187 research outputs found

    Challenges of Teaching to the New Generation of IT Students

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    Today, due to the tremendous growth of the software industry, there are a wide variety of job opportunities for it students; in many countries, this motivates undergraduate students to begin working as developers before they have finished their computing education. Sometimes, this situa- tion causes students to take longer to finish their careers. In addition, this situation impacts the profile of students who participate in university courses since they might have real experience on the topics of the university curricula. Thus, teach- ing the new generation of it students has become challenging, not only to be motivational for them, but also to provide them with relevant knowledge beyond the intended syllabus.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Juegos educativos móviles basados en posicionamiento: una guía para su conceptualización

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    Los Juegos Educativos Móviles basados en posicionamiento constituyen un tipo particular de Aplicación Móvil y cuentan con características propias que los identifican. Son creados con objetivos educativos y se emplean como una herramienta en el proceso de aprendizaje por considerarse un element motivador para el alumno en dicho proceso. En este trabajo se propone una Guía para la Conceptualización de Juegos Educativos Móviles basados en posicionamiento. Esta conceptualización contempla dos capas, la capa de contenido educativo y la capa de movilidad, a fin de lograr el reuso de las mismas brindando flexibilidad en su composición.Publicado en Proceedings of ASSE 2012 (Argentine Symposium of Software Engineering)

    Mobile Learning Applications: Exploring Location Sensing Mechanisms

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    In this paper, we present an exploration of two location sensing mechanisms, such as QR codes and beacons, used in Location-based Learning Applications which are performed inside small indoor spaces (e.g. a classroom). The exploration of QR codes was carried out through an implementation of a Location-based Learning Application which was used by students between 7 and 11 years old inside of Primary Schools. Meanwhile, for the exploration of beacons, a functional prototype was made which was systematically tested by students of Faculty of Informatics of UNLP (Argentina). We analysed those characteristics that we have been learned related to how these mechanisms behave when they are used inside small indoor spaces because, in these cases, relevant places to provide learning contents are nearest from each other. We wish to create a discussion about the exploration of these two location sensing mechanisms. We expect that this discussion helps not only to design and develop Location-based Learning Applications, but also to improve authoring tools that are using to generate this kind of applications.Publicado en Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, vol. 847).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Mobile Learning Applications: Exploring Location Sensing Mechanisms

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    In this paper, we present an exploration of two location sensing mechanisms, such as QR codes and beacons, used in Location-based Learning Applications which are performed inside small indoor spaces (e.g. a classroom). The exploration of QR codes was carried out through an implementation of a Location-based Learning Application which was used by students between 7 and 11 years old inside of Primary Schools. Meanwhile, for the exploration of beacons, a functional prototype was made which was systematically tested by students of Faculty of Informatics of UNLP (Argentina). We analysed those characteristics that we have been learned related to how these mechanisms behave when they are used inside small indoor spaces because, in these cases, relevant places to provide learning contents are nearest from each other. We wish to create a discussion about the exploration of these two location sensing mechanisms. We expect that this discussion helps not only to design and develop Location-based Learning Applications, but also to improve authoring tools that are using to generate this kind of applications.Publicado en Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, vol. 847).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Desarrollo dirigido por modelos de aplicaciones de hipermedia móvil

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    El objetivo general de la tesis es desarrollar un enfoque de modelado que permita la especificación de aplicaciones de Hipermedia Móvil usando derivación semiautomática a partir de los modelos especificados. El enfoque elegido se basa en el desarrollo dirigido por modelos, esto quiere decir que no solamente se usan modelos para el modelado de las aplicaciones sino que se hace hincapié en la necesidad de contar con transformaciones entre los distintos modelos. Nuestro enfoque permite la especificación de modelos que representan conceptos referidos tanto al dominio de la aplicación como de los aspectos navegacionales de la misma. Dentro de los aspectos navegacionales se consideran tanto aquellos relacionados a la navegación digital como así también los relacionados a la navegación en el mundo real. El enfoque mencionado esta basado en conceptos avanzados de separación de concerns (típicos en la orientación a objetos y aspectos) y utiliza distintos tipos de concerns: paradigmáticos (como la navegación, la movilidad, etc.) o aplicativos (como diversos temas dentro de un dominio específico). Los aportes realizados por esta tesis son: • La determinación de los conceptos específicos de aplicaciones de Hipermedia Móvil, y que las diferencian de las aplicaciones de hipermedia convencionales y de las aplicaciones móviles. • La definición de un enfoque que pueda ser utilizado para las aplicaciones de Hipermedia Móvil. • La incorporación de elementos de separación avanzada de concerns tanto verticales como horizontales (también llamados aplicativos y paradigmáticos respectivamente). • Disponer de un lenguaje genérico que pueda ser aplicado a dominios particulares, por ejemplo, asistencia turística y drama urbano móvil (Mobile Urban Drama) entre otros. • Especificación e implementación de herramientas de transformación de modelos para derivar sucesivamente los modelos de nuestro enfoque hasta obtener aplicaciones ejecutables en el contexto del desarrollo dirigido por modelos.Facultad de Informátic

    Context-Aware Mobile Applications: Taxonomy of factors for building approaches

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    Fusion of sensing mechanisms inside mobile devices (e.g.: GPS, accelerometers) have driven the growth of context-aware mobile applications. Currently, there are building approaches for this kind of applications, but these do not have the flexibility, for example, to derive applications combining different location sensing mechanisms. In this paper, we present a first proposal of a taxonomy of factors that could be considered by context-aware mobile application building approaches, in order to provide variability in the kinds of derived applications. The aim is to generate a discussion that can contribute to the unification of aspects that should be addressed by these building approaches. To complement the taxonomy, we present the analysis of an interview that was conducted with regard to developers who use (or could use) these building approaches. We hope this will enrich the discussion in relation to this kind of approaches.Publicado en: 2018 IEEE XXV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON) : Lima, Peru, 08-10 August 2018Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada (LIFIA)Facultad de Informátic

    Context-Aware Services for Physical Hypermedia Applications

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    In this paper we present an approach for designing and deploying context-aware services in the context of physical hypermedia applications, those applications in which mobile users explore real and digital objects using the hypermedia paradigm. We show how to adapt the objects’ response to the user’s navigation context by changing the role these objects play in the user’s travel. We first motivate our research with a simple example and survey some related work; next we introduce the concept of travel object and show that physical objects might assume the role of different type of travel objects. We then present an architectural approach for context-aware services and describe its evolution into a software substrate for physical hypermedia services. We conclude by indicating some further work we are pursuing.Publicado en: OTM'06 Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: AWeSOMe, CAMS, COMINF, IS, KSinBIT, MIOS-CIAO, MONET - Volume Part IIFacultad de InformáticaLaboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada (LIFIA

    Dealing with Variability in Context-Aware Mobile Software

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    Mobile context-aware software pose a set of challenging requirements to developers as these applications exhibit novel features, such as handling varied sensing devices and dynamically adapting to the user’s context (e.g. his or her location), and evolve quickly according to technological advances. In this paper, we discuss how to handle variability both across different domains and during the evolution of a single application. We present a set of design structures for solving different problems related with mobility (such as location sensing, behaviour adaptation, etc.), together with the design rationale underlying them, and show how these sound micro-architectural constructs impact on variability. Our presentation is illustrated with case studies in different domains.Facultad de Informátic

    Context-Aware Services for Physical Hypermedia Applications

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    In this paper we present an approach for designing and deploying context-aware services in the context of physical hypermedia applications, those applications in which mobile users explore real and digital objects using the hypermedia paradigm. We show how to adapt the objects’ response to the user’s navigation context by changing the role these objects play in the user’s travel. We first motivate our research with a simple example and survey some related work; next we introduce the concept of travel object and show that physical objects might assume the role of different type of travel objects. We then present an architectural approach for context-aware services and describe its evolution into a software substrate for physical hypermedia services. We conclude by indicating some further work we are pursuing.Publicado en: OTM'06 Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: AWeSOMe, CAMS, COMINF, IS, KSinBIT, MIOS-CIAO, MONET - Volume Part IIFacultad de InformáticaLaboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada (LIFIA

    Physical Hypermedia: a Context-Aware approach

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    In this paper we describe an original architecture for building and deploying physical hypermedia applications, i.e. those applications in which digital and real world objects are linked together using the well-known navigational metaphor of the World Wide Web. We also explain how our architecture evolved from a substrate for implementing location-based services to a powerful and open basis for supporting different navigation semantics and for building travel assistance services according to the current user’s context. After motivating our research and describing the architecture, we illustrate our ideas with some simple examples and compare our research with other related work in the subject.Facultad de InformáticaLaboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad