134 research outputs found


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    In the present century due to the busy and sedentary life people open the gate to welcome numerous diseases. Sthoulya is one among the major diseases that falls under the category of Santarpanottha vyadhi. The term overweight and obesity refers to body weight that is greater than what is considered healthy for a certain height. Sthoulya is mainly caused by Kapha, Vata Doshas and Meda Dhatu. Udvartana has better results in the management of Sthoulya, as it does Kapha-Vatahara, Medo vilayana. So, the present has been conducted to compare and evaluate the effect of Haridradi gana Churna and Triphala Churna Udvartana in Sthoulya. The study has been conducted in two groups with 20 patients each. One with Haridradi gana Churna and other group with Triphala Churna which are Kapha-Medahara & Kapha-Pramehahara respectively because of Laghu, Ruksha & Ushna properties. The present study concludes saying Haridradi gana Churna showed better results than Triphala Churna

    Evaluation of antidepressant effect of aqueous extract of Psidium guajava leaves on Wistar albino rats

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    Background: Depression is one of the common mental disorder prevalent worldwide. Use of herbal medicines in the treatment of depression is becoming popular because of adverse effects of existing non herbal drugs. In this study Psidium guajava leaf aqueous extract is screened for antidepressant activity in Wistar albino rats.Methods: Wistar albino rats of both sex were used. After performing acute toxicity study, dose of test drug was fixed to 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg. Test and standard drugs were administered for 10 days orally. Standard drug used was Imipramine. Antidepressant activity was assessed using forced swim test and tail suspension test.Results: Statistical analysis was done by one way ANOVA followed by Tukey Kramer. Aqueous extract of Psidium guajava leaves showed significant antidepressant activity. Both Psidium guajava aqueous extract (PGAE)-100mg/kg and 200mg/kg showed antidepressant effect but compared to 100mg/kg dose of PGAE, 200mg/kg showed significant antidepressant activity.Conclusions: From this study it can be concluded that aqueous extract of Psidium guajava leaves has antidepressant activity

    Preclinical evaluation of antidepressant activity of aqueous extract of Piper betle leaves in Swiss albino mice

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    Background: There is a growing demand for alternative medicines derived from indigenous plants having natural antioxidants and neuroprotective actions for the treatment of many behavioural disorders such as anxiety and depression. This study was designed to screen antidepressant activity of aqueous extract of Piper betle L. leaf (betel leaf) in Swiss albino mice.Methods: Swiss albino mice of both sexes weighing 25-30grams were used in the present study. Piper betle leaves aqueous extract (PBAE) was administered to the animals at a dose of 100, 200mg/kg body weight orally for 14 days. On the 14th day, after 1 hour of PBAE administration, experiments on force swim test (FST) and tail suspension (TST) were carried out for studying the level of depression. In FST and TST, time of immobility was noted for a period of 5 minutes.Results: Data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey Kramer’s multiple comparison test at P = 0.05. The results were represented as Mean±SE. PBAE at a dose of 100mg/kg has shown significant antidepressant activity, as evidenced by decrease in the immobility time in both the screening tests of depression.Conclusions: Present results demonstrated that PBAE possess potent antidepressant property. The exact mechanism(s) related to the active compound(s) in Piper betle leaf extract have to be elucidated in future studies

    Factors influencing gender preference and awareness against sex determination in antenatal women in rural tertiary hospital in South India

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    Background: Discrimination begins in the womb even before a baby is born. Sex ratio is an important social indicator that measures extent of prevailing equity between males and females in society and a balanced sex ratio is essential for a stable society. The main objective of this study is to find out the awareness of sex determination and to study the factors influencing gender preference among antenatal women. Methods: A cross-sectional, hospital-based study was done among antenatal women at Adichunchanagiri institute of medical sciences, B.G. Nagara, Mandya. Information regarding the type of family, number of family members, socioeconomic status, gender preference, factors influencing gender preference and obstetric details was collected after taking consent from the antenatal women attending the outpatient department in Adichunchanagiri institute of medical sciences as well as inpatient antenatal women. Details of about the awareness of sex determination and the perception of women regarding sex determination were also collected. Results: Total 114 pregnant women were included in this study. Among multigravidas 31.4% of them had male preference based on the sex of 1st baby being female, 44.7% (51) participants had son preference and 36% (41) had daughter preference and 19.3% (22) participants had no gender preference. Among study participants 95 (83.3%) of them were aware of punishment regarding sex determination and 19 (16.7%) of them were unaware of legal punishment. Conclusions: Awareness regarding sex determination facilities was found to be increased and pregnant women were also aware of the punishable act regarding sex determination. Factors influencing gender preference mainly included the gender of the first baby in multigravidas and the socioeconomic status

    Effect of screentime in college students during the COVID-19 online classes on their neck posture and postural control: an observational study

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    Background: Corona virus which is the source of severe acute pulmonary syndrome causes an airway tract contamination (COVID 19). Prolonged sitting for online classes in the college students leads to the enlarged postural deviation, increased low back pain. Prolonged static contraction of skeletal muscles of the cervical region, lower back leads to impaired flow of blood to the muscle groups together with edema and accumulation of waste metabolites will trigger the muscle spasm. Methods: Total 30 college students aged between 18-25 years who attended the online classes during COVID-19 were included in this study by using a questionnaire. The outcome measures used were the measurement of CV angle, SEBT and BBS. The postural control was estimated by using star excursion balance test and Berg balance scale. Results: Using Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient, a positive correlation was observed between CV angle and BBS (r = 0.82). Between BMI and CV angle there exists a statistically significant negative correlation (r = -0.564). Conclusions: This study proved that there exists a forward neck posture in the students who attended the online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic and that also affected their postural control

    Role of Doppler indices of umbilical and middle cerebral artery in prediction of perinatal outcome in preeclampsia

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    Background: Hypertension which develops de novo in pregnancy appears to be unique to human and continue to be a major cause of reported perinatal mortality. The aim and objectives of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of Umbilical and Middle cerebral artery Doppler in predicting the perinatal outcome in preeclampsia.Methods: A prospective study at Sri Siddhartha Medical College and Hospital between October2013-September2015 on 80pregnant women with preeclampsia at >30weeks gestation. Studies of fetal vessels were performed using a pulsed Doppler ultrasound. Resistance Index (RI), Pulsatility Index (PI) and systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D) were measured in umbilical artery (UA) and Middle cerebral artery (MCA) and perinatal outcomes were monitored and statistically analyzed.Results: Out of 80 cases studied, 25 cases showed adverse perinatal outcome, among which 6 cases with perinatal death, 13 cases had low APGAR at 5minutes. 6 cases had NICU admission.Conclusions: Color Doppler has an important role in antepartum fetal surveillance in preeclampsia which can detect fetal compromise at an early stage. In our study pulsatility index of umbilical artery and ratio of MCA/UA PI was more sensitive than other parameters with PPV 78%

    A prospective study of effect of amniotic fluid index less than 5 at term on perinatal outcome

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    Background: To study the effect of oligohydramnios in pregnancy and its value in predicting adverse perinatal outcome.Methods: A prospective case control study of pregnancy outcome in 100 cases with ultrasound diagnosis of oligohydramnios at term compared with 100 controls with no oligohydramnios. The study was done over a period of 3 years at SSMC Tumkur, India.Results: Oligohydramnios at term is associated with poor perinatal outcome. Significant increase in abnormal foetal heart rate, meconium stained liquor, delivery by cesarean section, low Apgar intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), increased admissions to  neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) were seen in study group, however perinatal mortality was more in study group but not statistically significant (P=0.31)Conclusions: AFI <5 at term is an important fetal surveillance methods to identify poor perinatal outcome and thereby makes possible intervention so as to reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality

    Wormhole Geometry and Three-Dimensional Embedding in Extended Symmetric Teleparallel Gravity

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    In the present manuscript, we study traversable wormhole solutions in the background of extended symmetric teleparallel gravity with matter coupling. With the anisotropic matter distribution we probe the wormhole geometry for two different gravity models. Primarily, we consider the linear model f(Q,T)=Q+2 ξ T f(Q,T) =Q + 2 \, \xi \,T. Firstly, we presume a logarithmic form of shape function and analyze the scenario for different redshift functions. Secondly, for a specific form of energy density, we derive a shape function and note its satisfying behavior. Next, for the non-linear model f(Q,T)=Q+α,Q2+β,Tf(Q,T) = Q + \alpha ,Q^2 + \beta ,T and a specific shape function we examine the wormhole solution. Further, with the aid of embedding diagrams, we interpreted the geometry of wormhole models. Finally, we conclude results.Comment: New Astronomy published versio


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    Objective: The present study outline the plant-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using leaf extract Simaroubaglauca, which act as both reducing and stabilizing agent.Methods: Formation of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by primarily by Ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction studies revealed the crystallinity of the nanoparticles. The scanning electron microscopy was carried out to determine the mean particle size, as well as the morphology of the NPs and the composition of elements, was studied with Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS).Results: The silver nanoparticles were spherical in shape with a mean size of 23 nm. The EDS showed strong optical absorption peak at 3keV and it was confirmed the formation of AgNPs. The synthesised AgNPs further utilized for the evaluation of antibacterial activity and shown significant antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter and Klebsiella pneumonia at 50 µg/ml and 100µg/ml concentrations.Conclusion: The synthesised silver nanoparticles have been characterised by UV-vis, SEM-EDAX and XRD to determine the sizes and shapes of the silver nanoparticles

    TRANSIT - A Software Tool for Himar1 TnSeq Analysis

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    TnSeq has become a popular technique for determining the essentiality of genomic regions in bacterial organisms. Several methods have been developed to analyze the wealth of data that has been obtained through TnSeq experiments. We developed a tool for analyzing Himar1 TnSeq data called TRANSIT. TRANSIT provides a graphical interface to three different statistical methods for analyzing TnSeq data. These methods cover a variety of approaches capable of identifying essential genes in individual datasets as well as comparative analysis between conditions. We demonstrate the utility of this software by analyzing TnSeq datasets of M. tuberculosis grown on glycerol and cholesterol. We show that TRANSIT can be used to discover genes which have been previously implicated for growth on these carbon sources. TRANSIT is written in Python, and thus can be run on Windows, OSX and Linux platforms. The source code is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license and can be obtained from the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/mad-lab/transit
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