12 research outputs found

    Torsional Behaviour of RC Beams Wrapped With Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP)

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    Many beams located at the perimeter of buildings carry loads from slabs, joists and beams from one side of the member only. This loading mechanism generates torsional forces that are transferred from the beams to the columns. Such beams are deficient in torsional shear capacity and are in need of strengthening.. Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) as an external reinforcement is used extensively to address the strength requirements related to flexure and shear in structural systems, but the strengthening of beams subjected to torsion is yet to be explored. In this project, the behaviour and performance of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with externally bonded Glass FRP (GFRP) sheets subjected to pure torsion has been studied. Experimental result reveal that externally bonded GFRP sheets can significantly increase both the cracking and the ultimate torsion capacity. Concrete with mix proportion 1:1.8:3.6 was used during the casting of the specimens. Glass fibre sheets used was bi-directional woven roving mat. Polymer matrix Epoxy resin with 10 % hardener was used as the binder of GFRP sheets with the concrete surface. The obtained result shows that the load carrying capacity of the retrofitted beam is far more than the control beam. FRP based strengthening has better aesthetic appearance compared to other methods and is easier to implement and is light in weight

    Reliability of Harvested Rainfall as an Auxiliary Source of Non-potable Water

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    AbstractRainwater harvesting is an ancient practice that involves collecting, storing, and using precipitationto meeton-site water needs. This paper develops and demonstrates guidelines for sizing the capacity of storage tanks to provide areliable continuous supply of harvested rainwater for residential households. Operation of the rainwater harvesting system is simulated with a stochastic mass balance performed on an Excel spreadsheet. The daily volume of rainwater in an unbounded tank is tracked to determine the maximum accumulated deficit on a monthly basis. Results are summarized in dimensionless charts showing the minimum size of a rainwater storage tankneeded to meet water demands at specified levels of reliability

    Reliable Evapotranspiration Predictions with a Probabilistic Machine Learning Framework

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    Evapotranspiration is often expressed in terms of reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo), actual evapotranspiration (ETa), or surface water evaporation (Esw), and their reliable predictions are critical for groundwater, irrigation, and aquatic ecosystem management in semi-arid regions. We demonstrated that a newly developed probabilistic machine learning (ML) model, using a hybridized “boosting” framework, can simultaneously predict the daily ETo, Esw, & ETa from local hydroclimate data with high accuracy. The probabilistic approach exhibited great potential to overcome data uncertainties, in which 100% of the ETo, 89.9% of the Esw, and 93% of the ETa test data at three watersheds were within the models’ 95% prediction intervals. The modeling results revealed that the hybrid boosting framework can be used as a reliable computational tool to predict ETo while bypassing net solar radiation calculations, estimate Esw while overcoming uncertainties associated with pan evaporation & pan coefficients, and predict ETa while offsetting high capital & operational costs of EC towers. In addition, using the Shapley analysis built on a coalition game theory, we identified the order of importance and interactions between the hydroclimatic variables to enhance the models’ transparency and trustworthiness

    Advanced machine learning techniques for building performance simulation: a comparative analysis

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    <p>Energy consumption predictions for buildings play an important role in energy efficiency and sustainability research. Accurate energy predictions have numerous application in real-time performance monitoring, fault detection, identifying prime targets for energy conservation, quantifying savings resulting from energy efficiency projects, etc. Machine learning-based energy models have proved to be more efficient and accurate where historical time series data is available. This paper presents various machine learning concepts that will aid in the generation of more accurate and efficient energy models. We have shown in detail the development of energy models using extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), artificial neural network (ANN), and degree-day-based ordinary least square regression. We have presented a thorough description of the workflow, including intermediate steps for feature engineering, feature selection, hyper-parameter optimization and the Python source code. Our results indicate that XGBoost produces highly accurate energy models, and the intermediate steps are particularly important for XGBoost and ANN model development.</p

    Explainable AI reveals new hydroclimatic insights for ecosystem-centric groundwater management

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    Trustworthy projections of hydrological droughts are pivotal for identifying the key hydroclimatic factors that affect future groundwater level (GWL) fluctuations in drought-prone karstic aquifers that provide water for human consumption and sustainable ecosystems. Herein, we introduce an explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) framework integrated with scenario-based downscaled climate projections from global circulation models. We use the integrated framework to investigate nonlinear hydroclimatic dependencies and interactions behind future hydrological droughts in the Edwards Aquifer Region, an ecologically fragile groundwater-dependent semi-arid region in southern United States. We project GWLs under different future climate scenarios to evaluate the likelihood of severe hydrological droughts under a warm-wet future in terms of mandated groundwater pumping reductions in droughts as part of the habitat conservation plan in effect to protect threatened and endangered endemic aquatic species. The XAI model accounts for the expected non-linear dynamics between GWLs and climatic variables in the complex human-natural system, which is not captured in simple linear models. The XAI-based analysis reveals the critical temperature inflection point beyond which groundwater depletion is triggered despite increased average precipitation. Compound effects of increased evapotranspiration, lower soil moisture, and reduced diffuse recharge due to warmer temperatures could amplify severe hydrological droughts that lower GWLs, potentially exacerbating the groundwater sustainability challenges in the drought-prone karstic aquifer despite an increasing precipitation trend

    A Hybrid TOPSIS-Structure Entropy Weight Group Subcontractor Selection Model for Large Construction Companies

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    The selection of suitable subcontractors for large construction companies is crucially important for the overall success of their projects. As the construction industry advances, a growing number of criteria need to be considered in the subcontractor selection process than simply considering the biding prices. This paper proposed a hybrid multi-criteria structure entropy weight (SEW)—TOPSIS group decision-making model that considers 10 criteria. The proposed model was able to handle large amount of subcontractors’ performance data that were collected in different types. Additionally, the model can integrate experts’ judgments while accounting for their varying level of expertise and correcting for their biases. This paper also provided a case study to demonstrate the proposed model’s effectiveness and efficiency, as well as its applicability of large construction companies. While this study was applied to construction subcontractors’ selection, the proposed methodology can also be easily extended to various decision-making scenarios with similar requirements

    Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for Short-Range Prediction of Cotton Yield in Data-Scarce Regions

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    Short-range predictions of crop yield provide valuable insights for agricultural resource management and likely economic impacts associated with low yield. Such predictions are difficult to achieve in regions that lack extensive observational records. Herein, we demonstrate how a number of basic or readily available input data can be used to train an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to provide months-ahead predictions of cotton yield for a case study in Menemen Plain, Turkey. We use limited reported yield (13 years) along cumulative precipitation, cumulative heat units, two meteorologically-based drought indices (Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)), and three remotely-sensed vegetation indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI)) as ANN inputs. Results indicate that, when EVI is combined with the preceding 12-month SPEI, it has better sensitivity to cotton yield than other indicators. The ANN model predicted cotton yield four months before harvest with R2 > 0.80, showing potential as a yield prediction tool. We discuss the effects of different combinations of input data (explanatory variables), dataset size, and selection of training data to inform future applications of ANN for early prediction of cotton yield in data-scarce regions

    Explainable Artificial Intelligence Reveals Novel Insight into Tumor Microenvironment Conditions Linked with Better Prognosis in Patients with Breast Cancer

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    We investigated the data-driven relationship between immune cell composition in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and the ≥5-year survival rates of breast cancer patients using explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) models. We acquired TCGA breast invasive carcinoma data from the cbioPortal and retrieved immune cell composition estimates from bulk RNA sequencing data from TIMER2.0 based on EPIC, CIBERSORT, TIMER, and xCell computational methods. Novel insights derived from our XAI model showed that B cells, CD8+ T cells, M0 macrophages, and NK T cells are the most critical TME features for enhanced prognosis of breast cancer patients. Our XAI model also revealed the inflection points of these critical TME features, above or below which ≥5-year survival rates improve. Subsequently, we ascertained the conditional probabilities of ≥5-year survival under specific conditions inferred from the inflection points. In particular, the XAI models revealed that the B cell fraction (relative to all cells in a sample) exceeding 0.025, M0 macrophage fraction (relative to the total immune cell content) below 0.05, and NK T cell and CD8+ T cell fractions (based on cancer type-specific arbitrary units) above 0.075 and 0.25, respectively, in the TME could enhance the ≥5-year survival in breast cancer patients. The findings could lead to accurate clinical predictions and enhanced immunotherapies, and to the design of innovative strategies to reprogram the breast TME