1,723 research outputs found

    Measurements of Solid Spheres Bouncing Off Flat Plates

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    Recent years have seen a substantial increase of interest in the flows of granular materials whose rheology is dominated by the physical contact between particles and between particles and the containing walls. Considerable advances in the theoretical understanding of rapid granular material flows have been made by the application of the statistical methods of molecular gas dynamics (e.g., Jenkins and Savage (1983), Lun et al. (1984)) and by the use of computers simulations of these flows (e.g., Campbell and Brennen (1985), Walton (1984)). Experimental studies aimed at measurements of the fundamental rheology properties are much less numerous and are understandably limited by the great difficulties involved in trying to measure velocity profiles, solid fraction profiles, and fluctuating velocities within a flowing granular material. Nevertheless, it has become clear that one of the most severe problems encountered when trying to compare experimental data with the theoretical models is the uncertainty in the material properties governing particle/particle or particle/wall collisions. Many of the theoretical models and computer simulations assume a constant coefficient of restitution (and, in some cases, a coefficient of friction). The purpose of the present project was to provide some documentation for particle/wall collisions by means of a set of relatively simple experiments in which solid spheres of various diameters and materials were bounced off plates of various thickness and material. The objective was to provide the kind of information on individual particle/wall collisions needed for the theoretical rheological models and computer simulations of granular material flows: in particular, to help resolve some of the issues associated with the boundary condition at a solid wall. For discussion of the complex issues associated with dynamic elastic or inelastic impact, reference is made to Goldsmith (1960) and the recent text by Johnson (1985)

    Method of purifying metallurgical grade silicon employing reduced pressure atmospheric control

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    A method in which a quartz tube is charged with chunks of metallurgical grade silicon and/or a mixture of such chunks and high purity quartz sand, and impurities from a class including aluminum, boron, as well as certain transition metals including nickel, iron, and manganese is described. The tube is then evacuated and heated to a temperature within a range of 800 C to 1400 C. A stream of gas comprising a reactant, such as silicon tetrafluoride, is continuously delivered at low pressures through the charge for causing a metathetical reaction of impurities of the silicon and the reactant to occur for forming a volatile halide and leaving a residue of silicon of an improved purity. The reactant which included carbon monoxide gas and impurities such as iron and nickel react to form volatile carbonyls

    Semiconductor grade, solar silicon purification project

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    Experimental apparatus and procedures used in the development of a 3-step SiF2(x) polymer transport purification process are described. Both S.S.M.S. and E.S. analysis demonstrated that major purification had occured and some samples were indistinguishable from semiconductor grade silicon (except possibly for phosphorus). Recent electrical analysis via crystal growth reveals that the product contains compensated phosphorus and boron. The low projected product cost and short energy payback time suggest that the economics of this process will result in a cost less than the goal of $10/Kg(1975 dollars). The process appears to be readily scalable to a major silicon purification facility

    Semiconductor Grade, Solar Silicon Purification Project

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    A low cost by-product, SiF4, is reacted with mg silicon to form SiF2 gas which is polymerized. The (SiF2)x polymer is heated forming volatile SixFy homologues which disproportionate on a silicon particle bed forming silicon and SiF4. The silicon analysis procedure relied heavily on mass spectroscopic and emission spectroscopic analysis. These analyses demonstrated that major purification had occured and some samples were indistinguishable from semiconductor grade silicon (except possibly for phosphorus). However, electrical analysis via crystal growth reveal that the product contains compensated phosphorus and boron

    Table of Contents and Prologue

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    Editorial board, Table of contents, and Prologue, an introduction to volume

    Screening for HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Impairment

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    Neurocognitive impairment (NCI) is common in people aging with HIV and can adversely affect health-related quality of life. However, early NCI may be largely asymptomatic and neurocognitive function is rarely assessed in the context of routine clinical care. In this study, we considered the utility of two assessment tools as screens for NCI in patients attending a community-based clinic (N=58; mean age=57 years): the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and a 3-item cognitive concerns questionnaire derived from the HIV Dementia Scale. Health-related quality of life and depression/anxiety were also measured. Indication of NCI using the MoCA was more prevalent compared to the 3-item questionnaire and was associated with the patients’ initial antiretroviral therapy commencing between the years of 1997 and 2001, independently of age. Findings of the MoCA were not confounded by existing mood disorders, unlike the 3-item questionnaire. Therefore, we suggest implementing the MoCA as an initial screen for NCI

    Modification of the mean-square error principle to double the convergence speed of a special case of Hopfield neural network used to segment pathological liver color images

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    BACKGROUND: This paper analyzes the effect of the mean-square error principle on the optimization process using a Special Case of Hopfield Neural Network (SCHNN). METHODS: The segmentation of multidimensional medical and colour images can be formulated as an energy function composed of two terms: the sum of squared errors, and a noise term used to avoid the network to be stacked in early local minimum points of the energy landscape. RESULTS: Here, we show that the sum of weighted error, higher than simple squared error, leads the SCHNN classifier to reach faster a local minimum closer to the global minimum with the assurance of acceptable segmentation results. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed segmentation method is used to segment 20 pathological liver colour images, and is shown to be efficient and very effective to be implemented for use in clinics

    The Otterbein Miscellany - Fall 1986

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    Reliability and Validity of the Telephone-Based eHealth Literacy Scale Among Older Adults: Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Background: Only a handful of studies have examined reliability and validity evidence of scores produced by the 8-item eHealth literacy Scale (eHEALS) among older adults. Older adults are generally more comfortable responding to survey items when asked by a real person rather than by completing self-administered paper-and-pencil or online questionnaires. However, no studies have explored the psychometrics of this scale when administered to older adults over the telephone. Objective: The objective of our study was to examine the reliability and internal structure of eHEALS data collected from older adults aged 50 years or older responding to items over the telephone. Methods: Respondents (N=283) completed eHEALS as part of a cross-sectional landline telephone survey. Exploratory structural equation modeling (E-SEM) analyses examined model fit of eHEALS scores with 1-, 2-, and 3-factor structures. Subsequent analyses based on the partial credit model explored the internal structure of eHEALS data. Results: Compared with 1- and 2-factor models, the 3-factor eHEALS structure showed the best global E-SEM model fit indices (root mean square error of approximation=.07; comparative fit index=1.0; Tucker-Lewis index=1.0). Nonetheless, the 3 factors were highly correlated (r range .36 to .65). Item analyses revealed that eHEALS items 2 through 5 were overfit to a minor degree (mean square infit/outfit values <1.0; t statistics less than –2.0), but the internal structure of Likert scale response options functioned as expected. Overfitting eHEALS items (2-5) displayed a similar degree of information for respondents at similar points on the latent continuum. Test information curves suggested that eHEALS may capture more information about older adults at the higher end of the latent continuum (ie, those with high eHealth literacy) than at the lower end of the continuum (ie, those with low eHealth literacy). Item reliability (value=.92) and item separation (value=11.31) estimates indicated that eHEALS responses were reliable and stable. Conclusions: Results support administering eHEALS over the telephone when surveying older adults regarding their use of the Internet for health information. eHEALS scores best captured 3 factors (or subscales) to measure eHealth literacy in older adults; however, statistically significant correlations between these 3 factors suggest an overarching unidimensional structure with 3 underlying dimensions. As older adults continue to use the Internet more frequently to find and evaluate health information, it will be important to consider modifying the original eHEALS to adequately measure societal shifts in online health information seeking among aging populations.Open Access Fundin
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