180 research outputs found

    Mechanisms for the Evolution of Superorganismality in Ants

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    Ant colonies appear to behave as superorganisms; they exhibit very high levels of within-colony cooperation, and very low levels of within-colony conflict. The evolution of such superorganismality has occurred multiple times across the animal phylogeny, and indeed, origins of multicellularity represent the same evolutionary process. Understanding the origin and elaboration of superorganismality is a major focus of research in evolutionary biology. Although much is known about the ultimate factors that permit the evolution and persistence of superorganisms, we know relatively little about how they evolve. One limiting factor to the study of superorganismality is the difficulty of conducting manipulative experiments in social insect colonies. Recent work on establishing the clonal raider ant, Ooceraea biroi, as a tractable laboratory model, has helped alleviate this difficulty. In this dissertation, I study the proximate evolution of superorganismality in ants. Using focussed mechanistic experiments in O. biroi, in combination with comparative work from other ant species, I study three major aspects of ant social behaviour that provide insight into the origin, maintenance, and elaboration of superorganismality. First, I ask how ants evolved to live in colonies, and how they evolved a reproductive division of labour. A comparative transcriptomic screen across the ant phylogeny, combined with experimental manipulations in O. biroi, finds that reproductive ants have higher insulin levels than their non-reproductive nestmates, and that this likely regulates the reproductive division of labour. Using these data, as well as studies of the idiosyncrasies of O. biroi’s life history, I propose a mechanism for the evolution of the first colonies. It is possible that similar mechanisms underlie the evolution of reproductive division of labour in other superorganisms, and of germ-soma separation in nascent multicellular individuals. Second, I ask how ant workers assess colony hunger to regulate their foraging behaviour. I find that workers use larval signals, but not their own nutritional states, to decide how much to forage. In contrast, they use their nutritional states, but not larval signals, to decide how much to eat, suggesting that in at least some ant species, foraging and feeding have been decoupled. This evolution of colony-level foraging regulation has occurred convergently in hymenopteran superorganisms, and is analogous to the evolution of centralised regulation of foraging behaviour in multicellular animals. Finally, I ask how an iconic collective foraging behaviour – the mass raids of army ants – evolved. I find that O. biroi, a relative of army ants, forages collectively in group raids, that these are ancestral to the mass raids of army ants, and that the transition from group to mass raiding correlates with expansion in colony size. I propose that the scaling effects of increasing colony size explain this transition. It is possible that similar principles underlie the evolution of disparate collective behaviours in other animal groups and among cells within developing animals. Together, these studies illuminate the life history of O. biroi, and suggest mechanisms for the evolution of core aspects of cooperative behaviour in ant colonies. I draw comparisons to the evolution of superorganismality in other lineages, as well as to the evolution of multicellularity. I suggest that there may be additional similarities in the proximate evolutionary trajectories of superorganismality and multicellularity

    Advanced technology development multi-color holography

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    This is the final report of the Multi-color Holography project. The comprehensive study considers some strategic aspects of multi-color holography. First, various methods of available techniques for accurate fringe counting are reviewed. These are heterodyne interferometry, quasi-heterodyne interferometry, and phase-shifting interferometry. Phase-shifting interferometry was found to be the most suitable for multi-color holography. Details of experimentation with a sugar solution are also reported where better than 1/200 of a fringe order measurement capability was established. Rotating plate glass phase shifter was used for the experimentation. The report then describes the possible role of using more than two wavelengths with special reference-to-object beam intensity ratio needs in multicolor holography. Some specific two- and three-color cases are also described in detail. Then some new analysis methods of the reconstructed wavefront are considered. These are deflectometry, speckle metrology, confocal optical signal processing, and phase shifting technique related applications. Finally, design aspects of an experimental breadboard are presented

    An analysis of the food safety educational processes in the Cooperative Extension System of the North Central Region of the United States

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    Literature suggests that food safety is a serious concern all over the world, and lack of it has huge health and economic implications to different stakeholders. The situation in the U.S. is also no different with most of the American public not much knowledgeable about agriculture and food safety. Therefore, food safety education assumes importance. There are many food safety education providers in the U.S. with the Cooperative Extension System (CES) of the land-grant institutions being the most reliable one. The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceptions and extent of use of food safety educational processes by extension educators in the CES of the North Central Region of the United States. Extension educators\u27: (1) perceptions toward food safety and various components related to food safety educational processes, (2) their inservice need for the identified educational processes, and (3) the extent to which they were using the identified teaching methods and tools in their food safety educational programs were analyzed in order to accomplish the purpose of the study. Data were collected by using an expert panel-reviewed and reliability-tested electronic questionnaire from extension educators in the program areas of Family and Consumer Sciences and Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the County Extension Directors (CEDs). A disproportionate stratified random sample of 64 extension educators from each of the 12 states of NCR was drawn, amounting to a sample size of 768. The findings were based on the 325 usable questionnaires out of the 416 that were returned. It was found that a typical extension educator (as operationally defined) was a middle-aged female with substantial years of work experience and held a master\u27s degree. Extension educators had neutral perceptions about food safety, and were in need of inservice education on all five identified food safety inservice educational processes. Further, extension educators perceived most of the educational processes to be important and the identified teaching methods and tools to be effective for conducting food safety educational programs. It was further found that extension educators were using discussions and brochures to the greatest extent compared to the other teaching methods and tools, respectively, in their food safety educational programs. One-way ANOVA analysis indicated that the findings overall were consistent among the extension educators of the NCR implying that they could be generalized to the entire population. Hence, a food safety education delivery model was developed for extension educators of the NCR that has implications for both inservice education of extension educators and delivery of information to clients. The model was predominantly based on the findings from this study and a review of the literature

    Development of optical systems

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    Several key aspects of multi-color holography and laser speckle technique to study holographic reconstructions are considered in the report. Holographic fringe contrast in two-color holography in the presence of a fluid cell in the object beam is discussed in detail. A specific example of triglycine sulfate crystal growth is also considered. A breadboard design using fiber optics and diode lasers for three-color holography for fluid experiments is presented. A possible role of multi-color holography in various new applications is summarized. Finally, the use of a a laser speckle technique is demonstrated for the study of holographic reconstructions. The demonstration is performed using a Spacelab 3 hologram

    Potential of Laceyella sacchari strain B42 crude xylanase in biobleaching of kraft pulp

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    Xylanase producing thermophilic actinomycetes strain B42 was isolated from bagasse. This strain was enriched on oat spelt xylan agar medium and screened onto xylan-congo red agar plate by the xylanolysis method. The phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequence data confirmed that strain B42 showed highest homology (99.0%) with Laceyella sacchari and was identified as Laceyella sacchari strain B42. Maximal xylanase production was achieved at the incubation period of 48 h with the xylanase and cellulase activities as 24.5 and 0.08 U/ml, respectively. The optimum pH and optimum temperature of L. sacchari strain B42 xylanase was found to be 9.0 and 60°C, respectively. Xylanase was thermostable at 60°C for 1 h and retained 90% of its activity up to 6 h at this temperature, and subsequently enzyme retained 75 and 60% activity at 70 to 80°C, respectively after 6 h. At biobleaching of kraft pulp, enzyme released sufficient amount of phenolic and hydrophobic compounds. The ultraviolet (UV absorption spectrum of the compounds released by enzyme treatment indicated the presence of lignin in the released coloring matter. The enzymatic biobleaching of kraft pulp caused ~12% reduction of kappa number, 6.67 fold releases of reducing sugars and 10% decrease of lignin content at xylanase optimum dose (60 U/g) and time (4 h).Keywords: Biobleaching, kappa number, pulp and paper industry, thermostable, xylanase, 16S rDNAAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(6), pp. 570-57


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    The present era termed as age of Machines and Materialism has led to global economic advancement and affluence brought a drastic change in the life styles and living environment. Change in food habits, sedentary work, stressful environment etc. are the gifts of Industrialization to mankind. One side of life is happy with reduced physical activity and fat rich tasty food but the other side is showing affliction to chronic lifestyle disorders like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cancer, ischemic heart disease, cerebro-vascular accidents, atherosclerosis, varicose veins etc. These diseases have been recognized as the leading killers of the millennium. Obesity is traced to be a major risk factor for these diseases. This study includes evaluate the applicability of concept of Visesha in Medoroga and clinical study on management of Medoroga by using Yavamalaka churna with special reference of Prakopana viparyayo hi dhatunam prasham karanam iti. Considering the above problem this study was planned the concept of Prakopana viparyayo hi dhatunam prasham karanam iti in the management of Medoroga with Yavamalaka churna because Medo dhatu is snigdha and guru in nature while Yava (Hordeum vulgarae) is Ruksha and Aguruand Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) also Ruksha in nature. The Amalaki has Tridoshahara properties especially Medohara. So these two drugs have opposite properties to medo dhatu. Hence due to the concept of Prakopana viparyayo hi dhatunam prashama karanam iti, yava and Amalaki cause the Hrasa of Medo dhatu

    Automated rendezvous and capture system

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    This paper describes an ARC system that is an attempt to simplify opration, reduce energy requirements, reduce weight, and provide longterm use and reliability. The ARC system is a laser/optical/holographic (LOH) control system for guidance, rendezvous, and docking (RVD). The LOH/RVD utilizes a hologram, residing at the target platform. Excited by a laser diode, the hologram projects an image at a given distance from the platform. A vision system in the automated chase vehicle sees the projected image and, by optical comparisons, guides the chase vehicle to that image, reaching a proximity conductive to soft docking. The vision system then shifts to a second hologram image holding at close proximity (2mm) to the target platform and guides to it for controlled, precise docking at the rendezvous point. The holographic image projections from the target platform, are composed of color hues and may be circular, triangular or of any other shape and texture that may enhance the ability of the chase vehicle's vision system to analyze information pertinent to velocity, attitude, and roll of the target platform. Any movement of the image, whether planned or errant, will be translated by the vision system into synchronous adjustments throughout the vehicle approach path

    Geochemistry and geodynamic implications of magmatic rocks from the Trans-Himalayan arc

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    Present study aims at understanding the genetic and tectonic relationship between the enclaves and enclosing granitoids, acidic volcanics and mafic dykes of the Ladakh plutonic complex. Similar rocks from Lhasa Block (Tibet) are also studied and compared. In terms of SiO2 abundance, the enclaves vary in composition from basic to acidic but are predominantly andesitic-basalt. Mafic dykes intruding the Ladakh plutonic complex are of predominantly andesitic-basalt composition. Granitoids and acidic volcanics from Ladakh and Lhasa blocks are compositionally granodiorite, quartz monzonite and granite. They are predominantly meta-aluminous with slight peraluminous characters. The acidic volcanics, however, have K2O/Na2O > 1. All these rocks show calc-alkaline characteristics with high Al2O3 abundance, their rare earth elements (REE) and multi-element patterns depict enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILE)-light REE (LREE) and depletion of high field strength elements (HFSE) including Nb, P and Ti. It is suggested that the enclaves in Ladakh plutonic complex probably represent the initial pulses of magmatism, in response to intra-oceanic northward subduction of Neo-Tethyan ocean beneath an immature arc. Subsequently huge pulses of granitoids were intruded as the arc matured, sutured with southern continental margin of Eurasian plate and the lithosphere thickened. The granitoids in turn were cut by mafic dykes and acidic volcanics probably representing the last significant episode of subduction related magmatism in this region. It is suggested that the youngest, highly siliceous acidic volcanics may represent melts generated by partial melting and/or dehydration of upper part of subducted north Indian continental lithosphere and southern Eurasian active margin wedge, subsequent to the closing of Neo-Tethyan ocean and collision of Indian and Eurasian plates
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