4 research outputs found

    Гендерний аспект вивчення жаргонної лексики

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    В статье определяется понятие "общий жаргон", обосновывается актуальность гендерного подхода к изучению жаргонизмов. На материале выборок из словарей, художественной литературы, по результатам проведенного автором психолингвистического эксперимента осуществляется семантический анализ, определяются способы образования жаргонизмов на обозначение женщин в украинском языке.У статті визначається поняття "загальний жаргон", обґрунтовується актуальность ґендерного підходу до вивчення жаргонізмів. На матеріалі вибірок зі словників, художньої літератури, за результатами проведеного автором психолінгвістичного експерименту здійснюється семантичний аналіз, визначаються способи утворення жаргонізмів на позначення жінок в українській мові.The author of the article defines the concept "general jargon", bases actuality of gender aspect of jargon words investigation. Using dictionaries, literature and the results of psycho-linguistic experiment, the author analyses semantic and formation ways of jargon words for designation of women in Ukrainian

    Rôle du gène foraging dans l évolution du comportement alimentaire de noctuelles foreuses de céréales

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    En réponse aux changements importants d usage des terres via l agriculture, certaines espèces d insectes phytophages se sont adaptées en exploitant les plantes cultivées, provoquant ainsi de lourds dommages agro-économiques. L espèce Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera : noctuidae), un représentant important des espèces ravageuses du maïs, présente deux populations distinctes : une population ravageuse trouvée dans les champs de maïs, et une population non-nuisible trouvée exclusivement sur herbacées sauvages. Ces préférences écologiques spécifiques suggèrent l évolution de stratégies alimentaires distinctes, conférant aux insectes une fitness spécifique selon la plante-hôte consommée. Puisque le gène foraging (for) est un gène candidat pour l évolution des stratégies alimentaires, celui-ci pourrait être impliqué dans l adaptation à des ressources spécifiques. Sur la base d une approche intégrative incluant les analyses de conservation de séquence, du polymorphisme, des fréquences alléliques, de l'activité recherche alimentaire, et des traits d'histoire de vie, nous avons comparé des larves issues des populations sauvages et ravageuses. L ensemble des résultats obtenus ont démontré la conservation de la fonction du gène for chez S. nonagrioides. L établissement d un lien causal entre les génotypes et les phénotypes associés à l écologie des populations illustre comment un polymorphisme nucléotidique (SNP) peut moduler une fonction comportementale majeure. L'évolution du gène for pourrait ainsi être impliquée dans l'adaptation d un insecte phytophage aux ressources cultivées.Some phytophagous insect species have been able to cope with rapid changes in land use and have shifted to cultivated host plants, where they cause great economic losses. One of these insects is Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), which has two distinct ecological populations: pest populations found in maize crop, and non-pest populations found exclusively on wild herbaceous host plants. Because foraging (for) is a candidate gene for variation in feeding strategies, it could be involved in the adaptation to cultivated plants. Natural selection could have led to differences in food-search strategies used by the insects because of qualitative and quantitative differences between these two types of resources. From an integrative experimental approach including analyses of sequence conservation and polymorphism, of allelic frequencies, of foraging activity, of life history traits, and pharmacology experiments, we compared larvae from crop and wild populations. The overall results showed a conservation of the for function in the S. nonagrioides species. By linking phenotype to genotype and population ecology, this study illustrates how a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) can modulate a major behavioural function, and suggest that evolution of the foraging gene could be one of the mechanisms involved in the adaptation of a phytophagous insect to a cultivated host plant.PARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Additive genetic variance for traits least related to fitness increases with environmental stress in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria

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    Under environmental stress, previously hidden additive genetic variation can be unmasked and exposed to selection. The amount of hidden variation is expected to be higher for life history traits, which strongly correlate to individual fitness, than for morphological traits, in which fitness effects are more ambiguous. However, no consensual pattern has been recovered yet, and this idea is still debated in the literature. Here, we hypothesize that the classical categorization of traits (i.e., life history and morphology) may fail to capture their proximity to fitness. In the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, a model organism for the study of insect polyphenism, we quantified changes in additive genetic variation elicited by lifetime thermal stress for ten traits, in which evolutionary significance is known. Irrespective of their category, traits under strong stabilizing selection showed genetic invariance with environmental stress, while traits more loosely associated with fitness showed a marked increase in additive genetic variation in the stressful environment. Furthermore, traits involved in adaptive phenotypic plasticity (growth compensation) showed either no change in additive genetic variance or a change of moderate magnitude across thermal environments. We interpret this mitigated response of plastic traits in the context of integrated evolution to adjust the entire phenotype in heterogeneous environments (i.e., adaptiveness of initial plasticity, compromise of phenotypic compensation with stress, and shared developmental pathway). Altogether, our results indicate, in agreement with theoretical expectations, that environmental stress can increase available additive genetic variance in some desert locust traits, but those closely linked to fitness are largely unaffected. Our study also highlights the importance of assessing the proximity to fitness of a trait on a case-by-case basis and in an ecologically relevant context, as well as considering the processes of canalization and plasticity, involved in the control of phenotypic variation