15 research outputs found

    Современное минералообразование в месте разгрузки рассолов Людмилинской скважины (г. Соликамск, Пермский край)

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    The minerals formed from cold (4°C) sodium chloride solutions discharged between 1923 and 2019 from the Lyudmilinskaya brine-producing well were studied. During this time, the mineralization dropped from 260 to 9 g/dc3, and, at the wellhead area, an ecosystem presented by invertebrate animals, diatoms, iron and sulfur bacteria has been formed. Minerals, such as calcite and pyrite, and micron precipitates of native phases (sulfur, copper, silver, nickel, bronze), sulphides (series chalcocite- covelline, marcasite, argentopentlandite, acantite, millerite, chalcopyrite), sulfochlorides ((Ag,Cu,Ni)3(Cl,S)), chlorides (Ag3Cl), iron hydroxides, barite and sahamalit(Ce), were deposited both on the surface of pebbles and in clay-sand alluvial sediments. The studied brines are enriched with respect to sea water by siderophilic (Co, Ni), chalcophilic (Zn, Ge, As, Se, Sn, Sb, Bi, Pb, Tl (Cu?), and lithophilic elements (Be, Al, Ti, Cr, Mn, Y, Zr, Nb, W, Th). The increased concentration of these elements is explained by the hydrolysis and metal leaching the suprasalt clayey rocks with chlorides and sulfates. It is shown that the deposition of minerals occurs both chemically and biochemically.Охарактеризованы минералы, сформировавшиеся из холодных (4оС) хлоридно-натриевых растворов, разгружавшихся с 1923 по 2019 г. из Людмилинской рассолодобывающей скважины. За это время минерализация упала с 260 до 9 г/дм3, а в приустье скважины сформировалась экосистема, в которой представлены беспозвоночные животные, диатомовые и харовые водоросли, железо- и серобактерии. Минералы осаждаются как на поверхности галек, так и в глинисто-песчаных аллювиальных отложениях. Наряду с кальцитом и пиритом здесь сформировались микронные выделения самородных фаз (Cu, Ag, Ni, бронза), сульфидов (Cu, Ag, Ni, Fe), сульфохлоридов (Cu, Ag, Ni), хлоридов (Ag, Cu), барит и сахамалит-(Ce). Исследуемые рассолы обогащены относительно морской воды сидерофильными (Co, Ni), халькофильными (Zn, Ge, As, Se, Sn, Sb, Bi, Pb, Tl (Cu?)) и литофильными элементами (Be, Al, Ti, Cr, Mn, Y, Zr, Nb, W, Th). Повышенные содержания этих элементов объясняются геохимической специализацией глинистых надсолевых пород их гидролизом и выщелачиванием металлов ионами Cl- и SO42-. Показано, что осаждение минералов происходит как химически, так и биохимически

    18th Scientific Readings Devoted to P.N.Chirvinskiy

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    В Пермском государственном национальном исследовательском университете проведены очередные ежегодные научные чтения памяти П.Н. Чирвинского с международным участием. Рассмотрены проблемы минералогии, петрологии, геохимии и других геологических наук, опубликованы материалы конференции.Scientific conference devoted to P.N. Chirvinskiy was held in the Perm State University (January 2016). The problems of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry were discussed

    Вейвлет-анализ электрокардиосигналов для выявления признаков посттравматической миокардиодистрофии.

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    Розглянуто особливості впливу травматичної хвороби на серцево-судинну систему. Виконано числові експерименти з дослідження електрокардіосигналів військовослужбовців після мінно-вибухового поранення. У процесі клінічних досліджень реєстрація та обробка електрокардіосигналів виконані за допомогою системи електрокардіографії високого розрізнення. На основі проведеного вейвлет-аналізу електрокардіосигналів запропоновано інтегральні параметри для виявлення ознак посттравматичної міокардіодистрофії.Introduction. The features of the traumatic disease's impact on the cardiovascular system are reviewed. Numerical experiments on electrocardiosignals of the soldiers injuried by mine explosion were held. The nature of the posttraumatic myocardial dystrophy is described. HR ECG signals' analysis. During clinical studies the registration and processing of electrocardiosignals were performed by the high resolution electrocardiography system. The time and amplitude analysis of HR ECG signals was held, and its low efficiency was approved. The integral parameters for detection of the posttraumatic myocardial dystrophy features based on the wavelet analysis of the electrocardiosignals are proposed. Conclusion. Since the myocardial dystrophy is caused by the violation of the processes related to the transport of ions Ca2+, the changes of electrocardiosignals are visible at the highest levels of wavelet decomposition. Thus, the 8th and 9th levels of the 9-level wavelet decomposition of averaged cardiocycles showed the best result for diagnostic.Рассмотрены особенности влияния травматической болезни на сердечно-сосудистую систему. Выполнены численные эксперименты по исследованию электрокардиосигналов военнослужащих после минно-взрывных ранений. В процессе клинических исследований регистрация и обработка электрокардиосигналов выполнены с помощью системы электрокардиографии высокого разрешения. На основе проведенного вейвлет–анализа электрокардиосигналов предложены интегральные параметры для выявления признаков посттравматической миокардиодистрофии


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    The paper presents the results of research on the presence in genomes of pea hybrid materials of the DNA regions complementary to the primers that are associated with the biochemical characteristics and resistance to powdery mildew.В работе представлены результаты исследований гибридного материала гороха овощного на наличие в их геномах участков ДНК, комплементарных ряду праймеров, связанных с биохимическими характеристиками и устойчивостью к настоящей муч нистой росе

    New Neutron Lifetime Measurements with the Big Gravitational Trap and Review of Neutron Lifetime Data

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    Neutron lifetime is one of the most important physical constants which determines parameters of the weak interaction and predictions of primordial nucleosynthesis theory. In our experiment we measure the storage time of UCN in the material trap coated with a hydrogen-free fluorine-containing polymer (Fomblin grease UT-18). The stability of this coating to multiple thermal cycles between 80 K and 300 K was tested. The achieved storage time is only 1.5% less than free neutron lifetime. Using additional surface, which can be plunged into the trap to change the collision frequency of UCN with walls, we calculate free neutron lifetime by extrapolation to zero collision frequency. The result of the measurements with this new experimental setup i


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    The paper presents the results of research on the presence in genomes of pea hybrid materials of the DNA regions complementary to the primers that are associated with the biochemical characteristics and resistance to powdery mildew

    Different approaches to estimation of reactor pressure vessel material embrittlement

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    The surveillance test data for the nuclear power plant which is under operation in Ukraine have been used to estimate WWER-1000 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) material embrittlement. The beltline materials (base and weld metal) were characterized using Charpy impact and fracture toughness test methods. The fracture toughness test data were analyzed according to the standard ASTM 1921-05. The pre-cracked Charpy specimens were tested to estimate a shift of reference temperature T0 due to neutron irradiation. The maximum shift of reference temperature T0 is 84 °C. A radiation embrittlement rate AF for the RPV material was estimated using fracture toughness test data. In addition the AF factor based on the Charpy curve shift (ΔTF) has been evaluated. A comparison of the AF values estimated according to different approaches has shown there is a good agreement between the radiation shift of Charpy impact and fracture toughness curves for weld metal with high nickel content (1,88 % wt). Therefore Charpy impact test data can be successfully applied to estimate the fracture toughness curve shift and therefore embrittlement rate. Furthermore it was revealed that radiation embrittlement rate for weld metal is higher than predicted by a design relationship. The enhanced embrittlement is most probably related to simultaneously high nickel and high manganese content in weld metal

    Analysis of electrocardiosignals for formation of the diagnostic features of post-traumatic myocardial dystrophy

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    The possibilities of high-resolution electrocardiography (HR ECG) application for diagnostics of post-traumatic myocardial dystrophy having multifactorial genesis is considered in this paper. Numerical processing and analysis of electrocardiograms that belong to patients from armed forces after explosive-driven injuries have been performed based on clinical studies. Complex method of cardiosignal analysis based on combination of wavelet analysis, eigenvector decomposition and principal component analysis is developed. This method revealed that low-amplitude deviations in ECG signal in case of post-traumatic myocardial dystrophy have low-frequency nature that is linked to slow electro-physiological processes. It is shown that these low-frequency, low-amplitude components appear at a high levels (8th and 9th) of decomposition in case of 9-level wavelet decomposition of averaged cardio cycles. Integral parameters for identification of post-traumatic myocardial dystrophy features are suggested and determined on the basis of principal component analysis. These parameters are squared sum of signal projections to eigenspaces Hk and mean eigenvalues of covariance matrices of electrocardiosignals ensembles λmean