3,172 research outputs found

    Execution and power in El jefe máximo, by Ignacio Solares

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    This article discusses the Ignacio Solares novel from the theory of microphysics of power and vision of the tortured body, the body and the body away victimized. It is found that the Solares novel is a work in which different genres and voices are articulated to show the perverse mechanisms of authoritarian power in Mexico from 1927 to 1944.En este artículo se analiza la novela El jefe máximo, de Ignacio Solares, a partir de la teoría de la microfísica del poder y de la mirada sobre el cuerpo torturado, sobre el cadáver y sobre la distancia del cuerpo victimado. Se encuentra que la novela de Solares es un trabajo en el que se articulan distintos géneros y voces para mostrar los mecanismos perversos del poder autoritario en el México de los años 1927 a 1944

    Mood, Personality, and Behavior Changes During Treatment with Statins: A Case Series.

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    Psychiatric adverse drug reactions (ADRs) have been reported with statin use, but the literature regarding statin-associated mood/behavioral changes remains limited. We sought to elicit information germane to natural history and characteristics of central nervous system/behavioral changes in apparent connection with statin and/or cholesterol-lowering drug use, and delineate mechanisms that may bear on an association. Participants (and/or proxies) self-referred with behavioral and/or mood changes in apparent association with statins completed a survey eliciting cholesterol-lowering drug history, character and impact of behavioral/mood effect, time-course of onset and recovery in relation to drug use/modification, co-occurrence of recognized statin-associated ADRs, and factors relevant to ADR causality determination. Naranjo presumptive ADR causality criteria were assessed. Participants (n = 12) reported mood/behavior change that commenced following statin initiation and persisted or progressed with continued use. Reported problems included violent ideation, irritability, depression, and suicide. Problems resolved with drug discontinuation and recurred with rechallenge where attempted. Eight met presumptive criteria for "probable" or "definite" causality; others had additional factors not considered in Naranjo criteria that bear on casual likelihood. (1) Simvastatin 80 mg was followed in 5 days by irritability/depression culminating in suicide in a man in his 40s (Naranjo criteria: possible causality). (2) Simvastatin 10 mg was followed within 2 weeks by depression in a woman in her 50s (probable causality). (3) Atorvastatin 20 mg was followed in ~1 month by depression and irritability/aggression in a male in his 50s (probable causality). (4) Atorvastatin 10 mg was followed in several months by aggression/irritability and depression culminating in suicide in a man in his 40s (possible causality). (5) Fenofibrate + rosuvastatin (unknown dose), later combined with atorvastatin were followed in 1 month by aggression/irritability in a male in his 30s (probable causality). (6) Lovastatin (unknown dose and time-course to reaction) was followed by depression, dyscontrol of bipolar disorder, and suicide attempts in a male in his 40s (possible causality). (7) Atorvastatin 20 mg was followed within 2 weeks by cognitive compromise, and nightmares, depression, and anxiety culminating in suicide in a man in his teens (definite causality). (8) Simvastatin 10 mg was followed (time-course not recalled) by depression, aggression/irritability culminating in suicide in a man in his 60s (possible causality). (9) Simvastatin 20 mg then atorvastatin 10 mg were followed (time-course not provided) by irritability/aggression in a man in his 60s (definite causality). (10) Atorvastatin 10 then 20 then 40 mg were followed shortly after the dose increase by violent ideation and anxiety in a man in his 30s (probable causality). (11) Atorvastatin 20 mg and then simvastatin 20 mg were followed in 2 weeks by aggression/irritability in a man in his 50s (definite causality). (12) Lovastatin, rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, and simvastatin at varying doses were followed as quickly as 1 day by aggression, irritability, and violent ideation in a man in his 40s (definite causality). Most had risk factors for statin ADRs, and co-occurrence of other, recognized statin ADRs. ADRs had implications for marriages, careers, and safety of self and others. These observations support the potential for adverse mood and behavioral change in some individuals with statin use, extend the limited literature on such effects, and provide impetus for further investigation into these presumptive ADRs. Potential mechanisms are reviewed, including hypothesized mechanisms related to oxidative stress and bioenergetics

    Trustee companies : their role in Australian philanthropy

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Business.Trustee companies play an important role in Australia's philanthropic sector as they administer approximately 40% of all charitable trusts and foundations. Today, these companies also manage the largest amount of philanthropic monies about 3.2billionandannuallydistribute3.2 billion and annually distribute 180-$200 million to the community in grants. Despite this pivotal position, this thesis is the first research study of this segment of Australian philanthropy and therefore it can only be exploratory. The focus is on only one structural form of philanthropy – organised, institutional, charitable, perpetual, grant-making trusts and foundations. This research asks the question: Should Australian philanthropic foundations be publicly accountable? This is addressed by examining the governance practices of trustee companies in their role as trustees of trusts and foundations. The only legal obligation upon philanthropic entities in Australia is to provide an audited annual report to the Taxation Office. This information is treated as private and confidential. As a consequence, there is almost a complete lack of publicly available information on Australian philanthropy. This situation exists despite foundations receiving favoured legislative status with government policy exempting them from most forms of taxation and also providing significant taxation benefits to their founders. This lack of empirically verifiable information means it is almost impossible to say anything meaningful about Australian philanthropy, from the most straight-forward question (how many philanthropic foundations are there in Australia) to more complex ones, such as how one assesses the impact of this important sector. Three research methodologies were employed for the thesis. Thirty-two trust deeds and probate documents were analysed using a case study method. Prosopography was used to interrogate interviews with seven relevant individuals including chairmen of foundations. Historical document analysis was used to examine government documents relating to the establishment of the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission, and for submissions to a government inquiry into the administration of charitable trusts administered by trustee companies. The research confirmed the culture of privacy in Australian philanthropy and examined the implication of this for the not-for-profit sector for whom these philanthropic monies are intended. The notion of the need for public accountability was not generally accepted in any of the research material examined. The thesis concludes that the question needs to be asked: Is there a clash of purposes for an ASX- listed company between its legal role of making profits for its shareholders and its role as sole trustee or co-trustee of a perpetual charitable foundation established to benefit the community? The thesis recommends that this question and others, particularly the need for public accountability of philanthropic trusts and foundations, be examined by policy makers

    VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES (VLS) OF HIGH-ACHIEVING INDONESIAN EFL UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS : A descriptive study carried out at one state university in Bandung

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    Tujuanutamadaripenelitianiniadalahuntuk: 1). menyelidikistrategi-strategipembelajarkosa kata(VLS) yang seringdigunakanolehmahasiswa EFL Indonesia berprestasi di salahsatuuniversitasnegeridan 2). mengetahuialasanuntukpreferensi VLS mereka. Subyek yang dipilihdengansengajaadalah 55 siswa yang mengambiljurusanbahasaInggrisdanpendidikanbahasaInggris di departemenpendidikanbahasaInggrisdi salahsatuuniversitasnegeri di Bandung. Sebuahkuesioner 27-item, dengan alpha Cronbach (0,792) dan yang diadaptasidari (1997) taksonomi Schmitt untuk(VLSQ)bersamadenganpertanyaanterbukadigunakansebagaiinstrumenpenelitianutama. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwarespondenadalahmenengahpenggunastrategistrategipembelajarankosakata (rata-rata = 2,8634). Selainitu, strategiyang paling seringdigunakanadalahstrategi Determinationdan Memory. Kata Kunci: Strategistrategipembelajarankosa kata The main purposes of this research are to: 1). investigate frequently used vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) by high-achieving Indonesian EFL undergraduate students at one state university and 2). find out the reasons for their preference of VLS. The purposively selected subjects were 55 students who majored in English language and English education at the department of English education of one state university in Bandung. A 27-item questionnaire, with Cronbach’s alpha (.792) and which was adapted from Schmitt’s (1997) taxonomy for VLSQ along with open questions was used as the main research instrument. The findings showed that the respondents were medium vocabulary learning strategies users (mean = 2.8634). In addition, Determination and Memory strategies were the most frequently used VLS. Key word: Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS

    A population based epidemiological study on the prevalence and risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in The Gambia

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    INTRODUCTION: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for 70% of global deaths, 80% occurring in low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to assess the magnitude of NCDs in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA); estimate the prevalence and associated risk factors of hypertension, obesity and smoking in The Gambian adult population (25-64 years); and assess the clustering of NCD risk factors in the country. //. METHODS: I conducted a systematic review of WHO STEP surveys conducted in SSA and undertook secondary analysis of the nationally representative 2010 WHO STEP cross sectional survey data of The Gambia. Analyses were restricted to non-pregnant participants with three valid blood pressure measurements (n=3573) and valid weight and height measurement (n=3533) for the analyses on hypertension and obesity respectively. The analysis on smoking was restricted to men (n=1766) and that of clustering included participants with valid information on all five NCD risk factors (n=3000). I conducted gender-stratified univariate and multivariate regression analyses to identify the strongest factors associated with each of my outcome variables. // RESULTS: The prevalence of hypertension and CVD risk factors are high in SSA. Almost one-third of adults in The Gambia were hypertensive, two-fifths were overweight/obese and 30% had three or more risk factors. Rural and semi-urban residents and overweight/obese persons had increased odds of hypertension. Urban residence was associated with obesity and was also associated with the clustering of three or more risk factors. // CONCLUSIONS: Rural residence was strongly associated with hypertension but urban residence was associated with obesity and clustering of risk factors in The Gambia. Intervention to reduce the burden of hypertension in The Gambia could be further targeted towards persons living in rural areas. Preventive efforts should focus on diet and possible sociocultural factors that might facilitate the increasing burden of hypertension, obesity and the clustering of risk factors. These unique findings generate new hypotheses that should be explored further

    Does monetary integration lead to an increase in FDI flows? An empirical investigation from the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ)

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    AbstractThis paper investigates the relationship between monetary integration, foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade in the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) using annual time series for the period 1980–2013. It also examines whether trade and FDI are complement or substitute. Several econometric models are applied including Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and fully-modified OLS (FMOLS). Our empirical results revealed that FDI flows into the WAMZ is influence positively by monetary integration. The findings also suggest that while real GDP, large population size and greater distance positively influence FDI flows, weak economic freedom index negatively impact FDI flows into the zone. The results support the argument that monetary union positively affect trade. Our empirical finding support the hypothesis that FDI and trade flows are complementary. The results are in line with earlier research findings. Therefore, any policy that promotes trade such as monetary integration enhances FDI inflows as well. The findings offer perspectives and insight for a new policy in WAMZ economies in their drive to attain sustainable economic growth

    Metaforización como vehículo de representación discriminante. Ejemplos de prensa de Guadalajara (principios del siglo XX)

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    Desde la perspectiva del análisis crítico del discurso y la pragmática, analizamos las representaciones discursivas en torno a grupos socialmente «problematizados» que aparecen en muestras selectivas que hemos tomado de la prensa de Guadalajara, de principios del siglo XX. Mostraremos la importancia que tenía la metaforización como vehículo de representaciones conflictivas y discriminadoras de ciertos actores sociales, que eran considerados inferiores, problemáticos, amenazantes, indeseables o anormales