13 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Attitudes of Cypriots on Melanoma Prevention: Is there a Public Health Concern?

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    BACKGROUND: Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer. It is the eighth most common cancer in males and the tenth in females in Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean with a high ultraviolet (UV) index. Cyprus is expected to be strongly affected by climate change and consequently, melanoma will likely become an increasing public health problem. Melanoma prevention is possible; however, it is unknown if people living in Cyprus are aware of melanoma and prevention methods. To this end, we used a validated survey to evaluate the level of melanoma knowledge and factors associated with it in the Cypriot population. METHODS: We conducted a 47-item survey with sections on demographics, knowledge of melanoma and risk factors, attitudes toward relevant health practices, and protective behaviors among six hundred Cypriot residents from October 2015 to April 2016. RESULTS: Our results revealed that only 59% of participants check their skin for moles, 87% protect their skin from the sun during summer holidays, and 57% do not take measures to protect their skin from the sun during non-holiday periods. Protective behavior was positively associated with educational level (P=0.016) and district of residence (P CONCLUSIONS: There are gaps in melanoma knowledge and prevention practices in the study population. Further education on melanoma and its prevention should be specifically targeted to individuals of lower education levels as well as teenagers, such that protective behaviors for melanoma are adopted early in life

    The contribution of condensation-corrosion in the morphological evolution of caves in semi-arid regions: preliminary investigations in the Kyrenia Range, Cyprus

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    The condensation-corrosion process occurs when airflow cools at the contact with colder cave walls. Condensed water becomes aggressive for soluble rocks and corrodes the walls. This process is particularly active close to cave entrances in high thermal gradient zones where external air enters caves. Condensation appears to be important where bat colonies are also present. Bat metabolism and guano decomposition release heat, vapour, and acids. Hence, bat colonies contribute to the increase of condensation- corrosion, especially by providing permanent moisture and chemical aggressiveness. Corrosive air convections produce rounded morphologies, such as ceiling channels, cupolas, and corroded older flowstones. This process has been overlooked in previous research, since related morphologies were often confused with those produced by early phreatic flow. Kyrenia Range in Cyprus has a semi-arid climate. All the studied caves developed along open-fractures. They are located both in recrystallized carbonates (limestone and dolostone, such as Smoky and Pigeons Caves), or in gypsum (First Day and Angry Bat Caves). We also studied a maze cave that acted as a spring in gypsum that initially developed under phreatic conditions, followed by an epiphreatic phase that allowed the development of notches (Fig Tree Cave, also named İncirli Show Cave). Due to the semi-arid climate, external air is very dry in summer, thus condensation seems to occur mainly in winter, when cave atmosphere instability allows large air exchanges between caves and surface atmosphere. In summer, evaporation prevails, allowing the development of popcorn lines in carbonate caves and massive gypsum crusts, stalagmites, and sidewalk rims in gypsum caves. However, the presence of a bat colony in a semi-confined chamber in Smoky Cave is probably the origin of the permanent moisture, also during the dry season, leading to a strong development of condensation-corrosion features such as ceiling cupolas, and possibly to the permanent activity of flowstones. In addition, we detected high concentrations of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and radon (Rn) in Fig Tree Cave, possibly related to the activity of the neighbouring overthrust. Based on the five studied caves in the Kyrenia Range and surroundings, the open-fracture caves in carbonates and gypsum have not undergone the typical initial phreatic stage, but have formed in a short time during Pleistocene as a result of the fast uplift of the range and were later reshaped by condensation-corrosion morphologies. Some gypsum caves may have formed entirely by this latter process, after initial minor fracture development. Cyprus is an outstanding area for studying the condensation-corrosion in caves, since a phreatic origin can be ruled out for most of the rounded morphologies. Prispevek kondenzacijske korozije pri razvoju jam v polsuhih območjih: predhodni rezultati v jamah Kirenijskega gorovja, CiperKondenzacijska korozija se pojavi ob stiku vlažnega zračnega toka s hladnimi jamskimi stenami. Pri tem na jamsko steno iz zraka kondenzira film vode, ki kemično korodira vodotopno kamnino. Proces je najbolj izrazit v bližini jamskih vhodov, kjer ob visokem temperaturnem gradientu zunanji zrak vstopa v jamo. Kondenzacijo in kondenzacijsko korozijo lahko pomembno povečajo kolonije netopirjev. Metabolizem netopirjev in razpadanje gvana sproščata toploto, vlago in kisline. Kondenzacijska korozija iz konvekcijskih tokov vlažnega zraka ustvarja zaobljene skalne oblike, kot so kupole, stropni kanali in korodirana siga. Kirenijsko gorovje na Cipru ima polsuho podnebje. Večina jam v tej raziskavi so odprte razpoke v prekristaljenem karbonatu (apnenec in dolomit) ali v sadri. Poleg teh obravnavamo tudi blodnjake v sadri, ki so se oblikovali v freatični coni in so v preteklosti delovali kot izviri. V njih najdemo stenske zajede, ki so nastale v epifreatični fazi. Ker je zrak poleti zelo suh, je kondenzacija omejena na zimski čas, ko se intenzivno izmenjuje zrak med jamsko in zunanjo atmosfero. Poleti prevladuje izhlapevanje, kar omogoča razvoj cvetačastih oblik v karbonatnih jamah ter sadrinih skorij, stalagmitov in stranskih obrob v jamah v sadri. Kolonija netopirjev v eni od polzaprtih dvoran v jami Smoky Cave verjetno vzdržuje visoko vlago tudi poleti. Posledica so močno izražene oblike kondenzacijske korozije (kupole) in stalna aktivna rast sige. V eni od jam smo izmerili visoko vsebnost SO2 in radona, ki je verjetno povezana z aktivno narivno tektoniko. Pet obravnavanih jam je tektonskega izvora in so verjetno nastale v kratkem obdobju hitrega dvigovanja v pleistocenu ter bile kasneje preoblikovane s kondenzacijsko korozijo. Nekatere jame v sadri so nastale skoraj izključno s kondenzacijsko korozijo, ki je preoblikovala prvotne majhne razpoke. Ciper je izjemno območje za podobne študije, saj lahko zaradi odsotnosti freatične faze večino zaobljenih jamskih oblik pripišemo kondenzacijski koroziji.Ključne besede: Vzhodno Sredozemlje, kondenzacijska korozija, gvano, Kirenijsko gorovje, jame v odprtih razpokah, hitri tektonski dvig, sadra, jamska mikroklima, pleistocen

    Effect of passage through duck gut on germination of fennel pondweed seeds

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    Vertebrates are important seed dispersers for many plants. In addition to transport of seeds, ingestion often affects the proportion or rate of seed germination. We present one of the first studies comparing the effects of different waterbird species on the seeds of a subcosmopolitan pondweed, Potamogeton pectinatus. We also present the first comparison of the effects of digestion by ducks (mallard Anas platyrhynchos, shoveler A. clypeata and wigeon A. penelope) and physical-chemical "simulation of digestion" on pondweed seed germination. In two experiments differing in the length of the preceding stratification period, two to three individuals per duck species were force-fed 150 seeds each. Average retrieval, total germination and germination rate did not differ significantly between duck species. Germination rate was higher for duck ingested seeds, intermediate for scarified seeds (i.e. after mechanical removal of the epicarp+mesocarp) and lowest for the controls and acid treated seeds, independently of the length of the stratification period. Total germination, however, did not differ significantly among duck-ingested, scarified, control and acid treated seeds. Consequently the changes in germination rate after ingestion by ducks seem related to the grinding treatment in the gut and unrelated to exposure to acidic conditions. The co-existence of ingested and uningested seeds within a given seed cohort will increase the diversification of seed germination patterns, which can favour the colonisation of habitats characterised by unpredictable environmental conditionsPeer reviewe

    New data of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Cyprus. I. Dysderidae found in caves

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    WOS: 000458882700003PubMed ID: 30814904This paper is the first in a series describing the previously unstudied cave spiders from Cyprus. Two new species, Dysderocnstes kibrisensis sp. n. and Harpactea kalavachiana sp. n., are described. Detailed morphological descriptions and diagnostic characteristics are presented. This is the first report of the genus Dysderocrates Deeleman-Reinhold & Deeleman, 1988 from Cyprus.European Union, Caves of Kyrenia Mountains Project: Research, Conservation, and Education through "Cypriot Civil Society in Action V Program" [2015/371-989]; US Embassy in NicosiaThis study was produced with the financial support of the European Union as part of the "Caves of Kyrenia Mountains Project: Research, Conservation, and Education through "Cypriot Civil Society in Action V Program" (contract number: 2015/371-989) and co-funded by the US Embassy in Nicosia. This research was led by Magara Meraklilari Dernegi (Cave Enthusiasts NGO) in Cyprus and the Union of International Speleology (UIS) in Slovenia. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. We are deeply indebted to Ferhat Altunsoy (Eskisehir, Turkey) and Mert Elverici (Ankara, Turkey) who photographed the holotypes of the new species. We also thank Yuri Marusik (Magadan, Russia) who kindly provided a photograph of the vulva of Harpactea parthica from Iran. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of our manuscript and their many insightful comments and suggestions. The English of the final text was kindly checked by Sarah Crews (San Francisco, USA)

    Occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in wild birds from Qinghai Lake on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China

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    Cryptosporidium and Giardia are important intestinal zoonotic pathogens that can infect various hosts and cause diarrhoeal diseases. There are few reports of the epidemiological prevalence and molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in wild birds around Qinghai Lake and in the surrounding areas on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Northwest China. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis genotypes and their epidemiological prevalence in wild birds by PCR amplification. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a variety of Cryptosporidium spp. and G. duodenalis infections in wild birds from that area, with overall prevalence rates of 8.98% (61/679) and 3.39% (23/679), respectively. Furthermore, PCR sequencing confirmed the presence of Cryptosporidium baileyi (n = 3), Cryptosporidium parvum (n = 58), and G. duodenalis assemblage B (n = 19) and E (n = 4) in wild birds from the areas around Qinghai Lake. The results of the present study demonstrated the wide distribution of Cryptosporidium and Giardia among wild birds, which has potential public health significance. Moreover, the study findings also provided useful molecular epidemiological data for monitoring and investigating the two parasitic protozoa in wild animals and surrounding environments