887 research outputs found

    Advanced Post-Processing and Correlation Analyses in High-Velocity Air-Water Flows

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    The interest in air-water flows has not diminished in recent years, but it is accompanied by frequent citations of early, sometimes outdated articles. A basic issue is the inadequate, incomplete interpretation of air-water flow instrumentation by hydraulic engineers and researchers. This article comments on high-velocity air-water flow measurements by means of intrusive phase detection probes. This article focus on the bubbly flow structure of high-velocity air-water flow based upon measurements by means of intrusive phase detection probes. It is shown that some advanced post-processing techniques may yields expanded information on the air-water turbulent flow properties and bubbly flow structures. The outcomes demonstrate simple techniques in high-velocity air-water flow analysis

    Surface Waves and Roughness in Self-Aerated Supercritical Flow

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    In high-velocity open channel flows, free-surface aeration is commonly observed. The effects of surface waves on the air-water flow properties are tested herein. The study simulates the air-water flow past a fixed-location phase-detection probe by introducing random fluctuations of the flow depth. The present model yields results that are close to experimental observations in terms of void fraction, bubble count rate and bubble/droplet chord size distributions. The results show that the surface waves have relatively little impact on the void fraction profiles, but that the bubble count rate profiles and the distributions of bubble and chord sizes are affected by the presence of surface waves

    Air Bubble Entrainment in Open Channels: Flow Structure and Bubble Size Distributions

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    At spillways and sewers, high-velocity open channel flows are characterised by free-surface aeration (i.e. 'white waters'). The air-water flow comprises a region of low-air-content (i.e. C < 0.3 to 0.4) with a bubbly flow structure, and a high-air-content region above characterised by air-water projections and foam structures. New experiments were performed in a 25-m long channel with a 4-degree slope. Measured air-water flow properties and bubble chord length distributions are described. The analysis of the new data provides information on the air concentration distributions, the distributions of mean air-water velocities and the bubble chord length distributions. The results indicate a broad spectrum of chord length sizes extending over several orders of magnitude. The cumulative distributions of chord lengths follow approximately a Log-Normal distribution while the bubble frequency distributions is related to the void fraction by a parabolic law

    Turbulent length-time scales distributions in hydraulic jumps

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    Air–water flow measurements were performed in hydraulic jump flows for a range of inflow Froude numbers. The experiments were conducted in a large-sized facility using phase-detection intrusive probes. The void fraction measurements showed the presence of an advective diffusion shear layer where the air concentration vertical distributions were successfully compared with an analytical solution of the advective diffusion equation for air bubbles. In the air–water shear layer, a new empirical relationship between the maximum air concentration decay as a function of both the distance from the jump toe and the inflow Froude number was derived. Air–water turbulent time and length scales were deduced from auto- and cross-correlation analyses based on the method of Chanson (2007). The result provided some characteristic transverse time and length scales of the eddy structures advecting the air bubbles in the developing shear layer. The turbulence time scale data showed an increase with the relative elevation above the bed, as well as some decrease with increasing distance from the toe. The dimensionless integral turbulent length scale Lxz/d1 was closely related to the inflow depth

    Interfacial Aeration and Bubble Count Rate Distributions in a Supercritical Flow Past a Backward-Facing Step

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    An example of high-velocity open channel flows is a supercritical flow past an abrupt drop. In such a geometry, the basic air-water flow properties were measured, including distributions of void fraction and bubble count rate, and local air and water chord size distributions, at and downstream of the backward-facing step. The bubble count rate distributions were compared with a conceptual model of streamwise distribution of air and water chords which yields a quasi-parabolic relationship between bubble count rate and void fraction. The proposed model was an attempt to explain the experimental relationship between bubble count rate and void fraction, rather a meticulous breakdown of the complex air-water structure

    Bubble Entrainment, Spray and Splashing at Hydraulic Jumps

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    The sudden transition from a high-velocity, supercritical open channel flow into a slow-moving sub-critical flow is a hydraulic jump. Such a flow is characterised by a sudden rise of the free-surface, with some strong energy dissipation and air entrainment, waves and spray. New two-phase flow measurements were performed in the developing flow region using a large-size facility operating at large Reynolds numbers. The experimental results demonstrated the complexity of the flow with a developing mixing layer in which entrained bubbles are advected in a high shear stress flow. The relationship between bubble count rates and void fractions was non-unique in the shear zone, supporting earlier observations of some form of double diffusion process between momentum and air bubbles. In the upper region, the flow consisted primarily of water drops and packets surrounded by air. Visually significant pray and splashing were significant above the jump roller. The present study is the first comprehensive study detailing the two-phase flow properties of both the bubbly and spray regions of hydraulic jumps, a first step towards understanding the interactions between bubble entrainment and droplet ejection processes

    Environmental Hydraulics of Open Channel Flows

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    The book is an introduction to the hydraulics of open channel flows. The material is designed for undergraduate students in Civil, Environmental and Hydraulic Engineering. It will be assumed that the students have had an introductory course in fluid mechanics and that they are familiar with the basic principles of fluid mechanics : continuity, momentum, energy and Bernoulli principles. The book will first develop the basic principles of fluid mechanics with applications to open channels. Open channel flow calculations are more complicated than pipe flow calculations because the location of the free-surface is often unknown 'a priori' (i.e. beforehand). Later the students are introduced to the basic concepts of sediment transport and hydraulic modelling (physical and numerical models). At the end of the course, the design of hydraulic structures is introduced. The book is designed to bring a basic understanding of the hydraulics of rivers, waterways and man-made canals to the reader (e.g. Fig. P-1). The lecture material is divided into four parts of increasing complexity : - Part I : Introduction to the basic principles. Application of the fundamental fluid mechanics principles to open channels. Emphasis on the application of the Bernoulli principle and Momentum equation to open channel flows. - Part II : Introduction to sediment transport in open channels. Basic definitions followed by simple applications. Occurrence of sediment motion in open channels. Calculations of sediment transport rate. Interactions between the sediment motion and the fluid motion. - Part III : Modelling open channel flows. Physical modelling of open channel flows. Numerical modelling of open channel flows. Physical modelling : application of the basic principles of similitude and dimensional analysis to open channels. Numerical modelling : numerical integration of the energy equation; one-dimensional flow modelling. - Part IV : Introduction to the design of hydraulic structures for the storage and conveyance of water. Hydraulic design of dams, weirs and spillways. Design of drops and cascades. Hydraulic design of culverts : standard box culverts and minimum energy loss culvert. Basic introduction to professional design of hydraulic structures. Application of the basic principles to real design situations. Analysis of complete systems. Applications, tutorials and exercises are grouped into four categories : applications within the main text to illustrate the basic lecture material, exercises for each chapter within each section, revision exercises using knowledge gained in several chapters within one section, and major assignments (i.e. problems) involving expertise gained in several sections : e.g., typically section I and one or two other sections. In the lecture material, complete and detailed solutions of the applications are given. Numerical solutions of some exercises, revision exercises and problems are available on the Internet (Publisher's site : http://www.bh.com/companions/0340740671/). A suggestion/correction form is placed at the end of the book. Comments, suggestions and critic are welcome and they will be helpful to improve the quality of the book. Readers who find an error or mistake are welcome to record the error on the page and to send a copy to the author. "Errare Humanum Est

    Turbulence, dynamic similarity and scale effects in high-velocity free-surface flows above a stepped chute

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    In high-velocity free-surface flows, air entrainment is common through the interface, and intense interactions take place between turbulent structures and entrained bubbles. Two-phase flow properties were measured herein in high-velocity open channel flows above a stepped chute. Detailed turbulence measurements were conducted in a large-size facility, and a comparative analysis was applied to test the validity of the Froude and Reynolds similarities. The results showed consistently that the Froude similitude was not satisfied using a 2:1 geometric scaling ratio. Lesser number of entrained bubbles and comparatively greater bubble sizes were observed at the smaller Reynolds numbers, as well as lower turbulence levels and larger turbulent length and time scales. The results implied that small-size models did underestimate the rate of energy dissipation and the aeration efficiency of prototype stepped spillways for similar flow conditions. Similarly a Reynolds similitude was tested. The results showed also some significant scale effects. However a number of self-similar relationships remained invariant under changes of scale and confirmed the analysis of Chanson and Carosi (Exp Fluids 42:385-401, 2007). The finding is significant because self-similarity may provide a picture general enough to be used to characterise the air– water flow field in large prototype channels

    Turbulent air–water flows in hydraulic structures: Dynamic similarity and scale effects

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    In hydraulic structures, free-surface aeration is commonly observed: i.e., the white waters. The air bubble entrainment may be localised (hydraulic jumps, plunging jets) or continuous along an interface (water jets, chutes). Despite recent advances, there are some basic concerns about the extrapolation of laboratory results to large size prototype structures. Herein the basic air bubble entrainment processes are reviewed and the relevant dynamic similarities are discussed. Traditionally, physical studies are conducted using a Froude similitude which implies drastically smaller laboratory Reynolds numbers than in the corresponding prototype flows. Basic dimensional analyses are developed for both singular and interfacial aeration processes. The results are discussed in the light of systematic investigations and they show that the notion of scale effects is closely linked with the selection of relevant characteristic air–water flow properties. Recent studies of local air–water flow properties highlight that turbulence levels, entrained bubble sizes and interfacial areas are improperly scaled based upon a Froude similitude even in large-size models operating with the so defined Reynolds numbers up to 5 E+5. In laboratory models, the dimensionless turbulence levels, air–water interfacial areas and mass transfer rates are drastically underestimated

    Self-Aeration and Turbulence in a Stepped Channel: Influence of Cavity Surface Roughness

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    The strong interactions between free-surface flows and atmospheric surroundings may lead to substantial air-water mixing with void fractions ranging from zero in clear-water to 100%. In this study, the air-water flow properties were studied in a large stepped water channel operating at large Reynolds numbers. Interactions between free-surface and cavity recirculation were systematically investigated in the skimming flow regime. Some surface roughness was introduced on the cavity walls and identical experiments were performed with several configurations. Basic results demonstrated some influence of step surface roughness on the flow properties leading to some counter-intuitive finding. The presence of cavity roughness was associated with higher flow velocities and comparatively lower turbulence levels. Distributions of bubble/droplet chords spanned over several orders of magnitude without significant influence of the cavity roughness. The distributions of turbulence levels and bubble count rates showed some correlation and highlighted strong interactions between entrained particles (bubbles, drops) and the flow turbulence
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