18 research outputs found

    Biomacromolecular charge chirality detected using chiral plasmonic nanostructures

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    The charge distributions of solvent exposed surfaces of complex biomolecules such has proteins are unique fingerprints. The chirality of these charge distributions result in stereo-specific electrostatic interactions which help define how proteins interact with each other, contributing to specificity in protein – protein interactions. Thus it is a key concept in understanding chemical processes in biology. There is currently no known spectroscopic phenomenon that allows rapid characterisation of chiral surface charge distributions. We show that this essential property that is currently “invisible” to optical spectroscopy, can be detected by monitoring asymmetries in the chiroptical response of protein-plasmonic nanostructure complexes. The unique capabilities of the phenomenon are utilised to discriminate between a structurally homologous series of proteins, type II dehydroquinase (DHQase) derived from different organisms. The proteins are indistinguishable with conventional structurally sensitive spectroscopy (i.e. circular dichroism). We show that discrimination between proteins can be achieved by detecting differences in chiral surface charge distributions. The phenomenon is explained with a simple model whereby the chiroptical properties of the plasmonic structures are perturbed by the induction of an enantiomeric mirror image charge distribution of the protein in the metal. This new phenomenon has broad impact, it is a powerful analytical tool for discriminating between structurally homologous biomaterials, but will also provide information relevant to macromolecular interactions

    PLGA, PLGA-TMC and TMC-TPP Nanoparticles Differentially Modulate the Outcome of Nasal Vaccination by Inducing Tolerance or Enhancing Humoral Immunity

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    Development of vaccines in autoimmune diseases has received wide attention over the last decade. However, many vaccines showed limited clinical efficacy. To enhance vaccine efficacy in infectious diseases, biocompatible and biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles have gained interest as antigen delivery systems. We investigated in mice whether antigen-encapsulated PLGA (poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid), PLGA-TMC (N-trimethyl chitosan) or TMC-TPP (tri-polyphosphate) nanoparticles can also be used to modulate the immunological outcome after nasal vaccination. These three nanoparticles enhanced the antigen presentation by dendritic cells, as shown by increased in vitro and in vivo CD4+ T-cell proliferation. However, only nasal PLGA nanoparticles were found to induce an immunoregulatory response as shown by enhanced Foxp3 expression in the nasopharynx associated lymphoid tissue and cervical lymph nodes. Nasal administration of OVA-containing PLGA particle resulted in functional suppression of an OVA-specific Th-1 mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction, while TMC-TPP nanoparticles induced humoral immunity, which coincided with the enhanced generation of OVA-specific B-cells in the cervical lymph nodes. Intranasal treatment with Hsp70-mB29a peptide-loaded PLGA nanoparticles suppressed proteoglycan-induced arthritis, leading to a significant reduction of disease. We have uncovered a role for PLGA nanoparticles to enhance CD4+ T-cell mediated immunomodulation after nasal application. The exploitation of this differential regulation of nanoparticles to modulate nasal immune responses can lead to innovative vaccine development for prophylactic or therapeutic vaccination in infectious or autoimmune diseases

    Проблематика научных исследований И.Г. Спасского

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    У статті розглянуто широке коло наукових інтересів відомого радянського вченого І.Г. Спасського у російській нумізматиці – від староруських монет Х ст. й українських дукачів, якими він почав займатися ще в студентські роки, до російських і радянських монет першої половини ХХ ст. та західноєвропейських єфимків з російським надкарбуванням періоду Олексія Михайловича.В статье рассмотрен широкий круг научных интересов крупнейшего советского ученого И.Г.Спасского в русской нумизматике – от древнерусских монет Х в. и украинских дукачей, которыми он начал заниматься еще в студенческие годы, до русских и советских монет первой половины ХХ в. и западноевропейских ефимков с русскими надчеканками времени Алексея Михайловича.The wide circle of scientific interests of I.G. Spassky – the famous soviet scientist in Russian numismatics is considered in the article – from the old-russian chinks of 10 century and Ukrainian dukach, which he began to be engaged in as early as student years, to the Russian and soviet chinks of the first half of 20 century and West European yefimks with the Russian supercoinage of period of zar Alexei Michailivich

    Probing specificity of protein-protein interactions with chiral plasmonic nanostructures

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    Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) play a pivotal role in many biological processes. Discriminating functionally important well-defined protein–protein complexes formed by specific interactions from random aggregates produced by nonspecific interactions is therefore a critical capability. While there are many techniques which enable rapid screening of binding affinities in PPIs, there is no generic spectroscopic phenomenon which provides rapid characterization of the structure of protein–protein complexes. In this study we show that chiral plasmonic fields probe the structural order and hence the level of PPI specificity in a model antibody–antigen system. Using surface-immobilized Fab′ fragments of polyclonal rabbit IgG antibodies with high specificity for bovine serum albumin (BSA), we show that chiral plasmonic fields can discriminate between a structurally anisotropic ensemble of BSA-Fab′ complexes and random ovalbumin (OVA)-Fab′ aggregates, demonstrating their potential as the basis of a useful proteomic technology for the initial rapid high-throughput screening of PPIs

    Superchiral near fields detect virus structure

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    Optical spectroscopy can be used to quickly characterise the structural properties of individual molecules. However, it cannot be applied to biological assemblies because light is generally blind to the spatial distribution of the component molecules. This insensitivity arises from the mismatch in length scales between the assemblies (a few tens of nm) and the wavelength of light required to excite chromophores (≥150 nm). Consequently, with conventional spectroscopy, ordered assemblies, such as the icosahedral capsids of viruses, appear to be indistinguishable isotropic spherical objects. This limits potential routes to rapid high-throughput portable detection appropriate for point-of-care diagnostics. Here, we demonstrate that chiral electromagnetic (EM) near fields, which have both enhanced chiral asymmetry (referred to as superchirality) and subwavelength spatial localisation (∼10 nm), can detect the icosahedral structure of virus capsids. Thus, they can detect both the presence and relative orientation of a bound virus capsid. To illustrate the potential uses of the exquisite structural sensitivity of subwavelength superchiral fields, we have used them to successfully detect virus particles in the complex milieu of blood serum

    Exploring Data Provenance in Handwritten Text Recognition Infrastructure: Sharing and Reusing Ground Truth Data, Referencing Models, and Acknowledging Contributions. Starting the Conversation on How We Could Get It Done

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    This paper discusses best practices for sharing and reusing Ground Truth in Handwritten Text Recognition infrastructures, as well as ways to reference and acknowledge contributions to the creation and enrichment of data within these systems. We discuss how one can place Ground Truth data in a repository and, subsequently, inform others through HTR-United. Furthermore, we want to suggest appropriate citation methods for ATR data, models, and contributions made by volunteers. Moreover, when using digitised sources (digital facsimiles), it becomes increasingly important to distinguish between the physical object and the digital collection. These topics all relate to the proper acknowledgement of labour put into digitising, transcribing, and sharing Ground Truth HTR data. This also points to broader issues surrounding the use of machine learning in archival and library contexts, and how the community should begin to acknowledge and record both contributions and data provenance

    Exploring data provenance in handwritten text recognition infrastructure:Sharing and reusing ground truth data, referencing models, and acknowledging contributions. Starting the conversation on how we could get it done

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    This paper discusses best practices for sharing and reusing Ground Truth in Handwritten Text Recognition infrastructures, and ways to reference and acknowledge contributions to the creation and enrichment of data within these Machine Learning systems. We discuss how one can publish Ground Truth data in a repository and, subsequently, inform others. Furthermore, we suggest appropriate citation methods for HTR data, models, and contributions made by volunteers. Moreover, when using digitised sources (digital facsimiles), it becomes increasingly important to distinguish between the physical object and the digital collection. These topics all relate to the proper acknowledgement of labour put into digitising, transcribing, and sharing Ground Truth HTR data. This also points to broader issues surrounding the use of Machine Learning in archival and library contexts, and how the community should begin toacknowledge and record both contributions and data provenance

    Late vs early ostomy closure for necrotizing enterocolitis: analysis of adhesion formation, resource consumption, and costs

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    Background: Surgeons prefer to close ostomies at least 6 weeks after the primary operation because of the anticipated postoperative abdominal adhesions. Limited data support this habit. Our aim was to evaluate adhesion formation-together with an analysis of resource consumption and costs-in patients with necrotizing enterocolitis who underwent early closure (EC), compared with a group of patients who underwent late closure (LC). Methods: Chart reviews and cost analyses were performed on all patients with necrotizing enterocolitis undergoing ostomy closure from 1997 to 2009. Operative reports were independently scored for adhesions by 2 surgeons. Results: Thirteen patients underwent EC (median, 39 days; range, 32-40), whereas 62 patients underwent LC (median, 94 days; range, 54-150). Adhesion formation in the EC group (10/13 patients, or 77%) was not significantly different (P = 1.000) from the LC group (47/59 patients, or 80%). No differences were found in the costs of hospital stay, surgical interventions, and outpatient clinic visits. Conclusions: Ostomy closure within 6 weeks of the initial procedure was not associated with more adhesions or with changes in direct medical costs. Therefore, after stabilization of the patient, ostomy closure can be considered within 6 weeks during the same admission as the initial laparotomy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    MicroRNA-34a dependent regulation of AXL controls the activation of dendritic cells in inflammatory arthritis

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    Current treatments for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) do not reverse underlying aberrant immune function. A genetic predisposition to RA, such as HLA-DR4 positivity, indicates that dendritic cells (DC) are of crucial importance to pathogenesis by activating auto-reactive lymphocytes. Here we show that microRNA-34a provides homoeostatic control of CD1c+ DC activation via regulation of tyrosine kinase receptor AXL, an important inhibitory DC auto-regulator. This pathway is aberrant in CD1c+ DCs from patients with RA, with upregulation of miR-34a and lower levels of AXL compared to DC from healthy donors. Production of pro-inflammatory cytokines is reduced by ex vivo gene-silencing of miR-34a. miR-34a-deficient mice are resistant to collagen-induced arthritis and interaction of DCs and T cells from these mice are reduced and do not support the development of Th17 cells in vivo. Our findings therefore show that miR-34a is an epigenetic regulator of DC function that may contribute to RA