1,052 research outputs found

    Agricultural growth and structural changes in the Punjab economy: an input-output analysis

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    Agriculture Economic aspects India Punjab., Punjab (India) Economic conditions., Input-output analysis India Punjab.,

    Semantics of Input-Consuming Logic Programs

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    Input-consuming programs are logic programs with an additional restriction on the selectability (actually, on the resolvability) of atoms. this class of programs arguably allows to model logic programs employing a dynamic selection rule and constructs such as delay declarations: as shown also in [5], a large number of them are actually input-consuming. \ud in this paper we show that - under some syntactic restrictions - the tex2html_wrap_inline117-semantics of a program is correct and fully abstract also for input-consuming programs. this allows us to conclude that for a large class of programs employing delay declarations there exists a model-theoretic semantics which is equivalent to the operational one

    Annual radial growth cycle of grapevine trunk in the tropics

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    The annual radial trunk growth cycle in V. vinifera var. Anab-e-Shahi was studied in the tropics where the vines are pruned twice a year. Although vines grow continuously without any period of dormancy, a consistant pattern of maximum girth increment from April to September altemating with negligible increment from October to March was observed. The rate of annual girth increment was high during juvenile period and steadily decreased later. There is further need to study the physiology of growth and fruiting of tropical grapevines under conditions of nondormancy as modified by two prunings in a year.Der jährliche Wachstumszyklus der Stammdicke von Reben in den TropenDie Rebensorte Anab-e-Shahi (Vitis vinifera) wird in den Tropen jährlich zweimal geschnitten. Der jährliche Wachstumszyklus der Stammdicke unter diesen Bedingungen wurde untersucht. Obgleich die Reben kontinuierlich - ohne jede Ruheperiode - wachsen, wurde durchweg von April bis September ein maximaler Zuwachs des Stammumfanges und von Oktober bis März nur ein unbedeutendes Dickenwachstum festgestellt. Die jährliche Zuwachsrate des Stammumfanges war beim jungen Weinstock hoch; später nahm sie ständig ab. Weitere Untersuchungen zur Physiologie des Wachstums und der Fruchtentwicklung von Reben unter tropischen Bedingungen, d. h. ohne Zwischenschaltung einer Ruheperiode und modifiziert durch zweimaligen Rebschnitt, sind erforderlich


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    © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupThe use of social media is now widely accepted within journalism as an outlet for news information. Live tweeting of unfolding events is standard practice. In March 2014, Oscar Pistorius went on trial in the Gauteng High Court for murder. Hundreds of journalists present began live-tweeting coverage, an unprecedented combination of international interest, permission to use technology and access which resulted in massive streams of consciousness reports of events as they unfolded. Based on a corpus of Twitter feeds of twenty-four journalists covering the trial, this study analyses the content and strategies of these feeds in order to present an understanding of how microblogging is used as a live reporting tool. This study shows the development of standardised language and strategies in reporting on Twitter, concluding that journalists adopt a narrow range of approaches, with no significant variation in terms of gender, location, or medium. This is in contrast to earlier studies in the field (Awad, 2006, Hedman, 2015; Kothari, 2010; Lariscy, Avery, Sweetser, & Howes, 2009 Lasorsa, 2012; Lasorsa, Lewis, & Holton, 2011; Sigal, 1999, Vis, 2013).Peer reviewe

    Polymeric Nanoparticle Receptors as Synthetic Antibodies for Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

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    The wide usage and subsequent leakage of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) into the environment present an urgent need to create materials for selective binding of NSAID drugs, which are highly similar to one another in structure and functionality. Surface–core double-cross-linking of cationic micelles containing Naproxen or Indomethacin as the template yielded molecularly imprinted nanoparticles (MINPs) for these drugs. The nanoparticle receptors resembled water-soluble proteins in their hydrophilic exterior and hydrophobic core with guest-tailored binding pockets. Their binding selectivity for their templates over other NSAID analogues rivaled that of antibodies prepared through much lengthier procedures

    Safety verification of asynchronous pushdown systems with shaped stacks

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    In this paper, we study the program-point reachability problem of concurrent pushdown systems that communicate via unbounded and unordered message buffers. Our goal is to relax the common restriction that messages can only be retrieved by a pushdown process when its stack is empty. We use the notion of partially commutative context-free grammars to describe a new class of asynchronously communicating pushdown systems with a mild shape constraint on the stacks for which the program-point coverability problem remains decidable. Stacks that fit the shape constraint may reach arbitrary heights; further a process may execute any communication action (be it process creation, message send or retrieval) whether or not its stack is empty. This class extends previous computational models studied in the context of asynchronous programs, and enables the safety verification of a large class of message passing programs

    Nucleon Decay Matrix Elements from Lattice QCD

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    We present a model-independent calculation of hadron matrix elements for all dimension-six operators associated with baryon number violating processes using lattice QCD. The calculation is performed with the Wilson quark action in the quenched approximation at β=6/g2=6.0\beta=6/g^2=6.0 on a 282×48×8028^2\times 48\times 80 lattice. Our results cover all the matrix elements required to estimate the partial lifetimes of (proton,neutron)\to(π,K,η\pi,K,\eta) +(νˉ,e+,μ+{\bar \nu},e^+,\mu^+) decay modes. We point out the necessity of disentangling two form factors that contribute to the matrix element; previous calculations did not make the separation, which led to an underestimate of the physical matrix elements. With a correct separation, we find that the matrix elements have values 3-5 times larger than the smallest estimates employed in phenomenological analyses of the nucleon decays, which could give strong constraints on several GUT models. We also find that the values of the matrix elements are comparable with the tree-level predictions of chiral lagrangian.Comment: 53 pages, 18 eps figure

    Cabibbo-suppressed non-leptonic B- and D-decays involving tensor mesons

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    The Cabibbo-suppressed non-leptonic decays of B (and D) mesons to final states involving tensor mesons are computed using the non-relativistic quark model of Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise with the factorization hypothesis. We find that some of these B decay modes, as B --> (K^*, D^*)D^*_2, can have branching ratios as large as 6 x 10^{-5} which seems to be at the reach of future B factories.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    PrIC3: Property Directed Reachability for MDPs

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    IC3 has been a leap forward in symbolic model checking. This paper proposes PrIC3 (pronounced pricy-three), a conservative extension of IC3 to symbolic model checking of MDPs. Our main focus is to develop the theory underlying PrIC3. Alongside, we present a first implementation of PrIC3 including the key ingredients from IC3 such as generalization, repushing, and propagation

    On the Origin of the Outgoing Black Hole Modes

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    The question of how to account for the outgoing black hole modes without drawing upon a transplanckian reservoir at the horizon is addressed. It is argued that the outgoing modes must arise via conversion from ingoing modes. It is further argued that the back-reaction must be included to avoid the conclusion that particle creation cannot occur in a strictly stationary background. The process of ``mode conversion" is known in plasma physics by this name and in condensed matter physics as ``Andreev reflection" or ``branch conversion". It is illustrated here in a linear Lorentz non-invariant model introduced by Unruh. The role of interactions and a physical short distance cutoff is then examined in the sonic black hole formed with Helium-II.Comment: 12 pages, plain latex, 2 figures included using psfig; Analogy to ``Andreev reflection" in superfluid systems noted, references and acknowledgment added, format changed to shorten tex