22 research outputs found

    Late Cretaceous structural control and Alpine overprint of the high-sulfidation Cu-Au epithermal Chelopech deposit, Srednogorie belt, Bulgaria

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    The Chelopech epithermal high-sulfidation deposit is located in the Panagyurishte ore district in Bulgaria, which is defined by a NNW alignment of Upper Cretaceous porphyry-Cu and Cu-Au epithermal deposits, and forms part of the Eastern European Banat-Srednogorie belt. Detailed structural mapping and drillcore descriptions have been used to define the structural evolution of the Chelopech deposit from the Late Cretaceous to the present. The Chelopech deposit is characterized by three fault populations including ∼N55, ∼N110, and ∼N155-trending faults, which are also recognized in the entire Panagyurishte district. Mapping and 3-D modeling show that hydrothermal alteration and orebody geometry at Chelopech are controlled by the ∼N55-trending and ∼N110-trending faults. Moreover, the ∼N155-trending faults are parallel to the regional ore deposit alignment of the Panagyurishte ore district. It is concluded that the three fault populations are early features and Late Cretaceous in age, and that they were active during high-sulfidation ore formation at Chelopech. However, the relative fault chronology cannot be deduced anymore due to Late Cretaceous and Tertiary tectonic overprint. Structurally controlled ore formation was followed by Senonian sandstone, limestone, and flysch deposition. The entire Late Cretaceous magmatic and sedimentary rock succession underwent folding, which produced WNW-oriented folds throughout the Panagyurishte district. A subsequent tectonic stage resulted in overthrusting of older rock units along ∼NE-trending reverse faults on the Upper Cretaceous magmatic and sedimentary host rocks of the high-sulfidation epithermal deposit at Chelopech. The three fault populations contemporaneous with ore formation, i.e., the ∼N55-, ∼N110- and ∼N155-trending faults, were reactivated as thrusts or reverse faults, dextral strike-slip faults, and transfer faults, respectively, during this event. Previous studies indicate that the present-day setting is characterized by dextral transtensional strike-slip tectonics. The ∼NE-trending overthrust affecting the Chelopech deposit and the reactivation of the ore-controlling faults are compatible with dextral strike-slip tectonics, but indicate local transpression, thus revealing that the Chelopech deposit might be sited at a transpressive offset within a generally transtensional strike-slip system. The early WNW-trending folds require a roughly NNE-SSW shortening, which is incompatible with the present-day dextral strike-slip tectonic setting and the ∼NE-trending thrust formed during the tectonic overprint of the Chelopech deposit. This reveals a rotation of the principal stress axes after Late Cretaceous high-sulfidation ore formation and post-ore deposition of sedimentary rocks. The nature of the sedimentary rocks interlayered and immediately covering the Upper Cretaceous magmatic rocks hosting the Chelopech deposit indicates sedimentation and associated volcanism in an extensional setting immediately before ore formation. It is concluded that the Chelopech deposit was formed when the tectonic setting changed from extensional during Late Cretaceous basin sedimentation and magmatism, to compressional producing WNW-trending folds under a roughly NNE-SSW compression, possibly in a sinistral strike-slip system. Thus, like other world-class, high-sulfidation epithermal deposits, the Chelopech deposit was formed at the end of an extensional period or during a transient period of stress relaxation, which are particularly favorable tectonic settings for the formation of high-sulfidation epithermal deposits. The exceptional preservation of the Upper Cretaceous Chelopech epithermal deposit is explained by the combined deposition of a thick Senonian sedimentary sequence on top of the Upper Cretaceous magmatic host rocks of the deposit, and the later overthrust of older rock units on top of the deposit. Our study at Chelopech supports previous studies stating that post-ore basin sedimentation and tectonic processes provide the favorable environment to preserve old epithermal deposits from erosion. The tectonic evolution of the Chelopech deposit is similar to that of the entire Panagyurishte ore district. This coherence of the magmatic, hydrothermal, and tectonic events from north to south suggests that the ore deposits of the entire Panagyurishte ore district were formed in a similar tectonic environmen

    Petrology, geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology of magmatic rocks from the high-sulfidation epithermal Au-Cu Chelopech deposit, Srednogorie zone, Bulgaria

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    The Chelopech deposit is one of the largest European gold deposits and is located 60km east of Sofia, within the northern part of the Panagyurishte mineral district. It lies within the Banat-Srednegorie metallogenic belt, which extends from Romania through Serbia to Bulgaria. The magmatic rocks define a typical calc-alkaline suite. The magmatic rocks surrounding the Chelopech deposit have been affected by propylitic, quartz-sericite, and advanced argillic alteration, but the igneous textures have been preserved. Alteration processes have resulted in leaching of Na2O, CaO, P2O5, and Sr and enrichment in K2O and Rb. Trace element variation diagrams are typical of subduction-related volcanism, with negative anomalies in high field strength elements (HFSE) and light element, lithophile elements. HFSE and rare earth elements were relatively immobile during the hydrothermal alteration related to ore formation. Based on immobile element classification diagrams, the magmatic rocks are andesitic to dacitic in compositions. Single zircon grains, from three different magmatic rocks spanning the time of the Chelopech magmatism, were dated by high-precision U-Pb geochronology. Zircons of an altered andesitic body, which has been thrust over the deposit, yield a concordant 206Pb/238U age of 92.21 ± 0.21Ma. This age is interpreted as the crystallization age and the maximum age for magmatism at Chelopech. Zircon analyses of a dacitic dome-like body, which crops out to the north of the Chelopech deposit, give a mean 206Pb/238U age of 91.95 ± 0.28Ma. Zircons of the andesitic hypabyssal body hosting the high-sulfidation mineralization and overprinted by hydrothermal alteration give a concordant 206Pb/238U age of 91.45 ± 0.15Ma. This age is interpreted as the intrusion age of the andesite and as the maximum age of the Chelopech epithermal high-sulfidation deposit. 176Hf/177Hf isotope ratios of zircons from the Chelopech magmatic rocks, together with published data on the Chelopech area and the about 92-Ma-old Elatsite porphyry-Cu deposit, suggest two different magma sources in the Chelopech-Elatsite magmatic area. Magmatic rocks associated with the Elatsite porphyry-Cu deposit and the dacitic dome-like body north of Chelopech are characterized by zircons with ɛHfT90 values of ∼5, which suggest an important input of mantle-derived magma. Some zircons display lower ɛHfT90 values, as low as −6, and correlate with increasing 206Pb/238U ages up to about 350Ma, suggesting assimilation of basement rocks during magmatism. In contrast, zircon grains in andesitic rocks from Chelopech are characterized by homogeneous 176Hf/177Hf isotope ratios with ɛHfT90 values of ∼1 and suggest a homogeneous mixed crust-mantle magma source. We conclude that the Elatsite porphyry-Cu and the Chelopech high-sulfidation epithermal deposits were formed within a very short time span and could be partly contemporaneous. However, they are related to two distinct upper crustal magmatic reservoirs, and they cannot be considered as a genetically paired porphyry-Cu and high-sulfidation epithermal related to a single magmatic-hydrothermal system centered on the same intrusio

    The Cu-Au Chelopech deposit, Panagyurishte district, Bulgaria : volcanic setting, hydrothermal evolution and tectonic overprint of a late cretaceous high-sulfidation epithermal deposit

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    Le gisement épithermal de type "high-sulfidation" à or et cuivre de Chelopech en Bulgarie s'est développé au Crétacé supérieur, dans les roches andésitiques, phréatomagmatiques, pyroclastiques et sédimentaires, qui témoignent d'un environnement côtier du volcanisme. L'étude géochronologique a donné un âge maximum de 91.45 Ma pour la formation du gisement. Cette étude permet d'établir la forte influence de ces différentes lithologies lors de la mise en place de la minéralisation et du développement des brèches hydrothermales encaissantes. De plus, l'étude structurale du gisement de Chelopech a mis en évidence le contrôle par des failles des fluides minéralisateurs et la déformation du gisement pendant l'orogenèse Alpine tertiaire. Les fluides à l'origine de la minéralisation sont essentiellement des vapeurs volcaniques avec une composante d'eau météorique. Le gisement de Chelopech est comparable aux grands gisements épithermaux de type "high-sulfidation" mondiaux

    Subaqueous environment and volcanic evolution of the Late Cretaceous Chelopech Au–Cu epithermal deposit, Bulgaria

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    A detailed field and petrographic study constrains the volcanic evolution and environment setting of the volcanosedimentary-hosted Chelopech Cu–Au epithermal deposit, Bulgaria. Magmatic activity and associated highsulfidation epithermal mineralization occurred at about 91 Ma in the Panagyurishte ore district of the Eastern European Banat–Timok–Srednogorie metallogenic belt. Volcanic and hydrothermal activity took place in a complex subaqueous setting, resulting in the intercalation of quartz sandstone with andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic breccia. There are also hypabyssal andesite intrusion, phreatomagmatic breccia and interbeds of pyroclastic, oolithic and bioclastic rocks. The presence of altered cerebroid ooid-bearing sedimentary units characteristic of salty environment is in accordance with a lagoon environment predating the mineralization at Chelopech. Four principal stages of evolution for the Chelopech district are proposed based on field and petrographic observations. Initial volcanism occurred in a lake or in a coastal, shallow lagoon environment above crystalline basement. The Chelopech “phreatomagmatic” breccia and subsurface andesites were emplaced at this time. Subsequent hydrothermal activity produced the different hydrothermal breccia types, advanced argillic and quartz–phyllic alteration, and Au–Cu vein and replacement mineralization. The end of volcanismand hydrothermal activity was associated with opening of a pull-apart basin that covered the Chelopech environment with a sedimentary flysch. Tertiary compression faulting juxtaposed various rocks and tilted the ore deposit during the Alpine orogeny

    Late Cretaceous structural control and Alpine overprint of the high-sulfidation Cu–Au epithermal Chelopech deposit, Srednogorie belt, Bulgaria

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    Abstract The Chelopech epithermal high-sulfidation deposit is located in the Panagyurishte ore district in Bulgaria, which is defined by a NNWalignment of Upper Cretaceous porphyry–Cu and Cu–Au epithermal deposits, and forms part of the Eastern European Banat–Srednogorie belt. Detailed structural mapping and drillcore descriptions have been used to define the structural evolution of the Chelopech deposit from the Late Cretaceous to the present. The Chelopech deposit is characterized by three fault populations including ∼N55, ∼N110, and ∼N155-trending faults, which are also recognized in the entire Panagyurishte district. Mapping and 3-D modeling show that hydrothermal alteration and orebody geometry at Chelopech are controlled by the ∼N55-trending and ∼N110-trending faults. Moreover, the ∼N155-trending faults are parallel to the regional ore deposit alignment of the Panagyurishte ore district. It is concluded that the three fault populations are early features and Late Cretaceous in age, and that they were active during high-sulfidation ore formation at Chelopech. However, the relative fault chronology cannot be deduced anymore due to Late Cretaceous and Tertiary tectonic overprint. Structurally controlled ore formation was followed by Senonian sandstone, limestone, and flysch deposition. The entire Late Cretaceous magmatic and sedimentary rock succession underwent folding, which produced WNW-oriented folds throughout the Panagyurishte district. A subsequent tectonic stage resulted in overthrusting of older rock units along ∼NE-trending reverse faults on the Upper Cretaceous magmatic and sedimentary host rocks of the high-sulfidation epithermal deposit at Chelopech. The three fault populations contemporaneous with ore formation, i.e., the ∼N55-, ∼N110- and ∼N155- trending faults, were reactivated as thrusts or reverse faults, dextral strike–slip faults, and transfer faults, respectively, during this event. Previous studies indicate that the presentday setting is characterized by dextral transtensional strike– slip tectonics. The ∼NE-trending overthrust affecting the Chelopech deposit and the reactivation of the ore-controlling faults are compatible with dextral strike–slip tectonics, but indicate local transpression, thus revealing that the Chelopech deposit might be sited at a transpressive offset within a generally transtensional strike–slip system. The early WNW-trending folds require a roughly NNE–SSW shortening, which is incompatible with the present-day dextral strike–slip tectonic setting and the ∼NE-trending thrust formed during the tectonic overprint of the Chelopech deposit. This reveals a rotation of the principal stress axes after Late Cretaceous high-sulfidation ore formation and post-ore deposition of sedimentary rocks. The nature of the sedimentary rocks interlayered and immediately covering the Upper Cretaceous magmatic rocks hosting the Chelopech deposit indicates sedimentation and associated volcanism in an extensional setting immediately before ore formation. It is concluded that the Chelopech deposit was formed when the tectonic setting changed from extensional during Late Cretaceous basin sedimentation and magmatism, to compressional producing WNW-trending folds under a roughly NNE–SSW compression, possibly in a sinistral strike–slip system. Thus, like other world-class, high-sulfidation epithermal deposits, the Chelopech deposit was formed at the end of an extensional period or during a transient period of stress relaxation, which are particularly favorable tectonic settings for the formation of high-sulfidation epithermal deposits. The exceptional preservation of the Upper Cretaceous Chelopech epithermal deposit is explained by the combined deposition of a thick Senonian sedimentary sequence on top of the Upper Cretaceous magmatic host rocks of the deposit, and the later overthrust of older rock units on top of the deposit. Our study at Chelopech supports previous studies stating that post-ore basin sedimentation and tectonic processes provide the favorable environment to preserve old epithermal deposits from erosion. The tectonic evolution of the Chelopech deposit is similar to that of the entire Panagyurishte ore district. This coherence of the magmatic, hydrothermal, and tectonic events from north to south suggests that the ore deposits of the entire Panagyurishte ore district were formed in a similar tectonic environment

    Petrology, geochemistry and U–Pb geochronology of magmatic rocks from the high-sulfidation epithermal Au–Cu Chelopech deposit, Srednogorie zone, Bulgaria

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    The Chelopech deposit is one of the largest European gold deposits and is located 60 km east of Sofia, within the northern part of the Panagyurishte mineral district. It lies within the Banat–Srednegorie metallogenic belt, which extends from Romania through Serbia to Bulgaria. The magmatic rocks define a typical calc-alkaline suite. The magmatic rocks surrounding the Chelopech deposit have been affected by propylitic, quartz–sericite, and advanced argillic alteration, but the igneous textures have been preserved. Alteration processes have resulted in leaching of Na2O, CaO, P2O5, and Sr and enrichment in K2O and Rb. Trace element variation diagrams are typical of subduction-related volcanism, with negative anomalies in high field strength elements (HFSE) and light element, lithophile elements. HFSE and rare earth elements were relatively immobile during the hydrothermal alteration related to ore formation. Based on immobile element classification diagrams, the magmatic rocks are andesitic to dacitic in compositions. Single zircon grains, from three different magmatic rocks spanning the time of the Chelopech magmatism, were dated by high-precision U–Pb geochronology. Zircons of an altered andesitic body, which has been thrust over the deposit, yield a concordant 206Pb/238U age of 92.21±0.21 Ma. This age is interpreted as the crystallization age and the maximum age for magmatism at Chelopech. Zircon analyses of a dacitic dome-like body, which crops out to the north of the Chelopech deposit, give a mean 206Pb/238U age of 91.95± 0.28 Ma. Zircons of the andesitic hypabyssal body hosting the high-sulfidation mineralization and overprinted by hydrothermal alteration give a concordant 206Pb/238U age of 91.45±0.15 Ma. This age is interpreted as the intrusion age of the andesite and as the maximum age of the Chelopech epithermal high-sulfidation deposit. 176Hf/177Hf isotope ratios of zircons from the Chelopech magmatic rocks, together with published data on the Chelopech area and the about 92-Ma-old Elatsite porphyry–Cu deposit, suggest two different magma sources in the Chelopech– Elatsite magmatic area. Magmatic rocks associated with the Elatsite porphyry–Cu deposit and the dacitic dome-like body north of Chelopech are characterized by zircons with ɛHfT90 values of ∼5, which suggest an important input of mantle-derived magma. Some zircons display lower ɛHfT90 values, as low as −6, and correlate with increasing 206Pb/238U ages up to about 350 Ma, suggesting assimilation of basement rocks during magmatism. In contrast, zircon grains in andesitic rocks from Chelopech are characterized by homogeneous 176Hf/177Hf isotope ratios with ɛHfT90 values of ∼1 and suggest a homogeneous mixed crust–mantle magma source. We conclude that the Elatsite porphyry–Cu and the Chelopech high-sulfidation epithermal deposits were formed within a very short time span and could be partly contemporaneous. However, thare related to two distinct upper crustal magmatic reservoirs, and they cannot be considered as a genetically paired porphyry–Cu and high-sulfidation epithermal related to a single magmatic–hydrothermal system centered on the same intrusion

    Aluminium phosphate-sulphate minerals in the Chelopech Cu-Au deposit: Spatial development, chemistry and genetic significance

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    Aluminium phosphate-sulphate (APS) minerals of the svanbergite-woodhouseite (Sv-Wh) solid solution series have been determined in the advanced argillic and sericitic zones of alteration, as well as along with the Cu-As-S ore mineralization in the Chelopech high-sulphidation epithermal deposit. In the advanced argillic zone, Sv-Wh phases are documented down to a depth of 2000 m as known from 2 deep drill-holes. On the Earth surface (elevation 750 m) these minerals are associated with quartz, dickite, kaolinite, alunite, pyrite and anatase. From level 450 m to level 250 m, the alteration assemblage is composed of quartz, dickite, kaolinite, nacrite, pyrite, Sv-Wh and anatase. At deeper levels, diaspore, pyrophyllite, alunite and zunyite occur together with Sv-Wh. The temperature of formation of the advanced argillic alteration assemblages is considered to range from less than 200°C in the upper levels to more than 300°C in the deepest levels of the hydrothermal system. In the sericitic zone, these minerals are associated with quartz, illite, pyrite, halloysite, anatase and apatite. The relationships with apatite indicate that at least a part of Sv-Wh phases are formed by dissolution and replacement of apatite in a low pH environment. As a part of the Cu-As-S ore mineralization, these minerals are closely associated with enargite, pyrite, tennantite, chalcopyrite and barite, which suggest similar Eh-pH conditions of their formation. The Sv-Wh phases with general formula (Ca,Sr)Al3(PO4,SO4)2(OH,H2O)6 range in composition from high Ca- to high Sr-varieties without reaching pure end-member composition. Minor amounts of Ba and K complete their chemistry. The crystals have clear chemical zoning due to substitution among Sr and Ca. Svanbergite-woodhouseite phases and zunyite are described for the first time in the Chelopech Cu-Au deposit

    Reconstruction of the fossil hydrothermal system at Lake City caldera, Colorado, U.S.A.: Constraints for caldera-hosted geothermal systems

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    Reconstruction of the physiochemical characteristics of fossil hydrothermal systems can help guide exploration for modern geothermal or mineral resources in similar settings. The 22.9 Ma Lake City caldera in Colorado, U.S.A., is well-exposed and contains an exhumed fossil shallow hydrothermal system. In this study, alteration mineralogy, vein textures and fluid inclusions are used to characterise the temperature and composition, spatiotemporal variability, and structural controls of the hydrothermal system. At paleo-depth equivalent between 1 and 2 km, the hydrothermal system was dominantly moderate temperature (up to ~290 °C), low salinity (\u3c3% NaCl equivalent) and neutral to weakly acidic pH. There is evidence for boiling in veins throughout the exposed depth range; however, boiling textures are most common at the highest elevations of the system (~1150 m paleo-depth), and in structurally controlled fluid conduits. Quartz-illite alteration assemblages in the centre of the caldera indicate slightly more fluid-dominated conditions compared to those that formed propylitic alteration on the caldera margin. These alteration types reflect contrasting fluid pathways; a more pervasively fractured and faulted resurgent dome in the caldera centre, compared to fewer, larger conduits in the basement granite at the caldera margin. Based on the lack of high-temperature (\u3c350 °C), hypersaline (\u3e20 wt% NaCleq) fluid inclusions within the caldera centre, we interpret that the resurgent syenite intrusions provided little magmatic fluid input and had cooled significantly by the time the hydrothermal system had established. In contrast, in the eastern portion of the caldera, late distinct magma batches provided high temperature (up to ~540 °C) and hypersaline (up to ~65% NaCl eq.) magmatic fluid input above intrusions. Our conceptual hydrothermal model emphasizes the importance of discontinuity intersections in facilitating permeability in caldera settings. We also recognize the contrasting hydrothermal manifestations of a waning, degassed magma batch “left-over” from a caldera forming eruption, compared to fresh, volatile-rich magma