140 research outputs found

    A comparative assessment of health and immune response between triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Sterile triploid Atlantic salmon represent a solution to the issues of pre-harvest sexual maturation and mature escapees from open aquaculture systems. Although the initial problems of reduced performance and increased deformities in triploids have been thoroughly researched, there is a continued lack of information on their susceptibility and response to disease and routine on-farm treatments compared to diploids. Thus, the main aim of this thesis was to enhance the current understanding of triploid health and immunity through experimental disease challenges and treatments, and aid in determining their robustness and, therefore, suitability for aquaculture. A commercial furunculosis vaccine equally protected diploids and triploids against challenge with Aeromonas salmonicida, and adhesion scores were similar between ploidy (Chapter 2). Interestingly, triploids had lower white blood cell counts but increased cellular activity, e.g. respiratory burst, compared to diploids. Following experimental cohabitation infection with Neoparamoeba perurans, causative agent of Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD), ploidy did not affect the manifestation or severity of AGD-associated gill pathology, or the serum innate immune response (Chapter 3). Hydrogen peroxide, used to treat against parasitic diseases, elicited similar primary and secondary stress responses in both ploidy, but led to differences in the expression of stress (cat, gpx1, gr, hsp70, sod1, sod2) and immune (saa5, crp/sap1a, crp/sap1b, il1β) genes (Chapter 4). Finally, vaccination with different vaccine treatments (4 commercial vaccines, 6 different vaccine combinations and a sham-vaccinated control) showed no ploidy differences in adhesion score or antibody response, although vertebral deformities remained higher in triploids (Chapter 5). Increasing severity of vaccine treatments negatively affected weight, length and thermal growth coefficient in both ploidy. Triploids were heavier than diploids at smolt (+ 14 %) and post smolt (+ 32 %). Overall, this research shows that triploid Atlantic salmon respond as well as diploids to disease and treatment challenges, and supports their application into full-scale commercial aquaculture

    A Chronometric Analysis of the Effect of Sex and Sensory Modality on the Running Performance of Visually Handicapped Individuals

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    The purpose of this study was to experimentally compare the effect of two sensory aids on the running performance of 40 female and 40 male visually handicapped subjects participating in a 40 yard dash. The subjects ranged in age from 6-21 and attended various schools and institutions in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. The subjects were blocked according to sex and randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions. Those assigned to treatment one utilized an audible goal locator. Those assigned to treatment two utilized a tactual guide wire. The subjects were tested individually. A timed performance score was recorded for each subject. A 2 x 2 factorial design for the variables of sex and sensory aid was used. The analysis of variance indicated that there was no significant difference in the scores of subjects utilizing an audible goal locator as compared to a tactual guide wire. A significant (p ≤ .001) main effect for sex was found. Visually handicapped males performed significantly faster than females. This finding supported research concerning visually impaired males and females on various physical performance tests. No significant interactive effect was noted for the variables of sex and sensory aid. Mean examination indicated that females performed slightly faster utilizing the audible goal locator while males performed slightly faster using the tactual guide wire. Suggestions were offered in an attempt to further research concerning performances of visually handicapped individuals, in various physical settings and for evaluating the effectiveness of sensory aids

    Comparative ploidy response to experimental hydrogen peroxide exposure in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    While research into the growth, survival, nutrition and, more recently, disease susceptibility of triploid Atlantic salmon has expanded, there remains an overall lack of studies assessing the response of triploids to chemical treatments. It is essential that the response of triploids to disease treatments be characterised to validate their suitability for commercial production. This study aimed to investigate and compare the stress and immune responses of triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon following an experimental treatment with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). A dose response test was first undertaken to determine a suitable test dose for both diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon. Following this, diploids and triploids were exposed to H2O2 (1800 ppm) for 20 min, as per commercial practices, after which blood glucose and lactate, and plasma cortisol and lysozyme were measured, along with the expression of oxidative stress and immune-related genes. In the first 6 h post-exposure to H2O2, comparable mortalities occurred in both diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon. Cortisol, glucose and lactate were not significantly influenced by ploidy suggesting that, physiologically, triploid Atlantic salmon are able to cope with the stress associated with H2O2 exposure as well as their diploid counterparts. Exposure to H2O2 significantly elevated the expression of cat and sod2 in diploid livers and gr, il1β and crp/sap1b in diploid gills, while it significantly decreased the expression of saa5 and crp/sap1a in diploid gills. In triploids, the expression levels of cat, hsp70, sod1, saa5, crp/sap1a and crp/sap1b in liver was significantly higher in fish exposed to H2O2 compared to control fish. The expression of gr, sod1 and il1β in triploid gills was also elevated in response to H2O2 exposure. This study represents the first experimental evidence of the effects of H2O2 exposure on triploid Atlantic salmon and continues to support their application into commercial production

    A comparison of disease susceptibility and innate immune response between diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) siblings following experimental infection with Neoparamoeba perurans, causative agent of amoebic gill disease

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    Few studies have focussed on the health and immunity of triploid Atlantic salmon and therefore much is still unknown about their response to commercially significant pathogens. This is important if triploid stocks are to be considered for full-scale commercial production. This study aimed to investigate and compare the response of triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon to an experimental challenge with Neoparamoeba perurans, causative agent of amoebic gill disease (AGD). This disease is economically significant for the aquaculture industry. The results indicated that ploidy had no significant effect on gross gill score or gill filaments affected, while infection and time had significant effects. Ploidy, infection and time did not affect complement or anti-protease activities. Ploidy had a significant effect on lysozyme activity at 21 days post-infection (while infection and time did not), although activity was within the ranges previously recorded for salmonids. Stock did not significantly affect any of the parameters measured. Based on the study results, it can be suggested that ploidy does not affect the manifestation or severity of AGD pathology or the serum innate immune response. Additionally, the serum immune response of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon may not be significantly affected by amoebic gill disease

    A comparison of the response of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) siblings to a commercial furunculosis vaccine and subsequent experimental infection with Aeromonas salmonicida

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    Sterile triploid fish represent a solution to the problems associated with sexual maturation and escapees in aquaculture. However, as disease outbreaks continue to cause significant economic losses to the industry, it is essential that the response of triploids to disease and disease treatments be characterised. The aim of this study was to compare the response of triploid Atlantic salmon to a commercial furunculosis vaccine with that of diploid fish, and to assess the vaccine efficacy in the two ploidies through an experimental infection withAeromonas salmonicida. Diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon were injected intraperitoneally with either phosphate buffered saline, liquid paraffin adjuvant or a commercial furunculosis vaccine. Following vaccination, growth, adhesion scores and a variety of assays to assess immune function, such as respiratory burst and antibody response, were measured. Vaccination did not have a significant effect on the weight of either ploidy prior to challenge at 750° days. Adhesion scores were significantly higher in vaccinated fish compared to unvaccinated fish, although no effect of ploidy was observed. Ploidy significantly affected respiratory burst activity following vaccination, however, with triploids exhibiting higher activity than diploids. Combined with lower white blood cell numbers observed in the triploids, it may be that this low cell number is compensated for by increased cellular activity. Ploidy however, did not have a significant effect on complement activity or antibody response, with significantly higher antibody levels detected in all vaccinated fish compared to unvaccinated controls. In addition, both ploidy groups were well protected following challenge with no difference in the relative percentage survival. Based on these results, it appears that ploidy does not affect the severity of adhesions that result post-vaccinate or in the fish's immune response following vaccination, and the furunculosis vaccine performs equally well in both diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon

    Time is a stronger predictor of microbiome community composition than tissue in external mucosal surfaces of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reared in a semi-natural freshwater environment

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    Open Access via the Elsevier Agreement This work was supported by the UKRI project ROBUSTSMOLT [grant numbers BBSRC BB/S004270/1 and BB/S004432/1]. There was also co-funding from the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Impact of freshwater rearing history on Atlantic salmon gill response to viral stimulation post seawater transfer

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    The authors would like to thank John Richmond and staff at MOWI. Special thanks also to the staff at Machrihanish for their assistance in sample collection during a challenging time. • RAS and LOCH reared fish differ in baseline immune transcriptome post-SWT • LOCH fish have higher steady state immune gene mRNA levels post-SWT • RAS fish mount a greater magnitude of transcriptomic response to viral stimulation • RAS fish ‘catch-up’ via compensatory mechanisms or may mount an excessive responsePeer reviewe

    A Temporally Dynamic Gut Microbiome in Atlantic Salmon During Freshwater Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) Production and Post-seawater Transfer

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    This study was funded by the UKRI project ROBUSTSMOLT (BBSRC BB/S004270/1 and BB/S004432/1). There was also cofunding from the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank John Richmond and staff at MOWI and the Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine (CGEBM) at the University of Aberdeen, particularly Dr. Ewan Campbell, for help with amplification protocols, conducting 16S library preparation and sequencing. The datasets presented in this study can be found in online repositories. The names of the repository/repositories and accession number(s) can be found below: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA729215.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Response of triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to commercial vaccines

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    While triploid Atlantic salmon represent a practical and affordable solution to the issues associated with sexual maturation in the salmonid aquaculture industry, empirical evidence suggests triploids are more susceptible to disease and vaccine side-effects than diploids. With vaccination now part of routine husbandry, it is essential their response be studied to confirm their suitability for commercial production. This study tested the response of triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon to vaccination with commercially available vaccines. Triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon siblings were injected with one of three commercial vaccines (or sham-vaccinated) and monitored for performance throughout a commercial production cycle. Sampling at smolt and harvest was undertaken along with individual weight and length assessments through the cycle. Antibody response to Aeromonas salmonicida vaccination was similar in both ploidy, with a positive response in vaccine-injected fish. For both adhesions and melanin, analysis found that higher scores were more likely to occur as the anticipated severity of the vaccine increased. In addition, for adhesion scores at smolt and melanin scores at smolt and harvest, triploids were statistically more likely to exhibit high scores than diploids. Triploids maintained a significantly higher body weight during freshwater and until 11 months post-seawater transfer, with diploids weighing significantly more at harvest. Growth, represented by thermal growth coefficient (TGC), decreased in both ploidy as the severity of adhesions increased, and regression patterns did not differ significantly between ploidy. Vertebral deformity prevalence was consistently higher in triploids (smolt 12.3 ± 4.5%; harvest 34.9 ± 5.9%) than diploids (smolt 0.8 ± 0.5%; harvest 15.9 ± 1.9%), with no significant difference between vaccine groups in each ploidy. This study demonstrates that triploids respond as well to vaccination as diploids and provides further supporting evidence of triploid robustness for commercial aquaculture

    Methacarn preserves mucus integrity and improves visualization of amoebae in gills of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    Two aqueous fixation methods (modified Davidson's solution and modified Davidson's solution with 2% (w/v) Alcian blue) were compared against two non‐aqueous fixation methods (methacarn solution and methacarn solution with 2% (w/v) Alcian blue) along with the standard buffered formalin fixation method to (a) improve preservation of the mucous coat on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., gills and (b) to examine the interaction between the amoebae and mucus on the gill during an infection with amoebic gill disease. Aqueous fixatives demonstrated excellent cytological preservation but failed to deliver the preservation of the mucus when compared to the non‐aqueous‐based fixatives; qualitative and semi‐quantitative analysis revealed a greater preservation of the gill mucus using the non‐aqueous methacarn solution. A combination of this fixation method and an Alcian blue/Periodic acid–Schiff staining was tested in gills of Atlantic salmon infected with amoebic gill disease; lectin labelling was also used to confirm the mucus preservation in the methacarn‐fixed tissue. Amoebae were observed closely associated with the mucus demonstrating that the techniques employed for preservation of the mucous coat can indeed avoid the loss of potential mucus‐embedded parasites, thus providing a better understanding of the relationship between the mucus and parasite