1,173 research outputs found

    A Study of the Importance of Life Skills Through Sports

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    The purpose of this study was to see if the Play With Purpose program will provide the 00-01 Lynn University women\u27s basketball team with necessary tools to increase personal growth, and aide in developing a healthy self-esteem. To research this subject matter a survey was conducted. The survey was administered to the 2000-2001 Lynn University\u27s Women\u27s Basketball team. Based on race, religion, and socio-economic background it was felt that the team represented a wide spectrum of collegiate athletes. While researching past studies, reviewing related literature, and calculating the survey, it was found by this study that the group size, although diverse, was insufficient. Results also revealed short- term affects of the treatment to be less effective

    Alien Registration- Barr, Charles A. (Millinocket, Penobscot County)

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    Studies on Trypanosoma Cruzi Isolates From Louisiana Mammals With Particular Reference to Infectivity to Dogs.

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    This dissertation describes studies on three Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from Louisiana mammals with particular reference to infectivity to dogs. Isolates from an opossum (Tc-O) and armadillo (Tc-A) were obtained during a blood culture survey of these animal populations in Louisiana. Prevalence of T. cruzi were 37.5% and 1% in opossums and armadillos respectively. Further, 48% opossums had myocarditis suggestive of T. cruzi infection. Rural dogs with known contact with T. cruzi hosts, housed rural dogs, urban animal shelter dogs and household pets showed 4.7, 0, 2.3 and 0% serological prevalence to T. cruzi respectively. Tc-O and Tc-A (wild isolates) displayed similar in vitro characteristics, growth rate in liquid media, protein profiles on SDS-PAGE and zymodeme types. An isolate from a dog (Tc-D) displayed markedly different parameters. Slight differences in infectivity to 6 inbred mouse strains were noted between wild isolates, but marked differences occurred between wild isolates and Tc-D. Wild isolates, but not Tc-D, produced high parasitemias, weight changes, and muscle pathology in CF1 mice. Wild isolate infected dogs developed high parasitemias and acute myocarditis 2 to 3 weeks post infection. Survivors of acute disease developed chronic dilated cardiomyopathy within 9 months of infection. Tc-D infected dogs showed no clinical signs and low parasitemias. Wild isolate but not Tc-D, infected dogs developed electrocardiographic abnormalities associated with conduction disturbances during acute disease, and ventricular based arrhythmias and cardiac function loss as measured by echocardiography. Tc-D and Tc-O infected dogs had similar antibody and lymphocyte blastogenic responses to T. cruzi epimastigote antigens. Western blot analysis showed similarities and differences between infected dog serum and T. cruzi epimastigote antigens from both isolates. Wild isolate infected dogs had severe granulomatous myocarditis, mild encephalitis and myositis during acute disease, and biventricular dilation, fibrosis and mild myocarditis during chronic disease. Minimal pathology was seen in Tc-D infected dogs. Results indicate the wild T. cruzi isolates are similar, are virulent to dogs, and may constitute a model for human Chagas\u27 disease. Tc-D is different from the wild isolates, and infective but non-virulent to dogs

    Models for estimating compensation for college graduates entering careers in business

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    This paper examines the influence of six personal and human capital characteristics on incomes of college graduates in five different business occupational categories. The characteristics studied are age, race, sex, marital status, bachelors or advanced degree, and employment in the private or public sector. The influence of these characteristics are examined in the fields of management, marketing, accounting, banking, and economics; A theoretical earnings model is constructed and tested using regression analysis of annual earnings against the above characteristics. Separate regressions are applied to each of the five occupational categories. The results are then compared across categories to demonstrate the varying income effects of personal attributes in each profession; Age-earnings profiles are shown for each occupation, and representative starting salaries are estimated. The thesis concludes with a discussion of how college graduates can employ the data when choosing a career path

    Laboratory Simulation of Laser Communications from a Reentry Vehicl

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    Laser communications has been proposed as one way to solve the radio blackout problem during the reentry of a manned vehicle. The AMICOM 8,000 kW Plasma Facility (PF)1 \u27 2 was used in a set of experiments to simulate the conditions expected during the reentry of a high speed vehicle. This experimental study was designed to simulate a typical theoretical Apollo test vehicle reentry trajectory. No plasma effects on the transmitted laser beam were expected or observed since the cutoff frequency due to electron collision rates was calculated to be in the microwave region and not in the optical or infrared region. However, the high temperature gradients and anticipated gas density variations in the flow field were throught to be potential sources of local index of refraction fluctuations. These fluctuations may generate scintillation effects in the laser beam which would be expected to reduce the effectiveness of laser communications. The limitation of maximum power in the PF flow field, approximately 4 megawatts, prevented simultaneous duplication of the desired Reynolds number (R ^ 7 X 104 per meter) and the stagnation point enthalpy (h/RT o « 100). However, by varying the PF parameters to lower the enthalpy, the Reynolds number, or both a satisfactory simulation of conditions just before the termination of radio blackout was obtained. The region of the reentry corridor simulated in this investigation is near 60 km altitude and 3.9 km/sec velocity. The Reynolds numbers were based on a characteristic length of 1 meter for the vehicle and 0.1 meter for the model. A flat disk model, normal to the PF flow stream, was used to generate the required local flow field for the laser experiments. The disk diameter, 0.09 m, was determined by the PF flow field blockage parameter; this also established the characteristic Reynolds number length (j£• Ki 0.1 m) for the experiments. The disk was followed by a smaller diameter cylindrical afterbody approximately 25 cm long containing instrumentation. The cylinder also had a pair of windows situated so the laser beam could pass through the flow field immediately behind the disk. An amplitude modulated He-Ne laser was used as a signal source with a photomultiplier tube as a detector. Model stagnation pressure and transmitted laser signals were recorded on an analog tape recorder. A frequency spectrum analyzer was used to analyze the data
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