35 research outputs found

    Joint genetic analysis for dairy cattle performance across countries in sub-Saharan Africa

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    This study assessed the feasibility of across-country genetic evaluation of dairy cattle in sub-Saharan Africa where data on livestock production are scarce. Genetic parameters were estimated for the 305-day milk yield in the first lactation and across five lactations, for age at first calving and for interval between first and second calving. Estimated breeding values of individual animals for these traits were calculated. There were records from 2 333, 25 208, and 5 929 Holstein cows in Kenya, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, and 898 and 65134 Jersey cows from Kenya and South Africa. Genetic gain from sire selection within and across countries. was predicted Genetic links between countries were determined from sires with daughters that had records in two or more countries, and from common ancestral sires across seven generations on both the maternal and paternal sides of the pedigree. Each country was treated as a trait in the across-country evaluation. The results showed that genetic variance and heritability were not always estimable within country, but were significantly different from zero in the across-country evaluation. In all three countries, there was greater genetic gain in all traits from an across-country genetic evaluation owing to greater accuracy of selection compared with within country. Kenya stood to benefit most from an across-country evaluation, followed by Zimbabwe, then South Africa. An across-country breeding programme using joint genetic evaluation would be feasible, provided that there were genetic links across countries, and would provide a platform for accelerated genetic progress through selection and germplasm exchange between sub-Saharan African countries.Keywords: across-country genetic evaluation, genetic connectedness, genetic progres

    Biological efficiency profiles over the lactation period in multiparous high-producing dairy cows under divergent production systems

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    The study examined variation in energetic-efficiency profiles among production systems and cow parities. Further, the correlation between cows' body condition score (BCS) and energetic efficiency over the lactation period was determined. Biological efficiency was defined using four measures of production efficiency and two measures of energetic efficiency. The following were measures of energetic efficiency: the net energy intake required to produce 1 kg milk solids (NEin / MS) and the proportion of net energy utilized for milk production after accounting for maintenance (NElact / (NEin- NEm)). Seven years of data were gathered from a total of 595 Holstein-Friesian cows in a long-term genetics × feeding–management interaction project. Two feeding regimes – High forage (HF) and Low forage (LF) – were applied to each of two genetic lines (Control (C) and Select (S)), giving four dairy production systems: Low Forage Control (LFC), Low Forage Select (LFS), High Forage Control (HFC) and High Forage Select (HFS). LFS was the most efficient system using all measures. Variation in the rate and scale of change at which the cows' energetic efficiency declined over lactation was significantly different (P < 0.001) amongst different dairy production systems and parities. Loss of efficiency over the lactation period was lower in Select cows than in Control cows and increased with parity. The trajectory of energetic-efficiency profiles was influenced by cow genetic line, and yet the level of the efficiency profile was influenced by the feeding regime. There was a strong relationship between BCS and energetic efficiency. Continued in situ monitoring of cows' biological efficiency may enable optimal management of dairy systems

    Current situations of animal data recording, dairy improvement infrastructure, human capacity and strategic issues affecting dairy production in sub-Saharan Africa

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    An online survey on the state of existing dairy data, dairy improvement infrastructure and human capacity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was undertaken with the aim of assessing whether the state of existing animal recording, dairy improvement methods and key issues facing dairy production together with means of addressing the issues differ among countries and regions of SSA. Respondents comprised experts and practitioners in livestock production and genetic resources from research institutes, animal breeding companies, universities, non-governmental organisations and government agricultural ministries. The main dairy farming system in which the respondents were involved was mixed crop-livestock system (30.2%), and this was mainly practised in the private land tenure system (46.3%). Data were analysed using linear model and paired Student t test in R software package. Respondents identified key issues affecting dairy production as poor genetic assessment of imported exotic breeds and crosses in Africa (62.3%), fluctuations in milk prices within both the formal and informal markets (50.9%), no comprehensive sire ranking systems (39.6%), housing and health management regimes which adversely affect milk yield (32.1%), poor market networks for dairy products (25.5%), poor feeding (13.3%), inadequate genetic technologies (9.4%) and poor animal performance recording systems (9.4%). Respondents emphasised the need for updated breeding policies, sire ranking systems, adequate farm management systems, capacity building, across-country collaborations and joint genetic assessments of dairy breeds found in sub-Saharan Africa. The current situation of dairy production though similar for the different countries, differed in order of emphasis and magnitude across the countries and regions in sub-Saharan Africa.</p

    Genetic analysis of phenotypic indicators for heat tolerance in crossbred dairy cattle

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    Climate change-induced rise in global temperatures has intensified heat stress on dairy cattle and is contributing to the generally observed low milk productivity. Selective breeding aimed at enhancing animals’ ability to withstand rising temperatures while maintaining optimal performance is crucial for ensuring future access to dairy products. However, phenotypic indicators of heat tolerance are yet to be effectively factored into the objectives of most selective breeding programs. This study investigated the response of milk production to changing heat load as an indication of heat tolerance and the influence of calving season on this response in multibreed dairy cattle performing in three agroecological zones Kenya. First-parity 7-day average milk yield (65 261 milk records) of 1 739 cows were analyzed. Based on routinely recorded weather data that were accessible online, the Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) was calculated and used as a measure of heat load. THI measurements used represented averages of the same 7-day periods corresponding to each 7-day average milk record. Random regression models, including reaction norm functions, were fitted to derive two resilience indicators: slope of the reaction norm (Slope) and its absolute value (Absolute), reflecting changes in milk yield in response to the varying heat loads (THI 50 and THI 80). The genetic parameters of these indicators were estimated, and their associations with average test-day milk yield were examined. There were no substantial differences in the pattern of milk yield response to heat load between cows calving in dry and wet seasons. Animals with ≀50% Bos taurus genes were the most thermotolerant at extremely high heat load levels. Animals performing in semi-arid environments exhibited the highest heat tolerance capacity. Heritability estimates for these indicators ranged from 0.06 to 0.33 and were mostly significantly different from zero (P &lt; 0.05). Slope at THI 80 had high (0.64–0.71) negative correlations with average daily milk yield, revealing that high-producing cows are more vulnerable to heat stress and vice versa. A high (0.63–0.74) positive correlation was observed between Absolute and average milk yield at THI 80. This implied that low milk-producing cows have a more stable milk production under heat-stress conditions and vice versa. The study demonstrated that the slope of the reaction norms and its absolute value can effectively measure the resilience of crossbred dairy cattle to varying heat load conditions. The implications of these findings are valuable in improving the heat tolerance of livestock species through genetic selection.</p

    Relative emissions intensity of dairy production systems:employing different functional units in life-cycle assessment

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    Newton Vintage Store Surabaya adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distributor garmen dan barang barang antik, Newton Store memiliki wilayah distribusi di daerah jawa timur. Saat ini Newton Store Surabaya memberikan informasi masih menggunakan cara lama yaitu dengan menyebar brosur, membuat workshop, dan memasuki satu persatu toko dan event-event yang diadakan pecinta fashion Surabaya. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi informasi, hal ini tentu saja menjadi kurang efektif karena teknologi informasi sudah banyak dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan lain untuk mendukung proses pemasaran produk. Dalam memberikan informasi yang digunakan, perusahaan memiliki resiko yang tinggi terkait dengan ketepatan waktu (due date) memberikan berita dan informasi terbaru. Untuk membantu mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu company profile mengenai perusahaan yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana pemasaran di Newton Vintage Store Surabaya. Oleh karena itu, penulis mencoba menyusun company profile berbasis website yang dapat membantu memasarkan produk dan jasa perusahaan secara cepat dan tepat. Dengan memanfaatkan website company profile ini dapat membantu perusahaan dalam memberikan informasi produk dan profil perusahaan, dan diharapkan dalam peneleitian selanjutnya website company profile ini dapat ditambahkan fitur penjualan produk untuk dapat meningkatkan penjualan produk yang dimiliki perusahaan

    Machine learning models for predicting the use of different animal breeding services in smallholder dairy farms in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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    This research article published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2020This study is concerned with developing predictive models using machine learning techniques to be used in identifying factors that influence farmers' decisions, predict farmers' decisions, and forecast farmers' demands relating to breeding service. The data used to develop the models comes from a survey of small-scale dairy farmers from Tanzania (n = 3500 farmers), Kenya (n = 6190 farmers), Ethiopia (n = 4920 farmers), and Uganda (n = 5390 farmers) and more than 120 variables were identified to influence breeding decisions. Feature engineering process was used to reduce the number of variables to a practical level and to identify the most influential ones. Three algorithms were used for feature selection, namely: logistic regression, random forest, and Boruta. Subsequently, six predictive models, using features selected by feature selection method, were tested for each country-neural network, logistic regression, K-nearest neighbor, decision tree, random forest, and Gaussian mixture model. A combination of decision tree and random forest algorithms was used to develop the final models. Each country model showed high predictive power (up to 93%) and are ready for practical use. The use of ML techniques assisted in identifying the key factors that influence the adoption of breeding method that can be taken and prioritized to improve the dairy sector among countries. Moreover, it provided various alternatives for policymakers to compare the consequences of different courses of action which can assist in determining which alternative at any particular choice point had a high probability to succeed, given the information and alternatives pertinent to the breeding decision. Also, through the use of ML, results to the identification of different clusters of farmers, who were classified based on their farm, and farmers' characteristics, i.e., farm location, feeding system, animal husbandry practices, etc. This information had significant value to decision-makers in finding the appropriate intervention for a particular cluster of farmers. In the future, such predictive models will assist decision-makers in planning and managing resources by allocating breeding services and capabilities where they would be most in demand

    Morphology, adipocyte size, and fatty acid analysis of dairy cattle digital cushions, and the effect of body condition score and age

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    The digital cushion is an essential part of maintaining a healthy foot, working to dissipate foot strike and body weight forces and lameness from claw horn disruption lesions. Despite the importance of the digital cushion, little is known about the basic anatomy, adipocyte morphology, and fatty acid composition in relation to age, limb position, and body condition score. In total, 60 claws (from 17 cows) were selected and collected from a herd, ensuring that body condition score data and computed micro-tomography were known for each animal. Digital cushion tissue underwent histological staining combined with stereology, systematic random sampling, and cell morphology analysis, in addition to lipid extraction followed by fatty acid analysis. The results describe digital cushion architecture and adipocyte sizes. Adipocyte size was similar across all 4 claws (distal left lateral and medial and distal right lateral and medial) and across the ages (aged 2–7 yr); however, animals with body condition score of 3.00 or more at slaughter had a significantly increased cell size in comparison to those with a score of less than 2.50. Of 37 fatty acid methyl esters identified, 5 differed between either the body condition score or different age groups. C10:0 capric acid, C14:0 myristic acid, C15:0 pentadecanoic acid, and C20:0 arachidic acid percentages were all lesser in lower body condition score cows, whereas C22:1n-9 erucic acid measurements were lesser in younger cows. Saturated fatty acid, monounsaturated fatty acid, and polyunsaturated fatty acid percentages were not altered in the different claws, ages, or body condition score groups. Triglyceride quantities did not differ for claw position or age but had decreased quantities in lower body condition score animals. Digital cushion anatomy, cellular morphology, and fatty acid composition have been described in general and also in animals with differing ages, body condition scores, and in the differing claws. Understanding fat deposition, mobilization, and composition are essential in not only understanding the roles that the digital cushion plays but also in preventing disorders and maintaining cattle health and welfare

    Enhancing individual animal resilience to environmental disturbances to address low productivity in dairy cattle performing in sub-Saharan Africa

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    The current review examines potential solutions to enhance the sustainability and productivity of the dairy sector in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with an emphasis on breeding for resilience. Additionally, the paper explores various indicators for measuring resilience and provides insights into the data that can be utilized to quantify resilience in SSA’s dairy production systems. Dairy production contributes significantly to food and nutritional security and employment in SSA. However, besides the general lack of enabling policy and institutional environments, production is negatively affected by environmental challenges such as high temperatures and heat stress, diseases and parasites, unreliable rainfall patterns, shortages of feeds and forages and undue preference for taurine cattle breeds regardless of their poor adaptability to prevailing local conditions. Fostering the resilience capacity of dairy animals is imperative to combat climate-related adversities and maintain productivity. This can only be achieved if reliable and practical methods for quantifying and analyzing resilience in SSA are described and undertaken. This study has reviewed variance of deviations, root mean square of deviations, autocorrelation of deviations, skewness of deviations, slope of the reaction norm and its absolute value as possible indicators of resilience in SSA. While previous research has reported genetic variation and favorable correlations of these indicators with health, fitness, and fertility traits, their potential in SSA environments requires further investigation. Besides, labor- and cost-effective phenotypic data collection is essential for characterization of resilience using these indicators. Through this study, we propose frequently collected data on milk production traits, body fat-related traits, and activity patterns as suitable in the sub-Saharan Africa context. The African Asian Dairy Genetic Gains Project by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) offers a valuable opportunity to collate data from diverse dairy systems in SSA for testing the potential of these indicators. Insights from this study are helpful in improving resilience of dairy animals in SSA, which would contribute to poverty alleviation, animal welfare improvement, and better preparedness in lieu of climate change in SSA.</p