119 research outputs found

    Transition State Analysis of the Reaction Catalyzed by the Phosphotriesterase from Sphingiobium sp. TCM1

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    Organophosphorus flame retardants are stable toxic compounds used in nearly all durable plastic products and are considered major emerging pollutants. The phosphotriesterase from Sphingobium sp. TCM1 (Sb-PTE) is one of the few enzymes known to be able to hydrolyze organophosphorus flame retardants such as triphenyl phosphate and tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate. The effectiveness of Sb-PTE for the hydrolysis of these organophosphates appears to arise from its ability to hydrolyze unactivated alkyl and phenolic esters from the central phosphorus core. How Sb-PTE is able to catalyze the hydrolysis of the unactivated substituents is not known. To interrogate the catalytic hydrolysis mechanism of Sb-PTE, the pH dependence of the reaction and the effects of changing the solvent viscosity were determined. These experiments were complemented by measurement of the primary and secondary 18-oxygen isotope effects on substrate hydrolysis and a determination of the effects of changing the pKa of the leaving group on the magnitude of the rate constants for hydrolysis. Collectively, the results indicated that a single group must be ionized for nucleophilic attack and that a separate general acid is not involved in protonation of the leaving group. The Brønsted analysis and the heavy atom kinetic isotope effects are consistent with an early associative transition state with subsequent proton transfers not being rate limiting. A novel binding mode of the substrate to the binuclear metal center and a catalytic mechanism are proposed to explain the unusual ability of Sb-PTE to hydrolyze unactivated esters from a wide range of organophosphate substrates

    Molecular analysis of the diversity of vaginal microbiota associated with bacterial vaginosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an ecological disorder of the vaginal microbiota that affects millions of women annually, and is associated with numerous adverse health outcomes including pre-term birth and the acquisition of sexually transmitted infections. However, little is known about the overall structure and composition of vaginal microbial communities; most of the earlier studies focused on predominant vaginal bacteria in the process of BV. In the present study, the diversity and richness of vaginal microbiota in 50 BV positive and 50 healthy women from China were investigated using culture-independent PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and barcoded 454 pyrosequencing methods, and validated by quantitative PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our data demonstrated that there was a profound shift in the absolute and relative abundances of bacterial species present in the vagina when comparing populations associated with healthy and diseased conditions. In spite of significant interpersonal variations, the diversity of vaginal microbiota in the two groups could be clearly divided into two clusters. A total of 246,359 high quality pyrosequencing reads was obtained for evaluating bacterial diversity and 24,298 unique sequences represented all phylotypes. The most predominant phyla of bacteria identified in the vagina belonged to <it>Firmicutes</it>, <it>Bacteroidetes</it>, <it>Actinobacteria </it>and <it>Fusobacteria</it>. The higher number of phylotypes in BV positive women over healthy is consistent with the results of previous studies and a large number of low-abundance taxa which were missed in previous studies were revealed. Although no single bacterium could be identified as a specific marker for healthy over diseased conditions, three phyla - <it>Bacteroidetes</it>, <it>Actinobacteria </it>and <it>Fusobacteria</it>, and eight genera including <it>Gardnerella</it>, <it>Atopobium</it>, <it>Megasphaera</it>, <it>Eggerthella</it>, <it>Aerococcus</it>, <it>Leptotrichia</it>/<it>Sneathia</it>, <it>Prevotella </it>and <it>Papillibacter </it>were strongly associated with BV (<it>p </it>< 0.05). These genera are potentially excellent markers and could be used as targets for clinical BV diagnosis by molecular approaches.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data presented here have clearly profiled the overall structure of vaginal communities and clearly demonstrated that BV is associated with a dramatic increase in the taxonomic richness and diversity of vaginal microbiota. The study also provides the most comprehensive picture of the vaginal community structure and the bacterial ecosystem, and significantly contributes to the current understanding of the etiology of BV.</p

    Phenotypic Pattern-Based Assay for Dynamically Monitoring Host Cellular Responses to Salmonella Infections

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    The interaction between mammalian host cells and bacteria is a dynamic process, and the underlying pathologic mechanisms are poorly characterized. Limited information describing the host-bacterial interaction is based mainly on studies using label-based endpoint assays that detect changes in cell behavior at a given time point, yielding incomplete information. In this paper, a novel, label-free, real-time cell-detection system based on electronic impedance sensor technology was adapted to dynamically monitor the entire process of intestinal epithelial cells response to Salmonella infection. Changes in cell morphology and attachment were quantitatively and continuously recorded following infection. The resulting impedance-based time-dependent cell response profiles (TCRPs) were compared to standard assays and showed good correlation and sensitivity. Biochemical assays further suggested that TCRPs were correlated with cytoskeleton-associated morphological dynamics, which can be largely attenuated by inhibitions of actin and microtubule polymerization. Collectively, our data indicate that cell-electrode impedance measurements not only provide a novel, real-time, label-free method for investigating bacterial infection but also help advance our understanding of host responses in a more physiological and continuous manner that is beyond the scope of current endpoint assays

    Transport and Phototransport in ITO Nanocrystals with Short to Long-Wave Infrared Absorption

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    Nanocrystals are often described as an interesting strategy for the design of low-cost optoelectronic devices especially in the infrared range. However the driving materials reaching infrared absorption are generally heavy metalcontaining (Pb and Hg) with a high toxicity. An alternative strategy to achieve infrared transition is the use of doped semiconductors presenting intraband or plasmonic transition in the short, mid and long-wave infrared. This strategy may offer more flexibility regarding the range of possible candidate materials. In particular, significant progresses have been achieved for the synthesis of doped oxides and for the control of their doping magnitude. Among them, tin doped indium oxide (ITO) is the one providing the broadest spectral tunability. Here we test the potential of such ITO nanoparticles for photoconduction in the infrared. We demonstrate that In2O3 nanoparticles presents an intraband absorption in the mid infrared range which is transformed into a plasmonic feature as doping is introduced. We have determined the cross section associated with the plasmonic transition to be in the 1-3x10-13 cm2 range. We have observed that the nanocrystals can be made conductive and photoconductive due to a ligand exchange using a short carboxylic acid, leading to a dark conduction with n-type character. We bring further evidence that the observed photoresponse in the infrared is the result of a bolometric effect

    Mode II fracture toughness of glass–epoxy laminated composites under various heating conditions and strain rates

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    The high performance of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) leads this composite to become one of the favourite research topics in engineering. The GFRP is widely used in building structure and other engineering application. In the design of composite structures, the damage-tolerant consideration of composite structure is essential, especially under environmental factor and dynamic effect. Hence, the damage stability of the composite under loadings should be investigated. In this study, the mode II fracture toughness of glass/epoxy laminated composite is evaluated under various strain rates and heating temperatures. The GFRP laminated specimens were fabricated by hand layout method with the heat-treated temperature of 40 �C, 60 �C and 80 �C. The experimental mode II fracture toughness data were obtained from the end-notched flexure (ENF) test method with the strain rate from 1 mm/min to 5 min/min. The experimental results showed that the mode II fracture toughness of the GFRP laminate composite increase with the increase in strain rate. However, the mode II fracture toughness of the GFRP laminate composite is relatively insensitive to heating temperature.

    Double-crowned 2D semiconductor nanoplatelets with bicolor power-tunable emission

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    Nanocrystals (NCs) are now established building blocks for optoelectronics and their use as down converters for large gamut displays has been their first mass market. NC integration relies on a combination of green and red NCs into a blend, which rises post-growth formulation issues. A careful engineering of the NCs may enable dual emissions from a single NC population which violates Kasha’s rule, which stipulates that emission should occur at the band edge. Thus, in addition to an attentive control of band alignment to obtain green and red signals, non-radiative decay paths also have to be carefully slowed down to enable emission away from the ground state. Here, we demonstrate that core/crown/crown 2D nanoplatelets (NPLs), made of CdSe/CdTe/CdSe, can combine a large volume and a type-II band alignment enabling simultaneously red and narrow green emissions. Moreover, we demonstrate that the ratio of the two emissions can be tuned by the incident power, which results in a saturation of the red emission due to non-radiative Auger recombination that affects this emission much stronger than the green one. Finally, we also show that dual-color, power tunable, emission can be obtained through an electrical excitation

    Visible and Infrared Nanocrystal-Based Light Modulator with CMOS Compatible Bias Operation

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    Nanocrystals are now established light sources, and as synthesis and device integration have gained maturity, new functionalities can now be considered. So far, the emitted light from a nanocrystal population remains mostly driven by the structural properties (composition, size, and shape) of the particle, and only limited postsynthesis tunability has been demonstrated. Here, we explore the design of light amplitude modulators using a nanocrystal-based light-emitting diode operated under reverse bias. We demonstrate strong photoluminescence modulations for devices operating in the visible and near-telecom wavelengths using low bias operations (<3 V) compatible with conventional electronics. For a visible device based on 2D nanoplatelets, we demonstrate that the photoluminescence quenching is driven by the field-induced change of nonradiative decay rate and that the field is less involved than the particle charging. This work demonstrates that a simple diode stack can combine several functionalities (light-emitting diode, detector, and light modulator) simply by selecting the driving bias.The project is supported by ERC starting grant blackQD (Grant No. 756225) and Ne2Dem (Grant No. 853049). We acknowledge the use of clean-room facilities from the “Centrale de Proximité Paris-Centre”. This work has been supported by the Region Ile-de-France in the framework of DIM Nano-K (grant dopQD). This work is supported by French state funds managed by the ANR within the Investissements d’Avenir program under reference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02, and more specifically within the framework of the Cluster of Excellence MATISSE and also by the grant IPER-Nano2 (ANR-18CE30-0023-01), Copin (ANR-19-CE24-0022), Frontal (ANR-19-CE09-0017), Graskop (ANR-19-CE09-0026), and NITQuantum (ANR-20-ASTR-0008–01), Bright (ANR-21-CE24–0012–02), MixDferro (ANR-21-CE09–0029) and QuickTera (ANR-22-CE09-0018). J.I.C. acknowledges support from UJI-B2021-06 and MICINN PID2021-128659NB-I00. H.Z. thanks China Scholarship Council for Ph.D. funding

    Prevalence of JC Virus in Chinese Patients with Colorectal Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: JCV is a DNA polyomavirus very well adapted to humans. Although JCV DNA has been detected in colorectal cancers (CRC), the association between JCV and CRC remains controversial. In China, the presence of JCV infection in CRC patients has not been reported. Here, we investigated JCV infection and viral DNA load in Chinese CRC patients and to determine whether the JCV DNA in peripheral blood (PB) can be used as a diagnostic marker for JCV-related CRC. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Tumor tissues, non-cancerous tumor-adjacent tissues and PB samples were collected from 137 CRC patients. In addition, 80 normal colorectal tissue samples from patients without CRC and PB samples from 100 healthy volunteers were also harvested as controls. JCV DNA was detected by nested PCR and glass slide-based dot blotting. Viral DNA load of positive samples were determined by quantitative real-time PCR. JCV DNA was detected in 40.9% (56/137) of CRC tissues at a viral load of 49.1 to 10.3×10(4) copies/µg DNA. Thirty-four (24.5%) non-cancerous colorectal tissues (192.9 to 4.4×10(3) copies/µg DNA) and 25 (18.2%) PB samples (81.3 to 4.9×10(3) copies/µg DNA) from CRC patients were positive for JCV. Tumor tissues had higher levels of JCV than non-cancerous tissues (P = 0.003) or PB samples (P<0.001). No correlation between the presence of JCV and demographic or medical characteristics was observed. The JCV prevalence in PB samples was significantly associated with the JCV status in tissue samples (P<0.001). Eleven (13.8%) normal colorectal tissues and seven (7.0%) PB samples from healthy donors were positive for JCV. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: JCV infection is frequently present in colorectal tumor tissues of CRC patients. Although the association between JCV presence in PB samples and JCV status in tissue samples was identified in this study, whether PB JCV detection can serve as a marker for JCV status of CRC requires further study

    Presence of Segmented Filamentous Bacteria in Human Children and Its Potential Role in the Modulation of Human Gut Immunity

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    Segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) are commensal organisms that grow by anchoring a specialized holdfast structure to the intestinal walls of a variety of animals. Interaction of SFB with Peyer’s patches in mice promotes the post-natal maturation of the immune system. We previously reported that the colonization of SFB in humans mainly occurs by 36 months of age, and is difficult to be detected afterward. In this study, we measured the level of SFB in intestinal fluids of human children. SFB were found via qPCR to represent a small fraction of the whole SFB-positive microbiota (105 SFB in 1011 total bacteria). Bacteria with filamentous segmented morphology were observed in intestinal fluids via fluorescent in situ hybridization, and from gut biopsies via scanning electron microscopy. SFB-specific DNA and peptide fragments were also identified via multiple displacement amplification PCR and mass spectrometry. There was an overall positive correlation between the presence of SFB and the titer of total secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), which is more apparent in intestinal fluids of the age group of 8–36 months. Afterward there was a decline of SFB in numbers correlated with a reduction of total sIgA. RT-qPCR analysis of the terminal ileal biopsies revealed that the expression of Th17 pathway genes were induced in SFB-positive samples, while the markers of T and B cell receptor signaling pathways were also upregulated. Collectively, these data suggest that SFB is a rare member of microbiota, and may play an important role in the development of human gut immunity