352 research outputs found

    Offshore CO2 storage: Sleipner natural gas field beneath the North Sea

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    Sleipner is the world's longest-running industrial-scale storage project and the first example of underground CO2 storage arising as a direct response to environmental legislation. It began in 1996, injecting around one million tonnes (1 Mt) of CO2 per year into the Utsira Sand, a relatively shallow saline aquifer. By late 2011 over 13 Mt of CO2 had been securely stored. A comprehensive research-focused monitoring programme was carried out with multiple time-lapse surveys; predominantly 3D seismic but also 2D seismic, gravimetry and controlled-source electromagnetics (CSEM). The time-lapse seismic data image the CO2 plume clearly in the reservoir with very high detection capability and show no evidence of CO2 migration from the storage reservoir. Although not specifically designed for this purpose, the monitoring programme fulfils most of the requirements of the recently developed European regulatory framework for CO2 underground storage

    The impact of boundary conditions on CO2 capacity estimation in aquifers

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    The boundary conditions of an aquifer determine the extent to which fluids (including formation water and CO2) and pressure can be transferred into adjacent geological formations, either laterally or vertically. Aquifer boundaries can be faults, lithological boundaries, formation pinch-outs, salt walls, or outcrop. In many cases compliance with regulations preventing CO2 storage influencing areas outside artificial boundaries defined by non-geological criteria (international boundaries; license limits) may be necessary. A bounded aquifer is not necessarily a closed aquifer. The identification of an aquifer’s boundary conditions determines how CO2 storage capacity is estimated in the earliest screening and characterization stages. There are different static capacity estimation methods in use for closed systems and open systems. The method used has a significant impact on the final capacity estimate. The recent EU Directive (2009/31/EC) stated that where more than one storage site within a single “hydraulic unit” (bounded aquifer volume) is being considered, the characterization process should account for potential pressure interactions. The pressure interplay of multiple sites (or even the pressure footprint of just one site) is heavily influenced by boundary conditions

    Some thoughts on Darcy-type flow simulation for modelling underground CO 2 storage, based on the Sleipner CO 2 storage operation

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    We take three flow simulators, all based on Darcy’s Law but with different numerical solver implementations, to assess some of the issues surrounding their use to model underground CO2 storage. We focus on the Sleipner CO2 injection project, which, with its seismic monitoring datasets, provides unique insights into CO2 plume development during a large-scale injection operation. The case studies firstly compare simulator performance in terms of outputs and run-times on carefully matched model scenarios; then we compare numerical with analytical Darcy solutions to explore the potential for modelling simplification; finally we look at the effects of including conservation of energy in the simulations. The initial case-study used simplified axisymmetric model geometry to simulate the upward flux of CO2 through a heterogeneous reservoir, incorporating multiphase flow with coupled CO2 dissolution into formation brine. All three codes produced near-identical results with respect to CO2 migration velocity and total upward CO2 flux at the reservoir top. The second case-study involved 3D modelling of the growth of the topmost layer of CO2 trapped and migrating beneath topseal topography. Again the three codes showed excellent agreement. In the third case-study the simulators were tested against a simplified analytical solution for gravity currents to model the spreading of a single CO2 layer beneath a flat caprock. Neglecting capillary effects, the numerical models showed similar layer migration and geometry to the analytical model, but it was necessary to minimise the effects of numerical dispersion by adopting very fine cell thicknesses. The final case-study was designed to test the non-isothermal effects of injecting CO2 into a reservoir at non-ambient temperature. Only two of the simulators solve for conservation of energy, but both showed a near identical thermal anomaly, dominated by Joule-Thomson effects. These can be significant, particularly where reservoir conditions are close to the critical point for CO2 where property variations can significantly affect plume mobility and also seismic response. In conclusion, the three simulators show robust consistency, any differences far less than would result from geological parameter uncertainty and limitations of model resolution. In this respect the three implementations are significantly different in terms of computing resource requirement and it is clear that approaches with simplified physics will pay rich dividends in allowing more detailed reservoir heterogeneity to be included. Contrary to this, including conservation of energy is heavier on computing time but is likely to be required for storage scenarios where the injectant stream is significantly different in temperature to the reservoir and most critically for shallower storage reservoirs where CO2 is close to its critical point

    CO 2 storage: setting a simple bound on potential leakage through the overburden in the North Sea Basin

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    So-called ‘gas chimneys’ are likely to provide the main geological risk for out-of-reservoir CO2 migration in thick post-rift overburden successions such as typify the central and northern North Sea. Here we postulate that, in the North Sea, such chimneys formed in the geological past, with a likely peak activity at the end of the ice-age, and are currently rather dormant. With this postulate we set a bound on possible bulk migration rates considering both advective and diffusive flow and based on a hypothetical CO2 storage site at 800 m depth. Calculated migration velocities into the overburden, by either advection or diffusion, are very low, at less than one metre per thousand years. Consequently flux rates are also very low, several orders of magnitude below the leakage thresholds that have been suggested as ensuring effective mitigation performance. Time-lapse seismic reflection data from the Sleipner storage site, which is located beneath some small chimney features, show no evidence of CO2 migration into the overburden. This cannot prove the postulate, because the time interval spanned by the seismic surveys is just a few years, but it is nevertheless consistent with it

    The Ecology and Management of Urban Pondscapes

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    <p>Small water bodies provide valuable ‘blue space’ in urban environments, creating a network of semi-natural habitat patches for wildlife as well as providing a wide range of ecosystem services.  However, the diverse and interacting anthropogenic stressors imposed by the urban environment pose considerable challenges for the effective management of these habitats. We outline some of the key factors that appear to influence urban pond biodiversity: land use with the local (and often small-scale) catchment, the connectivity of ponds through the landscape, and the nature of emergent and riparian vegetation. We argue that all three factors can be incorporated into a landscape-scale planning framework that can target particular areas for creation and amelioration of pond habitats.  Such a joined-up approach is currently lacking from most urban planning frameworks, but could provide an opportunity to maximise services provided by urban wetlands at the landscape scale.  We emphasise the application of recent ecological advances in our understanding of urban ponds to management guidelines, which have largely come in the form of gardening guides. This management will be required not only to enhance the biodiversity value of urban ponds, but also to control the less desirable elements of aquatic biodiversity such as invasive species and disease vectors that may pose a particular risk in urban environments.  Finally, we note the lack of a comprehensive conservation strategy for ponds and highlight key legislation and guidance that can help to fill the gap. The fact that pond value lies in the aggregation of multiple habitats distributed through the landscape challenges our existing approach to habitat protection.  However, contemporary approaches to pond creation for mitigation through planning processes and programmes of pond creation provide an opportunity to implement truly large-scale strategic habitat management. It is imperative that ecologists and conservationists are involved in the future planning process and its implementation.</p

    Saline aquifer CO2 storage : a demonstration project at the Sleipner Field : Work Area 5 (Geophysics) : gravity modelling of the CO2 bubble

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    A principal aim of the SACS project is to monitor the injected CO2 by geophysical methods and to develop a robust and repeatable monitoring and verification methodology for future CO2 sequestration operations. This report evaluates the applicability of microgravity surveys as a means of monitoring the future subsurface distribution and migration of the Sleipner CO2 bubble. Time-lapse seismic data acquired in 1999, after 2.3 MT of CO2 injection, show an exceptionally clear image of the CO2 bubble, characterised by very high reflection amplitudes. The outer envelope of the amplitude anomaly roughly defines an elliptical cylindrical ‘bubble envelope’, ~ 225 m high, with a major axis of ~ 1500 m oriented NNE and a minor axis of ~ 600 m. Gravity modelling was based on a number of scenarios. Two ‘in situ’ scenarios assume that the CO2 is entirely contained within the bubble envelope. The 1999 and 2001 in situ models assume respectively that 2.3 MT and 4MT of CO2 are contained within the envelope. Two migration scenarios are also modelled. The first assumes that 2.3MT of CO2 migrate vertically upwards into the overlying caprock succession to between depths of 375 and 600 m. The second migration model looks further ahead to the situation where 3 x 107 m3 (~ 10.5 – 21.0 MT depending on the density) of CO2 have been injected, and migrate laterally beneath the caprock at the top of the reservoir. Results depend strongly on the assumed density of the injected CO2 at reservoir conditions, which is subject to significant uncertainty. Only one, poorly-constrained, reservoir temperature measurement of 37 ° C is available. A density-depth profile based on this suggests that the density of CO2 in the reservoir is ~ 700 kgm-3. However the possibility of significantly lower densities cannot be discounted and modelling also includes a lower density case of 350 kgm-3. The 1999 and 2001 in situ cases produce anomalies which would be barely detectable if the higher density of CO2 is assumed. With the lower density however anomalies should be readily detectable with a modern seabed gravimeter. The vertical migration scenario indicates that large-scale vertical migration into the caprock, to depths where densities would be unequivocally lower, would be readily detected. The lateral migration scenario, whereby a single thin layer of CO2 migrates beneath the top reservoir seal, produces small anomalies which may be locally detectable but with insufficient resolution to enable effective migration mapping. However if lateral migration is via several layers, beneath intra-reservoir shales, then anomalies should be more usefully measurable. Obtaining time-lapse gravimeter readings directly above the bubble would appear to offer the best chance of obtaining useful information. Coupled with geometric information provided by the time-lapse seismic data, the gravity should be able to discriminate between the low and high CO2 density scenarios. This would provide important constraints on future reservoir modelling and also the volume estimates based on the seismic velocity pushdown effect. Related to this, gravity data would offer the potential to provide independent verification of the amount of CO2 sequestered. In addition gravimetric surveys above the bubble could provide an effective ‘early warning’ of major caprock breaching

    An inverse method for estimating thickness and volume with time of a thin CO2-filled layer at the Sleipner Field, North Sea

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    Migration of CO 2 through storage reservoirs can be monitored using time lapse seismic reflection surveys. At the Sleipner Field, injected CO 2 is distributed throughout nine layers within the reservoir. These layers are too thin to be seismically resolvable by direct measurement of the separation between reflections from the top and bottom of each layer. Here we develop and apply an inverse method for measuring thick ness changes of the shallowest layer. Our approach combines differences in traveltime down to a specific reflection together with amplitude measurements to determine layer thicknesses from time lapse surveys. A series of synthetic forward models were used to test the robustness of our inverse approach and to quantify uncertainties. In the absence of ambient noise, this approach can unambiguously resolve layer thickness. If a realistic ambient noise distribution is included, layer thicknesses of 1–6 m are accurately retrieved with an uncertainty of ±0.5 m. We used this approach to generate a thickness map of the shallowest layer. The fidelity of this result was tested using measurements of layer thickness determined from the 2010 broadband seismic survey. The calculated volume of CO 2 within the shallowest layer increases at a rate that is quadratic in time, despite an approximately constant injection rate into the base of the reser voir. This result is consistent with a diminished growth rate of the areal extent of underlying layers. Finally, the relationship between caprock topography and layer thickness is explored and potential migration pathways that charge this layer are identified

    CO 2 plume migration in underground CO 2 storage: The effects of induced hydraulic gradients

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    The use of water production as a pressure mitigation tool in the context of CO2 storage is widely studied but the impact it might have on the migration behaviour of a buoyant CO2 plume is less well reported. To investigate this further two different scenarios were modelled. In the first, a single water production well was used to draw CO2 along the strike of an open aquifer with a regional dip. Large rates of water production (5–10 times the volume of injected CO2) were required to achieve only small displacements of the CO2 plume. The second scenario investigated to what extent an induced hydraulic gradient might spill CO2 already stored in a structural trap. Here the effects were more pronounced with over 90% of the CO2 being spilled at a water cycling rate of 10 Mt per year (corresponding to a hydraulic gradient of 1.28 bar/km). The modelling was tested by the real case at Sleipner where CO2 migration in the Utsira Sand is potentially impacted by water production at the nearby Volve field. Simulations concluded that the CO2 plume at Sleipner should not be materially affected by water production from Volve and this is supported by the time-lapse seismics

    Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS2). Final report, geological characterisation of the Utsira Sand reservoir and caprocks (Work Area 1)

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    This report summarises the results and highlights the main findings of SACS Work Area 1, the geological and reservoir characterisation of the Utsira Sand and its caprock. For more detailed technical information on each topic, the reader is directed to the relevant SACS Technical Reports and, in particular, two earlier Work Area 1 interim reports, Holloway et al. (1999) and Chadwick et al. (2000). The Utsira Sand comprises a basinally-restricted deposit of Mio-Pliocene age forming a clearly defined seismic unit, pinching out to east and west, and seismically distinct from overlying and underlying strata.The reservoir is highly elongated, extending for more than 400 km from north to south and between 50 and 100 km from east to west, with an area of some 26100 km2. Its eastern and western limits are defined by stratigraphical lap-out, to the southwest it passes laterally into shaly sediments, and to the north it occupies a narrow channel deepening towards the More Basin. Locally, particularly in the north, depositional patterns are quite complex with some isolated depocentres, and lesser areas of non-deposition within the main depocentre. The top Utsira Sand surface generally varies relatively smoothly, mainly in the range 550 to 1500 m, but mostly from 700 to 1000 m. The base of the sand is more irregular, disturbed by diapirism of the underlying shales. Isopachs of the reservoir sand show two main depocentres. One is in the south, around Sleipner, where thicknesses range up to more than 300 m. The second depocentre lies some 200 km to the north of Sleipner. Here the Utsira Sand is locally 200 m thick, with an underlying sandy unit adding further to the total reservoir thickness. Macroscopic and microscopic analysis of core and cuttings samples of the Utsira Sand show that it consists of a largely uncemented fine-grained sand, with medium and occasional coarse grains. The grains are predominantly angular to sub-angular and consist primarily of quartz with some feldspar and shell fragments. Sheet silicates are present in small amounts (a few percent). The sand is interpreted as being deposited by mass flows in a marine environment in water depths of 100 m or more. The porosity of the Utsira Sand core ranges generally from 27% to 31%, but reaches values as high as 42% Regional log porosities are quite uniform, in the range 35 to 40% over much of the reservoir. Geophysical logs show a number of peaks on the -ray, sonic and neutron density logs, and also on some induction and resistivity logs. These are interpreted as mostly marking thin (~1m thick) intrareservoir shale layers. The shale layers constitute important permeability barriers within the reservoir sand, and have proved to have a significant effect on CO2 migration through, and entrapment within, the reservoir. The proportion of clean sand in the total reservoir thickness varies generally from about 0.7 to nearly 1.0. The caprock succession overlying the Utsira reservoir is rather variable, and can be divided into three main units. The Lower Seal forms a shaly basin-restricted unit, some 50 to 100 m thick. The Middle Seal mostly comprises prograding sediment wedges of Pliocene age, dominantly shaly in the basin centre, but coarsening into a sandier facies both upwards and towards the basin margins. The Upper Seal comprises Quaternary strata, mostly glacio-marine clays and glacial tills. The Lower Seal extends well beyond the area currently occupied by the CO2 injected at Sleipner and seems to be providing an effective seal at the present time. Cuttings samples comprise dominantly grey clay silts or silty clays. Most are massive although some show a weak sedimentary lamination. XRD analysis typically reveal quartz (30%), undifferentiated mica (30%), kaolinite (14%), K-feldspar (5%), calcite (4%), smectite (4%), albite (2%), chlorite (1%), pyrite (1%) and gypsum (1%) together with traces of drilling mud contamination. The clay fraction is generally dominated by illite with minor kaolinite and traces of chlorite and smectite. The cuttings samples are classified as non-organic mudshales and mudstones. Although the presence of small quantities of smectite may invalidate its predictions, XRD-determined quartz contents suggest displacement pore throat diameters in the range 14 to 40 nm. Such displacement pore throat diameters are consistent with capillary entry pressures of between about 2 and 5.5 MPa capable of trapping a CO2 column several hundred metres high. In addition, the predominant clay fabric with limited grain support resembles caprocks which are stated in the literature to be capable of supporting a column of 35 API oil greater than 150 m in height. Empirically, therefore, the caprock samples suggest the presence of an effective seal at Sleipner, with capillary leakage of CO2 unlikely to occur. Around and east of the injection point, a layer of sand, 0 - 50 m thick, lies close to the base of the Lower Seal and is termed the Sand-wedge. The geometry of this unit is likely to prove important in determining the long-term migration behaviour of the CO2. Fluid flow in the Utsira Sand, based on limited pressure measurements and basin-modelling, is likely to be low, in the range 0.3 – 4 metres per year, depending on assumed permeabilities. The total pore-space within the Utsira Sand is estimated at 6.05 x 1011 m3. However not all of this can necessarily be utilised for CO2 storage. The simplest assumption is that long-term storage of CO2 can only be accomplished in structural traps at the top of the reservoir. A detailed study around Sleipner indicates that 0.3% of the reservoir porosity is actually situated within structural closures such as this. In practical terms moreover, with a small number of injection wells, it is unlikely that all of the small traps could be utilised in any case. Around Sleipner the most realistic estimate of the pore-space situated within accessible closed structures is just 0.11% of the total pore-volume. On the other hand, trapping of CO2 beneath the intra-reservoir shales could significantly increase realisable storage volumes, particularly if it encouraged dissolution of CO2 into the groundwater. Similarly trapping of CO2 in the Sand-wedge, as well as beneath the top of the Utsira Sand, will increase the overall storage capacity significantly. In conclusion, the theoretical storage capacity of the Utsira Sand is very high, but how much of this can be utilised in reality is uncertain, and a function of several complex parameters. Migration models have been constructed with 30 x 106 m3 of CO2, injected into the Utsira Sand (approximating to the expected final injected mass of 20 million tonnes). They show that if the CO2 is trapped at the top of the Utsira Sand it will migrate generally northwestward, reaching a maximum distance from the injection site of about 12 km. However, if the CO2 is trapped within the Sand-wedge, migration is less well constrained, being northwards then northeastwards. Data limitations to the east of the injection point preclude quantitative estimates of the maximum migration distance in this case

    Forensic mapping of seismic velocity heterogeneity in a CO2 layer at the Sleipner CO2 storage operation, North Sea, using time-lapse seismics

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    CO2 separated from natural gas produced at the Sleipner and Gudrun fields is being injected into the Utsira Sand, with around 18 million tons currently stored. Time-lapse 3D seismics have been deployed to monitor development of the CO2 plume. The 2010 seismic survey resolved, for the first time in 3D, the topmost CO2 layer into distinct reflections from its top and base. Seismic velocity is diagnostic of CO2 layer properties and a forensic interpretative approach is adopted to determine spatial velocity variation in the topmost CO2 layer. Velocity is obtained by equating absolute layer thickness, derived by subtracting a constructed flat CO2 – water contact from the topographical relief of the reservoir top, to the temporal separation of the layer top and base reflections, with appropriate correction for wavelet interference effects. Layer velocities show a systematic and robust spatial variation between a northern area with a mean velocity of 1371 ± 122 ms−1 and a central area with a much higher mean velocity of 1638 ± 103 ms−1. Recent fluid flow simulations of the topmost CO2 layer have shown that incorporating a high permeability channel in the model reservoir significantly improves the history-match. This high permeability channel corresponds remarkably closely to the low seismic velocities mapped in the northern area, with higher layer velocities of the central area interpreted as more argillaceous, less permeable overbank deposits. The new velocity analysis therefore provides independent support for including deterministic permeability heterogeneity in predictive fluid flow modelling of Sleipner