141 research outputs found

    ecstasy and nationality in Whitman and his heirs

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    El concepto de experiencia como fundamento de La tierra baldía

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    Este artículo trata de comprender el principio conformador por el que los poetas modernistas angloamericanos tratan de distinguirse de sus predecesores del siglo xix. Tanto William James como F.H. Bradley desarrollaron formas de pensar que no escindían la experiencia en la forma en que los sujetos procesan los objetos. En su lugar se da lo primero, la experiencia: un encuentro con las cualidades de los acontecimientos. La mente impone su interés en que la experiencia sea principalmente importante para la persona o para el estado del mundo que hace presente. Pero para Eliot y los modernistas existe algo más allá de la persona y, por tanto, se impone la necesidad de la impersonalidad como un encuentro potencialmente más pleno e inmediato con el mundo. Las preocupaciones de Eliot por la experiencia inmediata operan en La tierra baldía y dan forma a su tratamiento de los acontecimientos y de las voces. Pero al final no puede dejar de oponer la interpretación a la experiencia en lo que respecta al Trueno. Esto nos prepara para la separación que Eliot establece entre el humanismo y el modo en que la fe requiere la experiencia directa.This essay tries to understand one shaping logic by which Anglo-American modernist poets distinguish themselves from their nineteenth century predecessors. Both William James and F.H. Bradley developed ways of thinking that did not divide experience into how subjects process objects. Instead there is, first, experience –an encounter with qualities of events. The mind imposes its interest either in experience, mainly mattering for the person, or for the state of the world it makes present. But for Eliot and the Modernists there was something beyond the person and so a call for impersonality as a potentially fuller, more immediate encounter with the world. Eliot’s concerns for immediate experience operate in The Waste Land primarily to shape how he treats events and voices. But by the end, he cannot but place interpretation against experience in regards to the Thunder. This prepares for Eliot’s separation of humanism from the ways faith requires direct experience

    The Lyrical Impulse [Abstract]

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    The philosopher as artist: Ludwig Wittgenstein seen through Edoardo Paolozzi

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    In this article I argue that the strong fascination that Wittgenstein has had for artists cannot be explained primarily by the content of his work, and in particular not by his sporadic observation on aesthetics, but rather by stylistic features of his work formal aspects of his writing. Edoardo Paolozzi’s testimony shows that artists often had a feeling of acquaintance or familiarity with the philosopher, which I think is due to stylistic features of his work, such as the colloquial tone in which Wittgenstein shares his observation with the reader, but also the lack of long-winded arguments or explanations. In the concluding part I suggest that we can read Wittgenstein’s artworks of a specific kind: as philosophical works of art

    Initial Surgical Strategy for the Treatment of Type A Acute Aortic Dissection: Does Proximal or Distal Extension of the Aortic Resection Influence the Outcomes?

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    (1) Background: We sought to analyze and compare the outcomes in terms of early and late mortality and freedom from a redo operation in patients undergoing surgical treatment for a type A acute aortic dissection in relation to the initial surgical treatment strategy, i.e., proximal or distal extension of the aortic segment resection, compared with isolated resection of the supracoronary ascending aorta. (2) Methods: This is a retrospective study in which we included 269 patients who underwent operations for a type A acute aortic dissection in the Department of Cardiac Surgery of Tor Vergata University from May 2006 to May 2016. The patients were grouped according to the extent of the performed surgical treatment: isolated replacement of the supracoronary ascending aorta (NE, no extension), replacement of the aortic root (PE, proximal extension), replacement of the aortic arch (DE, distal extension), and both (BE, bilateral extension). The analyzed variables were in-hospital mortality, postoperative complications (incidence of neurological damage, renal failure and need for prolonged intubation), late mortality and need for a redo operation. (3) Results: Unilateral cerebral perfusion was performed in 49.3% of the patients, and bilateral perfusion-in 50.6%. The overall in-hospital mortality was 31.97%. In the multivariate analysis, advanced age, cardiopulmonary bypass time and preoperative orotracheal intubation were independent predictors of in-hospital mortality. In the population of patients who survived the surgery, the probability of survival at 92 months was 70 +/- 5%, the probability of freedom from a redo operation was 71.5 +/- 5%, the probability of freedom from the combined end-point death and a redo operation was 50 +/- 5%. The re-intervention rate in the general population was 16.9%. The overall probability of freedom from re-intervention was higher in patients undergoing aortic root replacement, although not reaching a level of statistical significance. Patients who underwent aortic arch treatment showed reduced survival. (4) Conclusions: In the treatment of type A acute aortic dissection, all the surgical strategies adopted were associated with satisfactory long-term survival. In the group of patients in which the aortic root had not been replaced, we observed reduced event-free survival

    Reverse-Phase Phosphoproteome Analysis of Signaling Pathways Induced by Rift Valley Fever Virus in Human Small Airway Epithelial Cells

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    Rift valley fever virus (RVFV) infection is an emerging zoonotic disease endemic in many countries of sub-Saharan Africa and in Egypt. In this study we show that human small airway epithelial cells are highly susceptible to RVFV virulent strain ZH-501 and the attenuated strain MP-12. We used the reverse-phase protein arrays technology to identify phosphoprotein signaling pathways modulated during infection of cultured airway epithelium. ZH-501 infection induced activation of MAP kinases (p38, JNK and ERK) and downstream transcriptional factors [STAT1 (Y701), ATF2 (T69/71), MSK1 (S360) and CREB (S133)]. NF-κB phosphorylation was also increased. Activation of p53 (S15, S46) correlated with the increased levels of cleaved effector caspase-3, -6 and -7, indicating activation of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway. RVFV infection downregulated phosphorylation of a major anti-apoptotic regulator of survival pathways, AKT (S473), along with phosphorylation of FOX 01/03 (T24/31) which controls cell cycle arrest downstream from AKT. Consistent with this, the level of apoptosis inhibitor XIAP was decreased. However, the intrinsic apoptotic pathway marker, caspase-9, demonstrated only a marginal activation accompanied by an increased level of the inhibitor of apoptosome formation, HSP27. Concentration of the autophagy marker, LC3B, which often accompanies the pro-survival signaling, was decreased. Cumulatively, our analysis of RVFV infection in lung epithelium indicated a viral strategy directed toward the control of cell apoptosis through a number of transcriptional factors. Analyses of MP-12 titers in challenged cells in the presence of MAPK inhibitors indicated that activation of p38 represents a protective cell response while ERK activation controls viral replication

    Microbiomes of Thalassia testudinum throughout the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico are influenced by site and region while maintaining a core microbiome

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    Plant microbiomes are known to serve several important functions for their host, and it is therefore important to understand their composition as well as the factors that may influence these microbial communities. The microbiome of Thalassia testudinum has only recently been explored, and studies to-date have primarily focused on characterizing the microbiome of plants in a single region. Here, we present the first characterization of the composition of the microbial communities of T. testudinum across a wide geographical range spanning three distinct regions with varying physicochemical conditions. We collected samples of leaves, roots, sediment, and water from six sites throughout the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico. We then analyzed these samples using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. We found that site and region can influence the microbial communities of T. testudinum, while maintaining a plant-associated core microbiome. A comprehensive comparison of available microbial community data from T. testudinum studies determined a core microbiome composed of 14 ASVs that consisted mostly of the family Rhodobacteraceae. The most abundant genera in the microbial communities included organisms with possible plant-beneficial functions, like plant-growth promoting taxa, disease suppressing taxa, and nitrogen fixers

    El usufructo ambiental en el ordenamiento jurídico de cuba

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    El artículo tiene como objetivo demostrar la ausencia dentro delordenamiento jurídico cubano del reconocimiento del Usufructoambiental como institución jurídica, sin un asidero jurídico adecuado enlas normas relacionadas con la protección del medio ambiente en elcontexto del sector agro empresarial cubano para tributar a futuro en laactualización normativa. Para ello se utilizaron los métodos de lainvestigación científica como el histórico-lógico, el de análisis síntesis, yel de inducción deducción. &nbsp
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