2,881 research outputs found

    Explosive events associated with a surge

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    The solar atmosphere contains a wide variety of small-scale transient features. Here, we explore the inter-relation between some of them such as surges, explosive events and blinkers via simultaneous spectral and imaging data taken with the TRACE imager, the SUMER, and CDS spectrometers on board SoHO, and SVST La Palma. The alignment of all data both in time and solar XY shows that SUMER line profiles, which are attributed to explosive events, are due to a surge phenomenon. The surge is triggered, most probably, by one or more Elerman bombs which are best visible in Halpha +-350 A but were also registered by TRACE Fe IX/X 171 A and correspond to a strong radiance increase in the CDS Mg IX 368.07 A line. With the present study we demonstrate that the division of small-scale transient events into a number of different subgroups, for instance explosive events, blinkers, spicules, surges or just brightenings, is ambiguous, implying that the definition of a feature based only on either spectroscopic or imaging characteristics as well as insufficient spectral and spatial resolution can be incomplete.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Observation of First-Order Metal-Insulator Transition without Structural Phase Transition in VO_2

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    An abrupt first-order metal-insulator transition (MIT) without structural phase transition is first observed by current-voltage measurements and micro-Raman scattering experiments, when a DC electric field is applied to a Mott insulator VO_2 based two-terminal device. An abrupt current jump is measured at a critical electric field. The Raman-shift frequency and the bandwidth of the most predominant Raman-active A_g mode, excited by the electric field, do not change through the abrupt MIT, while, they, excited by temperature, pronouncedly soften and damp (structural MIT), respectively. This structural MIT is found to occur secondarily.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Correlated metallic state of vanadium dioxide

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    The metal-insulator transition and unconventional metallic transport in vanadium dioxide (VO2_2) are investigated with a combination of spectroscopic ellipsometry and reflectance measurements. The data indicates that electronic correlations, not electron-phonon interactions, govern charge dynamics in the metallic state of VO2_2. This study focuses on the frequency and temperature dependence of the conductivity in the regime of extremely short mean free path violating the Ioffe-Regel-Mott limit of metallic transport. The standard quasiparticle picture of charge conduction is found to be untenable in metallic VO2_2.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Asymmetry in fatigue and recovery in ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin-film capacitors

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    We investigate the fatigue and refreshment by dc-electrical field of the electrical properties of Pt/Pb(Ti,Zr)O3_3/Pt ferroelectric capacitors. We find an asymmetry in the refreshment, that is, the fatigued state can be refreshed by application of negative high dc-voltage to the top electrode, but no refreshment is measured by positive dc-voltage application. We also find that the fatigue can be prevented by driving the capacitor asymmetrically.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Electrodynamics of the vanadium oxides VO2 and V2O3

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    The optical/infrared properties of films of vanadium dioxide (VO2) and vanadium sesquioxide (V2O3) have been investigated via ellipsometry and near-normal incidence reflectance measurements from far infrared to ultraviolet frequencies. Significant changes occur in the optical conductivity of both VO2 and V2O3 across the metal-insulator transitions at least up to (and possibly beyond) 6 eV. We argue that such changes in optical conductivity and electronic spectral weight over a broad frequency range is evidence of the important role of electronic correlations to the metal-insulator transitions in both of these vanadium oxides. We observe a sharp optical transition with possible final state (exciton) effects in the insulating phase of VO2. This sharp optical transition occurs between narrow a1g bands that arise from the quasi-one-dimensional chains of vanadium dimers. Electronic correlations in the metallic phases of both VO2 and V2O3 lead to reduction of the kinetic energy of the charge carriers compared to band theory values, with paramagnetic metallic V2O3 showing evidence of stronger correlations compared to rutile metallic VO2.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Electronic structure studies of Fe- ZnO nanorods by x-ray absorption fine structure

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    We report the electronic structure studies of well characterized polycrystalline Zn_{1-x}Fe_xO (x = 0.0, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05) nanorods synthesized by a co-precipitation method through x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). X-ray diffraction (XRD) reveals that Fe doped ZnO crystallizes in a single phase wurtzite structure without any secondary phase. From the XRD pattern, it is observed that peak positions shift towards lower 2\theta value with Fe doping. The change in the peak positions with increase in Fe contents clearly indicates that Fe ions are replacing Zn ions in the ZnO matrix. Linear combination fittings (LCF) at Fe K-edge demonstrate that Fe is in mixed valent state (Fe3+/Fe2+) with a ratio of ~ 7:3 (Fe3+:Fe2+). XAFS data is successfully fitted to wurtzite structure using IFEFFIT and Artemis. The results indicate that Fe substitutes Zn site in the ZnO matrix in tetrahedral symmetry.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, regular articl

    A compact and reconfigurable silicon nitride time-bin entanglement circuit

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    Photonic chip based time-bin entanglement has attracted significant attention because of its potential for quantum communication and computation. Useful time-bin entanglement systems must be able to generate, manipulate and analyze entangled photons on a photonic chip for stable, scalable and reconfigurable operation. Here we report the first time-bin entanglement photonic chip that integrates time-bin generation, wavelength demultiplexing and entanglement analysis. A two-photon interference fringe with an 88.4% visibility is measured (without subtracting any noise), indicating the high performance of the chip. Our approach, based on a silicon nitride photonic circuit, which combines the low-loss characteristic of silica and tight integration features of silicon, paves the way for scalable real-world quantum information processors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Global classical solutions for partially dissipative hyperbolic system of balance laws

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    This work is concerned with (NN-component) hyperbolic system of balance laws in arbitrary space dimensions. Under entropy dissipative assumption and the Shizuta-Kawashima algebraic condition, a general theory on the well-posedness of classical solutions in the framework of Chemin-Lerner's spaces with critical regularity is established. To do this, we first explore the functional space theory and develop an elementary fact that indicates the relation between homogeneous and inhomogeneous Chemin-Lerner's spaces. Then this fact allows to prove the local well-posedness for general data and global well-posedness for small data by using the Fourier frequency-localization argument. Finally, we apply the new existence theory to a specific fluid model-the compressible Euler equations with damping, and obtain the corresponding results in critical spaces.Comment: 39 page