7,036 research outputs found

    Utility of correlation techniques in gravity and magnetic interpretation

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    Internal correspondence uses Poisson's Theorem in a moving-window linear regression analysis between the anomalous first vertical derivative of gravity and total magnetic field reduced to the pole. The regression parameters provide critical information on source characteristics. The correlation coefficient indicates the strength of the relation between magnetics and gravity. Slope value gives delta j/delta sigma estimates of the anomalous source. The intercept furnishes information on anomaly interference. Cluster analysis consists of the classification of subsets of data into groups of similarity based on correlation of selected characteristics of the anomalies. Model studies are used to illustrate implementation and interpretation procedures of these methods, particularly internal correspondence. Analysis of the results of applying these methods to data from the midcontinent and a transcontinental profile shows they can be useful in identifying crustal provinces, providing information on horizontal and vertical variations of physical properties over province size zones, validating long wavelength anomalies, and isolating geomagnetic field removal problems

    Utility of correlation techniques in gravity and magnetic interpretation

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    Two methods of quantitative combined analysis, internal correspondence and clustering, are presented. Model studies are used to illustrate implementation and interpretation procedures of these methods, particularly internal correspondence. Analysis of the results of applying these methods to data from the midcontinent and a transcontinental profile show they can be useful in identifying crustal provinces, providing information on horizontal and vertical variations of physical properties over province size zones, validating long wave-length anomalies, and isolating geomagnetic field removal problems. Thus, these techniques are useful in considering regional data acquired by satellites

    Solar system constraints on the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati braneworld theory of gravity

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    A number of proposals have been put forward to account for the observed accelerating expansion of the Universe through modifications of gravity. One specific scenario, Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) gravity, gives rise to a potentially observable anomaly in the solar system: all planets would exhibit a common anomalous precession, dw/dt, in excess of the prediction of General Relativity. We have used the Planetary Ephemeris Program (PEP) along with planetary radar and radio tracking data to set a constraint of |dw/dt| < 0.02 arcseconds per century on the presence of any such common precession. This sensitivity falls short of that needed to detect the estimated universal precession of |dw/dt| = 5e-4 arcseconds per century expected in the DGP scenario. We discuss the fact that ranging data between objects that orbit in a common plane cannot constrain the DGP scenario. It is only through the relative inclinations of the planetary orbital planes that solar system ranging data have sensitivity to the DGP-like effect of universal precession. In addition, we illustrate the importance of performing a numerical evaluation of the sensitivity of the data set and model to any perturbative precession.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Understanding the truth about subjectivity

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    Results of two experiments show children’s understanding of diversity in personal preference is incomplete. Despite acknowledging diversity, in Experiment 1(N=108), 6- and 8-year-old children were less likely than adults to see preference as a legitimate basis for personal tastes and more likely to say a single truth could be found about a matter of taste. In Experiment 2 (N=96), 7- and 9-year-olds were less likely than 11- and 13-yearolds to say a dispute about a matter of preference might not be resolved. These data suggest that acceptance of the possibility of diversity does not indicate an adult-like understanding of subjectivity. An understanding of the relative emphasis placed on objective and subjective factors in different contexts continues to develop into adolescence

    Early Cementation of the Short Creek Oolite Member, Boone Formation (Osagean, Lower Mississippian), Northern Arkansas

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    The Short Creek Oolite is the only formally named member of the Boone Formation in northern Arkansas. It lacks bedding features, and oolith concentrations that would suggest a shoal environment, and it occurs at variable stratigraphic horizons within the upper Boone Formation consistent with episodic deposition as grainflow slurries. As with modern oolite examples, such as Joulters Cays, Bahamas, the Short Creek preserves numerous intraclasts, and at least one large olistolith indicating an early cementation history

    Imaging the Ionized Disk of the High-Mass Protostar Orion-I

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    We have imaged the enigmatic radio source-I (Orion-I) in the Orion-KL nebula with the VLA at 43 GHz with 34 mas angular resolution. The continuum emission is highly elongated and is consistent with that expected from a nearly edge-on disk. The high brightness and lack of strong molecular lines from Orion-I can be used to argue against emission from dust. Collisional ionization and H-minus free-free opacity, as in Mira variables, require a central star with >10^5 Lsun, which is greater than infrared observations allow. However, if significant local heating associated with accretion occurs, lower total luminosities are possible. Alternatively, photo-ionization from an early B-type star and p+/e- bremsstrahlung can explain our observations, and Orion-I may be an example of ionized accretion disk surrounding a forming massive star. Such accretion disks may not be able to form planets efficiently.Comment: 16 pages, 1 table, 3 figure