2,875 research outputs found

    One-pot Enzymatic Synthesis of Deoxy-thymidine-diphosphate (TDP)-2-deoxy-∝-d-glucose Using Phosphomannomutase

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    Production of deoxy-thymidine-diphosphate (TDP)-sugars as substrates of glycosyltransferases, has been one of main hurdles for combinatorial antibiotic biosynthesis, which combines sugar moiety with aglycon of various antibiotics. Here, we report the one-pot enzymatic synthesis of TDP-2-deoxy-glucose employing high efficient TMP kinase (TMK; E.C., acetate kinase (ACK; E.C., and TDP-glucose synthase (TGS; E.C. with phosphomannomutase (PMM; E.C. In this study, replacing phosphoglucomutase (PGM; E.C. 5.4.2) by PMM from Escherichia coli gave four times higher specific activity on 2-deoxy-6-phosphate glucose, suggesting that the activity on 2-deoxy-glucose-6-phosphate was mainly affected by PMM activity, not PGM activity. Using an in vitro system starting from TMP and 2-deoxy-glucose-6-phosphate glucose, TDP-2-deoxy-glucose (63% yield) was successfully synthesized. Considering low productivity of NDP-sugars from cheap starting materials, this paper showed how production of NDP-sugars could be enhanced by controlling mutase activity

    Implementering av CCS med vÀrdeöverföring

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    Den hÀr rapporten handlar om en del av implementeringen av ett programsystem kallat "CWB" (Concurrency Workbench) som utför ett flertal analyser av processer. Processerna beskrivs i sprÄket CCS (Calculus of Communicating Systems) [Mil80], en metod att specificera och resonera om distribuerade datorsystem

    A Study on Brightness Improvement and Deterioration of ZnS:Cu Electroluminescence

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    A User Commitment Approach to Information Systems Infusion

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    Many organizations have huge investments on information systems (IS) but are unable to achieve the maximum benefits expected. The IS infusion stage refers to the state of using IS to its full potential. IS infusion is a form of organizational citizenship behavior because full utilization of IS requires extra-role behaviors (i.e., IS use beyond the mandated usage) beyond intra-role behaviors (i.e., mandated IS usage). As commitment is a key driver of organizational citizenship behavior, IS infusion requires the user’s commitment to IS usage. This study investigates the development of user commitment from the socio-technical system design perspective and the effect of user commitment on IS infusion. We identified five constructs from the socio-technical system design (job fit, task competence, technology competence, self-determination with technology, and self-determination with task). A survey of 236 enterprise system users showed that user commitment has a positive effect on IS infusion. User commitment, in turn, is influenced by job fit, technology competence, and self-determination with task. This study contributes to IS infusion research by introducing the development of user commitment from the socio-technical system design perspective. Managers can promote user commitment in order to reach the infusion stage of fully utilizing information systems

    Sargassum fulvellum

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    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been reported to induce cutaneous inflammation such as erythema and edema via induction of proinflammatory enzymes and mediators. Sargassum fulvellum is a brown alga of Sargassaceae family which has been demonstrated to exhibit antipyretic, analgesic, antiedema, antioxidant, antitumor, fibrinolytic, and hepatoprotective activities. The purpose of this study is to investigate anti-inflammatory effects of ethylacetate fraction of ethanol extract of Sargassum fulvellum (SFE-EtOAc) in HaCaT keratinocytes and BALB/c mice. In HaCaT cells, SFE-EtOAc effectively inhibited UVB-induced cytotoxicity (60 mJ/cm2) and the expression of proinflammatory proteins such as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Furthermore, SFE-EtOAc significantly reduced UVB-induced production of proinflammatory mediators including prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and nitric oxide (NO). In BALB/c mice, topical application of SFE-EtOAc prior to UVB irradiation (200 mJ/cm2) effectively suppressed the UVB-induced protein expression of COX-2, iNOS, and TNF-α and subsequently attenuated generation of PGE2 and NO as well. In another experiment, SFE-EtOAc pretreatment suppressed UVB-induced reactive oxygen species production and exhibited an antioxidant potential by upregulation of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase and Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase in HaCaT cells. These results suggest that SFE-EtOAc could be an effective anti-inflammatory agent protecting against UVB irradiation-induced skin damages

    The Acute and Chronic Effect of Korea Ginseng Supplement on Exercise Performance, Cognitive Function, and Fatigue Recovery

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the acute and chronic effects of Korean ginseng supplements on exercise performance, cognitive function, and fatigue recovery. The study used double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design. Twelve healthy adult males (age = 31 ± 6.86 yrs) were randomly assigned to either KGD or placebo trials. All subjects conducted the exercise consisted with 30 minutes cycling at 70-75% of VO2 max followed by 16 km time trial with 30 minutes resting periods. All subjects were tested for muscular power, strength, endurance, cognitive function, and fatigue. The subjects took KGD (280 ml containing 5.88 mg of ginsenosides) or placebo 90 mins before exercise trials and following 7 days. The blood sample was drawn for IL-6, myoglobin, and total antioxidant capacity immediately after time trial, as well as 2, 24, 48, and 72 hours. After 2 weeks of wash-out period, the subjects were crossed over into the opposite trial and performed the same test. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to examine the effect of acute and chronic intake of ginseng on exercise performance and blood variables. An alpha of .05 was used, and the Greenhouse-Geisser (G-G) adjusted F and degrees of freedom were reported. In a placebo trial, peak power and mean power levels were significantly decreased across time, F (1.47, 13.24) = 4.63, G-G p = .039, h2p = .340 and F (1.46, 13.13) = 5.31, G-G p = .028, h2p = .371 while no differences were found in a ginseng trial. In a placebo trial, average reaction time (ART) was significantly increased across time, F (1.29, 11.63) = 10.81, G-G p = .005, h2p = .546, but in a ginseng trial, no difference in ART was found across time, F (1.54, 13.86) = 4.02, G-G p = .051, h2p = .309. There was a significant increase in TAC across time in a ginseng trial, F (1.42, 11.37) = 5.07, G-G p = .035, h2p = .388 while no difference was found in a placebo trial. No significant differences were found in other variables from placebo and ginseng trails. The 7 days of KRG supplementation significantly reduced the serum myoglobin concentration across time in the KGD trial, F (1.88, 13.17) = 5.18, G-G p = .023, while no difference was found in the placebo trial, F (2.21, 17.66) = .88, G-G p = .443. No significant differences were observed in serum total antioxidant activity and IL-6 between KGD and placebo trials. The study shows that Korean ginseng supplement before stating the exercise improve anaerobic capacity, cognitive function in particular psychomotor vigilance task, and fatigue recovery during cycling exercise. And 7 days of Korean ginseng supplement reduces muscle damage and fatigue after cycling exercise
