, representing lower secondary school, upper secondary school and university (teacher and engineering education). A Repertory Grid Technique interview combined with a Comparative Judgement gradingwas used to examine teachers’ individual criteria in assessment. The expected outcomes from themethods are captured criteria that are implicit and based on teachers’ experience, sometimes seen as teachers’ gut feelings. Two types of criteria were found; product criteria assessing the program and process criteria assessing the ongoing process. We compared these criteria with an instrument measuring the development of creativity designed for Art education. We claim that the use of process criteria will help the teacher and the students in developing programming skills

    Approaches to industrial processes in technology textbooks

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    The aim of this study is to explore how technology textbooks can provide students with a basis for expressing knowledge about technical solutions within industrial processes. The base and the delimitation for the study is the formulation of the specific content on industrial processes that must be taught to 13 to 15-year-olds in Swedish schools pursuant to the national syllabus. Textbooks constitute an important foundation for teaching, particularly in the subject of technology, in which teachers may find the breadth of content they are expected to teach challenging. The study analyses the sections concerning industrial processes in four different technology textbooks commonly used for students in the age group 13–15. Analysis involved interpreting content in the form of text, images, assignments etc. related to aspects that are expected to characterise students’ descriptions and explanations of technical solutions: understanding of technical solutions purpose and functionality, how components interact as a whole, similarities to other technical solutions and relating them to their own experiences. The results show that these aspects emerge in different ways depending on, among other things, how the area is presented. We found three different ways in which industrial processes are presented in the textbooks: A unique industrial process is described carefully and in detail, Sub-processes and methods are presented systematically and Industrial processes are described as technological systems at a general level. One interpretation is that, as a teacher, you can teach about industrial processes in these different ways and that which one you choose affects to what extent certain aspects of technical solutions are visualised for the students