7 research outputs found

    L’impact des TICE sur la formation des enseignants en Corée

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    Depuis la fin des années 90, la Corée a entrepris d’améliorer la qualité de l’enseignement en promouvant l’utilisation des TICE, vues comme donnant aux enseignants la possibilité d’améliorer leur maîtrise de l’information. À mesure que les technologies progressaient, la formation des enseignants s’est transformée pour adapter les nouvelles technologies à la situation de classe et pour développer les aptitudes des enseignants. Le « Plan TICE », depuis 2002, s’adresse à plus de 30 % des enseignants, ainsi qu’aux chefs d’établissements et autres personnels d’éducation. Les nouveaux programmes de formation aux TICE prennent en compte toute la durée de la carrière des enseignants et les nouvelles technologies.Since the end of the 1990s, Korea has been striving to improve teaching quality by promoting the use of educational ICT (EICT), seen as offering teachers the possibility to improve their mastery of their subjects. As technology has progressed, teacher training has been transformed in order to adapt such new technologies to classroom situations and to develop teachers’ skills. The “EICT Plan”, operational since 2002, concerns over 30% of teachers, heads of institutions and other education personnel. The new EICT training programmes take the teachers’ length of experience and the new technologies into account.Desde finales de los años 90, Corea se ha propuesto mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza promoviendo el uso de las TICE, considerando que ofrecen a los profesores la posibilidad de mejorar su dominio de la información. A medida que iban progresando las tecnologías, la formación de los profesores se ha ido transformando para adaptar las nuevas tecnologías a la situación de las clases y para desarrollar las aptitudes de los profesores. El “Plan TICE”, lanzado desde 2002, se dirige a más del 30% de los profesores, así como a los directores de establecimientos y a otros personales de la educación. Los nuevos programas de formación sobre las TICE tienen en cuenta todo el periodo de la carrera de los profesores y las nuevas tecnologías

    Scientists and engineers in convergence technologies in Korea: where are they going and how do they collaborate?

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    Today convergence technologies have become a major issue in science policy. This paper describes the current state of scientific collaboration in convergence technologies among researchers in South Korea, by conducting survey and the Social Network Analysis (SNA) with a data set of 1,095 researchers who have involved in the development of the convergence technologies. The main research findings are fivefold. First, dominant numbers of researchers are involved in convergence technology with IT because IT is recognized as the most competitive technology in Korea. Second, mobility of researchers is active in convergence technologies. Third, it is found that the researchers in convergence technologies are more productive in terms of the number of research papers per capita than those in other scientific fields. Fourth, they, however, show limited research collaboration, compared with their high productivity. Finally, the members of the network in convergence technologies are closer to each other than those in other scientific fields, but most of their collaborative relationships remain bilateral rather than triangular. Only a few researchers act as hubs, revealing that collaborative research relationship in convergence technologies in Korea is highly concentrated. At the last part, some policy recommendations to promote research collaboration in convergence technologies are discussed

    Antecedents and a moderator of cooperation and competition: Interdependence, attribution, and behavioral intents

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    Overall, the cooperation and competition literature can be classified into two distinct research paradigms that examined different research questions, operationlizations, and methodologies. The social interdependence approach examines the relative benefits of cooperation and competition, while the behavioral choice approach studies determinants of cooperative behaviors in dilemma situations. Based on the literature review, this study proposed a model of cooperation and competition, and due to feasibility issues tested a portion of the model. The model tested in this study answered two major research questions: (1) relative influences of goal interdependence, reward interdependence, and social value orientation on individuals\u27 perception of their social interdependence; and (2) the role of attribution as a moderator of the relationship between perceived social interdependence and behavioral intents. A laboratory experiment (N = 428) with vignettes manipulated and measured: Goal interdependence; Reward interdependence; Social value orientation; Perceived social interdependence; Attribution; and Behavioral Intents. The results indicated an individual\u27s perception of his/her social situation is determined mostly by reward interdependence followed by goal interdependence, while the direct effect of an individual\u27s social value orientation was minimal. Meanwhile, the hypothesized role of attribution as a moderator of the relationship between perceived social interdependence and behavioral intents was not found. However, further examination of the data indicated some interesting patterns that deserve future attention. Some significant differences were found in behavioral intents between internal and external attributions. The findings of this study suggest more research attention should be paid to determinants of social interdependence perceptions and individual level of behavioral intents. Individual level of behaviors and behavioral intents may explain some contradictory findings in the literature. In addition, manipulation of attribution through feedback and its impact on behavioral intents need further investigation. In sum, the findings of this study provide more potential research opportunities. In practice, these results also provide direction for managing team goals, reward systems, and creating performance feedback

    Former des enseignants

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    Au moment où, en France, la formation des enseignants suscite passions et inquiétudes et révèle les tensions qui traversent la société, ce numéro s’interroge sur la façon dont d’autres pays définissent les grandes options qui inspirent leurs dispositifs de formation et dont ils organisent la formation initiale et le développement professionnel des maîtres. Aucun modèle stabilisé ne semble émerger, même si la formation des enseignants, partout considérée comme un enjeu majeur, tend souvent à être allongée et fait l’objet de réformes. La confrontation des analyses permet cependant d’identifier des problématiques récurrentes : la question des savoirs et de la professionnalisation ; l’approche par compétences ; le rôle de l’État ; le choix des opérateurs ; la formation et le recrutement. As France sets out to thoroughly remodel its teacher training system, this issue of the Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres examines other national traditions and approaches: Quebec, England, Argentina, the USA, France, Sweden, Grece, countries of the Western Balkans and South Korea. No stabilised model appears to be emerging, although teacher training, which is everywhere considered a major stake, often tends to be lengthened and to undergo reforms. Recurrent issues can be identified through the analyses offered here: the balance between knowledge and professionalisation; competence-based approaches; the role of the State; the choice of institutions; training and recruitment. En estos momentos en que Francia emprende una reforma profunda de su sistema de formación de docentes, este número de la Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres presenta un estudio del modo en que países con tan diferentes tradiciones como Quebec, Inglaterra, Argentina, Estados Unidos, Francia, Suecia, Grecia, países de los Balcanes Occidentales y Corea del Sur se organizan para atender dicha profesionalización. De momento, ningún patrón estabilizado se destaca, a pesar de que la formación de docentes, considerada en todas partes como un reto mayor, a menudo se beneficia de una extensión y entra en proceso de reforma. Un análisis comparativo permite identificar problemáticas recurrentes: la cuestión de los saberes y de la profesionalización; el enfoque de competencias; el papel del Estado; la elección de los operadores; la capacitación y la contratación