19 research outputs found

    Low and high intensity velocity selective coherent population trapping in a two-level system

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    An experimental investigation is made of sub-recoil cooling by velocity selective coherent population trapping in a two-level system in Sr. The experiment is carried out using the narrow linewidth intercombination line at 689 nm. Here, the ratio between the recoil shift and the linewidth is as high as 0.64. We show that, on top of a broader momentum profile, subrecoil features develop, whose amplitude is strongly dependent on the detuning from resonance. We attribute this structure to a velocity selective coherent population trapping mechanism. We also show that the population trapping phenomenon leads to complex momentum profiles in the case of highly saturated transitions, displaying a multitude of subrecoil features at integer multiples of the recoil momentum.Comment: 6 pages and 7 figure

    Coherent flash of light emitted by a cold atomic cloud

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    When a resonant laser sent on an optically thick cold atomic cloud is abruptly switched off, a coherent flash of light is emitted in the forward direction. This transient phenomenon is observed due to the highly resonant character of the atomic scatterers. We analyze quantitatively its spatio-temporal properties and show very good agreement with theoretical predictions. Based on complementary experiments, the phase of the coherent field is reconstructed without interferometric tools.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Wigner crystal versus Fermionization for one-dimensional Hubbard models with and without long-range interactions

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    The ground state properties of Hubbard model with or without long-range interactions in the regime with strongly repulsive on-site interaction are investigated by means of the exact diagonalization method. We show that the appearance of NN-crests in the density profile of a trapped N-fermion system is a natural result of "fermionization" between antiparallel-spin fermions in the strongly repulsive limit and can not be taken as the only signature of Wigner crystal phase, as the static structure factor does not show any signature of crystallization. On the contrary, both the density distribution and static structure factor of Hubbard model with strong long-range interactions display clear signature of Wigner crystal. Our results indicate the important role of long-range interaction in the formation of Wigner crystal.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Doppler cooling to the Quantum limit

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    Doppler cooling on a narrow transition is limited by the noise of single scattering events. It shows novel features, which are in sharp contrast with cooling on a broad transition, such as a non-Gaussian momentum distribution, and divergence of its mean square value close to the resonance. We have observed those features using 1D cooling on an intercombination transition in strontium, and compared the measurements with theoretical predictions and Monte Carlo simulations. We also find that for a very narrow transition, cooling can be improved using a dipole trap, where the clock shift is canceled.Comment: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.24300

    Long-range gravitational-like interaction in a neutral atomic cold gas

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    A quasi-resonant laser induces a long-range attractive force within a cloud of cold atoms. We take advantage of this force to build in the laboratory a system of particles with a one-dimensional gravitational-like interaction, at a fluid level of modeling. We give experimental evidences of such an interaction in a cold Strontium gas, studying the density profile of the cloud, its size as a function of the number of atoms, and its breathing oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Published in PRA 87, 013401 (2013