8 research outputs found

    Normas percebidas por estudantes universitários de enfermagem sobre seus pares e o uso de drogas, em Lima, Peru

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    This quantitative, cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the difference between the perceived norms among university students, based on a survey of 196 nursing students from Lima, Peru. A questionnaire was used to measure the students' perception about drug use and their actual use. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed, considering a value greater, smaller or equal to 10 to establish the difference. The perceived norms for alcohol and tobacco were above 50%, against 6% for marijuana and cocaine; with 57.7% of participants reporting tobacco use, 84.7% alcohol, 2.6% marijuana and 1% cocaine. Marijuana and cocaine use was overestimated, while alcohol use was underestimated. The perception of tobacco use was correct. The study findings are useful to sensitize university authorities and put prevention policies in practice.Con el objetivo de estimar la diferencia entre las normas percibidas sobre el uso de drogas por los pares y el uso real de drogas entre estudiantes universitarios se efectuó un estudio cuantitativo transversal, basado en una encuesta de 196 estudiantes de enfermería de Lima. Se utilizó un cuestionario que midió la percepción del uso de drogas y el propio uso. La información fue analizada con estadística descriptiva; fue considerando un valor mayor, menor o igual a 10% para establecer la diferencia. Las normas percibidas para alcohol y tabaco fueron mayores de 50%, mientras que para marihuana y cocaína fue de 6%. El 57,7% informó haber usado tabaco, 84,7% alcohol, 2,6% marihuana y 1% cocaína; se encontró que existe sobreestimación sobre el uso de marihuana y cocaína, subestimación para el alcohol, y percepción exacta para el uso de tabaco. Los resultados serán de utilidad para sensibilizar a las autoridades universitarias e para implementar políticas o programas de prevención.Com o objetivo de estimar a diferença entre as normas percebidas sobre o uso de drogas por estudantes universitários, foi realizado estudo quantitativo transversal, baseado em censo com 196 estudantes de enfermagem de Lima, Peru. Utilizou-se questionário com a finalidade de medir a percepção do uso de drogas e do próprio uso, analisando-se a informação com estatística descritiva, considerando valor maior, menor ou igual a 10 pontos para estabelecer a diferença. As normas percebidas para o álcool e tabaco foram maiores que 50%, enquanto que para maconha e cocaína foi de 6%; 57,7% referiram ter usado tabaco, 84,7% álcool, 2,6% maconha e 1% cocaína. Existe superestimação do uso de maconha e cocaína, subestimação para o uso de álcool e percepção exata para o uso de tabaco. Os resultados são úteis para sensibilizar as autoridades universitárias e implementar políticas de prevenção

    Normas percebidas por estudantes universitários sobre seus companheiros e uso de drogas: um estudo multicêntrico em cinco países da América Latina

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    Este estudio transversal se comparó la percepción que se tiene del consumo de los pares con el uso real de drogas, en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de América Latina. Los estudiantes de nueve universidades en cinco países (Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Honduras y Perú) respondieron a un cuestionario que abordaba el uso de tabaco, alcohol, marihuana y cocaína. El análisis se concentró en la comparación de la percepción y el consumo real de drogas. Los resultados en gran medida, aunque no completamente, confirmaron que los estudiantes sobreestiman el uso de drogas entre sus pares. Los resultados inesperados fueron los relacionados con el alcohol. Mientras que los estudiantes generalmente sobrestimaron el consumo de tabaco, marihuana y cocaína entre sus pares, los mismos estimaron con bastante precisión o subestimaron el uso de alcohol entre sus pares. Además de los resultados inesperados en relación al alcohol, este estudio muestra que la percepción del uso de drogas en América Latina se comporta de manera similar a otros lugares. Los resultados también apoyan la sugerencia respecto a que la retroalimentación normativa sería útil para fortalecer los programas de prevención de drogas dirigidos a jóvenes en América Latina.Este estudo transversal comparou a percepção dos companheiros de usuários de drogas em uma amostra de estudantes universitários da América Latina. Os estudantes de nove universidades, localizadas em cinco países (Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Honduras e Peru) responderam questionário que abordou questões sobre o tagagismo, álcool, maconha e cocaína. A análise foi focalizada na comparação da percepção e da realidade dos atuais usuários de drogas. Os resultados confirmaram, de forma geral, a ideia de que os estudantes superestimam o uso de drogas. Resultados inesperados foram identificados em relação ao uso de álcool. Enquanto os estudantes geralmente superestimam o uso de tabaco, maconha e cocaína, entre seus pares, estimaram com bastante precisão ou subestimaram o uso de álcool entre seus pares. Apesar desse resultado inesperado, este estudo mostra que a percepção do uso de drogas entre estudantes universitários da América Latina se comporta de maneira similar ao uso de drogas em outras localidades. Os resultados também apóiam a sugestão de que intervenções, usando retroalimentação normativa, seriam úteis para fortalecer os programas de prevenção ao uso de drogas, dirigidos aos jovens da América Latina.This cross-sectional study compared perceived peer drug use and actual drug use in a sample of Latin American university students. Students from nine universities in five countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Honduras and Peru) completed a questionnaire that addressed the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and cocaine. Analysis focused on comparing perceptions to actual drug use. The findings largely, but not completely, confirmed the idea that students overestimate peer drug use. The unexpected findings were those relating to alcohol. While students generally overestimated peer use of tobacco, marijuana and cocaine, they accurately estimated or underestimated peer use of alcohol. Apart from the anomalous findings with regard to alcohol, this study shows that perceived drug use relates to actual drug use in Latin America as it does elsewhere. The results also support the suggestion that interventions using normative feedback would be useful to strengthen drug use prevention programs aimed at youth in Latin America

    University students' perceived norms of peers and drug use: a multicentric study in five Latin American countries

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    This cross-sectional study compared perceived peer drug use and actual drug use in a sample of Latin American university students. Students from nine universities in five countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Honduras and Peru) completed a questionnaire that addressed the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and cocaine. Analysis focused on comparing perceptions to actual drug use. The findings largely, but not completely, confirmed the idea that students overestimate peer drug use. The unexpected findings were those relating to alcohol. While students generally overestimated peer use of tobacco, marijuana and cocaine, they accurately estimated or underestimated peer use of alcohol. Apart from the anomalous findings with regard to alcohol, this study shows that perceived drug use relates to actual drug use in Latin America as it does elsewhere. The results also support the suggestion that interventions using normative feedback would be useful to strengthen drug use prevention programs aimed at youth in Latin America

    SDSS-V: Pioneering Panoptic Spectroscopy

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    SDSS-V will be an all-sky, multi-epoch spectroscopic survey of over six million objects. It is designed to decode the history of the Milky Way, trace the emergence of the chemical elements, reveal the inner workings of stars, and investigate the origin of planets. It will also create an integral-field spectroscopic map of the gas in the Galaxy and the Local Group that is 1,000x larger than the current state of the art and at high enough spatial resolution to reveal the self-regulation mechanisms of galactic ecosystems. SDSS-V will pioneer systematic, spectroscopic monitoring across the whole sky, revealing changes on timescales from 20 minutes to 20 years. The survey will thus track the flickers, flares, and radical transformations of the most luminous persistent objects in the universe: massive black holes growing at the centers of galaxies. The scope and flexibility of SDSS-V will be unique among extant and future spectroscopic surveys: it is all-sky, with matched survey infrastructures in both hemispheres; it provides near-IR and optical multi-object fiber spectroscopy that is rapidly reconfigurable to serve high target densities, targets of opportunity, and time-domain monitoring; and it provides optical, ultra-wide-field integral field spectroscopy. SDSS-V, with its programs anticipated to start in 2020, will be well-timed to multiply the scientific output from major space missions (e.g., TESS, Gaia, eROSITA) and ground-based projects. SDSS-V builds on the 25-year heritage of SDSS's advances in data analysis, collaboration infrastructure, and product deliverables. The project is now refining its science scope, optimizing the survey strategies, and developing new hardware that builds on the SDSS-IV infrastructure. We present here an overview of the current state of these developments as we seek to build our worldwide consortium of institutional and individual members.keywords: Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies eid: arXiv:1711.03234 archiveprefix: arXiv adsurl: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2017arXiv171103234K adsnote: Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data Systemstatus: Published onlin