45,871 research outputs found

    Dynamic Windows Scheduling with Reallocation

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    We consider the Windows Scheduling problem. The problem is a restricted version of Unit-Fractions Bin Packing, and it is also called Inventory Replenishment in the context of Supply Chain. In brief, the problem is to schedule the use of communication channels to clients. Each client ci is characterized by an active cycle and a window wi. During the period of time that any given client ci is active, there must be at least one transmission from ci scheduled in any wi consecutive time slots, but at most one transmission can be carried out in each channel per time slot. The goal is to minimize the number of channels used. We extend previous online models, where decisions are permanent, assuming that clients may be reallocated at some cost. We assume that such cost is a constant amount paid per reallocation. That is, we aim to minimize also the number of reallocations. We present three online reallocation algorithms for Windows Scheduling. We evaluate experimentally these protocols showing that, in practice, all three achieve constant amortized reallocations with close to optimal channel usage. Our simulations also expose interesting trade-offs between reallocations and channel usage. We introduce a new objective function for WS with reallocations, that can be also applied to models where reallocations are not possible. We analyze this metric for one of the algorithms which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first online WS protocol with theoretical guarantees that applies to scenarios where clients may leave and the analysis is against current load rather than peak load. Using previous results, we also observe bounds on channel usage for one of the algorithms.Comment: 6 figure

    Pre-Congestion Notification (PCN) Architecture

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    This document describes a general architecture for flow admission and termination based on pre-congestion information in order to protect the quality of service of established, inelastic flows within a single Diffserv domain.\u

    Toward RADSCAT measurements over the sea and their interpretation

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    Investigations into several areas which are essential to the execution and interpretation of suborbital observations by composite radiometer - scatterometer sensor (RADSCAT) are reported. Experiments and theory were developed to demonstrate the remote anemometric capability of the sensor over the sea through various weather conditions. It is shown that weather situations found in extra tropical cyclones are useful for demonstrating the all weather capability of the composite sensor. The large scale fluctuations of the wind over the sea dictate the observational coverage required to correlate measurements with the mean surface wind speed. Various theoretical investigations were performed to establish a premise for the joint interpretation of the experiment data. The effects of clouds and rains on downward radiometric observations over the sea were computed. A method of predicting atmospheric attenuation from joint observations is developed. In other theoretical efforts, the emission and scattering characteristics of the sea were derived. Composite surface theories with coherent and noncoherent assumptions were employed

    Electroweak quark-lepton symmetry and weak topological-charge confinement in the Standard Model with Dirac neutrinos

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    The standard electroweak model with Dirac neutrinos is extended by way of the principles of electroweak quark-lepton symmetry and weak topological-charge confinement to account for quark-lepton charge relations which, if not accidental, are indicative of charge structures. A mixing in quarks and leptons of underlying integer local charges with integer weak topological charges associated with an additive group Z_3, fixed by the anomaly cancellation requirement, is discussed. It is found that the electroweak difference between topological quarks and leptons is the nonequivalence between the topological vacua of their weak field configurations, produced by a four-instanton which carries the topological charge, induces the universal fractional piece of charge distinguishing quarks from leptons, and breaks the underlying symmetry. The constituent quarks of the standard model appear as coming from topological quarks, via the weak four-instanton event. Dual transitions occur for leptons. It is shown that several other fundamental problems left open in the standard electroweak model with Dirac neutrinos are solved: the one-to-one correspondence between quark and lepton flavors, the existence of three generations, the conservation and ungauging of B-L, the electric charge quantization, and the confinement of fractional electric charges.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, uses IJMPA.cl

    Knuthian Drawings of Series-Parallel Flowcharts

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    Inspired by a classic paper by Knuth, we revisit the problem of drawing flowcharts of loop-free algorithms, that is, degree-three series-parallel digraphs. Our drawing algorithms show that it is possible to produce Knuthian drawings of degree-three series-parallel digraphs with good aspect ratios and small numbers of edge bends.Comment: Full versio

    Inward and Outward Integral Equations and the KKR Method for Photons

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    In the case of electromagnetic waves it is necessary to distinguish between inward and outward on-shell integral equations. Both kinds of equation are derived. A correct implementation of the photonic KKR method then requires the inward equations and it follows directly from them. A derivation of the KKR method from a variational principle is also outlined. Rather surprisingly, the variational KKR method cannot be entirely written in terms of surface integrals unless permeabilities are piecewise constant. Both kinds of photonic KKR method use the standard structure constants of the electronic KKR method and hence allow for a direct numerical application. As a by-product, matching rules are obtained for derivatives of fields on different sides of the discontinuity of permeabilities. Key words: The Maxwell equations, photonic band gap calculationsComment: (to appear in J. Phys. : Cond. Matter), Latex 17 pp, PRA-HEP 93/10 (exclusively English and unimportant misprints corrected

    Habitat conversion and global avian biodiversity loss

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    The magnitude of the impacts of human activities on global biodiversity has been documented at several organizational levels. However, although there have been numerous studies of the effects of local-scale changes in land use (e.g. logging) on the abundance of groups of organisms, broader continental or global-scale analyses addressing the same basic issues remain largely wanting. None the less, changing patterns of land use, associated with the appropriation of increasing proportions of net primary productivity by the human population, seem likely not simply to have reduced the diversity of life, but also to have reduced the carrying capacity of the environment in terms of the numbers of other organisms that it can sustain. Here, we estimate the size of the existing global breeding bird population, and then make a first approximation as to how much this has been modified as a consequence of land-use changes wrought by human activities. Summing numbers across different land-use classes gives a best current estimate of a global population of less than 100 billion breeding bird individuals. Applying the same methodology to estimates of original land-use distributions suggests that conservatively this may represent a loss of between a fifth and a quarter of pre-agricultural bird numbers. This loss is shared across a range of temperate and tropical land-use types

    Toward effective structural identification of medium-rise building structures

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    Structural Identification (St-Id) is the process of constructing and calibrating a physics-based model based on the measured static and/or dynamic response of the structure. Over the last two decades, although the St-Id methods have become increasingly popular amongst civil-structural engineering communities, most complete and successful applications are often found with flexible structures such as long-span bridges and towers. Very few comprehensive studies were reported on building structures, especially those with medium-rise characteristics which are often associated with complicated analytical modelling and different degrees of parameter uncertainties. To address this need, this paper presents an in-depth study on St-Id of a benchmark medium-rise building firstly demonstrating the importance of developing appropriate initial analytical models that can be used for the automated model calibration techniques. Then, a novel parametric study based sensitivity analysis approach is introduced to identify tuning parameters as well as their appropriate ranges to maximise the correlation of the calibrated model whilst preserving the physical relevance of the calibrated model. Modal data of the first few modes measured under ambient vibration conditions are used in this study
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