14 research outputs found

    The Trypanosoma \u3ci\u3ebrucei\u3c/i\u3e MitoCarta and its regulation and splicing pattern during development

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    It has long been known that trypanosomes regulate mitochondrial biogenesis during the life cycle of the parasite; however, the mitochondrial protein inventory (MitoCarta) and its regulation remain unknown. We present a novel computational method for genome-wide prediction of mitochondrial proteins using a support vector machine-based classifier with ~90% prediction accuracy. Using this method, we predicted the mitochondrial localization of 468 proteins with high confidence and have experimentally verified the localization of a subset of these proteins. We then applied a recently developed parallel sequencing technology to determine the expression profiles and the splicing patterns of a total of 1065 predicted MitoCarta transcripts during the development of the parasite, and showed that 435 of the transcripts significantly changed their expressions while 630 remain unchanged in any of the three life stages analyzed. Furthermore, we identified 298 alternatively splicing events, a small subset of which could lead to dual localization of the corresponding proteins

    The Trypanosoma brucei MitoCarta and its regulation and splicing pattern during development

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    It has long been known that trypanosomes regulate mitochondrial biogenesis during the life cycle of the parasite; however, the mitochondrial protein inventory (MitoCarta) and its regulation remain unknown. We present a novel computational method for genome-wide prediction of mitochondrial proteins using a support vector machine-based classifier with ∼90% prediction accuracy. Using this method, we predicted the mitochondrial localization of 468 proteins with high confidence and have experimentally verified the localization of a subset of these proteins. We then applied a recently developed parallel sequencing technology to determine the expression profiles and the splicing patterns of a total of 1065 predicted MitoCarta transcripts during the development of the parasite, and showed that 435 of the transcripts significantly changed their expressions while 630 remain unchanged in any of the three life stages analyzed. Furthermore, we identified 298 alternatively splicing events, a small subset of which could lead to dual localization of the corresponding protein

    Transdermal wires for improved integration in vivo.

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    Alternative engineering approaches have led the design of implants with controlled physical features to minimize adverse effects in biological tissues. Similar efforts have focused on optimizing the design features of percutaneous VAD drivelines with the aim to prevent infection, omitting however a thorough look on the implant-skin interactions that govern local tissue reactions. Here, we utilized an integrated approach for the biophysical modification of transdermal implants and their evaluation by chronic sheep implantation in comparison to the standard of care VAD drivelines. We developed a novel method for the transfer of breath topographical features on thin wires with modular size. We examined the impact of implant's diameter, surface topography, and chemistry on macroscopic, histological, and physical markers of inflammation, fibrosis, and mechanical adhesion. All implants demonstrated infection-free performance. The fibrotic response was enhanced by the increasing diameter of implants but not influenced by their surface properties. The implants of small diameter promoted mild inflammatory responses with improved mechanical adhesion and restricted epidermal downgrowth, in both silicone and polyurethane coated transdermal wires. On the contrary, the VAD drivelines with larger diameter triggered severe inflammatory reactions with frequent epidermal downgrowth. We validated these effects by quantifying the infiltration of macrophages and the level of vascularization in the fibrotic zone, highlighting the critical role of size reduction for the benign integration of transdermal implants with skin. This insight on how the biophysical properties of implants impact local tissue reactions could enable new solutions on the transdermal transmission of power, signal, and mass in a broad range of medical devices

    Establishment of well-differentiated camelid airway cultures to study Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.

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    In 2012, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) emerged in Saudi Arabia and was mostly associated with severe respiratory illness in humans. Dromedary camels are the zoonotic reservoir for MERS-CoV. To investigate the biology of MERS-CoV in camelids, we developed a well-differentiated airway epithelial cell (AEC) culture model for Llama glama and Camelus bactrianus. Histological characterization revealed progressive epithelial cellular differentiation with well-resemblance to autologous ex vivo tissues. We demonstrate that MERS-CoV displays a divergent cell tropism and replication kinetics profile in both AEC models. Furthermore, we observed that in the camelid AEC models MERS-CoV replication can be inhibited by both type I and III interferons (IFNs). In conclusion, we successfully established camelid AEC cultures that recapitulate the in vivo airway epithelium and reflect MERS-CoV infection in vivo. In combination with human AEC cultures, this system allows detailed characterization of the molecular basis of MERS-CoV cross-species transmission in respiratory epithelium

    The Trypanosoma brucei MitoCarta and its regulation and splicing pattern during development

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    It has long been known that trypanosomes regulate mitochondrial biogenesis during the life cycle of the parasite; however, the mitochondrial protein inventory (MitoCarta) and its regulation remain unknown. We present a novel computational method for genome-wide prediction of mitochondrial proteins using a support vector machine-based classifier with ∼90% prediction accuracy. Using this method, we predicted the mitochondrial localization of 468 proteins with high confidence and have experimentally verified the localization of a subset of these proteins. We then applied a recently developed parallel sequencing technology to determine the expression profiles and the splicing patterns of a total of 1065 predicted MitoCarta transcripts during the development of the parasite, and showed that 435 of the transcripts significantly changed their expressions while 630 remain unchanged in any of the three life stages analyzed. Furthermore, we identified 298 alternatively splicing events, a small subset of which could lead to dual localization of the corresponding proteins

    Disparate Oxygen Responsiveness of Two Regulatory Cascades That Control Expression of Symbiotic Genes in Bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    Two oxygen-responsive regulatory systems controlling numerous symbiotic genes in Bradyrhizobium japonicum were assayed in free-living cultures for their capacity to activate target genes under different oxygen conditions. NifA- and FixLJ-controlled target genes showed disparate relative expression patterns. Induction of NifA-dependent genes was observed only at oxygen concentrations below 2% in the gas phase, whereas that of FixLJ-controlled targets progressively increased when the oxygen concentration was lowered from 21 to 5, 2, or 0.5%. We propose that this reflects a response to a gradient of increasing oxygen deprivation as bacteria invade their host during root nodule development

    Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Proteome of Trypanosoma brucei Reveals Novel Factors Required to Maintain Mitochondrial Morphology

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    Trypanosoma brucei is a unicellular parasite that causes devastating diseases in humans and animals. It diverged from most other eukaryotes very early in evolution and, as a consequence, has an unusual mitochondrial biology. Moreover, mitochondrial functions and morphology are highly regulated throughout the life cycle of the parasite. The outer mitochondrial membrane defines the boundary of the organelle. Its properties are therefore key for understanding how the cytosol and mitochondria communicate and how the organelle is integrated into the metabolism of the whole cell. We have purified the mitochondrial outer membrane of T. brucei and characterized its proteome using label-free quantitative mass spectrometry for protein abundance profiling in combination with statistical analysis. Our results show that the trypanosomal outer membrane proteome consists of 82 proteins, two-thirds of which have never been associated with mitochondria before. 40 proteins share homology with proteins of known functions. The function of 42 proteins, 33 of which are specific to trypanosomatids, remains unknown. 11 proteins are essential for the disease-causing bloodstream form of T. brucei and therefore may be exploited as novel drug targets. A comparison with the outer membrane proteome of yeast defines a set of 17 common proteins that are likely present in the mitochondrial outer membrane of all eukaryotes. Known factors involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology are virtually absent in T. brucei. Interestingly, RNAi-mediated ablation of three outer membrane proteins of unknown function resulted in a collapse of the network-like mitochondrion of procyclic cells and for the first time identified factors that control mitochondrial shape in T. brucei

    Bradyrhizobium japonicum NnrR, a Denitrification Regulator, Expands the FixLJ-FixK(2) Regulatory Cascade

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    In Bradyrhizobium japonicum, a gene named nnrR was identified which encodes a protein with high similarity to FNR/CRP-type transcriptional regulators. Mutant strains carrying an nnrR null mutation were unable to grow anaerobically in the presence of nitrate or nitrite, and they lacked both nitrate and nitrite reductase activities. Anaerobic activation of an nnrR′-′lacZ fusion required FixLJ and FixK(2). In turn, N oxide-mediated induction of nir and nor genes encoding nitrite and nitric oxide reductase, respectively, depended on NnrR. Thus, NnrR expands the FixLJ-FixK(2) regulatory cascade by an additional control level which integrates the N oxide signal required for maximal induction of the denitrification genes

    The Trypanosoma \u3ci\u3ebrucei\u3c/i\u3e MitoCarta and its regulation and splicing pattern during development

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    It has long been known that trypanosomes regulate mitochondrial biogenesis during the life cycle of the parasite; however, the mitochondrial protein inventory (MitoCarta) and its regulation remain unknown. We present a novel computational method for genome-wide prediction of mitochondrial proteins using a support vector machine-based classifier with ~90% prediction accuracy. Using this method, we predicted the mitochondrial localization of 468 proteins with high confidence and have experimentally verified the localization of a subset of these proteins. We then applied a recently developed parallel sequencing technology to determine the expression profiles and the splicing patterns of a total of 1065 predicted MitoCarta transcripts during the development of the parasite, and showed that 435 of the transcripts significantly changed their expressions while 630 remain unchanged in any of the three life stages analyzed. Furthermore, we identified 298 alternatively splicing events, a small subset of which could lead to dual localization of the corresponding proteins

    Establishment of caprine airway epithelial cells grown in an air-liquid interface system to study caprine respiratory viruses and bacteria.

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    Respiratory diseases negatively impact the global goat industry, but are understudied. There is a shortage of established and biological relevant in vitro or ex vivo assays to study caprine respiratory infections. Here, we describe the establishment of an in vitro system based on well-differentiated caprine airway epithelial cell (AEC) cultures grown under air liquid interface conditions as an experimental platform to study caprine respiratory pathogens. The functional differentiation of the AEC cultures was monitored and confirmed by light and immunofluorescence microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and examination of histological sections. We validated the functionality of the platform by studying Influenza D Virus (IDV) infection and Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri (Mmc) colonization over 5 days, including monitoring of infectious agents by titration and qPCR as well as colour changing units, respectively. The inoculation of caprine AEC cultures with IDV showed that efficient viral replication takes place, and revealed that IDV has a marked cell tropism for ciliated cells. Furthermore, AEC cultures were successfully infected with Mmc using a multiplicity of infection of 0.1 and colonization was monitored over several days. Altogether, these results demonstrate that our newly-established caprine AEC cultures can be used to investigate host-pathogen interactions of caprine respiratory pathogens