64 research outputs found

    Costs and benefits of electricity subsidies in Uganda

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    Electricity subsidies in Uganda have been pervasive in support of industrial output and government revenues since 2005, until their reduction in January 2012. While economic theory suggests that market mechanisms maximise social welfare, the necessity for subsidies arises when a markets fail. However, market failure alone is not a sufficient condition to provide subsidies, as they are costly, and therefore have to be properly targeted and justified. This research seeks to establish the relationship between electricity subsidies, on the one hand and industrial output and government revenues in Uganda. It also attempts to ascertain the equitability of the electricity subsidy policy. Information and data was gathered from secondary sources in Uganda on electricity subsidies, industrial output and revenues during the period 2005 to 2012. For an empirical investigation of the costs and benefits of electricity subsidies in Uganda, certain logical relationships are identified in the study to guide the empirical investigation and the analyses. It is assumed that government revenues were dependent on electricity subsidies and industrial output during the period under investigation, in order to maintain social welfare. It was also argued that the maintenance of industrial output through electricity subsidies support was justified given that about one third of Uganda total revenues are contributed by the manufacturing sub-sector. To ascertain the extent of vertical equity, the research also investigated the benefit incident of electricity subsides, from a macro-level standpoint. This is pertinent given that only 11 per cent of Ugandans have access to grid-power and electricity use favours higher income, urban end-users. Secondary data on excise and corporate tax collections and electricity subsidies provided to end-users in Uganda during period are statistically analysed for relational effects using Ordinary Least Square regression models. The respective estimators in the relationship reveal very strong relationships between excise and corporate tax revenues, on the one hand, and electricity subsidies. Electricity subsidies were found to be positively related to both excise and corporate tax revenues and industrial output during the period under study. From the evidence, the overall objective of the electricity subsidy policy seems to have been attained, in as far as revenues base was protected and industrial output was maintained. The evidence also reveals that at a macro-level, end-user beneficiaries of subsidies in the manufacturing sub-sector continued to make profits, enabling them meet their corporate tax obligations

    Epidemiology of Anaplasma species amongst cattle in Africa from 1970 to 2022 : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : The data used in this systematic review and meta-analysis are available as a supplementary file to this manuscript. Other data can be availed on request from the corresponding author.Tick-borne pathogens of the genus Anaplasma cause anaplasmosis in livestock and humans, impacting health and livelihoods, particularly in Africa. A comprehensive review on the epidemiology of Anaplasma species is important to guide further research and for implementation of control approaches. We reviewed observational studies concerning Anaplasma species amongst cattle in Africa. Peer-reviewed studies published in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science - from database inception to 2022 - were searched. The quality of individual studies was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tool and the pooled prevalences by diagnostic method were estimated using random-effects models. Heterogeneity across the studies was tested and quantified using the Cochran’s Q statistic and the I2 statistic. Potential sources of heterogeneity were investigated by subgroup analysis. A total of 1117 records were retrieved and at the end of the screening, 149 records (155 studies) were eligible for this meta-analysis. The occurrence of Anaplasma species was reported in 31/54 countries in all regions. Seven recognised species (A. marginale, A. centrale, A. phagocytophilum, A. platys, A. capra, A. bovis, A. ovis) and nine uncharacterised genotypes (Anaplasma sp. Hadesa; Anaplasma sp. Saso; Anaplasma sp. Dedessa; Anaplasma sp. Mymensingh; Anaplasma sp. Lambwe-1; Candidatus Anaplasma africae; Anaplasma sp.; Candidatus Anaplasma boleense) were reported in African cattle. Anaplasma marginale was the most frequently reported (n=144/155 studies) and the most prevalent species (serology methods 56.1%, 45.9–66.1; direct detection methods 19.9%, 15.4–24.7), followed by A. centrale (n=26 studies) with a prevalence of 8.0% (95% CI: 4.8–11.9) and A. platys (n=19 studies) with prevalence of 9.7% (95% CI: 5.4–15.2). Anaplasma marginale, A. centrale and A. platys were reported in all Africa’s regions, while A. ovis and A. capra were reported only in the northern and central regions. The uncharacterised Anaplasma taxa were mostly detected in the eastern and southern regions. Subgroup analysis showed that significant determinants for A. marginale exposure (serology) were geographical region (p=0.0219), and longitude (p=0.0336), while the technique employed influenced (p<0.0001) prevalence in direct detection approaches. Temperature was the only significant variable (p=0.0269) for A. centrale. These findings show that various Anaplasma species, including those that are zoonotic, circulate in African cattle. There is need for more genetic and genome data, especially for unrecognised species, to facilitate effective identification, improve livestock and minimise the health risk in human populations. Additional epidemiological data including pathogen occurrence, tick vectors and host range, as well as pathogenicity are essential.https://www.elsevier.com/locate/prevetmedhj2024Veterinary Tropical DiseasesSDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    Sex as a risk factor for occurrence and severity of infectious and parasitic diseases in dogs : protocol for a systematic review

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    Biological sex is an important risk factor for the occurrence and severity of infectious and parasitic diseases. Although various studies and reviews have described sex differences in infectious diseases of humans, wildlife and laboratory animals, there has been little focus on biological sex as a risk factor for infectious and parasitic diseases of domestic animals. We aim to identify and synthesise evidence in dogs for the hypothesis that biological sex and gonadectomy status are determinants of occurrence and severity of disease across taxa of pathogens. This systematic review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. We will search Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed for peer-reviewed studies published in English from database inception through 2021. All study designs for infectious and parasitic diseases of dogs will be included. This review will include the outcomes prevalence or incidence of infection or disease; and severity of disease as measured by case-fatality, time to death or recovery, hospitalisation time, pathogen burden (e.g. viral load or parasitaemia) or relevant clinicopathological parameters. Two reviewers will jointly assess the first 500 records from all three databases. Subsequently, one reviewer will screen the remaining records, and then the second reviewer will verify all records excluded by the first reviewer. Full-texts of all included records will be retrieved and assessed for eligibility by the first review author, and then the second author will review those records excluded by the first author. The risk of bias in individual studies will be assessed using the Risk of Bias Assessment tool for Nonrandomized Studies. We will synthesise the information from the studies and present this as a narrative in the text. The findings will be presented by outcome type and also grouped by pathogen type. Evidence on sex-specific effects will expand our understanding of infectious disease pathogenesis and underlying mechanisms, and this may be of importance in implementation of disease control interventions.SUPPORTING INFORMATION : S1 File. PRISMA-P 2021 checklist. S2 File. Search terms.National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.http://www.plosone.org/http://www.plosone.orgVeterinary Tropical Disease

    Knowledge, practices and seroprevalence of Taenia species in smallholder farms in Gauteng, South Africa

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    Porcine cysticercosis and associated human infections are endemic in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Poor agricultural practices, sanitary practices, and lack of knowledge increase the burden of the diseases in susceptible populations. This study investigates the seroprevalence of Taenia spp. in township pigs in Gauteng, South Africa and describes knowledge and farming practices of pig farmers regarding T. solium infections. Blood samples were collected from 126 pigs in three Gauteng township areas, and analyzed for active Taenia spp. infection using the B158/B60 Ag-ELISA. Farmer questionnaire surveys were conducted in four township areas to investigate the level of knowledge and practices associated with porcine cysticercosis and neurocysticercosis. Logistic regression models were used to assess the relationship between predictor variables and the outcome variable, knowledge of porcine cysticercosis or knowledge of neurocysticercosis. Overall, 7% of the pigs were seropositive for active Taenia spp. infection. 46% of farmers practiced a free-ranging system, while 25% practiced a semi-intensive system. Latrines were absent on all farms; however, 95% of farmers indicated that they have access to latrines at home. Most farmers had no knowledge of porcine cysticercosis (55%) or neurocysticercosis (79%), and this was not associated with any of the factors investigated. The prevalence of active Taenia spp. infection was reasonably low in this study, yet the knowledge level was also low, thus calling for further educational and training programmes to prevent Taenia spp. transmission in these communities

    Prevalence, risk factors for exposure, and socio-economic impact of Peste des petits ruminants in Karenga District, Karamoja Region, Uganda

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The data supporting the findings of this study are available on request from the the corresponding author.Peste des petits ruminants (PPR), a disease caused by small ruminant morbillivirus (SRM), is highly contagious with high morbidity and mortality. Controlling PPR requires a proper understanding of the epidemiological dynamics and impact of the disease in a range of geographical areas and management systems. Karenga district, located in the pastoral region of Karamoja in northeastern Uganda, and in the vicinity of Kidepo Valley National Park, is characterised by free cross-border (South Sudan and Kenya) livestock trade, communal grazing, and transhumance. This study was conducted from November through December 2020 to determine the seroprevalence of anti-SRM antibodies, the risk factors associated with the occurrence, and the socio-economic impact of PPR in Karenga. A total of 22 kraals were randomly selected from all administrative units, and 684 small ruminants (sheep = 115, goats = 569) were selected for serum collection using systematic random sampling. Exposure to SRM was determined using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The overall true seroprevalence of SRM antibodies was high, 51.4 (95% confidence interval [CI] 45–52.6). Multivariate logistic regression for risk factors showed that seroprevalence varied significantly by location (26.8% to 87.8%, odds ratio (OR) 14.5). The odds of exposure to SRM were higher in sheep (73.9%) than in goats (43.8%) (OR = 1.7, p = 0.08), and seropositivity was higher in animals greater than two years old (65.5%; OR = 11.1, p < 0.001), or those one to two years old (24.7%; OR = 1.6, p = 0.2), compared to small ruminants less than one year old (16.1%). Using participatory epidemiology approaches (semi-structured interviews, clinical examinations, pairwise ranking, proportional piling, impact matrix scoring) with 15 key informants and 22 focus groups of pastoralists, PPR was the second most important small ruminant disease: relative morbidity 14%, relative mortality 9%, and case fatality rate 78%, and impacted productivity mainly in terms of treatment costs, mortality, marketability, and conflicts. These findings provide evidence to support the implementation of disease surveillance and control strategies to mitigate the impact of PPR in Karamoja and other pastoral areas in eastern Africa.The Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases (University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa) and the Institute of Tropical Medicine (Antwerp, Belgium) for the ITM-FA4- 2017-2021 Grant from the Belgian (Flanders) Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGDC).https://www.mdpi.com/journal/pathogensam2023Veterinary Tropical Disease

    The knowledge, attitudes, and practices of smallholder cattle farmers concerning the epidemiology of bovine fasciolosis in the North West Province, South Africa

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : The datasets generated during the current study are available from the corresponding author on request.This work is part of the PhD titled "Knowledge, practices, and epidemiology of bovine fasciolosis in smallholder farming areas of South Africa" by Olaogun, Sunday Charles. (http://hdl.handle.net/2263/92163)Bovine fasciolosis has negative impacts on cattle production worldwide, more so on the African continent and especially in smallholder farming areas with limited level of awareness. A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey was conducted to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning bovine fasciolosis among smallholder cattle farmers in the North West Province of South Africa. A total of 153 farmers were interviewed from three villages of the Moretele Local Municipality in Bojanala District. The majority of respondents were male (84%) farm owners (81%) that had low education levels (56% primary school or less) and employed extensive cattle management systems (84%). A large number of farms lacked infrastructure including calving pens (88%), restraining equipment (85%), and weight determination equipment (92%) while sourcing drinking water for cattle from rivers or dams (58%). No evaluated factors were significantly associated with a positive fasciolosis epidemiological knowledge score. However, education level (P = 0.046), some cattle breeds (P = 0.022), and management system (P < 0.001) of the smallholder farmers were associated with a positive practice score concerning bovine fasciolosis prevention. We therefore recommend that education programs be introduced that focus on the mode of transmission, risk factors, zoonotic importance, and practices associated with the prevention and control of bovine fasciolosis.Open access funding provided by University of Pretoria. This research was funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, and partial financial support was received from the University of Ibadan (Tetfunds) Nigeria.http://link.springer.com/journal/11250am2023Production Animal StudiesVeterinary Tropical DiseasesSDG-12:Responsible consumption and productio

    Body condition scores, fluke intensity, liver pathology, and carcass quality of different dairy cattle genotypes infected with Fasciola species at high throughput abattoirs in South Africa

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    Milk is an essential commodity whose demand far exceeds supply. However, dairy animal productivity is constantly hampered by parasitic diseases such as fasciolosis, affecting milk production. Despite the negative impact of liver fluke on milk production, there is little information on liver fluke infection and associated abattoir losses (body weight, condition score, liver pathology, and carcass quality) in culled dairy cattle. This study aimed to determine body condition scores, fluke intensity, liver pathology, and carcass quality of different cattle genotypes infected with Fasciola species at three commercial abattoirs. A longitudinal study was conducted from September 2019 to October 2020 to determine body condition score, liver fluke intensity, liver pathology in 3065 dairy cattle slaughtered in CA1, CA2, and CA3, of the Eastern Cape Province South Africa. Liver fluke intensity significantly increased with cattle age (P < 0.0001). Cattle ≥ 7 years old (59.93 ± 6.42) and those 4 to 6 years old (49.78 ± 9.98) had higher infection than those 2 to 3 years old (27.55 ± 13.68). The liver fluke infection was significantly (P < 0.001) the highest when sampling was conducted in summer, followed by autumn and winter, and least for spring. The differences in carcass weights or body condition scores decreased by 0.99 units (P < 0.0001) or 0.97 units (P < 0.0001) respectively. Therefore, this study suggests that fluke infection could be responsible for considerable economic and production losses mainly due to condemnation and weight loss in dairy cattle. This study recommended a combination of holistic and grazing management to control infection rates in dairy herds.The National Research Foundation (NRF).https://link.springer.com/journal/436hj2023Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Metagenomic next-generation sequencing of samples from pediatric febrile illness in Tororo, Uganda.

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    Febrile illness is a major burden in African children, and non-malarial causes of fever are uncertain. In this retrospective exploratory study, we used metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) to evaluate serum, nasopharyngeal, and stool specimens from 94 children (aged 2-54 months) with febrile illness admitted to Tororo District Hospital, Uganda. The most common microbes identified were Plasmodium falciparum (51.1% of samples) and parvovirus B19 (4.4%) from serum; human rhinoviruses A and C (40%), respiratory syncytial virus (10%), and human herpesvirus 5 (10%) from nasopharyngeal swabs; and rotavirus A (50% of those with diarrhea) from stool. We also report the near complete genome of a highly divergent orthobunyavirus, tentatively named Nyangole virus, identified from the serum of a child diagnosed with malaria and pneumonia, a Bwamba orthobunyavirus in the nasopharynx of a child with rash and sepsis, and the genomes of two novel human rhinovirus C species. In this retrospective exploratory study, mNGS identified multiple potential pathogens, including 3 new viral species, associated with fever in Ugandan children

    Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to brucellosis among cattle farmers, meat handlers and medical professionals in Namibia

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    BACKGROUND : Brucellosis is a re-emerging zoonosis of significant socio-economic, animal and public health importance. It is principally a foodborne or occupation-associated infection of humans, whose effective control depends on maximum cooperation of high-risk populations. OBJECTIVES : The study assessed knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to brucellosis among cattle farmers (communal and commercial), meat handlers (abattoir and butchery workers) and medical professionals (nurses and doctors) in Namibia. METHODS : Between June 2019 and September 2020, self-administered questionnaires and questionnaire interviews were carried out in cattle farmers (n = 264), meat handlers (n = 143) and medical professionals (n = 124) in Namibia. RESULTS : Overall, 43.50% (231/531) of respondents were aware of brucellosis, with the highest awareness among medical professionals (73.39%, 91/124) and the least in meat handlers (13.99%, 20/143). Awareness of brucellosis was associated with tertiary education (p < 0.001) and the medical profession (p < 0.001). However, most medical professionals (98.39%, 122/124) did not consider brucellosis as a differential diagnosis in cases of persistent febrile illness. A proportion of communal (85.60%) and commercial (71.00%) farmers; abattoir workers (44.40%); butchers (53.50%); nurses (55.60%); and medical doctors (28.00%) consumed raw milk. CONCLUSIONS : The study identified the purchase of animals of unknown health status; assisting cow delivery; handling of aborted fetuses with no protective wear; consumption of raw milk, homemade cheese, cattle testes and undercooked livers, as risk factors for Brucella infection in cattle and humans. Thus, intensified risk communication, including public health education, is recommended, in particular, among meat handlers and communal farmers, to promote awareness and discourage risky practices.https://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/vms3hj2023Veterinary Tropical Disease
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