16 research outputs found

    Solution of a functional equation on compact groups using Fourier analysis

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    Let GG be a compact group, let nN{0,1}n \in N\setminus \{0,1\} be a fixed element and let σ\sigma be a continuous automorphism on GG such that σn=I\sigma^n=I. Using the non-abelian Fourier transform, we determine the non-zero continuous solutions f:GCf:G \to C of the functional equation f(xy)+k=1n1f(σk(y)x)=nf(x)f(y), x,yG, f(xy)+\sum_{k=1}^{n-1}f(\sigma^k(y)x)=nf(x)f(y),\ x,y \in G, in terms of unitary characters of GG


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    Ce papier vise à mettre en évidence les déterminants du rendement scolaire des élèves marocains de la deuxième année secondaire du collège en Mathématiques. Il utilise la base de données de l’enquête TIMSS 2011, qui porte sur un échantillon de 6080 élèves appartenant aux 241 établissements scolaires de différentes régions du Maroc. Compte tenu de la nature hiérarchique des données, il développe une modélisation multi-niveau dont l’estimation a permis de faire ressortir d’importants résultats. D’abord, le rendement scolaire de l’élève marocain semble être principalement tributaire de ses caractéristiques individuelles et familiales. Nos résultats révèlent, en particulier, que la confiance en soi et la motivation de l’élève sont des déterminants de premier plan de son rendement scolaire. Ils montrent, par ailleurs, que les garçons réussissent mieux que les filles et que les élèves les plus âgés réussissent moins que leurs pairs d’âge inférieur. S’agissant du contexte familial, la disponibilité des ressources d'apprentissage à la maison et le niveau d’instruction du père semblent affecter de manière significative le rendement scolaire des élèves. Finalement, pour ce qui concerne l’impact de l’environnement scolaire, il se révèle moins déterminant, mis à part le milieu d’implantation de l’école (urbain, rural) et le degré de communication des enseignants avec les parents

    Linear maps preserving G-unitary operators in Hilbert space

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    Let H be a complex Hilbert space and B(H) the algebra of all bounded linear operators on H. We give the concrete forms of surjective continuous unital linear maps from B(H) onto itself that preserve G-unitary operators

    Reverse of the Triangle Inequality in Hilbert C*-Modules

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    In this paper we prove the reverse of triangle inequality via Selberg's  inequalities in the framework of Hilbert  C*-modules

    Linear maps preserving AA-unitary operators

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    summary:Let H\mathcal {H} be a complex Hilbert space, AA a positive operator with closed range in B(H)\mathscr {B}(\mathcal {H}) and BA(H)\mathscr {B}_{A}(\mathcal {H}) the sub-algebra of B(H)\mathscr {B}(\mathcal {H}) of all \mbox {AA-self}-adjoint operators. Assume ϕ ⁣:BA(H)\phi \colon \mathscr {B}_{A}(\mathcal {H}) onto itself is a linear continuous map. This paper shows that if ϕ\phi preserves \mbox {AA-unitary} operators such that ϕ(I)=P\phi (I)=P then ψ\psi defined by ψ(T)=Pϕ(PT)\psi (T)=P\phi (PT) is a homomorphism or an anti-homomorphism and ψ(T)=ψ(T)\psi (T^{\sharp })=\psi (T)^{\sharp } for all TBA(H)T \in \mathscr {B}_{A}(\mathcal {H}), where P=A+AP=A^{+}A and A+A^{+} is the Moore-Penrose inverse of AA. A similar result is also true if ϕ\phi preserves \mbox {AA-quasi}-unitary operators in both directions such that there exists an operator TT satisfying Pϕ(T)=PP\phi (T)=P

    Lipschitz stability of the K-quadratic functional equation

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    Let N be the set of all positive integers, G an Abelian group with a metric d and E a normed space. For any f : G → E we define the k-quadratic difference of the function f by the formula Qk ƒ(x; y) := 2ƒ(x) + 2k2ƒ(y) - f(x + ky) - f(x - ky) for x; y ∈ G and k ∈ N. Under some assumptions about f and Qkƒ we prove that if Qkƒ is Lipschitz, then there exists a quadratic function K : G → E such that ƒ -K is Lipschitz with the same constant. Moreover, some results concerning the stability of the k-quadratic functional equation in the Lipschitz norms are presented. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): Primary 39B82, 39B52.Key words: k-quadratic functional equation, stability, Lipschitz space

    Solution of a functional equation on compact groups using Fourier analysis

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    On a quadratic type functional equation on locally compact abelian groups

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    Let (G,+) be a locally compact abelian Hausdorff group, is a finite automorphism group of G, κ = card and let µ be a regular compactly supported complex-valued Borel measure on G such that μ(G)=1κμ(G)=1κ\mu ({\rm{G}}) = {1 \over \kappa }. We find the continuous solutions f, g : G → ℂ of the functional equation ∑k∈∑λ∈∫Gf(x+k⋅y+λ⋅s)dμ(s)=g(y)+κf(x), x,y∈G,kKλKGf(x+ky+λs)dμ(s)=g(y)+κf(x),x,yG,\sum\limits_{k \in {\cal K}} {\sum\limits_{\lambda \in {\cal K}} {\int_{\rm{G}} {{\rm{f}}({\rm{x}} + {\rm{k}} \cdot {\rm{y}} + } \lambda \cdot {\rm{s}}){\rm{d}}\mu ({\rm{s}}) = {\rm{g}}({\rm{y}}) + \kappa {\rm{f}}({\rm{x}}),\,{\rm{x}},{\rm{y}} \in {\rm{G}},} } in terms of k-additive mappings. This equations provides a common generalization of many functional equations (quadratic, Jensen’s, Cauchy equations)