1,539 research outputs found

    Method Development In Assessing Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Expression From Pichia Pastoris [QH443. C434 2007 f rb].

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    Hormon pertumbuhan manusia rekombinan (rhGH) telah dihasilkan daripada strain Pichia pastoris GS115 2(5) yang telah mengalami pengubahsuaian genetik dalam proses pengkulturan dua-peringkat. Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) was expressed in genetically modified Pichia pastoris strain GS115 2(5) in a two-stage cultivation process. However, the preliminary cultivation process and purification strategies of rhGH from strain GS115 2(5) were still an open issue

    Developing new approaches for transcriptomics and genomics: using major resources developed in model species for research in crop species

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    With the estimated increase in global demand for food and over-reliance on staple food crops, the exploitation of agricultural biodiversity is important to address food security challenges. The aim of this study is to develop approaches to transfer major informational and physical resources developed in model plant and major crop species to resources poor crop species, using oil palm and Bambara groundnut as two exemplar crops. XSpecies (cross-species) approach, the core approach of the study, is described as the approach which uses microarrays developed for a given species to analyse another related species. The use of the XSpecies approach (here the cross-hybridisation of DNA from oil palm onto heterologous Affymetrix microarrays for Arabidopsis and rice), is the first experiment reported in oil palm and focused on a bulked segregant analysis of different shell-thicknesses for oil palm fruit. Primers design involved screening candidate probe-pairs filtered using PIGEONS software against oil palm transcriptome sequences generated using 454 sequencing technology. The results provided an insight into the effects of sequence divergence between oil palm and the reference species (Arabidopsis and rice) onto the power of detecting single feature polymorphism (SFPs) in oil palm, implying the importance of close association between studied and model plant/crop in XSpecies approach. The XSpecies approach coupled with genetical genomics was also tested within legumes, with Bambara groundnut as the query species compared to soybean as the resource rich species (20 Mya). A mild drought experiment, conducted in a controlled environment glasshouse, used an F5 segregating population derived from a controlled cross between DipC and Tiga Nicuru in Bambara groundnut. The cross-hybridisation of Bambara groundnut leaf RNA to the soybean GeneChip individual oligonucleotide probes resulted in a total of 1,531 of good quality gene expression markers (GEMs) on the basis of the differences in the hybridisation signal strength. The first ‘expression-based’ genetic map (GEM map) was constructed using 165 GEMs spanning 920.3 cM of Bambara groundnut genome. The first high density DNA-marker genetic map of 1,341.3 cM combining dominant DArT and co-dominant SNPs, developed using the DArT Seq approach, with additional pre-existing microarray-based DArT and SSR markers, was also developed in the F3 segregating population. Both maps were combined to form the first integrated map of 1,250.7 cM with 212 markers. Morphological differences and the rapid reduction in stomatal conductance observed within the F5 segregating population in the drought experiment provided trait data for a QTL analysis. The comprehensive QTL analysis in Bambara groundnut detected significant QTLs for morphological traits using GEM map, including internode length, peduncle length, pod number per plant, pod weight per plant, seed number per plant, seed weight per plant, 100-seed weight, shoot dry weight and harvest index across four linkage groups: LG1, LG2B, LG8B and LG11A. The loci controlling internode length and peduncle length were also consistently mapped to single marker on LG1 in DArTseq map using F3 segregating population, suggesting that these two traits are probably controlled by single gene or two closely linked genes. Despite significant genotypes effects on stomatal conductance tested in ANOVA analysis, no major QTLs were detected, suggesting the contributions of a number of small genetic effects to stomatal conductance. A preliminary homology search using the LG1 linkage group markers and associated gene models showed the ability to develop a framework for identification of candidate genes in Bambara groundnut relative to soybean. The present study also developed the resources for an eQTL analysis in a cross-species context. Translation from major and model plant species to underutilised and resource poor crops is critical to be able to develop many crop species with potential for future agriculture. This study examines some of the approaches which might be adopted and replicated in various underutilised crop species

    Developing new approaches for transcriptomics and genomics: using major resources developed in model species for research in crop species

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    With the estimated increase in global demand for food and over-reliance on staple food crops, the exploitation of agricultural biodiversity is important to address food security challenges. The aim of this study is to develop approaches to transfer major informational and physical resources developed in model plant and major crop species to resources poor crop species, using oil palm and Bambara groundnut as two exemplar crops. XSpecies (cross-species) approach, the core approach of the study, is described as the approach which uses microarrays developed for a given species to analyse another related species. The use of the XSpecies approach (here the cross-hybridisation of DNA from oil palm onto heterologous Affymetrix microarrays for Arabidopsis and rice), is the first experiment reported in oil palm and focused on a bulked segregant analysis of different shell-thicknesses for oil palm fruit. Primers design involved screening candidate probe-pairs filtered using PIGEONS software against oil palm transcriptome sequences generated using 454 sequencing technology. The results provided an insight into the effects of sequence divergence between oil palm and the reference species (Arabidopsis and rice) onto the power of detecting single feature polymorphism (SFPs) in oil palm, implying the importance of close association between studied and model plant/crop in XSpecies approach. The XSpecies approach coupled with genetical genomics was also tested within legumes, with Bambara groundnut as the query species compared to soybean as the resource rich species (20 Mya). A mild drought experiment, conducted in a controlled environment glasshouse, used an F5 segregating population derived from a controlled cross between DipC and Tiga Nicuru in Bambara groundnut. The cross-hybridisation of Bambara groundnut leaf RNA to the soybean GeneChip individual oligonucleotide probes resulted in a total of 1,531 of good quality gene expression markers (GEMs) on the basis of the differences in the hybridisation signal strength. The first ‘expression-based’ genetic map (GEM map) was constructed using 165 GEMs spanning 920.3 cM of Bambara groundnut genome. The first high density DNA-marker genetic map of 1,341.3 cM combining dominant DArT and co-dominant SNPs, developed using the DArT Seq approach, with additional pre-existing microarray-based DArT and SSR markers, was also developed in the F3 segregating population. Both maps were combined to form the first integrated map of 1,250.7 cM with 212 markers. Morphological differences and the rapid reduction in stomatal conductance observed within the F5 segregating population in the drought experiment provided trait data for a QTL analysis. The comprehensive QTL analysis in Bambara groundnut detected significant QTLs for morphological traits using GEM map, including internode length, peduncle length, pod number per plant, pod weight per plant, seed number per plant, seed weight per plant, 100-seed weight, shoot dry weight and harvest index across four linkage groups: LG1, LG2B, LG8B and LG11A. The loci controlling internode length and peduncle length were also consistently mapped to single marker on LG1 in DArTseq map using F3 segregating population, suggesting that these two traits are probably controlled by single gene or two closely linked genes. Despite significant genotypes effects on stomatal conductance tested in ANOVA analysis, no major QTLs were detected, suggesting the contributions of a number of small genetic effects to stomatal conductance. A preliminary homology search using the LG1 linkage group markers and associated gene models showed the ability to develop a framework for identification of candidate genes in Bambara groundnut relative to soybean. The present study also developed the resources for an eQTL analysis in a cross-species context. Translation from major and model plant species to underutilised and resource poor crops is critical to be able to develop many crop species with potential for future agriculture. This study examines some of the approaches which might be adopted and replicated in various underutilised crop species

    Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network: Effect of Hidden Neuron Number, Training Data Size, and Input Variables on Rainfall Intensity Forecasting

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    Mean daily rainfall of more than 30mm could result in flood hazard. Accurate prediction of rainfall intensity could help in forecasting of flash flood and help to save lives and properties. One of the common machine learning techniques in rainfall prediction is Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. Rainfall intensity is classified into four categories, i.e. light (<10mm), medium (11-30mm), heavy (31-50mm)  and very heavy (>50mm) in this study. The rainfall intensity categories is forecasted using the RBF network model utilizing the daily meteorology data for Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. The input vectors being considered for the RBF network model are minimum, maximum and mean temperature (°C), mean relative humidity (%), mean wind speed (m/s), mean sea level pressure (hPa) and mean precipitation (mm) for the year 2009 to 2013. The prime focus in this paper is to analyse the ramification of the training data size, number of hidden neurons, and different input variables (i.e. combination of meteorology data) in influencing the performance of the RBF network model. From this study, it could be concluded that, the factor that would influence the performance of the RBF model is only the input variables used, if and only if the network model is equipped with sufficient number of hidden neurons and trained with adequate number of training data. Another interesting observation from this study is that, the RBF network model produced consistent result throughout the testing using a specific hidden neuron number when the RBF network is retrained and tested

    Towards semantic user query: A review

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    This paper attempts to discuss the image query mechanisms and user needs for image retrieval. The explosive growth of image data leads to the need of research and development of Image retrieval. Image retrieval researches are moving from keyword, to low level features and to semantic features. Drive towards semantic features is due to the problem of the keywords which can be very subjective and time consuming while low level features cannot always describe high level concepts in the users’ mind. This paper also highlights both the already addressed and outstanding issues

    Root foraging capacity in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) core parental lines depends on the root system architecture during the pre-flowering stage

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Characterizing the morphological variability in root system architecture (RSA) during the sensitive pre-flowering growth stage is important for crop performance. To assess this variation, eight bambara groundnut single genotypes derived from landraces of contrasting geographic origin were selected for root system architecture and rooting distribution studies. Plants were grown in a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) column system under controlled water and nutrient availability in a rainout shelter. Days to 50% plant emergence was characterized during the first two weeks after sowing, while taproot length (TRL), root length (RL), root length density (RLD), branching number (BN), branching density (BD) and intensity (BI), surface area (SA), root volume (RV), root diameter (RDia), root dry weight (RDW), shoot dry weight (SDW), and shoot height (SH) were determined at the end of the experiment, i.e., 35 days after emergence. Genotypes S19-3 and DipC1 sourced from drier regions of sub-Saharan Africa generally had longer taproots and greater root length distribution in deeper (60 to 90 cm) soil depths. In contrast, bambara groundnut genotypes from wetter regions (i.e., Gresik, Lunt, and IITA-686) in Southeast Asia and West Africa exhibited relatively shallow and highly branched root growth closer to the soil surface. Genotypes at the pre-flowering growth stage showed differential root foraging patterns and branching habits with two extremes, i.e., deep-cheap rooting in the genotypes sourced from dry regions and a shallow-costly rooting system in genotypes adapted to higher rainfall areas with shallow soils. We propose specific bambara groundnut genotype as donors in root trait driven breeding programs to improve water capture and use efficiency

    Impacts of selected economics shocks on Malaysian external sector

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    The main research on this study is to estimate the variables of Malaysian economic growth (RGDP), real effective exchange rate (REER), world oil price (WOP), and industrial productivity index of United Stated (USIPI) which are used to explain the outcome of Malaysia’s net export (NEX) over period of 1980 to 2013 under time series econometric techniques such as ADF and PP tests, JJ cointegration test, VECM, granger causality test, Impulse-response functions (IRFs), and diagnostic checking. The results revealed that RGDP and REER are negative related with NEX, while WOP and USIPI are positive related with NEX during the period of 1980 to 2013. However, REER is not a major factor affect Malaysia’s net export as compared to other explanatory variables used in the model. WOP is the most significant impact on Malaysia’s net export in both short term and long term. Close linkage between U.S. and Malaysia is also important indicator to Malaysia’s net export. With the diagnostic checking, the model used in the study is valid and robust from 1980 to 2013. Limitations of the study are provided to improve the study in the future