116 research outputs found

    Cinématique et tectonique active de l'Ouest de la Grèce dans le cadre géodynamique de la Méditerranée Centrale et Orientale

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    La Méditerranée se situe dans une zone de convergence lente entre les plaques Eurasienne et Africaine (~5 mm/an), où des restes d'anciens bassins Téthysiens sont progressivement consommés par le retrait rapide de zones de subductions (~20-30 mm/an sur la zone de subduction Hellénique). En Méditerranée Orientale, une transition collision-subduction se produit dans l'Ouest de la Grèce (collision de la Plateforme Apulienne au nord et subduction Hellénique au sud), pratiquement à l extrémité du Golfe de Corinthe et dans une région de propagation potentielle de la faille Nord Anatolienne. Afin d'étudier la cinématique actuelle de l'Ouest de la Grèce, nous adoptons une approche multi-échelle de la déformation:(1) Une modélisation grande échelle du champ de vitesses crustale horizontales mesuré par géodésie est effectuée afin de contraindre la cinématique au voisinage de l'Ouest de la Grèce, à la fois à terre et en mer. Un résultat majeur est qu'une zone d'extension distribuée N-S s'étendant de la Bulgarie à l'Est du Golfe de Corinthe a pour conséquence de désactiver la terminaison Ouest de la faille Nord Anatolienne dans le nord de la Mer Egée. Cette extension d échelle régionale pourrait être causée par le retrait du slab Hellénique. (2) Une étude tectonique active permet d'établir une cartographie précise des failles actives de la région, leur chronologie relative et une estimation de leur vitesse de déplacement. Le demi-graben actif du Golfe Amvrakikos et la faille active N155 de Katouna-Stamna, qui constituent les frontières Nord et Est d'un bloc Iles Ioniennes-Akarnanie (IAB), sont caractérisés par des vitesses géologiques d'au moins ~ 4 mm/an et des vitesses mesurées par GPS de l'ordre de ~10 mm/an. Ce bloc IAB est limité à l'Ouest par la faille transformante de Céphalonie et semble se comporter de manière rigide.(3) Une fois les frontières du bloc IAB connues, nous montrons que le champ de vitesse GPS mesuré dans la région peut être entièrement expliqué par des effets transitoires de blocage élastique associés aux failles bordières de ce bloc. Le couplage sur l'interface de subduction n'a pas d'expression en surface, ce qui suggère qu'il doit être faible. Enfin, nous justifions l'existence d'un point triple de type Rift-Faille-Faille à la terminaison Ouest du Golfe du Corinthe.The Mediterranean is a diffuse plate boundary zone between the slowly converging Eurasian and African plates (~ 5mm/yr), where remnants of old Tethyan basins are progressively consumed by fast trench retreat (~20-30 mm/yr at the Hellenic subduction zone). In Eastern Mediterranean, a collision-subduction transition occurs in Western Greece (collision of the Apulian Platform to the north and Hellenic subduction zone to the south), close to the westward Corinth Rift termination and in a region that may be potentially affected by the westward propagation of the North Anatolian Fault. We used a multi-scale deformation approach to investigate Western Greece active kinematics:(1) We run a large scale model of horizontal crustal velocities measured by GPS to constrain the kinematic boundary conditions of Western Greece, both onshore and offshore. A major result is the occurrence of distributed N-S extension spreading from Bulgaria to the Eastern Corinth rift, resulting in de-activation of the western termination of the North Anatolian Fault in North Aegean Sea. This large scale extension could be associated to the retreat of the Hellenic slab.(2) An active tectonics study has been performed to provide an accurate mapping of active faults in the region, to constrain their relative chronology and to estimate their geological slip-rate. The Amvrakikos Gulf active half-graben and the N155 active Katouna-Stamna Fault, which form the northern and eastern boundaries of a Ionian Island-Akarnania block (IAB), have geological slip rates of at least ~ 4mm/yr and GPS slip-rates of ~ 10 mm/yr. The IAB is bounded to the west by the Kefalonia transform fault and appears to behave rigidly.(3) Once the IAB boundaries are defined, we show that the velocity field measured by GPS in the region can be totally accounted by transient elastic loading along the IAB bordering faults. Subduction interface coupling has no surface expression, suggesting low coupling. Finally, we justify the occurrence of a Rift-Fault-Fault triple junction at the western termination of the Corinth Rift.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocATHENES-Ecole Fr.Archéologie (991262301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The Owen Ridge uplift in the Arabian Sea: Implications for the sedimentary record of Indian monsoon in Late Miocene

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    International audienceThe pelagic cover of the Owen Ridge in the Arabian Sea recorded the evolution of the Indian monsoon since the Middle Miocene. The uplift of the Owen Ridge resulted from tectonic processes along the previously unidentified Miocene India-Arabia plate boundary. Based on seismic reflection data tied with deep-sea drilling to track the Miocene India-Arabia plate boundary, we propose a new timing for the uplift of the Owen Ridge and highlight its impact on the record of climate changes in pelagic sediments. The new dataset reveals a fracture zone east of the Owen Ridge corresponding to the fossil plate boundary, and documents that the main uplift of the Owen Ridge occurred close to ∼8.5 Ma, and is coeval with a major uplift of the east Oman margin. Late Miocene deformation at the India-Arabia plate boundary is also coeval with the onset of intra-plate deformation in the Central Indian Ocean, suggesting a kinematic change of India and surrounding plates in the Late Miocene. The uplift of the Owen Ridge above the lysocline at ∼8.5 Ma accounts for a better preservation of Globigerina bulloides in the pelagic cover, previously misinterpreted as the result of a monsoon intensification event

    Owen Ridge deep-water submarine landslides: implications for tsunami hazard along the Oman coast

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    International audienceThe recent discovery of voluminous submarine landslides along the Owen Ridge may represent a source of tsunami hazard for the nearby Oman coast. We as- sess the severity of this potential hazard by performing numerical simulations of tsunami generation and propaga- tion from the biggest landslide (40km3 in volume) ob- served along the Owen Ridge. A finite-difference model, assimilating the landslide to a visco-plastic flow, simulates tsunami generation. Computation results show that Salalah city(190000inhabitants)isimpactedby2.5m-hightsunami waves one hour after sediment failure. Higher wave eleva- tion values (4 m) are reached in the low populated Sawqara Bay over 80 min after slide initiation. Although large subma- rine failures along remote oceanic ridges are infrequent, this study reveals an underestimated source of tsunami hazard in theArabianSea

    Mass wasting processes along the Owen Ridge (Northwest Indian Ocean)

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    International audienceThe Owen Ridge is a prominent relief that runs parallel to the coast of Oman in the NW Indian Ocean and is closely linked to the Owen Fracture Zone, an 800-km- long active fault system that accommodates today the Arabia-India strike-slip motion. Several types of mass failures mobilizing the pelagic cover have been mapped in details along the ridge using multibeam bathymetry and sediment echosounder. Here we present a synthetic map of the different types of mass wasting features observed along the ridge and we further establish a morphometric analysis of submarine landslides. The spatial variation of failure morphology is strongly related to the topography of the basement. The highest volumes of multi-events generated slides are mobilized along the southern portion of the ridge. There, the estimated volume of evacuated material during a slide is up to 45 km3. Combining these new observations with re-interpreted ODP seismic lines (Leg 117) documents sporadic mass wasting events through time along the southern segment of the ridge since its uplift in the Early Miocene, with a typical recurrence rate of the order of 105-106 years. Although seismicity may still be the final triggering process, mass wasting frequency is mainly controlled by the slow pelagic sedimentation rates and hence, time needed to build up the 40-80 m thick pelagic cover required to return to a mechanically unstable pelagic cover

    Three-dimensional surface displacement of the 2008 May 12 Sichuan earthquake (China) derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar: evidence for rupture on a blind thrust

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    International audienceThe Sichuan earthquake,Mw7.9, struck the Longmen Shan (LMS) range front,China, on 2008 May 12, affecting an area of moderate historical seismicity where little active shortening has been previously reported. Recent studies based on space geodesy have succeeded in retrieving the far field surface displacements caused by the earthquake, but the near field (±25 km from the faults) coseismic surface displacement is still poorly constrained. Thus, shallow fault geometry and shallow coseismic slip are still poorly resolved. Here, for the first time for this earthquake, we combine C and L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar offsets data from ascending and descending tracks to invert for the 3-D surface displacement in the near coseismic field of the Sichuan earthquake. Our data, coupled with a simple elastic dislocation model, provide new results strongly suggesting the presence of a blind thrust striking along the range front and being active at depth during the earthquake. The presence of a rupture on a blind thrust brings new evidence for an out-of-sequence thrusting event and new elements for interpreting the tectonic strain partitioning in the LMS, which has important implications both for seismic hazard assessment and long-term evolution of the mountain belt

    Tectonics of the Dalrymple Trough and uplift of the Murray Ridge (NW Indian Ocean)

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    International audienceThe Dalrymple Trough is a 150-km-long, 30-km-wide basin located at the northern termination of the Owen Fracture Zone (OFZ), which is the present-day active India-Arabia plate boundary. The Dalrymple Trough is closely associated with the Murray Ridge, a complex of prominent bathymetric highs located on its eastern flank. Recent multibeam mapping of the connection between the Dalrymple Trough and the OFZ revealed a horsetail structure, which suggests a close relationship between geological histories of both structures. However, the 3-6 Ma age of initiation of the OFZ contrasts with the commonly accepted Early Miocene emplacement of the Dalrymple Trough. Recent seismic lines document a new tectonic history of the Dalrymple Trough, involving two major episodes of deformation along the India-Arabia plate boundary at ~ 8-10 Ma and ~ 1.9 ± 0.9 Ma. The 8-10 Ma episode is marked by a system of folds linked to the main uplift of the southern Murray Ridge and the first uplift of the northern Murray Ridge. This episode is related to a global plate reorganization event in the Late Miocene, well expressed by intraplate deformation in the Central Indian Ocean. The Dalrymple Trough opened at ~ 1.9 ± 0.9 Ma subsequently to the formation of a stepover at the India-Arabia plate boundary, coeval with the regional M-unconformity in the Oman abyssal plain, which marks a structural reorganization of the Makran accretionary wedge, and the last uplift of the northern Murray Ridge

    Arc Deformation and Marginal Basin Opening: Japan Sea as a Case Study

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    Laurent Jolivet est est Professeur à l'Université d'Orléans depuis le 1er Septembre 2009International audienceWe discuss the opening mechanism of the Japan Sea in Miocene time using (1) tectonic and published paleomagnetic data along the eastern margin from the north of Hokkaido Island to Sado Island, (2) a mechanical model which is tested by small-scale physical modeling, and (3) crustal structure and bathymetric features in the Japan Sea which constrain our kinematic model and preopening reconstructions. Our main conclusions are the following. The eastern margin of the Japan Sea was, as a whole, a dextral shear zone about 100 km wide. This conclusion is supported by the existence of a ductile dextral shear zone in Central Hokkaido (Hidaka Mountains) and associated brittle deformation in western Hokkaido and northeastern Honshu. The stress field during the opening (which ended about 12 Ma ago at the end of the middle Miocene) changes from right-lateral transpression in the north to right-lateral transtension in the south. The western margin, along the Korean peninsula, during the same period, also was an active dextral shear zone. Paleomagnetic results indicate that clockwise rotations occurred in the south during the opening and counterclockwise rotations in the north. We propose a model of right-lateral pull-apart deformation with clockwise rotations of rigid blocks in the southern transtensional domain and counterclockwise rotations in the transpressional one. Small-scale physical models show that the clockwise rotation in transtension is possible provided that the eastern boundary (Pacific side) is free of stress. The opening stopped and compression subsequently began about 12 Ma ago. Finally, we show that the dextral shear, which is distributed over the whole Japan Sea area, is accommodated by N-S trending right-lateral faults and rotation of blocks located between these right-lateral faults

    Pervasive deformation of an oceanic plate and relationship to large >Mw 8 intraplate earthquakes: The northern Wharton Basin, Indian Ocean

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    Large-magnitude intraplate earthquakes within the ocean basins are not well understood. The Mw 8.6 and Mw 8.2 strike-slip intraplate earthquakes on 11 April 2012, while clearly occurring in the equatorial Indian Ocean diffuse plate boundary zone, are a case in point, with disagreement on the nature of the focal mechanisms and the faults that ruptured. We use bathymetric and seismic reflection data from the rupture area of the earthquakes in the northern Wharton Basin to demonstrate pervasive brittle deformation between the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Sunda subduction zone. In addition to evidence of recent strike-slip deformation along approximately north-south–trending fossil fracture zones, we identify a new type of deformation structure in the Indian Ocean: conjugate Riedel shears limited to the sediment section and oriented oblique to the north-south fracture zones. The Riedel shears developed in the Miocene, at a similar time to the onset of diffuse deformation in the central Indian Ocean. However, left-lateral strike-slip reactivation of existing fracture zones started earlier, in the Paleocene to early Eocene, and compartmentalizes the Wharton Basin. Modeled rupture during the 11 April 2012 intraplate earthquakes is consistent with the location of two reactivated, closely spaced, approximately north-south–trending fracture zones. However, we find no evidence for WNW-ESE–trending faults in the shallow crust, which is at variance with most of the earthquake fault models