5 research outputs found

    Performance prediction of crosses using estimated breeding values for regions of soybean production in Brazil

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was use the performance prediction of crosses in a group of conventional soybean genotypes to obtain the breeding value (BV), and to evaluate the correlation between the prediction and the actual productive potential of the progeny generated by this method in experimental tests for different seasons and environments, and determine whether the methodology is efficient in generating progeny of high productive potential for the soybean macro-regions (SMR) and soil and climate regions (SCR) of Brazil. A total of 481 conventional elite genotypes were selected as parents, the BV were generated, and crosses were predicted using the restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction mixed-model procedure (REML/BLUP). In 2019, the predicted crosses and advancement of the F1 and F2 segregating populations were carried and sent to the breeding programs of a private company in Passo Fundo-RS, Cambé-PR, Rio Verde-GO, Lucas do Rio Verde-MT and Porto Nacional-TO, where they were sown during the 2019/2020 crop season. During the 2020/2021 season, 1868 progeny were selected and tested in experimental trials at these locations. The progeny were again tested during the 2021/2022 season in experimental trials in 50 environments in SCR throughout Brazil. The result of the analysis showed a very weak to moderate correlation, indicating little efficiency for the prediction model used in this study. It is suggested that the prediction model be revised to include a greater number of variables, such as the kinship matrix, so that the BV of the genotypes can be more assertively estimated, especially when the aim is to select progeny in early generations with a high degree of heterozygosity

    Escalas diagramáticas para avaliação do fenótipo de tubérculos de batata

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    Nos programas de melhoramento de batata existem diversos caráteres dos tubérculos que são avaliados com o auxílio de escalas diagramáticas. Entretanto, não há padronização das escalas entre os programas de melhoramento, fazendo com que cada programa adote a sua própria escala. O objetivo do trabalho foi elaborar e validar diferentes escalas diagramáticas para avaliação de caracteres relacionados ao fenótipo de tubérculos de batata. Foram considerados os caracteres: textura da periderme; formato; profundidade de olhos; coloração de polpa; coloração de palito após a fritura; coloração de “chips” após a fritura e coloração de pele. Dez avaliadores atribuíram notas aos tubérculos para os caracteres sem e com o uso das escalas. Foram avaliadas dez repetições classificadas em cada nota da respectiva escala utilizando o delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os dados de todos avaliadores foram submetidos à análise de regressão linear entre as notas reais e as médias das notas dos avaliadores sem e com o uso da escala. Quando a avaliação foi realizada com o uso das escalas, todos os avaliadores melhoraram sua precisão, com aumento nos coeficientes de determinação para todos os caracteres estudados. Essas escalas apresentam-se como uma ferramenta bastante oportuna para auxiliar nas avaliações dos caracteres que compõe a aparência geral dos tubérculos, haja vista a falta de um sistema padrão de avaliação

    Relationship between agronomic and physiological traits associated with dwarfism in inbred processing tomato lines

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    No manejo de tomateiro para processamento, o tutoramento das plantas não é prática realizada, expondo a planta a condições mais propícias de serem acometidas por patógenos, acarretando assim, a redução da qualidade e produtividade dos frutos. A utilização do nanismo, pode ser uma boa estratégia para obtenção de plantas de porte reduzido, com menor acamamento e melhor qualidade dos frutos. No entanto, a avaliação de características relacionadas ao crescimento, em estágios iniciais, é complexa, devido a essas características serem majoritariamente quantitativas e bastante influenciadas pelo ambiente. Nesse sentido, a realização de medidas repetidas pode ser uma alternativa, por considerar esses efeitos, além de otimizar o tempo de avaliação das características. Diante do exposto, a presente tese foi composta em dois capítulos. Com o primeiro capítulo objetivou-se avaliar acessos de tomateiro com nanismo e como esta característica altera o metabolismo e a morfologia da planta. Para tanto, foram utilizados 14 genótipos de tomateiro, sendo avaliadas características morfológicas, de biomassa, trocas gasosas e análises bioquímicas. Foi utilizada análise de variância e, quando houve efeito significativo dos genótipos, foi aplicado o teste de Scott-Knott. Observou-se nos resultados que o comprimento da haste principal não diferiu entre os genótipos, o que pode dar indícios de quais genes estão envolvidos no fenótipo anão. Apesar disso, as plantas anãs apresentaram menor comprimento dos entrenós, sendo uma característica muito importante pelo aumento da sua capacidade produtiva, devido ao maior número de inflorescências. Com relação aos parâmetros fisiológicos, destaca-se que não houve diferença entre os genótipos testados, reforçando que o nanismo não afeta o metabolismo das plantas. Assim, concluiu-se que nanismo não causou alterações no metabolismo e nos parâmetros fotossintéticos, bem como não alterou a capacidade produtiva dos materiais. Além disso, esse fenótipo alterou a morfologia das plantas pela redução do comprimento dos entrenós e a área da copa, e houve o aumento do índice de colheita. Com relação ao segundo capítulo objetivou-se estimar os coeficientes de repetibilidade e o número ótimo de medidas para a seleção de genótipos de tomateiro com crescimento determinado. Para tanto foram utilizados os mesmos 14 genótipos, e as características avaliadas relacionadas ao crescimento das plantas, sendo tomadas em quatro medidas ao longo do período vegetativo. Na análise estatística foi empregada a metodologia REML/BLUP e o modelo de repetibilidade. Concluiu-se que o uso do coeficiente de repetibilidade e medidas repetidas podem ser aplicados para a cultura do tomateiro e que, a terceira medida apresenta boa eficiência para características de crescimento de tomateiro determinado. Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicum L. Melhoramento genético. Coeficiente de repetibilidade. Modelos mistosIn the management of tomato plants for processing, the plants are not tutored, leading to a reduction in the quality and productivity of the fruits, due to infection by microorganisms present in the soil. The use of dwarfism can be a good strategy to obtain smaller plants, with less lodging and better fruit quality. However, the evaluation of characteristics related to growth, in the early stages, is complex, because these characteristics are mostly quantitative and strongly influenced by the environment. In this sense, performing repeated measurements can be an alternative, considering these effects, in addition to optimizing the time for evaluating the characteristics. Given the above, this thesis has two chapters. The first chapter aimed to evaluate tomato accessions with dwarfism and how this characteristic changes the metabolism and morphology of the plant. For that, 14 tomato genotypes were used, being evaluated morphological characteristics, biomass, gas exchange and biochemical analysis. Analysis of variance was used and, when there was a significant effect of genotypes, the Scott-Knott test was applied. It was observed in the results that the length of the main stem did not differ between the genotypes, which may indicate which genes are involved in the dwarf phenotype. Despite this, dwarf plants had shorter internodes, which is a very important feature due to the increase in their productive capacity, due to the greater number of inflorescences. Regarding the physiological parameters, it is noteworthy that there was no difference between the genotypes tested, reinforcing that dwarfism does not affect plant metabolism. Thus, it was concluded that dwarfism did not cause alterations in metabolism and photosynthetic parameters, nor did it alter the productive capacity of the materials. In addition, this phenotype altered the morphology of the plants by reducing the internode length and canopy area, and there was an increase in the harvest index. Regarding the second chapter, the objective was to estimate the repeatability coefficients and the optimal number of measures for the selection of tomato genotypes with determined growth. For that, the same 14 genotypes were used, and the evaluated characteristics related to plant growth were taken in four measurements throughout the vegetative period. In the statistical analysis, the REML/BLUP methodology and the repeatability model were used. It was concluded that the use of the repeatability coefficient and repeated measures can be applied to tomato crops and that the third measure presents good efficiency for specific tomato growth characteristics. Keywords: Solanum lycopersicum L.. Dwarfism. Repeatability coefficient. Repeated measure

    Brazilian germplasm of winter squash (Cucurbita moschata D.) displays vast genetic variability, allowing identification of promising genotypes for agro-morphological traits.

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    Winter squash fruits (Cucurbita moschata D.) are among the best sources of vitamin A precursors and constitute sources of bioactive components such as phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Approximately 70% of C. moschata seed oil is made up of unsaturated fatty acids, with high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and components such as vitamin E and carotenoids, which represent a promising nutritional aspect in the production of this vegetable. C. moschata germplasm expresses high genetic variability, especially in Brazil. We assessed 91 C. moschata accessions, from different regions of Brazil, and maintained at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) Vegetable Germplasm Bank, to identify early-flowering accessions with high levels of carotenoids in the fruit pulp and high yields of seed and seed oil. Results showed that the accessions have high variability in the number and mass of seeds per fruit, number of accumulated degree-days for flowering, total carotenoid content, and fruit productivity, which allowed selection for considerable gains in these characteristics. Analysis of the correlation between these characteristics provided information that will assist in selection to improve this crop. Cluster analysis resulted in the formation of 16 groups, confirming the variability of the accessions. Per se analysis identified accessions BGH-6749, BGH-5639, and BGH-219 as those with the earliest flowering. Accessions BGH-5455A and BGH-5598A had the highest carotenoid content, with averages greater than 170.00 μg g-1 of fresh mass. With a productivity of 0.13 t ha-1, accessions BGH-5485A, BGH-4610A, and BGH-5472A were the most promising for seed oil production. These last two accessions corresponded to those with higher seed productivity, averaging 0.58 and 0.54 t ha-1, respectively. This study confirms the high potential of this germplasm for use in breeding for promotion of earlier flowering and increase in total content of fruit pulp carotenoids and in seed and seed oil productivity

    Estimation of deposit and spray distribution in hydro sensible paper and morning glory plant

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    Herbicides application success depends, besides product correct choice, the observation of environmental conditions and application quality. The work aimed to quantify the effects of surfactant addition in spraying solution, in natural and artificial targets, associated to different nozzle boom angles in relation to application offset, by using distinct evaluation methods. Two experiments were conducted at NuPAM-FCA/UNESP, Botucatu County, São Paulo State, constituted by ten treatments, in factorial scheme 2 × 5, corresponding to two spraying solutions conditions (absence or presence of Aterbane BRTM (0.25% v/v) adjuvant) and five angles of spray nozzle in relation to offset application (-30°, -15°, 90°, +15° and +30°). In Ipomea grandifolia leaves, the distribution and drops deposition of a tracer solution were evaluated by using scores visual and spectrophotometer process. In hydro sensible papers, volumetric medium diameter (VMD), density (cm2 ) and drops medium diameter, covered area (%) and application fees (L ha-1) were evaluated through e-SprinkleTM software. Aterbane BRTM (0.25% v/v) presence or absence, associated or no, to spray nozzles offset did not provide significant differences in I. grandifolia spray deposition. The use of artificial targets presented applicative technical limitations in relation to the use of natural ones as study matrix. Deposit and distribution variables esteem distinct behaviours, independent of target nature