13 research outputs found

    Observation Inhabituelle d'Inversion utérine puerpérale chronique: An unusual case of chronic puerperal uterine inversion

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    The puerperal uterine inversion is a rare and seriouscomplication occurring in the third stage of obstetricaldelivery. Chronic forms are unusual and often related toacute or subacute past unnoticed case or incompletelyreduced. It poses a problem of differential diagnosis withsome benign or malignant diseases which may lead totherapeutic errors. The clinical presentation is misleading, made of chronic pain and minimal bleeding, imaging confirms the diagnosis of inversion, and the treatment is conservative or radical surgery depending on the degree of intussusception and its chronicity. Authors reported an unusual case of chronic puerperal uterine inversion. Diagnosis and therapeutic difficulties are also described. L’inversion utérine puerpérale est une complication rare et grave se produisant dans le troisième stade du travail d’accouchement. Les formes chroniques sont plus rares et souvent en rapport avec des formes aigues ou subaigües passées inaperçues ou incomplètement réduites. Elle pose un problème de diagnostic différentiel avec certaines affections bénignes ou malignes ce qui risque d’aboutir à des erreurs thérapeutiques. La symptomatologie clinique est trompeuse, faite de douleurs chroniques et des métrorragies minimes. L’imagerie permet de confirmer le diagnostic de l’inversion et le traitement est chirurgical conservateur ou radical en fonction du degré de l’invagination et de sa chronicité. Les auteurs ont rapporté une observation clinique inhabituelle d’inversion utérine puerpérale. Les difficultés diagnostiques et thérapeutiques y sont décrites

    Grossesse dans une corne rudimentaire: difficultés diagnostiques et prise en charge thérapeutique

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    La survenue d'une grossesse dans une corne utérine rudimentaire est une situation obstétricale extrêmement rare et potentiellement grave, menaçant le pronostic materno-foetal. Les auteurs rapportent cinq observations de grossesse dans une corne utérine rudimentaire, à travers lesquelles, ils relatent les difficultés sur le plan diagnostique ainsi que la prise en charge thérapeutique de cette entité pathologique, soulignant l'intérêt de l'échographie endovaginale, de l'IRM pelvienne et de la coelioscopie dans le diagnostic précoce de ce type de malformation uterine.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Tuberculose pelvi-péritoneale pseudotumorale: à propos de quatre cas

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    La tuberculose pelvienne pseudo tumorale est une maladie infectieuse curable. Son tableau clinique est souvent trompeur simulant une tumeur ovarienne ou tubaire. Le but de notre travail est de préciser les caractéristiques cliniques, biologiques et radiologiques de cette pathologie et sa prise en charge. Nous rapportons une étude rétrospective à propos de quatre observations. L'âge moyen de nos patientes est de 24 ans (16 ans, 40 ans), trois parmi elles étaient célibataires. Le motif de consultation est dominé par les douleurs abdominopelviennes chroniques. Les résultats des explorations radiologiques (échographie pelvienne associé à la TDM ou IRM pelvienne) ont été en faveur d'une tumeur ovarienne dans trois cas et d'un hydrosapinx bilatéral pour un cas. L'ascite a été présente dans tous les cas. Le dosage de la Ca 125 a été élevé. La prise en charge a été l'exploration chirurgicale soit par c'lioscopie ou laparotomie. Deux cas ont bénéficié seulement des biopsies et deux patientes ont eu une salpingectomie bilatérale devant l'aspect pseudo tumoral très suspect. L'étude histologique a confirmé des lésions graulomateuses avec nécrose caséeuse. Le traitement par les antibacillaires a été instauré selon le protocole 2ERHZ/ 4RH. La tuberculose pelvienne pseudo tumorale est l'apanage de la femme jeune. Son pronostic est lié à l'infertilité séquellaire.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 13:5

    Corrélation radio-histologique des lésions mammaires ACR4: à propos de 181 cas et revue de la littérature

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    La classification Bi-Rads (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) de l'ACR (American College of Radiology) est le système de classement des images radiologiques, recommandé pour le dépistage du cancer du sein. La lésion ACR IV correspond à une anomalie indéterminée ou suspecte avec probabilité de malignité de 2-95% selon des études. Cette disparité nous a poussés à réaliser notre étudequi est uneétude rétrospective de 181 patientes étalée sur 5 ans, conduite dans le service de gynécologie-obstétrique I du Centre hospitalier Hassan II de Fès. Notre objectif est de rapporter les résultats histologiques des lésions mammaires classées radiologiquement ACR4 dans le but d'évaluer la corrélation radio-histologique et d'améliorer notre conduite à tenir. Toutes nos patientes ont bénéficié d'une imagerie du sein puis d'une preuve anatomopathologique par différentes techniques. Nous avons noté une nette prédominance des lésions bénignes avec un taux de 62% contre 29% des lésions malignes et seulement 9% étaient intermédiaires. L'adénofibrome est le résultat histologique le plus retrouvé avec 30% des cas, le carcinome canalaire infiltrant reste le chef de file des lésions malignes avec 17% des cas. A travers une revue de la littérature, nos résultats semblent rejoindre ceux des autres études avec une Valeur prédictive positive de 29%. Néanmoins, l'adoption de la sous-classification ACR en ACR4a, b et c parait plus adaptée,en raison du nombre important des interventions chirurgicales inutiles

    Tumeurs trophoblastiques gestationnelles: aspects cliniques et radiologiques

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    La maladie trophoblastique gestationnelle englobe un groupe de maladies qui diffèrent les unes des autres par leur évolution vers la régression, aux métastases et à la récurrence. C'est une maladie grave qui touche les femmes en âge de procréer. Les tumeurs trophoblastiques gestationnelles (TTG) représentent les formes malignes des maladies trophoblastiques gestationnelles. Elles font toujours suite à une grossesse, le plus souvent môlaire (môle hydatiforme). Le type le plus courant de tumeurs trophoblastique gestationnelle (TTG) est la mole invasive, car, dans la plupart des cas, le diagnostic est fait lorsque le cancer est encore confiné à l'utérus. Le choriocarcinome est un type plus rare qui génère souvent des métastases à distance. Dans les cas de progression vers une tumeur trophoblastique, la mise en place d'un bilan d'extension locorégional et à distance est essentielle au choix d'un protocole de traitement approprié. Les auteurs rapportent trois observations cliniques de TTG en décrivant leurs présentations cliniques et l'utilisation de techniques d'imagerie dans le diagnostic et la prise en charge de ces affections.Mots clés: Tumeurs trophoblastiques gestationnelles, critères diagnostiques, polymorphisme radiologiqueEnglish Title: Clinical and radiological features of gestational trophoblastic tumorsEnglish AbstractGestational trophoblastic disease incorporates a group of diseases which differ from each other by their regressive evolution, their evolution to metastasis and to recurrence. It is a severe disease that affects women of childbearing age. Gestational trophoblastic tumors (GTT) are the malignant forms of gestational trophoblastic diseases. They are always a result of pregnancy, more often molar pregnancy (hydatidiform mole). The most common type of gestational trophoblastic tumors (GTT) is the invasive mole because, in most cases, the diagnosis is made when cancer is still confined to the uterus. Choriocarcinoma is a more rare type of tumor, often developing distant metastases. When there is a progression to a trophoblastic tumor, the assessment of locoregional extension and distant metastases is essential to establish an appropriate treatment protocol. We here report three clinical cases of GTT by describing their clinical presentations and the use of imaging techniques in the diagnosis and management of these disorders.Keywords: Gestational trophoblastic tumors, diagnostic criteria, radiological polymorphis

    Molecular Antimicrobial Resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in a Moroccan Area

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    Objectives. To identify the prevalence and the types of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) resistance plasmids-mediated penicillin (PPNG) and tetracycline (TRNG), the ciprofloxacin resistance (CRNG), and related risk factors of each types of resistance. Methods. The beta-lactamase-producing plasmid types (Africa, Asia, and Toronto), tetM tetracycline resistance plasmid types (America and Dutch), and the determination of the Ser-91 mutation of GyrA were detected by specifics PCRs on 149 diagnosed NG positives samples followed by Hinf1 digestion for tetM and gyrA mutation. Results. 135 (90.1%) samples showed a profile of molecular resistance to at least one antibiotic with predominance of ciprofloxacin resistance. In fact, 36 (24.2%) and 69 (46.3%) cases harbored PPNG and TRNG, respectively, and 116 (77.9%) cases showed the mutation Ser-91 of GyrA (CRNG). From a total of 36 PPNG isolates, the Toronto, Asian, and Toronto/Asian types were detected in 13 (36.1%), 10 (27.8%), and 13 (36.1%) cases, respectively, whereas the African type was not detected. In addition, the American type of TRNG was detected in 92.8% (64/69) of cases, while the Dutch type was detected in 7.2% (5/69) of cases. The association of demographics and clinical variables with NG resistance to ciprofloxacin, penicillin, and tetracycline was studied and the risk factors have been determined. Conclusion. Resistance to penicillin, tetracycline, and ciprofloxacin among NG samples positives remained at high levels in Morocco as determined by molecular profile. So, the use of molecular tools for NG antimicrobial resistance detection can help in the management and spread limitation of this infection

    Detection of Ureaplasma Biovars and Subtyping of Ureaplasma parvum among Women Referring to a University Hospital in Morocco

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Ureaplasma biovars and Ureaplasma parvum (U. parvum) serovars, their associated risk factors, and genital STI-related symptoms. Methods. DNA obtained from cervical samples of 1053 women attending the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the laboratory of pathological anatomy of Hassan II university hospital of Fez, Morocco, was used to detect Ureaplasma biovars (U. urealyticum and U. parvum) and to subtype U. parvum by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results. Of the 1053 women examined, 25.4% (268/1053) were Ureaplasma positives. The rates of U. urealyticum and U. parvum were 12.1% (128/1053) and 7% (74/1053), respectively, and the copresence of these biovars was noted in 6.3% (66/1053) cases. The U. parvum subtyping revealed a predominance of the serovar 3/14 (61.4%). The association of demographics variables with Ureaplasma biovars was studied and shows that the age (“<30” years) seems to be a risk factor of Ureaplasma spp. and U. urealyticum carriage (OR 1.729, 95% CI [1.113-2.687] and OR 1.848, 95% CI [1.026-3.330], respectively). There was no difference in the prevalence of Ureaplasma type regarding symptoms. However, a significant association was found between U. parvum serovar 1 and infertility (P=0.011). Conclusion. This first study conducted in Morocco provides an idea on Ureaplasma biovars and U. parvum serovars circulating in this region, their associated risk factors, and genital STI-related symptoms. Therefore, further studies are required to clarify and confirm the pathogenic role of these Ureaplasma species

    Distribution of Carcinogenic Human Papillomavirus Genotypes and Association to Cervical Lesions among Women in Fez (Morocco).

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    OBJECTIVES:To determine the distribution of cervical high-risk human papillomavirus genotypes and their association to cellular abnormalities in women from Fez and its neighborhood. METHODS:Women attending the Hassan II University Hospital for cervical pap smears were recruited after an informed consent. Interviews and two cervical samples were performed for each woman. Cervical samples were used for cytological analysis and HPV DNA detection. HPV was typed using a method based on multiplex PCR with fluorescently labeled specific primers followed by capillary electrophoresis. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez. RESULTS:The HPV prevalence in the studied population was 43.1% and the most prevalent types were HPV 53 (23 cases); HPV 16 (20 cases); HPV 35 (18 cases); HPV 51 (10 cases) and HPV 56 (7 cases). From the 619 confirmed pap smears, 20% were abnormal. The cytological abnormalities were significantly associated to HPV infection, women age, number of pregnancies and parity (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION:More attention should be given to HPV in Morocco because it represents an important public health concern. The distribution of carcinogenic HPV types in the studied population is different from the data in other regions but epidemiological studies in other Moroccan regions are required

    Correlates of HPV: a cross-sectional study in women with normal cytology in north-central Morocco

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    International audienceIntroduction: Epidemiological studies have shown the association between risk of developing cervical cancer and the persistence of high-risk papillomavirus types in addition to some co-factors. However, little is known about co-factors associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, especially in developing countries. This study aims to determine HPV status and associated risk factors in women with normal cytology living in the north-central area of Morocco.Methodology: From February 2007 to December 2008, a total of 925 women consulting in the gynaecological department of Fez University Hospital were asked about sociodemographic characteristics and reproductive and sexual health. Cervical samples were collected for cytological examination and HPV DNA detection. Data collected from 751 women with normal cytology were used in this study to assess the correlation between HPV infection and potential risk factors.Results: High prevalence of HPV infection was detected (42.5%). The highest infection rate was observed in women aged >45 years and in those with history of abortion (OR:3.76; 95%CI[1.77-7.98]) fibroma, polyp or cysts (OR:1.68; 95%CI[1.07-2.65]). No significant association was detected with other reproductive health and risk factors including oral contraception.Conclusion: In spite of the insignificant association of HPV infection with age, health authorities should seriously consider and implement strategies to increase and maintain a cervical cancer screening programme in women aged 45 and above. More attention must be given to women with gynaecological history (abortion, fibroma, polyp or cysts) since these events may be predictors of HPV infection. Investigations on partner sexual behaviour and some specific hygienic habits, especially public Turkish bath use, are needed to clarify the HPV incidence in this region

    Correlates of HPV: a cross-sectional study in women with normal cytology in north-central Morocco

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    International audienceIntroduction: Epidemiological studies have shown the association between risk of developing cervical cancer and the persistence of high-risk papillomavirus types in addition to some co-factors. However, little is known about co-factors associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, especially in developing countries. This study aims to determine HPV status and associated risk factors in women with normal cytology living in the north-central area of Morocco.Methodology: From February 2007 to December 2008, a total of 925 women consulting in the gynaecological department of Fez University Hospital were asked about sociodemographic characteristics and reproductive and sexual health. Cervical samples were collected for cytological examination and HPV DNA detection. Data collected from 751 women with normal cytology were used in this study to assess the correlation between HPV infection and potential risk factors.Results: High prevalence of HPV infection was detected (42.5%). The highest infection rate was observed in women aged >45 years and in those with history of abortion (OR:3.76; 95%CI[1.77-7.98]) fibroma, polyp or cysts (OR:1.68; 95%CI[1.07-2.65]). No significant association was detected with other reproductive health and risk factors including oral contraception.Conclusion: In spite of the insignificant association of HPV infection with age, health authorities should seriously consider and implement strategies to increase and maintain a cervical cancer screening programme in women aged 45 and above. More attention must be given to women with gynaecological history (abortion, fibroma, polyp or cysts) since these events may be predictors of HPV infection. Investigations on partner sexual behaviour and some specific hygienic habits, especially public Turkish bath use, are needed to clarify the HPV incidence in this region