20 research outputs found

    PAKIAH and SADAKAH: the Phenomenon of Mamakiah Tradition in Padang Pariaman

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    This article reveals the phenomenon of mamakiah in pakiah community, students of traditional Islamic boarding school (pesantren) Padang Pariaman. Niimma claims that sadakah obtained by pakiah in some pesantren, submitted to buya. The author traces the historical background to when mamakiah is formed, what factors motivate the emergence, and how the attitude and response of the community. Through the phenomenological approach it is found that mamakiah have existed since Islam entered Ulakan Sumatera Barat around the fifteenth century. The author argues that pakiah is supported by society and institutions. Furthermore, according to the author pakiah perform mamakiah activities to meet their basic needs during the learning process in surau (a simple form of mosque). Two other motifs are cultural and religious understanding. The writer believes that in addition to these motives, pakiah has also a cultural capital


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    Prosesi pelaksanaan maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW di kalangan muslim India kota Padang dilakukan selama 12 hari dalam upacara serak gulo dan bacaan shalawat yang terdapat dalam kitab khusus dengan nama kitab Maulud. Hal ini jelas berbeda dengan yang dilakukan muslim lainnya. Hadis-hadis yang dibaca ketika shalawat terdapat dalam Shahih al-Bukhari, Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Mustadrak ala Shahihain dan Mu’jam al-Kabir

    DHABITH KRITERIA HADIS SHAHIH Studi Kasus: Periwayatan Hadis bi al-Ma’na

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    Hadis Rasulullah SAW dalam bentuk qauli (perkataan)  dapat diriwayatkan dengan bentuk lafaz sesuai dengan apa yang disampaikan oleh Rasulullah , namun  hadis dalam bentuk perbuatan dan taqrir beliau, sudah tentu diformulasikan oleh para sahabat yang menyaksikannya. Kenyataannya tidak semua hadis qauli ini disampaikan dengan lafaz yang sama. Ada kalanya memang Rasulullah SAW sendiri yang  menyampaikan lafaz yang berbeda karena para shahabat yang menerimanya tidak paham dengan lafaz yang pertama disampaikan Rasulullah SAW, sehingga Rasulullah SAW menggantinya dengan lafaz lain yang dimengerti oleh para shahabat tersebut. Namun ada kalanya para periwayat hadis mengganti lafaz hadis tersebut dengan kata yang bersinonim  disebabkan mereka tidak dapat mengingat lafaz asli yang didengarnya dari Rasulullah SAW. Pada hal dalam menyampaikan hadis, para periwayat tersebut harus dhabith atau dapat menerima hadis dengan baik dan benar dan menyampaikannya kembali sebagaimana yang diterimanya dengan baik dan benar pula.Periwatan hadis yang tidak sesuai dengan lafaz aslinya ini disebut riwayat bi al-ma’na. Dalam realitasnya periwayatan hadis bi al-ma’na  ini tidak dapat dihindari dan sering terjadi. Dalam sejarah hadis, pada awalnya ternyata periwayatan hadis bi al-ma’na  ini merupakan dispensasi sebelum kitab-kitab hadis dibukukan. Dispensasi bagi periwayatan bi al-ma’na ini bukanlah merupakan indikasi dari ketidakkonsistenan para ulama dalam memenuhi persyaratan ke-dhabith-an,  karena sebenarnya para ulama telah menetapkan kriteria-kriteria tertentu yang harus dipenuhi para rawi dalam periwayatan hadis


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    Aleppo lived in the era of the Hamdani state, the height of its civilized and cultural era, as its long history did not witness an age full of glories like the era it lived in during the period of Saif al-Dawla al-Hamdani. It became one of the most important scientific and cultural centers in the Islamic world and the meeting place for science, thought, and literature men. I conducted a literature study by collecting literature and verifying and analyzing books and documents, both in published books and manuscripts found on internet sites. I then interpreted and rewritten Bani Hamdan, the last Arab power. In the Middle East. This cultural and civilizational Renaissance had a tremendous impact. And a significant role over many centuries, says the American orientalist Stephen Humphreys about the era of Saif al-Dawla (in his time, Aleppo could match any court in Italy in the Renaissance). Bani Hamdan achieved a lot of progress in various socio-political, economic to scientific development fields. Bani Hamdan's achievements occurred in a crisis filled with political pressure and military and ethnic and religious conflicts. Bani Hamdan is known to be very tolerant of various religions and sects.Keywords: Bani Hamdan's, Tolerance, Science Developmen

    PAKIAH AND SADAKAH: The Phenomenon of Mamakiah Tradition in Padang Pariaman

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    Abstrak: Pakiah dan Sadakah: Fenomena Tradisi Mamakiah di Padang Pariaman. Artikel ini mengungkap fenomena mamakiah pada komunitas pakiah, santri pesantren tradisional Padang Pariaman. Niimma mengklaim sadakah yang diperoleh oleh pakiah pada beberapa pesantren, diserahkan kepada buya. Penulis menelusuri latarbelakang historis kapan mamakiah terbentuk, faktor-faktor apa yang memotifasi munculnya, serta bagaimana sikap dan respon masyarakat. Melalui pendekatan fenomenologi ditemukan bahwa mamakiah telah eksis semenjak Islam masuk di Ulakan Sumatera Barat sekitar abad kelimabelas. Penulis berargumen bahwa pakiah disuport oleh masyarakat dan institusi. Selanjutnya menurut penulis Pakiah melakukan aktivitas mamakiah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar mereka selama proses belajar di surau. Dua motif lainnya adalah kultural dan pemahaman keagamaan. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa selain motif di atas, pakiah memiliki modal kultural. Abstract: This article reveals the phenomenon of mamakiah in pakiah community, students of traditional Islamic boarding school (pesantren) Padang Pariaman. Niimma claims that sadakah obtained by pakiah in some pesantren, submitted to buya. The author traces the historical background to when mamakiah is formed, what factors motivate the emergence, and how the attitude and response of the community. Through the phenomenological approach it is found that mamakiah have existed since Islam entered Ulakan Sumatera Barat around the fifteenth century. The author argues that pakiah is supported by society and institutions. Furthermore, according to the author pakiah perform mamakiah activities to meet their basic needs during the learning process in surau (a simple form of mosque). Two other motifs are cultural and religious understanding. The writer believes that in addition to these motives, pakiah has also a cultural capital. Keywords: pakiah, buya, sadakah, mamakiah traditio

    Improving Student's Reasoning Ability Through The Tahfizh Al-Qur’an Program

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    Teaching tahfizh al-Quran is one way to build student competence to do reasoning in and memorizing the Al-Qur’an. Given the changes in vision and mission as stated in the competency-based curriculum, it is necessary to make concrete efforts to prepare and make its implementation successful. This study aims to identify the teaching method of tahfizh al-Quran  at the Tafsir Hadis Major, to explain the strategy of optimally developing tahfizh al-Qur'an so that it can improve students' reasoning abilities and identify the level of students' reasoning ability after participating in the tahfizh al-Qur'an program at the Tafsir Hadis Major. This study is a development activity carried out in collaboration between students and lecturers to conceptually design the design of teaching materials based on experience and existing conditions. These two stages will always be accompanied by a process of evaluation and reflection to improve the designs developed. This research shows that first; the sima'i method is a method that is widely used by students in memorizing the Qur'an, secondly; the strategy of fostering tahfizh al-Quran   should be done with the muraja'ah method, Third; From the results of the calculation of the student's reasoning ability test scores, the average score of students' reasoning abilities in the high category was 48.82, the average category was 41.06, and the low category has obtained an average of 39. These different average gains indicate that the levels of students' reasoning abilities are different

    The Typology of Hadith as the Bayān of the Qur’an and Its Implications for the Reform of Islamic Inheritance Law

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    This paper is a study of the typology of hadith that functions as the bayān (elucidation) of Qur’anic verses and its implications for the reform of Islamic inheritance law. The use of hadith as the bayān of the Qur’an is a common practice of ulema (Muslim scholars) in producing fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) law. However, certain uses of hadith as the bayān of the Qur’an have also been criticized by scholars. This study is a literature review on hadith viewed as the bayān of the Qur’an, with the primary focus on Islamic inheritance law. Data were collected by means of examining certain hadith used as the bayān of the Qur’an by mufassir (exegete) and fuqaha (Islamic jurists) in carrying out legal istinbath (decision making), especially in cases of inheritance. This study concerns with the studies of the typologies of hadith functioning as the bayān of the Qur’an and their problems that have not been conducted optimally. These studies indicated that certain hadiths used as the bayān of the Qur’an still posed an issue from a methodological point of view. This present study seeks to address three important issues of concern. First, there are three typologies of hadith as the bayān of the Qur’an, namely 1) hadith stated directly by the Prophet as an explanation or a practice of certain verses, 2) hadith stated by the companions of the Prophet as the bayān of a verse, and 3) hadith with no instruction from the Prophet nor indication from the companions as explanations for certain verses, but used as the bayān of certain verses by Islamic jurists. Second, each typology has methodological problems in terms of the context, incompleteness, and hadith occurrence, and the methodological problem has worsened in the last typology. Third, the use of hadith in the third typology as the bayān of the Qur’an in legal istinbath has provided an opportunity for Islamic jurists to renew the Islamic law in the field of inheritance by taking into account the methodological aspect

    Ali Mustafa Yaqub's Criticism Method of Hadith in Determining Islamic Law: Analysis of Performing Hajj with Unlawfully Obtained Wealth

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    This study aims to examine Ali Mustafa Yaqub's approach to critiquing hadith in the formation of Islamic jurisprudence, particularly focusing on the modern issue of performing hajj with unlawfully gained wealth. Employing a qualitative methodology, the research utilizes Yaqub's hadith criticism framework to explore this issue. Findings from the discourse and analysis illustrate that Yaqub's method offers profound insights into the complexity of Islamic legal matters, particularly concerning Hajj with unlawful fund, by underscoring the significance of sanad quality and its legal implications. The study concludes that Yaqub's analytical methodology in examining the legality of Hajj with unlawful wealth comprises three primary elements: sanad as well as matan critique, and hadith interpretation. In critiquing the sanad, Yaqub not only relies on personal judgment but also consults experts in hadith studies and authoritative texts. Additionally, he conducts comparisons of scholars' opinions to evaluate narrator reliability. In matan critique, he not only considers linguistic conformity and Quranic alignment but also conducts editorial analysis and contextualizes it. Moreover, in interpreting the hadith, he demonstrates a deep understanding of the prohibition of using unlawfully obtained funds for performing Hajj, despite the hadith's weak classification. Yaqub effectively presents his argument against using prohibited funds for Hajj within Islamic principles. Furthermore, the research underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach in addressing contemporary challenges in Islamic law