829 research outputs found

    Reversible data hiding in JPEG images based on adjustable padding

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    In this paper, we propose a reversible data hiding scheme that enables an adjustable amount of information to be embedded in JPEG images based on padding strategy. The proposed embedding algorithm only modifies, in a subtle manner, an adjustable number of zero-valued quantised DCT coefficients to embed the message. Hence, compared with a state-of-the-art based on histogram shifting, the proposed scheme has a relatively low distortion to the host images. In addition to this, we found that by representing the message in ternary instead of in binary, we can embed a greater amount of information while the level of distortion remains unchanged. Experimental results support that the proposed scheme can achieve better visual quality of the marked JPEG image than the histogram shifting based scheme. The proposed scheme also outperforms this state-of-the-art in terms of the ease of implementation

    Secure secret sharing in the cloud

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    In this paper, we show how a dealer with limited resources is possible to share the secrets to players via an untrusted cloud server without compromising the privacy of the secrets. This scheme permits a batch of two secret messages to be shared to two players in such a way that the secrets are reconstructable if and only if two of them collaborate. An individual share reveals absolutely no information about the secrets to the player. The secret messages are obfuscated by encryption and thus give no information to the cloud server. Furthermore, the scheme is compatible with the Paillier cryptosystem and other cryptosystems of the same type. In light of the recent developments in privacy-preserving watermarking technology, we further model the proposed scheme as a variant of reversible watermarking in the encrypted domain

    Rotation-invariant binary representation of sensor pattern noise for source-oriented image and video clustering

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    Most existing source-oriented image and video clustering algorithms based on sensor pattern noise (SPN) rely on the pairwise similarities, whose calculation usually dominates the overall computational time. The heavy computational burden is mainly incurred by the high dimensionality of SPN, which typically goes up to millions for delivering plausible clustering performance. This problem can be further aggravated by the uncertainty of the orientation of images or videos because the spatial correspondence between data with uncertain orientations needs to be reestablished in a brute-force search manner. In this work, we propose a rotation-invariant binary representation of SPN to address the issue of rotation and reduce the computational cost of calculating the pairwise similarities. Results on two public multimedia forensics databases have shown that the proposed approach is effective in overcoming the rotation issue and speeding up the calculation of pairwise SPN similarities for source-oriented image and video clustering

    Color-decoupled photo response non-uniformity for digital image forensics

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    The last few years have seen the use of photo response non-uniformity noise (PRNU), a unique fingerprint of imaging sensors, in various digital forensic applications such as source device identification, content integrity verification and authentication. However, the use of a colour filter array for capturing only one of the three colour components per pixel introduces colour interpolation noise, while the existing methods for extracting PRNU provide no effective means for addressing this issue. Because the artificial colours obtained through the colour interpolation process is not directly acquired from the scene by physical hardware, we expect that the PRNU extracted from the physical components, which are free from interpolation noise, should be more reliable than that from the artificial channels, which carry interpolation noise. Based on this assumption we propose a Couple-Decoupled PRNU (CD-PRNU) extraction method, which first decomposes each colour channel into 4 sub-images and then extracts the PRNU noise from each sub-image. The PRNU noise patterns of the sub-images are then assembled to get the CD-PRNU. This new method can prevent the interpolation noise from propagating into the physical components, thus improving the accuracy of device identification and image content integrity verification

    Inferring causal relations from multivariate time series : a fast method for large-scale gene expression data

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    Various multivariate time series analysis techniques have been developed with the aim of inferring causal relations between time series. Previously, these techniques have proved their effectiveness on economic and neurophysiological data, which normally consist of hundreds of samples. However, in their applications to gene regulatory inference, the small sample size of gene expression time series poses an obstacle. In this paper, we describe some of the most commonly used multivariate inference techniques and show the potential challenge related to gene expression analysis. In response, we propose a directed partial correlation (DPC) algorithm as an efficient and effective solution to causal/regulatory relations inference on small sample gene expression data. Comparative evaluations on the existing techniques and the proposed method are presented. To draw reliable conclusions, a comprehensive benchmarking on data sets of various setups is essential. Three experiments are designed to assess these methods in a coherent manner. Detailed analysis of experimental results not only reveals good accuracy of the proposed DPC method in large-scale prediction, but also gives much insight into all methods under evaluation

    Face recognition technologies for evidential evaluation of video traces

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    Human recognition from video traces is an important task in forensic investigations and evidence evaluations. Compared with other biometric traits, face is one of the most popularly used modalities for human recognition due to the fact that its collection is non-intrusive and requires less cooperation from the subjects. Moreover, face images taken at a long distance can still provide reasonable resolution, while most biometric modalities, such as iris and fingerprint, do not have this merit. In this chapter, we discuss automatic face recognition technologies for evidential evaluations of video traces. We first introduce the general concepts in both forensic and automatic face recognition , then analyse the difficulties in face recognition from videos . We summarise and categorise the approaches for handling different uncontrollable factors in difficult recognition conditions. Finally we discuss some challenges and trends in face recognition research in both forensics and biometrics . Given its merits tested in many deployed systems and great potential in other emerging applications, considerable research and development efforts are expected to be devoted in face recognition in the near future

    Unsupervised learning and clustering using a random field approach

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    In this work we propose a random field approach to unsupervised machine learning, classifier training and pattern classification. The proposed method treats each sample as a random field and attempts to assign an optimal cluster label to it so as to partition the samples into clusters without a priori knowledge about the number of clusters and the initial centroids. To start with, the algorithm assigns each sample a unique cluster label, making it a singleton cluster. Subsequently, to update the cluster label, the similarity between the sample in question and the samples in a voting pool and their labels are involved. The clusters progressively form without the user specifying their initial centroids, as interaction among the samples continues. Due to its flexibility and adaptability, the proposed algorithm can be easily adjusted for on-line learning and is able to cope with the stability-plasticity dilemma

    Partial mixture model for tight clustering of gene expression time-course

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    Background: Tight clustering arose recently from a desire to obtain tighter and potentially more informative clusters in gene expression studies. Scattered genes with relatively loose correlations should be excluded from the clusters. However, in the literature there is little work dedicated to this area of research. On the other hand, there has been extensive use of maximum likelihood techniques for model parameter estimation. By contrast, the minimum distance estimator has been largely ignored. Results: In this paper we show the inherent robustness of the minimum distance estimator that makes it a powerful tool for parameter estimation in model-based time-course clustering. To apply minimum distance estimation, a partial mixture model that can naturally incorporate replicate information and allow scattered genes is formulated. We provide experimental results of simulated data fitting, where the minimum distance estimator demonstrates superior performance to the maximum likelihood estimator. Both biological and statistical validations are conducted on a simulated dataset and two real gene expression datasets. Our proposed partial regression clustering algorithm scores top in Gene Ontology driven evaluation, in comparison with four other popular clustering algorithms. Conclusion: For the first time partial mixture model is successfully extended to time-course data analysis. The robustness of our partial regression clustering algorithm proves the suitability of the ombination of both partial mixture model and minimum distance estimator in this field. We show that tight clustering not only is capable to generate more profound understanding of the dataset under study well in accordance to established biological knowledge, but also presents interesting new hypotheses during interpretation of clustering results. In particular, we provide biological evidences that scattered genes can be relevant and are interesting subjects for study, in contrast to prevailing opinion

    Gait recognition under carrying condition : a static dynamic fusion method

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    When an individual carries an object, such as a briefcase, conventional gait recognition algorithms based on average silhouette/Gait Energy Image (GEI) do not always perform well as the object carried may have the potential of being mistakenly regarded as a part of the human body. To solve such a problem, in this paper, instead of directly applying GEI to represent the gait information, we propose a novel dynamic feature template for classification. Based on this extracted dynamic information and some static feature templates (i.e., head part and trunk part), we cast gait recognition on the large USF (University of South Florida) database by adopting a static/dynamic fusion strategy. For the experiments involving carrying condition covariate, significant improvements are achieved when compared with other classic algorithms

    Learning optimised representations for view-invariant gait recognition

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    Gait recognition can be performed without subject cooperation under harsh conditions, thus it is an important tool in forensic gait analysis, security control, and other commercial applications. One critical issue that prevents gait recognition systems from being widely accepted is the performance drop when the camera viewpoint varies between the registered templates and the query data. In this paper, we explore the potential of combining feature optimisers and representations learned by convolutional neural networks (CNN) to achieve efficient view-invariant gait recognition. The experimental results indicate that CNN learns highly discriminative representations across moderate view variations, and these representations can be further improved using view-invariant feature selectors, achieving a high matching accuracy across views