136 research outputs found

    The Sexual health of pupils in years 4 to 6 of primary schools in rural Tanzania

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    Background/objectives: There is an urgent need for effective interventions to improve the sexual and\ud reproductive health of adolescents. Reliable data on the sexual health of adolescents are needed to guide\ud the development of such interventions. The aim was to describe the sexual health of pupils in years 4 to 6 of\ud 121 rural primary schools in north western Tanzania, before the implementation of an innovative sexual\ud health intervention in 58 of the schools.\ud Methods: A cross sectional survey of primary school pupils in rural Tanzania was carried out. The study\ud population comprised pupils registered in years 4 to 6 of 121 primary schools in 20 rural communities in\ud 1998. Basic demographic information was collected from all pupils seen. Those born before 1 January\ud 1985 (aged approximately 14 years and over) were invited to participate in the survey, and asked about\ud their knowledge and attitudes towards sexual health issues, and their sexual experience. A urine specimen\ud was requested and tested for HIV, Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and, for\ud females, pregnancy.\ud Results: 9283 pupils born before 1 January 1985 were enrolled and provided demographic information\ud and a urine sample. Male pupils were significantly older than females (mean age 15.5 years v 14.8 years,\ud p,0.001), but all other demographic characteristics were similar between the sexes. 14 (0.2%) of the\ud enrolled pupils (four male and 10 female) were HIV positive, 83 (0.9%) were positive for CT, and 12\ud (0.1%) for NG. 32 female pupils (0.8%) were positive by pregnancy test. Sexual experience was reported\ud by one fifth of primary school girls, and by almost half of boys. Only 45/114 (39%) girls with biological\ud markers of sexual activity reported having had sex.\ud Conclusions: HIV, CT, NG, and pregnancy were present though at relatively low levels among pupils in\ud years 4 to 6 of primary school. A high proportion of pupils with a biological marker of sexual activity\ud denied ever having had sex. Alternative ways of collecting sensitive data about the sexual behaviour of\ud school pupils should be explored

    HIV Infection among Young People in Northwest Tanzania: The Role of Biological, Behavioural and Socio-Demographic Risk Factors.

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    BACKGROUND: Young people are at high risk of HIV and developing appropriate prevention programmes requires an understanding of the risk factors for HIV in this age group. We investigated factors associated with HIV among participants aged 15-30 years in a 2007-8 cross-sectional survey nested within a community-randomised trial of the MEMA kwa Vijana intervention in 20 rural communities in northwest Tanzania. METHODS: We analysed data for 7259(53%) males and 6476(47%) females. Using a proximate-determinant conceptual framework and conditional logistic regression, we obtained sex-specific Odds Ratios (ORs) for the association of HIV infection with socio-demographic, knowledge, behavioural and biological factors. RESULTS: HSV-2 infection was strongly associated with HIV infection (females: adjOR 4.4, 95%CI 3.2-6.1; males: adjOR 4.2, 95%CI 2.8-6.2). Several socio-demographic factors (such as age, marital status and mobility), behavioural factors (condom use, number and type of sexual partnerships) and biological factors (blood transfusion, lifetime pregnancies, genital ulcers, Neisseria gonorrhoeae) were also associated with HIV infection. Among females, lifetime sexual partners (linear trend, p<0.001), ≥2 partners in the past year (adjOR 2.0, 95%CI 1.4-2.8), ≥2 new partners in the past year (adjOR 1.9 95%CI 1.2, 3.3) and concurrent partners in the past year (adjOR 1.6 95%CI 1.1, 2.4) were all associated with HIV infection. CONCLUSIONS: Efforts must be intensified to find effective interventions to reduce HSV-2. Effective behavioural interventions focusing on reducing the number of sexual partnerships and risk behaviour within partnerships are also needed. An increase in risky sexual behaviour may occur following marriage dissolution or when a young woman travels outside of her community and interventions addressing the needs of these subgroups of vulnerable women may be important. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrial.gov NCT00248469

    Maternal systemic or cord blood inflammation is associated with birth anthropometry in a Tanzanian prospective cohort.

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    OBJECTIVES: HIV infection is associated with chronic systemic inflammation, with or without antiretroviral therapy. Consequences for foetal growth are not understood, particularly in settings where multiple maternal infections and malnutrition are common. The study was designed to examine maternal systemic circulating and umbilical cord blood cytokine concentrations in relation to birth anthropometry in a Tanzanian prospective cohort. METHODS: A 9-plex panel of maternal plasma cytokines in HIV-positive (n = 44) and HIV-negative (n = 70) mothers and the same cytokines in umbilical cord blood collected at delivery was assayed. Linear regression modelled associations between maternal or cord blood cytokines and birth anthropometry. RESULTS: Health indicators (haemoglobin, mid-upper-arm circumference, body mass index) in HIV-positive mothers without considerable immunosuppression did not differ from HIV-negative women. Despite this, HIV-exposed infants had lower birthweight and length. Subgroup analyses indicated that HIV management using HAART was associated with lower plasma TNF-α, as were longer durations of any antiretroviral therapy (≥2 months). Greater maternal plasma TNF-α was associated with earlier delivery (-1.7 weeks, P = 0.039) and lower birthweights (-287 g; P = 0.020), while greater umbilical cord TNF-α (-1.43 cm; P = 0.036) and IL-12p70 (-2.4 cm; P = 0.008) were associated with shorter birth length. Birthweight was inversely associated with cord IL-12p70 (-723 g; P = 0.001) and IFN-γ (-482 g, P = 0.007). Maternal cytokines during pregnancy did not correlate with umbilical cord cytokines at delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Systemic inflammation identified in maternal plasma or umbilical cord blood was associated with poorer birth anthropometrics in HIV-exposed and HIV-unexposed infants. Controlling maternal and/or foetal systemic inflammation may improve birth anthropometry

    Programmatic mapping and size estimation of key populations to inform HIV programming in Tanzania

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    INTRODUCTION:A programmatic mapping and size estimation study was conducted in 24 districts in 5 regions of Tanzania to estimate the size and locations of female sex workers (FSW) and men who have sex with men (MSM) to inform the HIV programming for Key Populations. METHODOLOGY:Data were collected at two levels: first, interviews were conducted with informants to identify venues where FSWs and MSM frequent. Secondly, the size of MSM and FSWs were estimated through interviews with FSWs, MSM and other informants at the venue. The venue estimates were aggregated to generate the ward level estimates. Correction factors were then applied to adjust for MSM/FSW counted twice or more, absent from the venues on the mapping day or remain online and hidden. The ward size estimates for mapped wards were extrapolated to non-mapped wards and aggregated to generate district and regional level estimates. RESULTS:A total of 4,557 level I interviews were conducted. Further, 3,098 FSWs and 1,074 other informants at the FSWs venues and 558 MSM and 210 other informants at the MSM venues were interviewed during level II. The mapping survey identified 6,658 FSW, 1,099 FSW and MSM and 50 MSM venues in 75 wards. A total of 118,057 (range: 108,269 to 127,845) FSWs and 23,771 (range: 22,087 to 25,454) MSM were estimated in the study regions after extrapolation and accounting for correction factors. It was estimated that 5.6% and 1.3% of the female and male population of reproductive age (15-49 years old) could be FSWs and MSM in the study regions, respectively. CONCLUSION:This study provides the baseline figures for planning, target setting and monitoring of the HIV intervention services in the study areas and geographic prioritisation of the response by allocating more resources to areas with a large number of FSWs and MSM

    An analysis of the relationship between being deaf and sexual offending

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    Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) is a neglected disease affecting millions, however challenging to diagnose. This explorative descriptive study compares Schistosoma real-time PCR analysis of cervico-vaginal lavages (CVL) with corresponding urine and stool samples of 933 women from five different previously described study populations. Sampling included 310 women from an S. mansoni endemic region in Mwanza, Tanzania and 112 women from a nearby S. haematobium endemic region. Findings were compared with samples collected from S. haematobium endemic regions in South Africa from 394 women and from 117 women from Madagascar of which 79 were urine pre-selected microscopy positive cases from highly-endemic communities and 38 were urine microscopy negatives from a low-endemic community. As anticipated, urine and stool microscopy and gynecological investigations varied substantially between study populations; however, the same Schistosoma real-time PCR was performed in one reference laboratory. Schistosoma DNA was detected in 13% (120/933) of the CVL, ranging from 3% in the S. mansoni Tanzanian endemic region to 61% in the pre-selected Malagasy urine microscopy positive cases. Detectable Schistosoma DNA in CVL was associated with Schistosoma DNA in urine but not with microscopic detection of eggs in urine or by cytological examination. This study confirmed real-time PCR for the detection of Schistosoma DNA in gynecological samples to be a valuable diagnostic tool to study the distribution of FGS within schistosomiasis endemic areas.Host-parasite interactio

    Community knowledge, attitude and practice towards Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV infection in Biharamulo and Muleba districts in Kagera Region, Tanzania

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    Abstract: The study was conducted to determine knowledge, attitude and practice towards Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV infections among communities in Biharamulo and Muleba districts, Kagera Tanzania. A total of 915 study participants were recruited and most of them (96.3%) knew that there are diseases which could be transmitted through sexual contact. Seventy one percent of participants thought STDs could be acquired through sharing a towel while fifty percent thought HIV could be transmitted through insect bites. Eighty five percent of school pupils who participated in the study reported to have been taught about AIDS and less than 30% on sex and pregnancy. Sixty three percent of study participants were of the opinion that a girl or woman should not refuse to have sex after being given a gift, and having sex with an elder partner was thought to be acceptable by almost fifty percent of participants. Over 50% percent of interviewees thought a girl or woman should not refuse to have sex with their friends. Although 99% of interviewees reported to have ever heard about condoms, only 28% reported to have ever used them irrespective of been affordable. Most schoolboys and about 50% of schoolgirls reported to have experienced sex by the time of the study. Thirty eight percent of girls reported to have first sex at the age of 14 years. Nine percent of the participants who reported to have experienced sex were forced to do so. Knowledge regarding STDs and HIV/AIDS was high among participants, but a sizeable proportion report misconception on transmission of STDs/HIV such as through sharing a towel and insect bites. Therefore it is recommended that S&amp;RH intervention programme should address these misconceptions in order to match knowledge and practice, and achieve the intended objectives

    Prevalence of human papillomavirus in adolescent girls before reported sexual debut.

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    BACKGROUND: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines are recommended for girls prior to sexual debut because they are most effective if administered before girls acquire HPV. Little research has been done on HPV prevalence in girls who report not having passed sexual debut in high HPV-prevalence countries. METHODS: Using attendance registers of randomly selected primary schools in the Mwanza region of Tanzania, we enrolled girls aged 15-16 years who reported not having passed sexual debut. A face-to-face interview on sexual behavior and intravaginal practices, and a nurse-assisted self-administered vaginal swab were performed. Swabs were tested for 13 high-risk and 24 low-risk HPV genotypes. RESULTS: HPV was detected in 40/474 (8.4%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 5.9-11.0) girls. Ten different high-risk and 21 different low-risk genotypes were detected. High-risk genotypes were detected in 5.3% (95% CI, 3.5-7.8). In multivariable analysis, only intravaginal cleansing (practiced by 20.9%) was associated with HPV detection (adjusted odds ratio = 2.19, 95% CI, 1.09-4.39). CONCLUSION: This cohort of adolescent Tanzanian girls had a high HPV prevalence prior to self-reported sexual debut, and this was associated with intravaginal cleansing. This most likely reflects underreporting of sexual activity, and it is possible that intravaginal cleansing is a marker for unreported sexual debut or nonpenetrative sexual behaviors

    The Prevalence of Latent Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection Based on an Interferon-γ Release Assay: A Cross-Sectional Survey Among Urban Adults in Mwanza, Tanzania.

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    One third of the world's population is estimated to be latently infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (LTBI). Surveys of LTBI are rarely performed in resource poor TB high endemic countries like Tanzania although low-income countries harbor the largest burden of the worlds LTBI. The primary objective was to estimate the prevalence of LTBI in household contacts of pulmonary TB cases and a group of apparently healthy neighborhood controls in an urban setting of such a country. Secondly we assessed potential impact of LTBI on inflammation by quantitating circulating levels of an acute phase reactant: alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) in neighborhood controls. The study was nested within the framework of two nutrition studies among TB patients in Mwanza, Tanzania. Household contacts- and neighborhood controls were invited to participate. The study involved a questionnaire, BMI determination and blood samples to measure AGP, HIV testing and a Quantiferon Gold In tube (QFN-IT) test to detect signs of LTBI. 245 household contacts and 192 neighborhood controls had available QFN-IT data. Among household contacts, the proportion of QFT-IT positive was 59% compared to 41% in the neighborhood controls (p = 0.001). In a linear regression model adjusted for sex, age, CD4 and HIV, a QFT-IT positive test was associated with a 10% higher level of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein(AGP) (10(B) 1.10, 95% CI 1.01; 1.20, p = 0.03), compared to individuals with a QFT-IT negative test. LTBI is highly prevalent among apparently healthy urban Tanzanians even without known exposure to TB in the household. LTBI was found to be associated with elevated levels of AGP. The implications of this observation merit further studies
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