2,018 research outputs found

    Vivre et penser le sida en Afrique = Experiencing and understanding AIDS in Africa

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    Dans un contraste de plus en plus accusé entre le Nord et le Sud, qui met en relief deux sortes de sida - l'un traitable et en voie de stabilisation, l'autre incurable et en voie d'expansion -, des chercheurs francophones et anglophones en sciences sociales tentent de répondre ici à une double exigence. Travaillant en Afrique subsaharienne sur une épidémie qui représente 70% des cas mondiaux, ils entendent contribuer à rendre intelligible les programmes d'information et de prévention. Se démarquant nettement des stéréotypes par trop répandus d'un continent où les cultures immémoriables et une certaine "promiscuité sexuelle" seraient le terreau de l'épidémie, leurs diverses approches mettent l'accent sur les contextes de vulnérabilité économique, sociale et politique des populations africaines et sur la façon dont celles-ci interprètent l'épidémie au regard de leurs conditions concrètes d'existence et des multiples difficultés et tensions auxquelles elles sont confrontées. Non réductible à un problème sanitaire, le "phénomène sida" appelle des politiques publiques qui ne se contentent pas de délivrer des messages de prévention sur le préservatif ou la fidélité, mais qui diversifient leurs interventions en fonction des situations sociales et des significations auxquelles le sida a déjà donné lieu. Mais cette démarche analytique des chercheurs en sciences sociales est prolongée d'un point de vue plus critique : parler de politiques publiques, c'est d'abord, pour eux, refuser que perdure en Afrique l'image d'un sida incurable et que ne soient pas transférés les progrès thérapeutiques qui ont considérablement modifié cette image au Nord. C'est par conséquent au prix d'une mobilisation de la communauté internationale que les Etats africains seront amenés eux-mêmes à manifester une plus grande volonté politique et à faire en sorte que le sida devienne un sujet central du débat public. (Résumé d'auteur


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    Proceeding under section 5 of its organic act, the Federal Trade Commission issued an order requiring defendants to cease and desist from engaging in certain trade practices. The court of appeals, in its decree affirming the order, directed compliance reports to be filed with the commission within a specified time, reserving jurisdiction to enter further orders. Four years after the compliance reports were filed, the commission, on its own motion, ordered additional reports to show continued compliance. Defendants refused to report, challenging the authority of the commission to issue the order. The district court dismissed suit by the commission for mandatory injunction and penalties, and the court of appeals affirmed. On certiorari to the United States Supreme Court, held, reversed. The commission\u27s order was authorized by the Federal Trade Commission Act and did not violate the constitutional prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures. United States v. Morton Salt Co., 338 U.S. 632, 70 S.Ct. 357 (1950)

    Religion and Theatrical Drama

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    With an introduction on how to redefine our thinking about religion and theatrical drama, these nine essays on contemporary and classic plays rehabilitate the link between theatrical performance and dramatic stories for the study of religion. These new and distinctively interdisciplinary perspectives will be of interest to scholars working in the fields of religion, theology, theatre and performance studies, literary studies, and philosophy

    Modeling of Desalination Concentrate Storage Options for Future Recovery and Use

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    Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, a rapidly growing city across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas with a 2005 population in excess of 1.2 million, relies exclusively on ground water from an aquifer known as the Hueco Bolson. The aquifer’s fresh water is being depleted and it is degrading in quality due to the lateral inflow of brackish water. Although the Hueco Bolson’s fresh water is diminishing, it still contains a considerable quantity of brackish water. This paper defines the feasibility of using desalination technology in conjunction with concentrate storage to extend the ‘life’ of the Juárez portion of the Hueco Bolson. Well injection of the concentrate was analyzed based on the premise that the cones of depression created by well pumping could provide a storage area for the concentrate. So doing would enable the brackish concentrate to be ‘stored’ for future use when advances in desalination technology will render the stored concentrate into an economically recoverable resource , unlike evaporation ponds that result in the permanent loss of water due to vaporization. The research team used a combination of three software systems for this portion of the analysis: a ground water modeling software, a mass transport extension to the ground water modeling software, and GIS software to facilitate the visualization of model outputs. The technical report on which this paper is based was authored by Turner and Hamlyn (2004)


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    Plaintiff and his wife, domiciliaries of California, separated June 3, 1946. On Oct. 25, 1946, the wife took the minor child of the marriage to Nevada where she commenced proceedings to obtain a divorce. On Feb. 4, 1947, a final decree awarded her a divorce and custody of the child. She remarried and moved to Utah where she and the child have lived ever since. On Jan. 2, 1947, the plaintiff filed a petition in California asking for a divorce and custody of the child. On July 8, 1947, plaintiff applied for an order pendente lite to award him custody pending trial in the California action. The wife answered the petition through an attorney and moved to dismiss the application, claiming that the court had no jurisdiction as the child was not in California and had not been in the state at the time the petition was filed. The motion to dismiss was granted. Plaintiff sought a writ of mandamus to compel a hearing on the order. Held, mandamus granted. The wife\u27s demurrer to the alternative writ for mandamus constituted an admission of the allegation in plaintiff\u27s petition that the child was domiciled in California. This, along with the state\u27s interest in the welfare of the child, was sufficient to give the California court jurisdiction in the matter of custody. Sampsell v. Superior Court, (Cal. 1948) 197 P. (2d) 739


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    Plaintiff brought an action for personal injuries. Defendant planted two sticks of dynamite in the floor beneath the door of his mining warehouse in order to prevent repeated thefts of personal property from the building. The dynamite was rigged to explode when the door was opened. Plaintiff, with the intent of stealing whatever he could, broke the lock, opened the door, and from the ensuing explosion received leg and foot injuries. Plaintiff\u27s act was a statutory felony. Defendant testified that he in good faith thought that the amount of dynamite used would merely frighten the plaintiff. Trial court held the defendant liable as a matter of law. On motion to certify the record, held, reversed and remanded with direction for the jury to determine whether defendant used more force than reasonably necessary to repel and prevent the felony and to ascertain the good faith of the defendant in the measures he took for such prevention. Taft, J., dissented. Allison v. Fiscus, 156 Ohio St. 120, 100 N.E. (2d) 237 (1951)


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    The accepted law in the United States is that laymen may not engage in the practice of law. However, the enigma of what constitutes the practice of law has plagued laymen, lawyers and the courts for many years. Attempts to find the answer have engendered intense friction between various professional groups, each arguing that its jurisdiction extends further than the other admits. The greatest animosity has developed between lawyers and certified public accountants in the dispute as to their respective functions in the income tax field


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    It is the purpose of this comment to discuss possible rights of the mortgagee or the purchaser at foreclosure sale, who stands in the place of the mortgagee, in dealing with a tenant of the mortgagor who holds under a lease subsequent to execution of the mortgage. Only the law of those states in which the lien theory of mortgages is in force will be considered

    Dark Sky, Black Sea

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