23 research outputs found

    Abiotic conditions in cephalopod (Sepia officinalis) eggs: embryonic development at low pH and high pCO2

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    Low pO(2) values have been measured in the perivitelline fluids (PVF) of marine animal eggs on several occasions, especially towards the end of development, when embryonic oxygen consumption is at its peak and the egg case acts as a massive barrier to diffusion. Several authors have therefore suggested that oxygen availability is the key factor leading to hatching. However, there have been no measurements of PVF pCO(2) so far. This is surprising, as elevated pCO(2) could also constitute a major abiotic stressor for the developing embryo. As a first attempt to fill this gap in knowledge, we measured pO(2), pCO(2) and pH in the PVF of late cephalopod (Sepia officinalis) eggs. We found linear relationships between embryo wet mass and pO(2), pCO(2) and pH. pO(2) declined from > 12 kPa to less than 5 kPa, while pCO(2) increased from 0.13 to 0.41 kPa. In the absence of active accumulation of bicarbonate in the PVF, pH decreased from 7.7 to 7.2. Our study supports the idea that oxygen becomes limiting in cephalopod eggs towards the end of development; however, pCO(2) and pH shift to levels that have caused significant physiological disturbances in other marine ectothermic animals. Future research needs to address the physiological adaptations that enable the embryo to cope with the adverse abiotic conditions in their egg environment

    A new fetal RHD genotyping test : costs and benefits of mass testing to target antenatal anti-D prophylaxis in England and Wales

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    Background Postnatal and antenatal anti-D prophylaxis have dramatically reduced maternal sensitisations and cases of rhesus disease in babies born to women with RhD negative blood group. Recent scientific advances mean that non-invasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD), based on the presence of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma, could be used to target prophylaxis on "at risk" pregnancies where the fetus is RhD positive. This paper provides the first assessment of cost-effectiveness of NIPD-targeted prophylaxis compared to current policies. Methods We conducted an economic analysis of NIPD implementation in England and Wales. Two scenarios were considered. Scenario 1 assumed that NIPD will be only used to target antenatal prophylaxis with serology tests continuing to direct post-delivery prophylaxis. In Scenario 2, NIPD would also displace postnatal serology testing if an RhD negative fetus was identified. Costs were estimated from the provider's perspective for both scenarios together with a threshold royalty fee per test. Incremental costs were compared with clinical implications. Results The basic cost of an NIPD in-house test is £16.25 per sample (excluding royalty fee). The two-dose antenatal prophylaxis policy recommended by NICE is estimated to cost the NHS £3.37 million each year. The estimated threshold royalty fee is £2.18 and £8.83 for Scenarios 1 and 2 respectively. At a £2.00 royalty fee, mass NIPD testing would produce no saving for Scenario 1 and £507,154 per annum for Scenario 2. Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis indicates that, at a test sensitivity of 99.7% and this royalty fee, NIPD testing in Scenario 2 will generate one additional sensitisation for every £9,190 saved. If a single-dose prophylaxis policy were implemented nationally, as recently recommended by NICE, Scenario 2 savings would fall. Conclusions Currently, NIPD testing to target anti-D prophylaxis is unlikely to be sufficiently cost-effective to warrant its large scale introduction in England and Wales. Only minor savings are calculated and, balanced against this, the predicted increase in maternal sensitisations may be unacceptably high. Reliability of NIPD assays still needs to be demonstrated rigorously in different ethnic minority populations. First trimester testing is unlikely to alter this picture significantly although other emerging technologies may

    Submicroscopical Features of Leaves of Xyris Species

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    The leaf ultrastructure of five Xyris species were examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and histochemical methods. All studied leaves show some features in epidermis and mesophyll, which were of considerable adaptative significance to drought stress. Such features included the occurrence of a pectic layer on the stomatal guard cells and the presence of a network of pectic compounds in the cuticle. Pectic compunds were also in abundance in lamellated walls of the mesophyll cells and on the inner surface of the sclerified cell walls of the vascular bundle sheaths. There were also specialized chlorenchymatous "peg cells" in the mesophyll and drops of phenolic compounds inside the epidermal cells.<br>Foi estudada a ultra-estrutura foliar de cinco espécies brasileiras de Xyris, utilizando microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), microscópio eletrônico de transmissão (MET) e métodos histoquímicos. Na epiderme e mesofilo de todas as folhas estudadas encontram-se caracteres que podem ser interpretados como adaptativos a condições xéricas. Tais caracteres incluem a presença de uma camada parietal interna de natureza péctica nas células oclusivas e a ocorrência de finas ramificações elétron-densas, também de natureza péctica, formando uma rede na camada cuticular. Compostos pécticos também são freqüentes nas paredes lameladas das células do mesofilo e na superfície interna das paredes esclerificadas das células da bainha dos feixes vasculares. Ocorrem, ainda, acúmulos de compostos fenólicos no vacúolo das células epidérmicas e células especializadas no mesofilo, denominadas "peg cells"