371 research outputs found

    An investigation of the relationship between alcohol use and satisfaction with life among college students

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    The purpose of the investigation was to determine the relationship between alcohol use and satisfaction with life among college students. Six null hypotheses were developed to address the purpose of the study. Null hypothesis one states,no significant relationship exists between satisfaction with life and frequency of alcohol use. In the five other hypotheses the relationship was interacted by class standing,ethnicity, gender,living arrangement,and social fraternity or sorority membership.The population selected for the investigation was students attending theUniversity ofTennessee-Knoxville and enrolled in selective courses during the spring 2000 semester. A sample of convenience was selected from students enrolled in Health And Safety Sciences classes during the spring 2000 semester. Nine sections,consisting of 216 students participated in the study.Data were collected by administering a paper-and-pencil survey to students enrolled in general elective health classes during the Spring 2000 semester. Participantswere given a packet of materials consisting of the demographic and drug use survey questionnaire,the Satisfaction with Life Scale(Diener and Pavot,1985)instrument,and an envelope. The packets were completed in one sitting, during a regularly scheduled health class. Due to the lack of need for identifying each participant and the sensitivity of the drug use questions,total anonymity was required. Participants were informed of subjects\u27 rights, and that participation was voluntary and could withdraw from the study at any time.Each survey was visually inspected and data were entered into a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. The Statistical Package For Social Sciences(SPSS)was used for data analysis. A Spearman\u27s rho correlation was used to determine the overall,general relationship between alcohol use and satisfaction with life. Analysis of variance was used to evaluate differences in mean satisfaction with life scores between the levels of alcohol use. Analysis of variance was used to evaluate the relationship of alcohol use and satisfaction with life by class standing,ethnic origin, gender,living arrangement,and social fraternity or social sorority membership.The Spearman\u27s rho correlation indicated a nonsignificant,indirect correlation of-.109(p=.111)for the overall,general relationship between alcohol use and satisfaction with life was reported. The analysis of variance did not find significant differences[F(3,212)=1.13,p=.345] in mean satisfaction with life scores for the four levels of use.The main effect,the relationship of alcohol use and satisfaction with life was interacted by class standing,ethnicity, gender,living arrangement,and social fraternity or sorority membership. The analysis of variance did not find significant differences for any of the interactions. It was concluded that no evidence was found of a definitive nature to associate alcohol use with satisfaction with life. Based on the findings of this study,alcohol use does not influence or affect satisfaction with life

    Mode transitions in Northern Hemisphere glaciation: co-evolution of millennial and orbital variability in Quaternary climate

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    We present a 3.2 Myr record of stable isotopes and physical properties at IODP Site U1308 (reoccupation of DSDP Site 609) located within the ice-rafted detritus (IRD) belt of the North Atlantic. We compare the isotope and lithological proxies at Site U1308 with other North Atlantic records (e.g., sites 982, 607/U1313, and U1304) to reconstruct the history of orbital and millennial-scale climate variability during the Quaternary. The Site U1308 record documents a progressive increase in the intensity of Northern Hemisphere glacial–interglacial cycles during the late Pliocene and Quaternary, with mode transitions at  ∼  2.7, 1.5, 0.9, and 0.65 Ma. These transitions mark times of change in the growth and stability of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. They also coincide with increases in vertical carbon isotope gradients between the intermediate and deep ocean, suggesting changes in deep carbon storage and atmospheric CO2. Orbital and millennial climate variability co-evolved during the Quaternary such that the trend towards larger and thicker ice sheets was accompanied by changes in the style, frequency, and intensity of millennial-scale variability. This co-evolution may be important for explaining the observed patterns of Quaternary climate change

    Relative paleointensity (RPI) and age control in Quaternary sediment drifts off the Antarctic Peninsula

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    Lack of foraminiferal carbonate in marine sediments deposited at high latitudes results in traditional oxygen isotope stratigraphy not playing a central role in Quaternary age control for a large portion of the globe. This limitation has affected the interpretation of Quaternary sediment drifts off the Antarctic Peninsula in a region critical for documenting past instability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS). Here we use piston cores recovered from these sediment drifts in 2015 during cruise JR298 of the RRS James Clark Ross to test the usefulness for age control of relative paleointensity (RPI) data augmented by scant δ 18 O data. Thermomagnetic and magnetic hysteresis data, as well as isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition curves, indicate the presence of prevalent magnetite and subordinate oxidized magnetite (“maghemite”) in the cored sediments. The magnetite is likely detrital. Maghemite is an authigenic mineral, associated with surface oxidation of magnetite grains, which occurs preferentially in the oxic zone of the uppermost sediments, and buried oxic zones deposited during prior interglacial climate stages. Low concentrations of labile organic matter apparently led to arrested pore-water sulfate reduction explaining oxic zone burial and downcore survival of the reactive maghemite coatings. At some sites, maghemitization has a debilitating effect on RPI proxies whereas at other sites maghemite is less evident and RPI proxies can be adequately matched to the RPI reference template. Published RPI data at ODP Site 1101, located on Drift 4, can be adequately correlated to contemporary RPI templates, probably as a result of disappearance (dissolution) of maghemite at sediment depths >∼10 m

    M-sequence geomagnetic polarity time scale (MHTC12) that steadies global spreading rates and incorporates astrochronology constraints

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (2012): B06104, doi:10.1029/2012JB009260.Geomagnetic polarity time scales (GPTSs) have been constructed by interpolating between dated marine magnetic anomalies assuming uniformly varying spreading rates. A strategy to obtain an optimal GPTS is to minimize spreading rate fluctuations in many ridge systems; however, this has been possible only for a few spreading centers. We describe here a Monte Carlo sampling method that overcomes this limitation and improves GPTS accuracy by incorporating information on polarity chron durations estimated from astrochronology. The sampling generates a large ensemble of GPTSs that simultaneously agree with radiometric age constraints, minimize the global variation in spreading rates, and fit polarity chron durations estimated by astrochronology. A key feature is the inclusion and propagation of data uncertainties, which weigh how each piece of information affects the resulting time scale. The average of the sampled ensemble gives a reference GPTS, and the variance of the ensemble measures the time scale uncertainty. We apply the method to construct MHTC12, an improved version of the M-sequence GPTS (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, ~160–120 Ma). This GPTS minimizes the variation in spreading rates in a global data set of magnetic lineations from the Western Pacific, North Atlantic, and Indian Ocean NW of Australia, and it also accounts for the duration of five polarity chrons established from astrochronology (CM0r through CM3r). This GPTS can be updated by repeating the Monte Carlo sampling with additional data that may become available in the future.A.M. and J.H. were supported by NSF grant OCE 09–26306, M.T. was supported by a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution postdoctoral scholarship, and J.E.T.C. was supported by NSF grant OCE 09–60999.2012-12-3

    Magnetic record of deglaciation using FORC-PCA, sortable-silt grain size, and magnetic excursion at 26 ka, from the Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic)

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    Core MD04-2822 from the Rockall Trough has apparent sedimentation rates of ~1 m/kyr during the last deglaciation (Termination I). Component magnetization directions indicate a magnetic excursion at 16.3 m depth in the core, corresponding to an age of 26.5 ka, implying an excursion duration of ~350 years. Across Termination I, the mean grain size of sortable silt implies reduced bottom-current velocity in the Younger Dryas and Heinrich Stadial (HS)-21A, and increased velocities during the Bølling-Allerød warm period. Standard bulk magnetic parameters imply fining of magnetic grain size from the mid-Younger Dryas (~12 ka) until ~8 ka. First-order reversal curves (FORCs) were analyzed using ridge extraction to differentiate single domain (SD) from background (detrital) components. Principal component analysis (FORC-PCA) was then used to discriminate three end members corresponding to SD, pseudo-single domain (PSD), and multidomain (MD) magnetite. The fining of bulk magnetic grain size from 12 to 8 ka is due to reduction in concentration of detrital (PSD 1 MD) magnetite, superimposed on a relatively uniform concentration of SD magnetite pro- duced by magnetotactic bacteria. The decrease in PSD1MD magnetite concentration from 12 to 8 ka is synchronized with increase in benthic d13C, and with major (~70 m) regional sea-level rise, and may therefore be related to detrital sources on the shelf that had reduced influence as sea level rose, and to bottom-water reorganization as Northern Source Water (NSW) replaced Southern Source Water (SSW)

    IODP Expeditions 303 and 306 Monitor Miocene-Quaternary Climate in the North Atlantic

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    Introduction The IODP Expeditions 303 and 306 drilling sites were chosen for two reasons: (1) to capture Miocene-Quaternary millennial-scale climate variability in sensitive regions at the mouth of the Labrador Sea and in the North Atlantic icerafted debris (IRD) belt (Ruddiman et al., 1977), and (2) to provide the sedimentary and paleomagnetic attributes, including adequate sedimentation rates, for constructinghigh-resolution isotopic and magnetic stratigraphies.High accumulation rates, reaching 20 cm ky-1, permit the study of millennial-scale variations in climate and in the Earth's magnetic fi eld over the past several million years, when the amplitude and frequency of climate variability changed substantially. Shipboard logging and scanning data (magnetic susceptibility and remanence, density, natural gamma radiation, digital images and color refl ectance) and post-expedition x-ray fl uorescence (XRF) scanning datahave revealed that the sediment cores recovered on Expeditions 303 and 306 contain detailed histories of millennial-scale climate and geomagnetic fi eld variability throughout the late Miocene to Quaternary epochs. The climate proxies will be integrated with paleomagnetic data to place the records of millennial-scale climate change into a high resolution stratigraphy based on oxygen isotope andrelative paleomagnetic intensity (RPI). The paleomagnetic record of polarity reversals, excursions and RPI in these cores is central to the construction of the stratigraphic template and will provide detailed documentation of geomagnetic fi eld behavior

    Climate variability and ice-sheet dynamics during the last three glaciations

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    AbstractA composite North Atlantic record from DSDP Site 609 and IODP Site U1308 spans the past 300,000 years and shows that variability within the penultimate glaciation differed substantially from that of the surrounding two glaciations. Hematite-stained grains exhibit similar repetitive down-core variations within the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 8 and 4–2 intervals, but little cyclic variability within the MIS 6 section. There is also no petrologic evidence, in terms of detrital carbonate-rich (Heinrich) layers, for surging of the Laurentide Ice Sheet through the Hudson Strait during MIS 6. Rather, very high background concentration of iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) indicates near continuous glacial meltwater input that likely increased thermohaline disruption sensitivity to relatively weak forcing events, such as expanded sea ice over deepwater formation sites. Altered (sub)tropical precipitation patterns and Antarctic warming during high orbital precession and low 65°N summer insolation appear related to high abundance of Icelandic glass shards and southward sea ice expansion. Differing European and North American ice sheet configurations, perhaps aided by larger variations in eccentricity leading to cooler summers, may have contributed to the relative stability of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in the Hudson Strait region during MIS 6