35 research outputs found

    A sound approach to self-assembly

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    Controlling the formation of ordered and predictable patterns in dissipative reaction-diffusion processes is challenging. Now, liquid vibrations induced by audible sound have been shown to direct the formation of spatiotemporal patterns in switchable chemical systems and assemblies

    Self-Sorting in Dynamic Combinatorial Libraries Leads to the Co-Existence of Foldamers and Self-Replicators

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    Nature segregates fundamental tasks such as information storage/transmission and catalysis between two different compound classes (e.g. polynucleotides for replication and folded polyamides for catalysis). This division of labor is likely a product of evolution, raising the question of how simpler systems in which replicators and folded macromolecules co-exist may emerge in the transition from chemistry to biology. In synthetic systems, achieving co-existence of replicators and foldamers in a single molecular network remains an unsolved problem. Previous work on dynamic molecular networks has given rise to either self-replicating fibers or well-defined foldamer structures (or completely un-sorted complex systems). We report a system in which two cross-reactive dithiol (nucleobase- and peptide-based) building blocks self-sort into a replicator fiber and foldamer that both emerge spontaneously and co-exist. The self-sorting behavior remains prevalent across different building block ratios as two phases of emergence occur: replicator growth followed by foldamer formation. This is attributed to the autocatalytic formation of the replicator fiber, followed by enrichment of the system in the remaining building block, which is subsequently incorporated into a foldamer

    Out-of-equilibrium self-replication allows selection for dynamic kinetic stability in a system of competing replicators

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    Among the key characteristics of living systems are their ability to self-replicate and the fact that they exist in an open system away from equilibrium. Herein, we show how the outcome of the competition between two self-replicators, differing in size and building block composition, is different depending on whether the experiments are conducted in a closed vial or in an open and out-of-equilibrium replication-destruction regime. In the closed system, the slower replicator eventually prevails over the faster competitor. In a replication-destruction regime, implemented through a flow system, the outcome of the competition is reversed and the faster replicator dominates. The interpretation of the experimental observations is supported by a mass-action-kinetics model. These results represent one of the few experimental manifestations of selection among competing self-replicators based on dynamic kinetic stability and pave the way towards Darwinian evolution of abiotic systems

    Two Sides of the Same Coin:Emergence of Foldamers and Self-Replicators from Dynamic Combinatorial Libraries

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    The ability of molecules and systems to make copies of themselves and the ability of molecules to fold into stable, well-defined three-dimensional conformations are of considerable importance in the formation and persistence of life. The question of how, during the emergence of life, oligomerization reactions become selective and channel these reactions toward a small number of specific products remains largely unanswered. Herein, we demonstrate a fully synthetic chemical system where structurally complex foldamers and self-replicating assemblies emerge spontaneously and with high selectivity from pools of oligomers as a result of forming noncovalent interactions. Whether foldamers or replicators form depends on remarkably small differences in building block structures and composition and experimental conditions. We also observed the dynamic transformation of a foldamer into a replicator. These results show that the structural requirements/design criteria for building blocks that lead to foldamers are similar to those that lead to replicators. What determines whether folding or replication takes place is not necessarily the type of noncovalent interaction, but only whether they occur intra- or intermolecularly. This work brings together, for the first time, the fields of replicator and foldamer chemistry

    Spontaneous Emergence of Self-Replicating Molecules Containing Nucleobases and Amino Acids

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    The conditions that led to the formation of the first organisms and the ways that life originates from a lifeless chemical soup are poorly understood. The recent hypothesis of ''RNA-peptide coevolution'' suggests that the current close relationship between amino acids and nucleobases may well have extended to the origin of life. We now show how the interplay between these compound classes can give rise to new self-replicating molecules using a dynamic combinatorial approach. We report two strategies for the fabrication of chimeric amino acid/nucleobase self-replicating macrocycles capable of exponential growth. The first one relies on mixing nucleobase- and peptide-based building blocks, where the ligation of these two gives rise to highly specific chimeric ring structures. The second one starts from peptide nucleic acid (PNA) building blocks in which nucleobases are already linked to amino acids from the start. While previously reported nucleic acid-based self-replicating systems rely on pre-synthesis of (short) oligonucleotide sequences, self-replication in the present systems start from units containing only a single nucleobase. Self-replication is accompanied by self-assembly, spontaneously giving rise to an ordered one-dimensional arrangement of nucleobase nanostructures

    Emergence of low-symmetry foldamers from single monomers

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    Self-assembly is a powerful method to obtain large discrete functional molecular architectures. When using a single building block, self-assembly generally yields symmetrical objects in which all the subunits relate similarly to their neighbours. Here we report the discovery of a family of self-constructing cyclic macromolecules with stable folded conformations of low symmetry, which include some with a prime number (13, 17 and 23) of units, despite being formed from a single component. The formation of these objects amounts to the production of polymers with a perfectly uniform length. Design rules for the spontaneous emergence of such macromolecules include endowing monomers with a strong potential for non-covalent interactions that remain frustrated in competing entropically favoured yet conformationally restrained smaller cycles. The process can also be templated by a guest molecule that itself has an asymmetrical structure, which paves the way to molecular imprinting techniques at the level of single polymer chains

    Alignment of nanostructured tripeptide gels by directional ultrasonication

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    We demonstrate an in-situ ultrasonic approach to influence self-assembly across the supramolecular to micron length scales, showing enhancement of supramolecular interactions, chirality and orientation, which depends on the peptide sequence and solvent environment. This is the first successful demonstration of using oscillating pressure waves to generate anisotropic organo- and hydro- gels consisting of oriented tripeptides structures

    Antiparallel Dynamic Covalent Chemistries

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    The ability to design reaction networks with high, but addressable complexity is a necessary prerequisite to make advanced functional chemical systems. Dynamic combinatorial chemistry has, proven to be a useful tool in achieving complexity, however with some limitations in controlling it. Herein we introduce the concept of antiparallel: chemistries, in which the same functional group can be channeled into one of two reversible chemistries depending on a controllable parameter. Such systems allow both for achieving complexity, by combinatorial chemistry,, and addressing it, by switching from one chemistry to another by controlling an external parameter. In our design the two antiparallel chemistries are thiol disulfide exchange and thio-Michael addition, sharing the thiol as the common building block. By means of oxidation and reduction the system can be reversibly switched from predominantly thio-Michael chemistry to predominantly disulfide chemistry, as well as to any intermediate state. Both chemistries operate in water, at room temperature, and at mildly basic pH, which makes them' a suitable platform for further development of systems chemistry

    Spontaneous aminolytic cyclization and self-assembly of dipeptide methyl esters in water

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    Dipeptides are known to spontaneously cyclize to diketopiperazines, and in some cases these cyclic dipeptides have been shown to self-assemble to form supramolecular nanostructures. Herein, we demonstrate the in situ cyclization of dipeptide methyl esters in aqueous buffer by intramolecular aminolysis, leading to the formation of diverse supramolecular nanostructures. The chemical nature of the amino acid side chains dictates the supramolecular arrangement and resulting nanoscale architectures. For c[LF], supramolecular gels are formed, and the concentration of starting materials influences the mechanical properties of hydrogels. Moreover, by adding metalloporphyrin to the starting dipeptide ester solution, these become incorporated through cooperative assembly, resulting in the formation of nanofibers able to catalyse the oxidation of organic phenol in water. The approach taken here, which combines the chemically activated assembly with the versatility of short peptides might pave the way for achieving the spontaneous formation of supramolecular order and function using simple building blocks

    Electronic sculpting of ligand-GPCR subtype selectivity:the case of angiotensin II

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    GPCR subtypes possess distinct functional and pharmacological profiles, and thus development of subtype-selective ligands has immense therapeutic potential. This is especially the case for the angiotensin receptor subtypes AT1R and AT2R, where a functional negative control has been described and AT2R activation highlighted as an important cancer drug target. We describe a strategy to fine-tune ligand selectivity for the AT2R/AT1R subtypes through electronic control of ligand aromatic-prolyl interactions. Through this strategy an AT2R high affinity (<i>K</i><sub>i</sub> = 3 nM) agonist analogue that exerted 18,000-fold higher selectivity for AT2R versus AT1R was obtained. We show that this compound is a negative regulator of AT1R signaling since it is able to inhibit MCF-7 breast carcinoma cellular proliferation in the low nanomolar range