33 research outputs found

    Bridgehead Modifications of Englerin A Reduce TRPC4 Activity and Intravenous Toxicity but not Cell Growth Inhibition

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    Modifications at the bridgehead position of englerin A were made to explore the effects of variation at this site on the molecule for biological activity, as judged by the NCI 60 screen, in which englerin A is highly potent and selective for renal cancer cells. Replacement of the isopropyl group by other, larger substituents yielded compounds which displayed excellent selectivity and potency comparable to the natural product. Selected compounds were also evaluated for their effect on the ion channel TRPC4 as well as for intravenous toxicity in mice, and these had lower potency in both assays compared to englerin A

    Improved annotation with <i>de novo</i> transcriptome assembly in four social amoeba species

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    Background: Annotation of gene models and transcripts is a fundamental step in genome sequencing projects. Often this is performed with automated prediction pipelines, which can miss complex and atypical genes or transcripts. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data can aid the annotation with empirical data. Here we present de novo transcriptome assemblies generated from RNA-seq data in four Dictyostelid species: D. discoideum, P. pallidum, D. fasciculatum and D. lacteum. The assemblies were incorporated with existing gene models to determine corrections and improvement on a whole-genome scale. This is the first time this has been performed in these eukaryotic species. Results: An initial de novo transcriptome assembly was generated by Trinity for each species and then refined with Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments (PASA). The completeness and quality were assessed with the Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) and Transrate tools at each stage of the assemblies. The final datasets of 11,315-12,849 transcripts contained 5,610-7,712 updates and corrections to >50% of existing gene models including changes to hundreds or thousands of protein products. Putative novel genes are also identified and alternative splice isoforms were observed for the first time in P. pallidum, D. lacteum and D. fasciculatum. Conclusions: In taking a whole transcriptome approach to genome annotation with empirical data we have been able to enrich the annotations of four existing genome sequencing projects. In doing so we have identified updates to the majority of the gene annotations across all four species under study and found putative novel genes and transcripts which could be worthy for follow-up. The new transcriptome data we present here will be a valuable resource for genome curators in the Dictyostelia and we propose this effective methodology for use in other genome annotation projects

    Comparative Omics-Driven Genome Annotation Refinement: Application across Yersiniae

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    Genome sequencing continues to be a rapidly evolving technology, yet most downstream aspects of genome annotation pipelines remain relatively stable or are even being abandoned. The annotation process is now performed almost exclusively in an automated fashion to balance the large number of sequences generated. One possible way of reducing errors inherent to automated computational annotations is to apply data from omics measurements (i.e. transcriptional and proteomic) to the un-annotated genome with a proteogenomic-based approach. Here, the concept of annotation refinement has been extended to include a comparative assessment of genomes across closely related species. Transcriptomic and proteomic data derived from highly similar pathogenic Yersiniae (Y. pestis CO92, Y. pestis Pestoides F, and Y. pseudotuberculosis PB1/+) was used to demonstrate a comprehensive comparative omic-based annotation methodology. Peptide and oligo measurements experimentally validated the expression of nearly 40% of each strain's predicted proteome and revealed the identification of 28 novel and 68 incorrect (i.e., observed frameshifts, extended start sites, and translated pseudogenes) protein-coding sequences within the three current genome annotations. Gene loss is presumed to play a major role in Y. pestis acquiring its niche as a virulent pathogen, thus the discovery of many translated pseudogenes, including the insertion-ablated argD, underscores a need for functional analyses to investigate hypotheses related to divergence. Refinements included the discovery of a seemingly essential ribosomal protein, several virulence-associated factors, a transcriptional regulator, and many hypothetical proteins that were missed during annotation

    Sterility and Gene Expression in Hybrid Males of Xenopus laevis and X. muelleri

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    BACKGROUND: Reproductive isolation is a defining characteristic of populations that represent unique biological species, yet we know very little about the gene expression basis for reproductive isolation. The advent of powerful molecular biology tools provides the ability to identify genes involved in reproductive isolation and focuses attention on the molecular mechanisms that separate biological species. Herein we quantify the sterility pattern of hybrid males in African Clawed Frogs (Xenopus) and apply microarray analysis of the expression pattern found in testes to identify genes that are misexpressed in hybrid males relative to their two parental species (Xenopus laevis and X. muelleri). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Phenotypic characteristics of spermatogenesis in sterile male hybrids (X. laevis x X. muelleri) were examined using a novel sperm assay that allowed quantification of live, dead, and undifferentiated sperm cells, the number of motile vs. immotile sperm, and sperm morphology. Hybrids exhibited a dramatically lower abundance of mature sperm relative to the parental species. Hybrid spermatozoa were larger in size and accompanied by numerous undifferentiated sperm cells. Microarray analysis of gene expression in testes was combined with a correction for sequence divergence derived from genomic hybridizations to identify candidate genes involved in the sterility phenotype. Analysis of the transcriptome revealed a striking asymmetric pattern of misexpression. There were only about 140 genes misexpressed in hybrids compared to X. laevis but nearly 4,000 genes misexpressed in hybrids compared to X. muelleri. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results provide an important correlation between phenotypic characteristics of sperm and gene expression in sterile hybrid males. The broad pattern of gene misexpression suggests intriguing mechanisms creating the dominance pattern of the X. laevis genome in hybrids. These findings significantly contribute to growing evidence for allelic dominance in hybrids and have implications for the mechanism of species differentiation at the transcriptome level

    Renal artery stenosis and abdominal aorta aneurysm in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the renal arteries and abdominal aorta in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX). DESIGN: Prospective, case–control study. METHODS: The study involved 49 patients with PEX and 42 control subjects. Abdominal aorta and renal arteries were examined by Doppler ultrasonography. In both renal arteries (proximal and distal portions) and abdominal aorta, the peak systolic velocity (PSV) was measured. Renal artery stenosis (RAS) was defined as the renal artery PSV >150 cm/s or renal-to-aortic ratio (RAR) >3.0. Patients who had an abdominal aortic diameter >3 cm were recorded. Computed tomographic angiography was performed to confirm these findings in patients with RAS and/or abdominal aorta aneurysm. RESULTS: The mean PSV in the proximal renal artery was 88.3 cm/s in PEX group and 79.5 cm/s in control group (P=0.314); in distal renal artery was 91.7 cm/s in PEX group and 93.0 cm/s in control group (P=0.794); in abdominal aorta was 76.0 cm/s in PEX group and 65.2 cm/s in control group (P=0.046). RAS was observed in nine patients with PEX and in only one patient without PEX (P=0.017). Seven out of 10 patients with RAS (six patients in PEX group; one patient in control group) had hypertension. Abdominal aorta aneurysm was observed in four patients in PEX group but not in control group (P=0.061). CONCLUSIONS: Our study has demonstrated that there is a significant association between PEX and RAS. The abdominal aorta aneurysm may be seen in patients with PEX